Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




uhm i have 2 words to say:

that is all.



Hey, the Doms are the PRIMARY target of the power set. Masterminds get a reduced version of it and NO ONE ELSE gets it. Why are so many people not understanding this is a gift to the dominators? Masterminds also benefit, but the Doms are the primary beneficiaries.

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Doms don't get it at all. Check the announcement. Masterminds and CORRUPTORS get it.



I'd just like to know if there's going to be any advancement of the "big picture" story here. So far, it looks like QoL improvements which rawk, don't get me wrong, but (call me petty) I wanna see what the heck they're building in SC.

--who's NO LONGER waiting for the Elec 'Troller

Bunches of good and evil scattered across all servers--



I have to say, the devs are really starting to raise the bar when it comes to issues. This is like the third issue in a row now where I'm like "Wow this is the best issue yet". The devs just keep on topping themselves issue after issue and I'm loving it.

On a side note, will there be any sort of experience points rewarded for completing the player made missions? I'd be fine with something like half of normal experience when in player created missions.

On another side note, fingers crossed for a new mm PRIMARY in issue 14. Thanks for the Pain Domination, looks cool, but I'm really itching to play a new MELEE mm.

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I consider the devs MUCH better in this game than EQ, EQ2, SWG, or WoW. Think of this, for EQ and EQ2; you had to go to the store and spend $30-50 just to find out IF the update worked for your toon.

As for another power set for MMs... most of the MM players in the forums want FEMALE choices more than another power set.

Unfortunately, the devs seem to think certain agencies outside the game (and even outside the 'net) won't abide by a female power set where men order women around. They SEEM to be afraid of lawsuits (not that I blame them).




I'm trying to figure out where my toons can be truck drivers (I was until I had a recent disagrrement with a hit-n-run).



Really interested in what the interface for the mission creation tool will include.
There are a lot of factors in getting certain mobs to either patrol, ambush, guard or other functions in reaction to teams within the mission. Then tie this in a series of missions within a story arc.
There will have to be a very detailed interface to get it right the first time or ways to "test" the mission and tweek it prior to getting the final product.

Overall I give this announcment 3 thumbs up. (Ok so one of the thumbs is a graphic bug.)

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I just had a terrible thought. What if the allowable mobs in your mission are restricted to the gladiators your toon has collected?



I gotta say this issue sounds good but what are some of the QoL updates? liek i dunno making fly faster cuz falling faster then flying is still pretty lame. Or the vault, a vault that is collective of your acct sou you dont have to bug a friend to wait here while i switch toons.



I am so friggin' excited about this! Can't wait to dive into the mission generator -- there are some interesting hero and villain groups that just haven't gotten enough mission love. No more.

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To this I definately agree.

I cring when i think of some of the mishes players will make. My experiance with 'D&D' tells me there will be mostly one of two types... 'Monty Halls and Killers'.

I think I will also try out the mish creator; but I will be more... restrained. I will try to fashion a mish that takes advantage of player mistakes (like the player who is chasing a 'ninja' shouldier-rolls into an alley without checking for caltrops). I will also reward success; but if the reward is looted from a mob, believe me, the mob will be using it.



Personally, I'm looking forward to it. We get a few things we've been asking for, for awhile now in shields and villain patron respecs.

We get an expansion to what's, in my opinion, the most interesting zone in the game.

The day jobs sound interesting, like an alternate/expanded version of Rested XP some other MMOs have.

And I'm especially interested in the mission creator tools, since the only thing I miss about running my own SG is being base architect.

The merits I'm fairly ambivalent about personally, but alternate means of advancement are never a bad thing.

It may be a tad content-light, but with Spore and Fallout 3 coming soon in addition to my continuing Team Fortress 2 addiction, that's kind of a positive to me.



Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.

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****!!! You are really off the deep end.

Yes, stalkers got shields; but so did tankers, scrappers and brutes. Now, since tankers are the DEFENSE SPECIALISTS; who do you think gets the BEST VERSION of the shield power set... hmmm?

You're acting like the shields will be the same for all four ATs. Please show me ONE power set that is the same for two ATs.

Talking as a player whose favorite hero AT is Defender and who runs empathy almost exclusively with them; I think the 'anti-empathy' (or 'contra-empathy') for villains is the perfect touch.

As to the 'love' for villains and not heroes argument... villains have been playing 'catchup' ever since CoV was introduced. I agree the HEATs need looking into; but I seriously doubt they're being ignored.

People are making so many assumptions already about this issue and the announcement isn't 24 hours old yet.




LOL don't you know by now that making [censored] out of u and me before they have all the information is a favorite pre-issue speculation?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.

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****!!! You are really off the deep end.

Yes, stalkers got shields

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Actually, no they didn't.

BAB posted in the shield thread in the Stalker forum to clarify this. The press release is wrong, and Stalkers will NOT be getting shields. The set was never created with Stalkers in mind; something about shields not really conceptually fitting the AT all that well.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."




day jobs - seems like a very hero only thing to me, I don't see my villains being caretakers or city council members, unless they can be "evil cartakers" meh.


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Could you see them as the kind of Doc that is experimenting on his patients..or maybe a coroner with all kinds of twisted ..ahem.."interests"

How about a Corrupt Politician? A mole put in the administration of some local dignitary to drag him down from his position, quietly...secretly?

Wouldn't a Mad Scientist qualify as a scholar? How about a misguided Monk that runs a school for wayward children?

Hmm..now as for logging out in Pocket D? Bootlegger? Madame? Superdine is cheaper on the streets so drug dealer is probably out. You will be rewarded with Defense debuffs

For all those that log out at the BM..especially in Cap....your day job is Lot Lizard, and you will be rewarded with free cheese and St. Ides

Don't think so Blue-Sided...heh....

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LOL. Do I detect another trucker? Besides, THAT is not normally a DAY job, is it?




Day Jobs: My question about this is, what if you don't log off in the same place every day? Or better yet, what about when you loose conection to the game and you don't actully have controll over where you loged off at? How can a player maintain his or her day job? It kinda sounds like we're forced to log off in sertain areas if we want to maintain a spicific job and that's NOT something I'm looking forward to.

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From my reading, you get themed credit toward in-game benefits based on where your character is when they're not being actively played. If you want to maintain a fixed 'day job' for the character, you'll need to take them back to the same spot -- or at least the same-themed spot -- before you log out. I expect, for example, that any university would give you the same benefit.

The Merit Rewards System: This one just confuses me, don't we allready have this?

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They're different from the Vanguard merits. You get these merits for completing Task or Strike Forces, and can trade quantities of them for specific recipes, or a smaller quantity to get a random recipe. Think of them as being like the strips of tickets that you win from games in an arcade, which you can take back to the operator to exchange for prizes, rather than having the games themselves award the prizes.

New Invention Origin Sets: Have not liked Inventions. It looked good on paper but have more of a hassle than I care to deal with.

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I suspect that they're filling out some of the gaps in the sets -- for example, there are no Healing sets that give a bonus to Accuracy, even though several of the heal powers require that you hit a target to get the heal. Whether or not you use them is a personal choice; if you don't, that gives you more things you can sell on the market to get influence/infamy.

new Costume Sets: Allways welcome! I love this, no complaints here.

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I'm interested in seeing whether any of the suggestions I made to Blue Steel at Comic-Con -- most of which involved using the existing costume pieces and masks in different ways to increase the number of effects you could get with the costume pieces -- show up. However, the lead time from Comic-Con may be too short for any of them to be implemented; I'll have to wait and see.

a Patron Power Respec: This is an AWSOME thing. Now Villains will be able to change their Patron powers like Heroes are able to change their Archillary powers.

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It would be awesome if the patron pools were buffed to where they were comparable to the hero Ancillary power pools, and even more awesome if heroes got a set of pools similar to the villan Patron pools whle villains got non-patron Ancillary pools like the heroes, but adding a bunch of power pools, plus the story arcs for the hero Patron pools, is a lot of work, particularly with the move to the left coast and integrating new people into the development team. I really don't see that happening before the following issue at the earliest... but I can hope.

Over all, I'm still overly excited about Mission Architect.

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We will be able to get an idea of what amount of effort actually goes into building a coherent story arc, which will for some of us give a better perspective on what it is we keep asking the devs to do in producing new content. I expect, though, that we're not going to have as much flexibility in design as the devs have with regard to spawn makeup and placement, in order to ensure that what gets created is comparable to the existing missions. And I don't think that we're going to be able to tweak spawn reactions much -- it would make missions harder, but it still bothers me when a runner goes charging off through another spawn, only to get dropped by a snipe attack that fires a bolt of fire/energy/electricity through the spawn, and none of them react. Or how no one in a room reacts to a door opening, especially when they can't see anyone that might have opened the door. Another of the 'wait and see what we can do with it' categories.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Sounds cool.
Does this include changing the power's color? Sorry if you already anwer this qustion

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That would require a LOT more work than what'd go into just a normal issue. A whole new game engine. This is something that's been discussed hundreds of times before already.

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I see nothing in there about power customization. However, I absolutely recall devs saying in the past when the topic comes up that the engine is why it can't be done without a MAJOR amount of work cobbling in some work-around. Basically that a new engine accommodating it would be faster and easier than a hacked work-around.

Edit: Now, to be clear, I'm sure that a new engine wouldn't be the -only- thing needed. But it'd be a big step along the way.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I have to say, the devs are really starting to raise the bar when it comes to issues. This is like the third issue in a row now where I'm like "Wow this is the best issue yet". The devs just keep on topping themselves issue after issue and I'm loving it.

On a side note, will there be any sort of experience points rewarded for completing the player made missions? I'd be fine with something like half of normal experience when in player created missions.

On another side note, fingers crossed for a new mm PRIMARY in issue 14. Thanks for the Pain Domination, looks cool, but I'm really itching to play a new MELEE mm.

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I consider the devs MUCH better in this game than EQ, EQ2, SWG, or WoW. Think of this, for EQ and EQ2; you had to go to the store and spend $30-50 just to find out IF the update worked for your toon.

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EQ2 actually does put out free game updates in addition to the paid expansions. They've even added whole new zones and, at one point, a new starting city as part of these updates.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Or you could see it as an understanding that we can't play the game 24/7 and is intended to reward us for inevitable downtimes by establishing a sense of roleplaying which roleplayers can enjoy and non-roleplayers don't have to worry about.. I think it's a nice touch, kinda ingenious, actually.

And, truth be told, I am not renowned for my warm regard toward Dev "innovations".

Now, what would make this "Day Job" thing REALLY cool is an extra costume slot that must be used for some kind of civilian garb, together with an emote that lets us transform into our superpowered alter-egos when we get off "work".

AR/Dev blaster leaves work at the animal hospital and sees a crime in progress:

"This looks like a job for... THE VET!" He's a veterinarian AND a veteran! He's... THE VET!

I know it sounds awful, but don't be surprised if it shows up on NBC one of these days...


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



I'd just like to know if there's going to be any advancement of the "big picture" story here. So far, it looks like QoL improvements which rawk, don't get me wrong, but (call me petty) I wanna see what the heck they're building in SC.

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A rocket launch pad for access to the projected Moon zone.

Maybe the Cathedral of Pain is on the dark side of the moon...


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Or you could see it as an understanding that we can't play the game 24/7 and is intended to reward us for inevitable downtimes by establishing a sense of roleplaying which roleplayers can enjoy and non-roleplayers don't have to worry about.. I think it's a nice touch, kinda ingenious, actually.

And, truth be told, I am not renowned for my warm regard toward Dev "innovations".

Now, what would make this "Day Job" thing REALLY cool is an extra costume slot that must be used for some kind of civilian garb, together with an emote that lets us transform into our superpowered alter-egos when we get off "work".

AR/Dev blaster leaves work at the animal hospital and sees a crime in progress:

"This looks like a job for... THE VET!" He's a veterinarian AND a veteran! He's... THE VET!

I know it sounds awful, but don't be surprised if it shows up on NBC one of these days...


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I don't think we need a Manimal remake.



New Invention Origin Sets: Have not liked Inventions. It looked good on paper but have more of a hassle than I care to deal with.

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I suspect that they're filling out some of the gaps in the sets -- for example, there are no Healing sets that give a bonus to Accuracy, even though several of the heal powers require that you hit a target to get the heal..

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I'm hoping for a purple set per-category

Patron Power Respec: This is an AWSOME thing. Now Villains will be able to change their Patron powers like Heroes are able to change their Archillary powers.

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It would be awesome if the patron pools were buffed to where they were comparable to the hero Ancillary power pools, and even more awesome if heroes got a set of pools similar to the villan Patron pools whle villains got non-patron Ancillary pools like the heroes,...

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What I tought would be cool (taking into account the "virtual" lvl 60 discussed in that survey), what would be cool is if players (heroes and vilians) unlocked epic power pools at 41, and would get Patrons at 50. THe patron powers would come "as-is", and couldnt be slotted. And since you would be 50, you would earn "Patron respect points" (name=Work-in-progress) instead of experience points. Thus making you "learn" what they have to teach you.

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




I don't think we need a Manimal remake.

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Good god, someone else actually remembers that show? O.O

Hmm...happen to remember the old show about the computer-generated guy that could come out into the real world (As some kind of solid hologram or something), but only at night? ( Something to do with the amount of power needed to run and less people using electricity at night ) Can't recall the name of the show for the life of me.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.

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*clicks link*
*reads list*

WTF? Donald Duck is on this list!
No kidding! Look and see.

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Yup. There's others on that list that only marginally have Ice Control. But Donald Duck being on the list, means the list is BS and Jacobi fails the internets today.

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Donald Duck uses magic spells in the Kingdom Hearts video game (like using ice attacks). I just can't beleve Profesor Cold Heart from the old Care Bears tv showe was not on the list.



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Hay why not Worald of Warcraft lets you earn xp at a faster rate for a shrot time after you have been loged off, the longer you are loged off the longer it lasts. So why shuld we not get are own equivalent. Not saying its bad that another game has somthing similer after all nearly all of the new "cool" extras in the upcomin WoW expanshin are City of ideas jsut with there own twist to it. Keep the compiting with each other going and dotn let the other guy get an edge. It keeps things fresh.



Donald Duck uses magic spells in the Kingdom Hearts video game (like using ice attacks). I just can't beleve Profesor Cold Heart from the old Care Bears tv showe was not on the list.

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Wasnt his name Just No Heart? And don't ask me how I remember that

And I have another question about the Mission builder. Will say, heroes be able to make missions with COV exclusive villains? Like the Coralax, Mooks and Gremlins? And will heroes be able to get badges for them?

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2





Hmm...happen to remember the old show about the computer-generated guy that could come out into the real world (As some kind of solid hologram or something), but only at night?

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"Cursor! The Auto-coptor!"