Discussion: PAX- Seattle Aug 29-31st




I came, I saw. I... didn't talk to anyone at the booth... >.>
(It turns out I'm fairly socially awkward.) =)

I at least got some free schwag and bought a t-shirt

This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature I am useless.



Had a blast! Had Noir, Quill, Anachro, and Hyperion team up and run a Cap SF on the big screen. We completed in 28.5 minutes, our personal best. Then we ran some lvl 50 missions and had fun wiping and recovering right as the floor was closing. Thanks guys, can't wait till next year!




Okay - I'm playing pure devils advocate here - I don't mean to start some big deal, but it's an interesting conversation:

The last handful of 'I was there' posts almost seem to come down to: IF you knew who you were talking to, no problem. If you are 'just' a player or someone that wanted to learn about the game - they didn't seem to be interested.

Oh well. I have to say I only care that they see this post and learn. I just really feel like the CoX area was very disappointing.

For those who felt it was great, or spent lots of time talking to the NCSoft folks because you knew them, ask yourself this - how many people that MIGHT have joined the game walked away while you were doing that?



how many people that MIGHT have joined the game walked away while you were doing that?

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I was there, I did spend a lot of time talking to them, but I also saw them talk to other players and to new ones and potential players. I guess I didn't see the problems you cite. *shrug*

It was amusing, though. One person asked me questions because they thought I worked there. Hah!




I stopped by with the wife, barely had time - my 15 month old son was getting upset - so no actual gaming. Blue Steel gave us our PPD costumes, but he didn't recognize my forum name. I guess I'm not annoying enough ;p.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Had a blast at the meet and greet! Finally got to meet ExLibris and a bunch of other folks.

I got my lil bonus for attending the meet and greet (PPD hardsuit) thanks Ex!

All of you griping that the hardsuit should be available to all need to realize that NCSoft will be hosting events that will give "goodies" to those that attend, and since some of those events like the one at PAX are paid for by the attendees, well why shouldn't they get the goodies? It's just like having to pay a bit extra to get the wedding outfits. Those that attended both PAX and the meet and greet in effect paid for the privelage.

OH! and congrats are in order to a couple of players! A nice man dropped to one knee and proposed to his lovely future bride! wahooo! (don't remember the names, hopefully someone caught it.)

I also got to converse with the NCSoft folks about Aion, that coupled with the preview play of Aion at PAX has me drooling, I can't wait!

I loved how NCSoft set up their booth. If you were patient and polite they got you in to play whatever you wanted, even on Saturday at "Prime time" which was amazing! I even helped to prevent a theft of some schwag! (a hero is always on duty!)

I had a blast playing a pimped out widow through a full mission, wahoo! Now i'm grinding those levels on my villian as much as I can while still playing my lil defender on Virtue!

Anyways, thanks NCSoft see you next year!




All of you griping that the hardsuit should be available to all need to realize that NCSoft will be hosting events that will give "goodies" to those that attend, and since some of those events like the one at PAX are paid for by the attendees, well why shouldn't they get the goodies? It's just like having to pay a bit extra to get the wedding outfits. Those that attended both PAX and the meet and greet in effect paid for the privelage.

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Just wondering how close you live to PAX..... Are you in Washington? The West Coast?

There are a total of three opportunities to get items like this (so far) in 2008:

San Diego Comic Con (San Diego)
PAX (Seattle)
HeroCon (Santa Clara)

All of these events are located on the West Coast. For people who are located on the East Coast (or MidWest), it can be prohibitively expensive to fly across the country. It can also be difficult to get the time off of work to attend such events (due to the travel time involved).

I realize it is far more convenient for NCNC folks to attend events closer to where they are located, but it does make it difficult for people from the MidWest or east Coast to meet them (and get these items).

Hopefully, NCNC will attend some cons in the MidWest or East Coast in 2009.....




All of you griping that the hardsuit should be available to all need to realize that NCSoft will be hosting events that will give "goodies" to those that attend, and since some of those events like the one at PAX are paid for by the attendees, well why shouldn't they get the goodies? It's just like having to pay a bit extra to get the wedding outfits. Those that attended both PAX and the meet and greet in effect paid for the privelage.

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My only gripe as you call it, is that, while we the people, are very far away from these events to consider going. I am furious what some of these folks are doing on ebay with them. It seriously gets me upset to the point of yelling why CoX isn't smart enough to just have a Kiosk ready to simply enter the code onto their NCSoft accounts?! Why would I be mad? Because these idiot's are taking what should be a great joy to sport this costume and selling them for well over a hundred dollars on ebay!! No Joke! DEVS, LISTEN UP PLEASE!

On your next con, setup a computer kiosk to have that person enter their code there. No hording of the code, no selling on ebay. My god, the only thing that pisses me off worst is the people actually paying good money for this code. We are the folks who desperately want this to sport this costume on the game and we have to sit here and take it while some punk a$$ kid pockets cash out of this. It doesn't seem fair and I'm calling shannigans on this. Please figure out a system so this does not happen. Perhaps a new method where the code is produce and has an hour time limit to be entered. More than enough time for that person who claims they don't know their account info to call home and get it and enter it in at the kiosk.

Getting a headache just writing about this. Please folks, if you agree let me know, it's been an issue I have been meaning to address since I saw this happen after Comic Con, freakshow passes.

Please keep in mind that the little sweepstakes and fun contests are great when they are free, but when folks start taking advantage of this for profit, you know you are opening a larger can of worms.

Evil prevails when good men fail to act.




For those who felt it was great, or spent lots of time talking to the NCSoft folks because you knew them...

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Until PAX, I had never met BABs or Hero1 in my entire life. I met Ex before but she was so busy I barely got to speak with her. Then the majority of my time at the booth was spent gaming with my friends while BABs and Hero1 spoke with anyone who walked by.




I got my lil bonus for attending the meet and greet (PPD hardsuit) thanks Ex!

All of you griping that the hardsuit should be available to all need to realize that NCSoft will be hosting events that will give "goodies" to those that attend, and since some of those events like the one at PAX are paid for by the attendees, well why shouldn't they get the goodies? It's just like having to pay a bit extra to get the wedding outfits. Those that attended both PAX and the meet and greet in effect paid for the privelage.

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Its nothing like the wedding pack, an item anyone regardless of location can buy.

Also understand, that many people dont care that you get goodies. Just that you are getting game effecting goodies, instead of swag like t-shirts, signed stuff etc etc.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Hey all,

Just getting caught up on internal stuffs and such, I do have some pictures from this past weekend that I will post up as soon as I can grab some time.

I have started this thread by request over in the events forum so that folks in Seattle that met at PAX or wish to continue a regular social gathering can continue to plan and organize events.

Here's the link

Also I just read through the past couple of pages of feedback and I'll include some of your suggestions and notes into my report.

I agree that our space for showing off COH was a bit tight, I didn't mind the crowd factor as it showed us and the rest of NCsoft how crazy popular and loved COH is by the fans and folks that try out the game, but it did make it difficult at times to move around and make sure everyone was greeted appropriately.

Any other feedback about PAX or the player Meet & Greet can be posted here or sent directly to me via PM or email at exlibris@ncsoft.com


Ex Libris



YAY, did you get pictures of that cute couple Ex? I sure hope so!



As soon as I figure out how to get pictures of "that cute couple" (@Nomme & @Gorbified) off my phone, I'll post a link.

I'm getting the impression that if they get married up here, we'll need a bigger space than my living room. :P

Early Thanksgiving Note: If you're in the Seattle area, and you are unable to be with your family for Thanksgiving (or have no family to be with), feel free to drop me a PM. I have room for you for dinner.

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I live in italy so getting to pax was a problem for me, but hopefully i can win a hardsuit from siradio. These things look sweet, and I'd really like one.