Matrix 4 and 5(!?!) in the works...




Courtesy of Ain't It Cool News.

Reeves says the scripts will bring back Neo, but I was under the impression that Neo died at the end of Revolutions.


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Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Courtesy of Ain't It Cool News.

Reeves says the scripts will bring back Neo, but I was under the impression that Neo died at the end of Revolutions.
Yes and no. He did die, but when the little girl asks the Oracle if they'll ever see him again, the Oracle says that she believes they will. It makes sense, in the continuity of the Matrix. He's already died and returned once; he more fully integrated the machine code which was implanted in him (re: Architect's comment about "given certain abilities") than had any previous incarnation of The One, as evidenced by his Matrix-like powers in the real world; and he was directly connected to the machines and the Matrix during his final battle with Agent Smith, which would have permitted the machines to "download" his mind, and possibly his consciousness (if Agent Smith can upload himself to a real body, then there's no reason Neo's mind couldn't be copied, stored or uploaded to another body in a similar fashion).

Some Matrix fans also postulate that the "real world" was just another level of the Matrix, an illusion beyond the illusion. If that were the case, Neo could still be alive, but in yet another illusory reality, or perhaps even completely disconnected from the Matrix and in the real real world.

I'll be keeping my eye on this. The Matrix was the film that changed how, and why, I watch movies, so I'm always keen to see news about it.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Yes and no. He did die, but when the little girl asks the Oracle if they'll ever see him again, the Oracle says that she believes they will. It makes sense, in the continuity of the Matrix. He's already died and returned once; he more fully integrated the machine code which was implanted in him (re: Architect's comment about "given certain abilities") than had any previous incarnation of The One, as evidenced by his Matrix-like powers in the real world; and he was directly connected to the machines and the Matrix during his final battle with Agent Smith, which would have permitted the machines to "download" his mind, and possibly his consciousness (if Agent Smith can upload himself to a real body, then there's no reason Neo's mind couldn't be copied, stored or uploaded to another body in a similar fashion).

Some Matrix fans also postulate that the "real world" was just another level of the Matrix, an illusion beyond the illusion. If that were the case, Neo could still be alive, but in yet another illusory reality, or perhaps even completely disconnected from the Matrix and in the real real world.

I'll be keeping my eye on this. The Matrix was the film that changed how, and why, I watch movies, so I'm always keen to see news about it.
I agree that it is possible that Neo was downloaded at the end directly into the machine code of 01, the machine city. However, for Neo to return.....I dunno. He seemed to lose a good portion of his will to live when Trinity died, and he already was planning on making the supreme sacrifice to stop Smith, only this time he was ready to die. The Oracle did tell Neo that he should have been killed when he disconnected from himself when he blew up the drones at the end of Reloaded, but that he wasn't quite ready to die. At the end of Revolutions, he was quite ready to die. So, what motivation will Neo have to return?

Also that whiny kid could also be the next One. In Animatrix, the Kid's Story tells us how he was saved by Neo and crew, only this kid survived dying in the Matrix even as he was rescued. Surviving death in the Matrix seems to be a key factor to being the One.

Still, we'll see. Could be interesting.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Courtesy of Ain't It Cool News.

Reeves says the scripts will bring back Neo, but I was under the impression that Neo died at the end of Revolutions.
Noone knows what happened at the end of Revolutions. Aside from the poor denizens of MxO who realised it was their doom....


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As one of the few that actually enjoyed Matrix 2 and 3, I'm stoked.



I think I'll pass. I greatly enjoyed the first one. I also find it much better when I just let it stand by itself.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I think I'll pass. I greatly enjoyed the first one. I also find it much better when I just let it stand by itself.
I liked all three Matrix movies, but I'll agree that I don't think they were all equally good.

Probably the best way I can describe the way I feel about them is to compare them to how most people feel about the two Star Wars trilogies. The first Matrix movie was kind of like the first Star Wars Trilogy to me. It had a special quality about it that made it epic and iconic. It was so good that it alone made it possible for them to justify making two more sequels.

On the other hand the two Matrix sequels were more like the second Star Wars trilogy. They were cool to watch and the special effects were superior to the first movie. But somehow they lacked a certain "spark" or quality that made the first movie a classic. While I don't think the two sequels were "bad" movies per se I also think if they had never been made it wouldn't have been much of a loss. *shrugs*

Based on this I really don't think another sequel (or two) taking the story past the third movie is really necessary. Neo made the ultimate Christ-like sacrifice and brought peace to the world, period. Perfect end of the story for me. To be honest even though the prequel story of how the machines evolved to create the Matrix was already covered in the Animatrix I'd actually prefer to see an expanded live-action version of that story as a feature-length movie before seeing a far future post-Neo sequel. Other than that there's really no need for another Matrix movie, besides Hollywood's desire to make more money of course.

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Gotta disagree here. I've been thinking this for some time, that an extention to the story is almost begging to be written.

How is the architect going to communicate the "reality" of the outside world to those plugged in?

How many will choose to leave and make it in the harsh real world?

How will the humans deal with the inevitable war harks that feel "we can win THIS time"?

I like the idea. The "Matrix" was just the set up.

As for Neo, I think it was pretty well established that the physicality of the "real world" doesn't necessarily = the Matrix. Even if Neo's physical body was destroyed, he, like other "programs" without a "real world" presence, can still exist in the Matrix.


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Originally Posted by __Naq View Post
Gotta disagree here. I've been thinking this for some time, that an extention to the story is almost begging to be written.
Eh, I agree the last movie left plenty of hooks/hints/cliffhangers for where the story could go. But frankly none of that interests me. Neo became the "crossover god" to both humans and machines. Where can he go from there except lose control of it and allow the humans and machines to start fighting again? In CoH terms Neo is already a level 50 Incarnate with all his Incarnate slots filled. Time for him to be retired...

An expanded origin story (as hinted by the Animatrix) would have more impact as a cautionary tale for audiences today as we get ever closer to the real life technological singularity. Don't get me wrong: if they make a Matrix 4 (or even 5) sequel I'll probably see it. But I'll take it as the only thing it really could be at this point - a grab for cash by Hollywood. *shrugs*

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I loved the Matrix but 2 and 3 did nothing for me. If 4 and 5 get made I will wait until they are on Netflix to check out.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by __Naq View Post
Gotta disagree here. I've been thinking this for some time, that an extention to the story is almost begging to be written.

How is the architect going to communicate the "reality" of the outside world to those plugged in?

How many will choose to leave and make it in the harsh real world?

How will the humans deal with the inevitable war harks that feel "we can win THIS time"?

I like the idea. The "Matrix" was just the set up.

As for Neo, I think it was pretty well established that the physicality of the "real world" doesn't necessarily = the Matrix. Even if Neo's physical body was destroyed, he, like other "programs" without a "real world" presence, can still exist in the Matrix.

Can Neo still exist after what happened at the end of Revolutions? Yes.

Does Neo still WANT to exist? No. Quite likely he is downloaded and stored in the Matrix code, but is dormant and won't awaken pending some major catastrophe.

Also the machines did take his body away, perhaps they will clone him and then download him back into it?




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I never understood the hate for Matrix 2 and 3. Admittedly, with Matrix 3, I tend to fast forward to all the fight scenes and I enjoy it that way. And sometimes it's really quick between those fight scenes.

No idea what the MMO said happened at the end, but I never thought Neo was actually dead at the end of 3. Possible for sure. But I thought they left it open so it could go either way.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I never understood the hate for Matrix 2 and 3. Admittedly, with Matrix 3, I tend to fast forward to all the fight scenes and I enjoy it that way. And sometimes it's really quick between those fight scenes.
I think you just answered your own mystery here. Sure the fight scenes were cool, but can you really call any movie that's only good for a few minutes worth of fight scenes a truly "good" movie? Movies like this weren't made to be "fast-forwarded" through. The fact that you only really enjoy it that way now pretty much proves the sequels were no where near as "good" as the first one.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I never understood the hate for Matrix 2 and 3. Admittedly, with Matrix 3, I tend to fast forward to all the fight scenes and I enjoy it that way. And sometimes it's really quick between those fight scenes.

No idea what the MMO said happened at the end, but I never thought Neo was actually dead at the end of 3. Possible for sure. But I thought they left it open so it could go either way.
The hate stems from fan expectations being too high, similar to the Star Wars prequels.

Matrix Revolutions does leave the door open for Neo to come back, but the door is only open about a millimeter



There was no need for sequels since after the cat was out of the bag with the mind blowing reveal that to what the matrix was; it had nothing more of substance to work with. I was asking myself could they possibly add to the story that would be remotely as interesting as the first film....the answer...nothing.

Hence why they really just piled on the action scenes to point they went on all too long and got silly. (particularly the opening fight with agent smith in the beginning of the second film.) They had nothing else up their sleeve that made a lick of sense. Every additional reveal was just crowbar crap into the mythos that unraveled more and more of the story.

Like why in the world would the Machines had to rip apart zion multiple times before. You'd think after them laying waste to all humans outside the Matrix there would be no surviving humans around to ever set up shop to that level again (it was plausible prior to the war humans would had the resources to have done it, but once they killed the majority of the rebels and wrecked their home they'd never have a chance at rebuilding it.) as there was nothing to live off of or any where safe to build up their resources and numbers unless the machines Allowed them to. A bunch of naked humans randomly escaping the matrix here and there would be really easy for them to contain. Making the whole story so short bus it's unreal.

As some people said, the matrix trilogy was 2 movies too long heh. I've watched the original dozns of times as I own it on DVD. I've never rewatched the sequels as I watched the third just for sake of seeing it once and hoped was something there worth seeing. I really don't see why we need another 2 films unless they come up with something that isn't some really stellar that should have been in the story in the first place.(besides more wire frame porn.) I highly doubt they will as they seem to have blown their load on the first film and been meandering since. Definitely waiting these till they hit DVD if I ever bother seeing them.

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I wonder if they're going to incorporate the storylines from The Matrix Online.

Considering the Wachowskis were involved directly with that.


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I always felt the ending of Revolutions didn't actually solve anything. All the robots did was half-destroy Zion that time but they still didn't release the other humans from the Matrix AND they got Neo to upload himself back into the Matrix. So really it's like the cycle started over and there will be a few decades of peace with the resistance freeing a handful of people till the code starts to break down and Zion again reaches a critical number. Then Neo appears, Robots prepare an attack on Zion, everything repeats again.

So are they going to be prequels detailing Neo in one of the previous cycles of destruction or are they going the sequel route and put Neo in the future during the next cycle and maybe this time he'll get it right.



I have always heard that the first movie incorporated many of the ideas the W Brothers had for sequels, but they crammed it all into one movie because they never knew if they would actually get a chance to do more movies.

The second and third movies are like the Star Wars prequel movies, now that I think about it. All action and flash, very little substance. The writing was even more hackneyed, it seemed like since everyone dug the philosophical questions of the first movie, they were cranked up to 11 in the sequels and all the new characters were lame and barely developed.

Yet, I ask myself "Will I see any sequels?" And I answer, "Sure!"

By the by, to bring Neo back, I think the best way would be to make him the villain. He was infected by Smith, has near-God powers, and it would allow some newer, fresher characters to come into the forefront.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I think you just answered your own mystery here. Sure the fight scenes were cool, but can you really call any movie that's only good for a few minutes worth of fight scenes a truly "good" movie? Movies like this weren't made to be "fast-forwarded" through. The fact that you only really enjoy it that way now pretty much proves the sequels were no where near as "good" as the first one.
I enjoyed all three and never understood the hate. Sure, Matrix 1 could have just stood on its own, but like Yogurt said in Spaceballs, "Perhaps we shall meet again in Spaceballs 2: the search for more money".

Seriously though, despite being able to stand on its own Matrix 1 screamed "SEQUEL" so it was inevitable that sequels would come.

Now with the jumps in FX tech and 3D tech since the Matrix Trilogy was done, a return to the Matrix was inevitable.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I guess someone had a case of deja vu...
What the Wachowski's ought to consider is doing prequels that show the previous "The Ones" as they attempt to stop the war. Per the Architect, Neo is the 6th version of the "the One".

So who were the other 5? Clones of Neo? Different people? It was apparently his love for Trinity, per the Architect, that made Neo seek a third path to ending the conflict.

Also here's a thought: The machines seem pretty intelligent and capable, surely they have the technology to remove the scorching from the sky that the humans inflicted?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Seriously though, despite being able to stand on its own Matrix 1 screamed "SEQUEL" so it was inevitable that sequels would come.
To be fair many movies leave themselves open for sequels but they don't always get made. The only reason we got two sequels to the Matrix was that the first movie did so well in the box office. If for some reason it hadn't done well it could have screamed "SEQUELx1000" and still nothing would have happened.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Now with the jumps in FX tech and 3D tech since the Matrix Trilogy was done, a return to the Matrix was inevitable.
I have no doubt that sometime in the future someone will either make a Matrix clone or an official "remake" of the Matrix using all sorts of fancy 3D (or maybe even 11D for "M-brane vision" at that point) special effects. I only hope that when that day comes someone will manage to come up with a plot/story actually worth watching to go with it.

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