107 -
Same here--tried copying 24 hours ago--still zip--copying from Guardian
Rich -
I'm kind of surprised no one's mentioned the ghost of Miss Liberty walking around. It was plain to see in both the red and bluside stories. I'm betting she fits into it somehow.
Rich -
It's been so long since I've looked at the CoH launcher. Where do you find the addresses the launcher's trying to talk to?
Just adding my voice to the chorus--here in central Ky, same provider, same issues...
Quote:Has anyone asked the rednames at a gathering or whatever, whether there'll be *any* future *individual* character development arcs (ex. Ramiel, clone) post-50? My love of the game is a mighty thing, but it looks more and more like we're sacrificing individual development for a purely "big story" group game.Won't be happening.
It's already been indicated that Tyrant will be the final I-trial set in Praetoria, and that after that the next series of Trials will likely deal with the Battalion.
RIch -
Quote:Arrg, beware, mateys--here, there be spoilers!That happened in the far future - according to the Mysterious Letter Writer, Twilight's Son betrayed the rest of his race to the Battalion, and then fled to our time to escape them before they could come for him too.
never saw this--what arc do i need to play?
Rich -
His Praetorian counterpart may still be alive, as their Stefan Richter (Recluse) died at the Well!
I'm still hoping that the final taking out of Cole involves going back in time to save Richter.
Rich -
I disagree. The Storm isn't linked to the well, the well is just aware of it and is seeking a Champion. I don't know of *any* solid hints on the actual nature of the storm, but it seems clear to me that Praetoria is just prologue.
Quote:Gratz anyway--I've done the BAF more times than I can count and don't feel ready to lead one yet, especially during the escapee phase..So I was standing around in PKT D looking for a trial, there were plenty of bodies but nobody wanted to lead, so I started forming my own League. I figure I've done this a bunch of times how bad could it be?
If you were on those last couple of BAFs last night (near midnight EST), I wholeheartedly apologize, and hope at least you had some fun!
Rich -
Those who don't like the story the devs are telling---why not?
Rich -
Arrrg! the one I've been looking most froward to, and I'll be stuck at work supervising a network wiring gig. -Sigh-
You peeps enjoy. Tell Rommy I said "Hi, you %$#@^^"
Rich -
Redeeming Fire ready--already got the notice and plenty of shards--mainly in it for the funz.
EDIT: Sorry forgot--I'll commit to either but my vote is..I can't choose..
KILLIAN: But you HAVE to choose..
RICH: Ok, my choice for the next TF is---Ben Richards!
KILLIAN: Ben Richards is a fictional SF character, sweetie, you can't choose him..
RICH: I SAID BEN RI--Oh, hell--how about Impy... -
Wow, I must be one boring dude:
Paranoid : Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal (whatever the hell that means): Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependant: low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
Rich -
Hey, MM--
Redeeming Fire (fire.rad), ready go to!
Rich -
Was kind of surprised to see this come up, as it was already being run at a pretty good pace (not as much as the ITF, but well enough). Although, I wonder why SP was pushed back. Last update I saw had it being run after Khan/'Cuda
Rich -
Well, happy birthday! May no gnomes darken your door...
Rich -
I can run Redeeming Fire (Fire/Rad) as a reserve in case someone drops out.
Rich -
I'd be interested to gauge the interest in a rotating cycle of the TFs/SFs that give different incarnate salvage at the end, namely ITF, LGTF, Khan--if anyone can tell me which SFs do as well, I'd appreciate it. Just don't like "wasting" hard-fought Incarnate shards on Dim Keystone, Hero 1 sample, or Nictus fragment when these can be run--but don't see much 50 or Champ chatter regarding Khan.
Rich -
Also, I'd be interested to gauge the interest in a rotating cycle of the TFs/SFs that give different incarnate salvage at the end, namely ITF, LGTF, Khan--if anyone can tell me which SFs do as well, I'd appreciate it. Just don't like "wasting" hard-fought Incarnate shards on Dim Keystone, Hero 1 sample, or Nictus fragment when these can be run--but don't see much 50 or guardian chatter regarding Khan.
Rich -
Gotta disagree here. I've been thinking this for some time, that an extention to the story is almost begging to be written.
How is the architect going to communicate the "reality" of the outside world to those plugged in?
How many will choose to leave and make it in the harsh real world?
How will the humans deal with the inevitable war harks that feel "we can win THIS time"?
I like the idea. The "Matrix" was just the set up.
As for Neo, I think it was pretty well established that the physicality of the "real world" doesn't necessarily = the Matrix. Even if Neo's physical body was destroyed, he, like other "programs" without a "real world" presence, can still exist in the Matrix.
Rich -
So..any ideas on when we're gonna get this Troller party started?
Rich -
Hey, Vaul--can I get an invite to Incarnates? @Naq. Thanks
Rich -
I've ofttimes heard that STF and LRSF are the "hardest" tasks in the game (mostly from the splashscreen hints
). Since I've never run either, though, how much actual *coordination* is required for either to be successful conpared to the CoP (which I *have* run--once)?