Matrix 4 and 5(!?!) in the works...




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
What the Wachowski's ought to consider is doing prequels that show the previous "The Ones" as they attempt to stop the war. Per the Architect, Neo is the 6th version of the "the One".

So who were the other 5? Clones of Neo? Different people? It was apparently his love for Trinity, per the Architect, that made Neo seek a third path to ending the conflict.

Also here's a thought: The machines seem pretty intelligent and capable, surely they have the technology to remove the scorching from the sky that the humans inflicted?
Any kind of prequel to the trilogy we already have would be preferable to any kind of sequel. I still contend the story was "over" at the end of the third movie. The only thing that would interest me at this point would be getting more detail about what led up to what we've seen already.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Any kind of prequel to the trilogy we already have would be preferable to any kind of sequel. I still contend the story was "over" at the end of the third movie. The only thing that would interest me at this point would be getting more detail about what lead up to what we've seen already.
The story sure looked to be over at the end of Revolutions, but the door is left ajar for a follow up movie.

As to prequels: here's an interesting thought: Smith clearly was the "alpha" of the agents. He seemed to be the one that would think more then the others and seemed to be the one in charge up until Neo blew him to bits in Matrix 1, then he comes back as a viral agent for the sequels.

Is that Smith's fate with all five previous versions of the Matrix that the Architect said existed? Is Smith constantly rebooted and mind wiped with each version of the Matrix?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The story sure looked to be over at the end of Revolutions, but the door is left ajar for a follow up movie.

As to prequels: here's an interesting thought: Smith clearly was the "alpha" of the agents. He seemed to be the one that would think more then the others and seemed to be the one in charge up until Neo blew him to bits in Matrix 1, then he comes back as a viral agent for the sequels.

Is that Smith's fate with all five previous versions of the Matrix that the Architect said existed? Is Smith constantly rebooted and mind wiped with each version of the Matrix?
I always liked the idea that the prophecy was misinterpreted, and Agent Smith was the One who could hack through multiply recursive Matrices.

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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I always liked the idea that the prophecy was misinterpreted, and Agent Smith was the One who could hack through multiply recursive Matrices.
Prophecies tend to be open to multiple interpretations. The prophecy about Anakin being the Chosen One of the Force wasn't fully stated in the movies, but I think the Ep 3 novelization gave some more of it, and the prophecy did not state that the Chosen One would not be a Jedi....go figure.

Still the prophecy of the one as was given in Matrix 1 sounded complete but again, it wasn't the whole prophecy as shown in Matrix Reloaded when Neo got more information from the Architect, and then gets yet the other half of the puzzle from the Oracle in Revolutions. Proof that a little knowledge can and will be dangerous.

Also, was I the only one that watched Matrix 1 when it first came out and deduced at that time that the Oracle was a program? That revelation in Reloaded sure seem to catch a lot of people by surprise. To me though, she couldn't know what she knows about the One or the prophecy and be a rebel from Zion, she'd have to be a program or else the Agents would be after her all the time. Now granted I didn't figure that she was the "mother" of the Matrix until Neo's chat with the Architect.

Smith however is the agent that appears to be gifted/programmed with a bit more cognitive thought processes then the other agents as he was the one to make certain leaps of logic and independent thought as shown in Matrix 1 and then resist the order to recycle himself after Neo blew him up and came back as a viral agent. It sounds like the Architect knew Smith would reject the recycling and upgraded Smith but didn't anticipate Smith going viral.

Also the humans that are bred by the machines in the fields of Earth......are the machines simply cloning humans or are they taking the reproductive material from the captive humans and thus creating new humans to be harvested? If the human race in the fields is really a bunch of clones then could all of "the Ones" that have arisen merely been versions of Neo? If so then perhaps every generation they create another Neo clone to restart the cycle of the Prophecy of the One so that they can reboot the Matrix and slaughter Zion?

Many questions and interpretations of the events. Granted I have not sat down and listed to all the commentary from the Wachowski's that are on the DVD's.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Matrix 4 and 5(!?!) in the works...

No, stop it, burn it with fire.

There were only two good Matrix flicks, do we really need more of:
" No, what happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way.-Morpheus"



Bah, I've got Matrix prequels.

I just run the 4 Terminator movies before hand for a great big disjointed movie arc.


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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I think you just answered your own mystery here. Sure the fight scenes were cool, but can you really call any movie that's only good for a few minutes worth of fight scenes a truly "good" movie? Movies like this weren't made to be "fast-forwarded" through. The fact that you only really enjoy it that way now pretty much proves the sequels were no where near as "good" as the first one.
I thought the movie was suppossed to be one big fight scene that they added a bit of dialogue into so you know why they're fighting

I never thought Matrix 3 was heavy dialogue to begin with. ;p

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Bah, I've got Matrix prequels.

I just run the 4 Terminator movies before hand for a great big disjointed movie arc.

Actually, first you have to watch Battlestar Galactica, and then the Caprica prequel series.

Then you watch Tron and The Terminator.

Then you watch T2, and then you watch Tron: Legacy.

Then you watch The Matrix, and it all falls so perfectly into place.



I think prequels would be cool. 4th one is set at the dawn of machine premacy, detailing some of the fighting. And the 5th one is all about Morpheus, yeah



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Actually, first you have to watch Battlestar Galactica, and then the Caprica prequel series.

Then you watch Tron and The Terminator.

Then you watch T2, and then you watch Tron: Legacy.

Then you watch The Matrix, and it all falls so perfectly into place.
Nice choices, but wasn't Caprica something akin to a dud?



I wouldn't mind seeing how they take down the entire machine empire...but that's about it.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I think you just answered your own mystery here. Sure the fight scenes were cool, but can you really call any movie that's only good for a few minutes worth of fight scenes a truly "good" movie? Movies like this weren't made to be "fast-forwarded" through. The fact that you only really enjoy it that way now pretty much proves the sequels were no where near as "good" as the first one.
I hated Matrix 2 & 3 and I can tell you why. It's the same reason I hated PotC 2 & 3. The studios were in such a tizzy to make their holy freaking trilogy, (because for what ever reason in the last decade movie studios are obsessed with the number 3 whether the series is good for more than 2 or good enough for more is irrelevant they want 3.) that they took enough plot for 1 movie, and filled it up with action scenes that were too long and repetitive and served no point but to be "action scenes" and stretched a plot too thin over 2 movies to get people to pay them twice as much money for what was essentially one movie with a lot of filler.

Watch Matrix 1 and pay attention to the action scenes. Every fight scene Neo learns something new about who he is or his abilities in the matrix, or he accomplishes something new, IE defeating Smith or Rescuing Morpheus. Every action scene drove the story forward and did so without wasting a ton of screen time to do it.

Then in reloaded we get fight scenes with Oracle's body guard that lasts for 5 minutes so Neo can prove that he is "The One" even though he'd met the oracle before, she knew him and she knew he was the one, but hey lets have a fight scene that eats screen time and accomplishes nothing. Which was most of Reloaded. Matrix revolutions had more story, but a lot of it was ambiguous, not well laid out (IE Smith can get out of the matrix, neo has powers out side of the matrix?) and not ever explained, and it was still given too many long winded action scenes that just got boring. I couldn't help but feel they could have spent less time on pointlessly over drawn action scenes and more time explaining things and developing a coherent story.

All in all, Matrix 2 & 3 should have been Matrix 2, and I'm not even upset about the cost of the extra ticket as much as the wasted 2 hours of pointless fight scenes that drug down the potential of what could have been some great movies.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The hate stems from fan expectations being too high, similar to the Star Wars prequels.

Matrix Revolutions does leave the door open for Neo to come back, but the door is only open about a millimeter
The hate stems from wasted potential, and not living up to the previously set standards. Hype was high for the Star Wars Prequels, granted. But the prequels were no where near as good as the originals and Lucas really could have done a lot better and it's hard not to find fault in something that wasted it's potential and came off feeling like a half ***** money grab.

Matrix 2 & 3 much the same way. No where near as good as the original and it was stretched out, thin plot, over drawn and it felt like a half ***** money grab.

For the record, I loved The Matrix, but the sequels weren't good. If they do two more I'd be curious to see what they do. I'll watch 4 but if it's stretched out with filler just for the sake of making number 5, I won't watch 5.

I still haven't watched PotC 3 since 2 was a waste, pointless over drawn action scenes and thin story for the sake of making 1 movie into 2 to make a "trilogy". Had the same symptoms as the matrix movies.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Apparently, the rumors of Matrix 4 and 5 are just Internet Rumors, as reported HERE. Neither Kenau nor the Waichowski Brothers have acknowledged that new films are being worked on.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
"Local Man Doesn't Read Thread, Posts Redundantly."

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Apparently, the rumors of Matrix 4 and 5 are just Internet Rumors, as reported HERE. Neither Kenau nor the Waichowski Brothers have acknowledged that new films are being worked on.
Aye, we know by now. We're just prodding around with the idea now.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the story continue, but with the elements that made the 1st movie stand out: its ties to philosophy. Some things I would enjoy to see is how (or even whether) the humans and machines coexist now that the war's supposedly over. Would they form separate societies or integrate? Would an integration result in a merging of the two - like the idea that we will one day 'become' our machines?

If so, would there be a conflict between people (and maybe even programs) that want to remain 'pure' and those who advocate the 'evolution' of what are essentially two species into one? Machine bodies with human minds/souls?

If done right, this would be really cool. If not done right...well... >_>

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I'd like to see it come back, but with the spirit of the 1st movie and less of the "biblical" second and third movie undertones. Hackers vs Programs in the Matrix-world.

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Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
I'd like to see it come back, but with the spirit of the 1st movie and less of the "biblical" second and third movie undertones. Hackers vs Programs in the Matrix-world.
The first movie was "biblical" too.

Neo -> (The)ONE, the messiah to save the enslaved people from the machines, etc.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
The first movie was "biblical" too.

Neo -> (The)ONE, the messiah to save the enslaved people from the machines, etc.
Yes, but it pulled from other sources as well. The second and third movies pulled in a lot more of the Christ metaphor at the expense of the epistemological issues, which made them a lot less interesting from a philosophical standpoint. The Christ symbolism is the bit that stuck around, mostly because the Brothers W used up all the other stuff they had in the first movie.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
The first movie was "biblical" too.

Neo -> (The)ONE, the messiah to save the enslaved people from the machines, etc.
Plenty of characters are called the chosen ones besides religious rooted figures. I mean X-men just had a huge arc called messiah complex that had nothing to do with religion in the purest sense.

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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Plenty of characters are called the chosen ones besides religious rooted figures. I mean X-men just had a huge arc called messiah complex that had nothing to do with religion in the purest sense.
Lots of film and literature that is not strictly religious in the purest sense still use Christ-like chosen one characters. It's a common enough framework in Western culture, and one that goes way back. Lord Jim is not a religious book by any means, but Jim is still treated as a Christ figure, right down to a pseudo-crucifixion at the end.

There are matters of degree and scope, of course, but you can just as easily argue that Optimus Prime is treated as a Christ-like figure.

Not all chosen ones are Christ figures, of course, but Neo pretty explicitly is, from the virgin birth into the real world to the crucifixion at the end of Revolutions. The traitor in the crew in the first film? Called Cypher, and is a call out to Lucifer.

Anyhow... using the metaphor does not make a story religious in nature.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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There are matters of degree and scope, of course, but you can just as easily argue that Optimus Prime is treated as a Christ-like figure.
Oddly despite being about giant tranforming robots which would usually imply a more scifi background; it easily has the most parallels of any fiction I can think of to christianty. Way more than the matrix.

Creator:Primus= the almighty
Destoryer:Unicron= Devil
Chosen one:Optimus Prime= Jesus
The traitor:The Fallen= Judas
Artifact of leadership:Matrix of leadership= Holy Grail
First son:Prima= Adam
Guardians: 13 primes=arch angels

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Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Robocop was a Christ-figure as well. Everything from being killed in a crucifix position, to being reborn, to walking on water.