Discussion: PAX- Seattle Aug 29-31st




MY issue is they never do east coast cons.

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... or Midwest cons.

Where do we go from here?



I suspect that future veteran rewards will let you select from the exclusive costume powers, much like the choice for attack powers.



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

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I'm not beating this dead horse again. People will either agree that having an incentive for visiting NCNC is cool, or they're going to lament not being able to get ever item in the game.



Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

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I'd bet that it's just like the Freakshow costume power they gave out at the last convention, it's just like the temp power given out for Halloween, but without a timer.

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Feh. That's not anywhere near as cool as getting a costume set of the PPD Hardsuit.

Guess I'll just wait till the 5 year anniversary when they release it as a costume set.

*cue the whining about having to subscribe to the game for X amount of time to get Y reward*

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes




Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

What time's on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will you be there handing them out??

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We will be there all day!

*my feet hurt thinking about it.*




*cue the whining about having to go to events to get Y reward, regardless of how long you subscribe*

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Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

What time's on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will you be there handing them out??

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We will be there all day!

*my feet hurt thinking about it.*


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Cool. I'll see you guys there.

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



That said, yeah, add me to the people annoyed that they're giving these permanent in-game things to people who make the conventions, that those of us who for one reason or another cannot go can NEVER get (in spite of having given them $15 a month for four years--but that's less important apparently than stopping by a booth at a convention).

There are other things that you can only get at conventions...a chance to talk to people face to face, a chance to walk away with some schwag, a chance to get a sneak peak at whatever they're showing off (like the sneak peak some got for the City Vault). But those are inherent to going to a convention where NCNC has a presence, and I can accept that, as jealous as I can get about it. Things like this, permanent things in-game, that you COULD give to everyone, is just an extra slap at everyone else.

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Hello GadgetDon. NCNC understands that there are many players on the east coast who would like them to meet at conventions there. At this time, they don't have any plans for any east coast conventions, but it's definitely something they're considering in the future.

Also, I would like to point out the CoX does currently reward its long-time subscribers via the Veteran Rewards system. They understand that the costume powers are nice, and you'll get a chance to earn some temporary costume pieces during the Halloween event.

Thanks for your understanding.

(That's a slight impersonation.)



That said, yeah, add me to the people annoyed that they're giving these permanent in-game things to people who make the conventions, that those of us who for one reason or another cannot go can NEVER get (in spite of having given them $15 a month for four years--but that's less important apparently than stopping by a booth at a convention).

There are other things that you can only get at conventions...a chance to talk to people face to face, a chance to walk away with some schwag, a chance to get a sneak peak at whatever they're showing off (like the sneak peak some got for the City Vault). But those are inherent to going to a convention where NCNC has a presence, and I can accept that, as jealous as I can get about it. Things like this, permanent things in-game, that you COULD give to everyone, is just an extra slap at everyone else.

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Hello GadgetDon. NCNC understands that there are many players on the east coast who would like them to meet at conventions there. At this time, they don't have any plans for any east coast conventions, but it's definitely something they're considering in the future.

Also, I would like to point out the CoX does currently reward its long-time subscribers via the Veteran Rewards system. They understand that the costume powers are nice, and you'll get a chance to earn some temporary costume pieces during the Halloween event.

Thanks for your understanding.

(That's a slight impersonation.)

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LOL that was a pretty good Lighthouse.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Ok, I'm officially about to whine for the first time ever here.

I think it's pretty crappy that they're giving out a permanent in-game item that everyone isn't reasonably able to get. Yeah, it will probably come out in the future as a Vet reward, but for many many players, that will end up being years away. If they release an in game item like the PPD Hardsuit costume, it should also be available via other means (such as sold online like the Wedding Pack) to those who live across the country, or for some other reason are not able to attend.

And if the devs do not immediately meet my demands, I will rally thousands of players and we will all stop playing forever! And....and....uh....all the other things said by those who whine frequently.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



They were at Gencon last year and I'll be there again, this year.

I even met Ex Libris, there. Unfortunately, CoX has decided not to attend Gencon, this year.



Hard Suit! Somanabatch! East Coast FTL!!

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!




Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

What time's on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will you be there handing them out??

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We will be there all day!

*my feet hurt thinking about it.*


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Argh! Can I trade my freakshow costume for this one?

j/k... ok maybe



I just bought my boyfriend (who lives in Seattle) a one-day pass so he can grab me a VIP Pass... since I live in Iowa and I won't be moving to Seattle until September. OH, THE TIMING!!!!

The PPD Hard Suit is my most coveted costume in the game... I do not want to discuss the amount of squealing last Halloween caused, nor the near-apoplexy I just suffered through learning about this. Seriously. I gave myself a headache from the sheer awesomeness.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I'm on the this is unfair to non-west coast people bandwagon. Great for people in that area, shaft for anyone who is not. Using developer time to add content (however non-game changing it is) that players are not on equal footing to obtain is a real PO factor for subscribers. Something NCNC might want to think about.



Some of the best looking stuff in the game given to such a small minority of players.

Here's something for you guys - it's real nice, I got it at Target. It was on sale.

You know, just to throw this out there - I had a whole mess of crepes this morning. They're just like pancakes, maybe even better.




Ahem. Ahem, hem, hrm.

(Is this thing on? *PUM PUM*)



That is all.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



I think it's pretty crappy that they're giving out a permanent in-game item that everyone isn't reasonably able to get.

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Read my lips: its a marketing hook.

Its a great way to bridge awareness of the game in non-gaming communities - plus it is a cool incentive to offer potential new subscribers that've never played the game before. I mean, hey - look how much you guys are going gaga all over it. If its making you druel, just think how well it'll work to snag new subscribers.

So yeah, I agree with the Marketing gimmick - however, I think its a bad idea to advertise this on the front page. Yeah it raises visibility of the event for a select few that are willing and/or able to go, but it alienates the larger population who have been wanting some kind of access to this costume option for years.

Hey ho, life goes on. Come back at Halloween and be pleasantly suprised at what you earn from trick-or-treating (at least that's my guess).



While I think it's great that they have a presence at these cons, is it bad for me to be a little disappointed that they're giving stuff like this away only to those who can attend? People have been asking for a PPD hardsuit for a long time, and now they're giving a power away that'll make you look like you're in one - and be able to fight while you're in it - but it's only being given to those who can make it to one of these conventions. Which means a select portion of the community who are able to go either by virtue of proximity or disposable income (or both), while those who aren't nearby and don't have the money to spend to get there are pretty much left without the same opportunity.

Like I said, not a whine or even a big problem, but just a little disappointment. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those hardsuits, but the chances of me making it to either Seattle or Germany are pretty much slim to none, and slim just left the building.

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They gave the Freakshow costumes from the last one they went to for those who couldn't go, but only a certain amount of people could get it, if they have a log in to Massively.com or made a new account and then posted a comment.



I think it's pretty crappy that they're giving out a permanent in-game item that everyone isn't reasonably able to get.

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Read my lips: its a marketing hook.

Its a great way to bridge awareness of the game in non-gaming communities - plus it is a cool incentive to offer potential new subcribers that've never played the game before. I mean, hey - look how much you guys are going gaga all over it. If its making you druel, just think how well it'll work to snag new subscribers.

So yeah, I agree with the Marketing gimmick - however, I think its a bad idea to advertise this on the front page. Yeah it raises visibility of the event for a select few that are willing and/or able to go, but it alienates the larger population who have been wanting this costume option for their toons for years.

Hey ho, life goes on. Come back at Halloween and be pleasantly suprised at what you earn from trick-or-treating (at least that's my guess).

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Yeah hook those new subscribers good call! Meanwhile take someone who has been paying for over 4 years and tell them they have no recourse to obtain something they want. Marketing at its best!!



This is becoming really annoying...

I will never attend to any conventions since you guys will probably never do one in Montreal. Cant you guys think of another way to give temp powers to players?

To be blunt, this sucks big time!

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I think it's pretty crappy that they're giving out a permanent in-game item that everyone isn't reasonably able to get.

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Read my lips: its a marketing hook.

Its a great way to bridge awareness of the game in non-gaming communities - plus it is a cool incentive to offer potential new subcribers that've never played the game before. I mean, hey - look how much you guys are going gaga all over it. If its making you druel, just think how well it'll work to snag new subscribers.

So yeah, I agree with the Marketing gimmick - however, I think its a bad idea to advertise this on the front page. Yeah it raises visibility of the event for a select few that are willing and/or able to go, but it alienates the larger population who have been wanting this costume option for their toons for years.

Hey ho, life goes on. Come back at Halloween and be pleasantly suprised at what you earn from trick-or-treating (at least that's my guess).

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Yeah hook those new subscribers good call! Meanwhile take someone who has been paying for over 4 years and tell them they have no recourse to obtain something they want. Marketing at its best!!

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I was gonna reply but Mr_Zek said exactly what I was going to.

Marketing failed miserably on this one.