Discussion: PAX- Seattle Aug 29-31st




/em jealous at all the people who get to go to PAX

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I am at your PAX, stealin' your funz!

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Right now the NCSoft area (and pretty much everyone else) is being set up...which is surpisingly packed and chaotic.

We've got 8 machines that will be running CoH/CoV on the training room, so feel free to log in over the next few days and say hi to all the PAX people who will be playing from here.

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Heya BaB, what time you guys opening the booth today?

Man was registration mobbed at 8:30am today. Must've been 500 people in line at least!

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



/em jealous at all the people who get to go to PAX

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Meh. PAX is ok. Still a much bigger fan of GenCon.
(PAX is just too much. Its always packed solid and the ventilation system just cant hack it. GenCon while really busy has a better layout, better ventilation, and better overall participation.)

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Come to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.. Next summer.. and like.. Have the loot freebies be something really cool.




Come to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.. Next summer.. and like.. Have the loot freebies be something really cool.


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Farmable Heroclix Behemoths?



Ack! I missed buying a ticket for the party tonight.

Any chance of still getting in?

Kid Kozmic - lvl 50 Ill/Emp Controller
Agent Chance - lvl 50 Traps/DP Defender
Venatores - lvl 50 Broadsword/Shield Scrapper




Right now the NCSoft area (and pretty much everyone else) is being set up...which is surpisingly packed and chaotic.

We've got 8 machines that will be running CoH/CoV on the training room, so feel free to log in over the next few days and say hi to all the PAX people who will be playing from here.

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Playing in i13 beta, maybe....



I am happy to see those taking the time to go to an event can themselves a lovely costume item for free!

So not to take anything away from the "free offer" the next new costume expansion could come in 2 forms, 1 for those who've had their free offer and one that costs slightly higher for those who haven't.

That'll be nice, because right now as nice as everything is, a holiday to a gaming event would be budget breaking.




I was there, now gimmeh a PPD Hardsuit

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!




I was there, now gimmeh a PPD Hardsuit

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Heh. I was standing over BaB's shoulder as he was chatting with you just then. All the Test Characters for the expo have everything, tricked out IO Sets and 400 of every salvage. Too cool.

Man is it a zoo in there today! Got to say hi to the gang and pick up my Pocket D Pass. Woot!

Also, met KDRGargoyle. Thanks for organizing the Meet and Greet in a few hours!

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



When is the Pocket D event and will I be able to get in?

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I was there, met Blue Steel and Back Alley Brawler, and got my VIP pass.

I entered the code into my account at PlayNC.com, but when I go to the tailor in-game I can't find the PPD Hard Suit. Is there something else I need to do to activate it?



I was there, met Blue Steel and Back Alley Brawler, and got my VIP pass.

I entered the code into my account at PlayNC.com, but when I go to the tailor in-game I can't find the PPD Hard Suit. Is there something else I need to do to activate it?

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It's a (permanent) temp power, not a costume set. Look in your powers window

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I stopped in and said hello to Ex Libris, and happened to run into Nuclear Toast there. We need to get together to do a PNW-area COH bash someday.

Now I'm off to Alaska for a week! Fish beware!




(PAX is just too much. Its always packed solid and the ventilation system just cant hack it. GenCon while really busy has a better layout, better ventilation, and better overall participation.)

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You mean at the Seattle Convention Center? Cuz this is only the second year it's been in Seattle.



Today at 1pm there will be more details provided on the Mission Creator. More information to follow.

The tricked out characters make for an interesting play experience. A few I remember seeing off the top of my head are a MA/SR Scrapper, a Psi Blaster, a SS Brute, and a Crab VEAT.

A few of the 8 PC's are setup so we can log into our own characters (they have to already be on the Training server though). It's fun to be able to let others see our characters from our viewpoint (especially the enhancement slotting screen).

- B.

Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon



It was nice to see such a large group of CoH players. Clearly, the game is still loved by many.

That said, it was a bit overwhelming in terms of number of folks there so I kind of ducked out early. Did get to say hi to BaBs and Ex. I couldn't find the others... heh...

And yeah, PNW get togethers have been done in the past, Londerwost, Serrate, Anachro and myself seem to be the main culprits. Blue Steel has shown up as well, and I know there are many from other servers that do their own get togethers as well.


"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm




Still disappointed that access to the permanent costume temp power won't be available to the player base except for a few select few who live out on the west coast. Probably one of the most un-fun things that the Devs could have done.

Well, my offer still stands. The most I can offer is $50 for one of the costume codes so if anyone can get a spare one, I'll buy it off of you.



Well - I have heard they will be going to the East Coast with another PAX...

Also - I was AT PAX yesterday - I wouldn't worry too much about the whole costume thing, cause I never saw any information about it at the booth, nor did any of the marketing folks seem interested in actually talking about the game. They seemed to just stand and stare at people.

I was really saddened to see a poorly designed booth (crowding was ridiculous) with uninterested marketers. I really expected alot more from CoX.

Oh - I didn't get anything about getting a code for a new costume - too bad, I would have liked to, but it seemed to me that perhaps NCSoft isn't interested?




I was really saddened to see a poorly designed booth (crowding was ridiculous) with uninterested marketers. I really expected alot more from CoX.

Oh - I didn't get anything about getting a code for a new costume - too bad, I would have liked to, but it seemed to me that perhaps NCSoft isn't interested?

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That's interesting, because my son went to Pax on Friday and had the exact opposite experience. He knew to ask about the PPD Hardsuit code, and he felt like he practically got the third degree! *heh* He was asked all kinds of stuff; What server do you play on? Do you like heroes or villains better? What kind of characters do you like to play? So on and so forth. I think he would have been happy if the marketing people HAD been disinterested!

Unfortunately, complaining about crowding at Pax is a bit like complaining about rain in Seattle...



I actually was NOT complaining about PAX crowding - I was complaining about the design of the NCSoft area. There was almost no room for people to try the game, let alone for other people to watch people try the game. The design fairly forced the NCSoft people to hang around outside the row, for one thing.

Next: Why would you not make a big show of the costume bonus? No signs, etc?

Last: Honestly, as much as I love this game, I was disappointed. I'm just being a crybaby, I know that. I just expected better. I would not call it the worst booth in the show, but it was fairly close.



I actually was NOT complaining about PAX crowding - I was complaining about the design of the NCSoft area. There was almost no room for people to try the game, let alone for other people to watch people try the game. The design fairly forced the NCSoft people to hang around outside the row, for one thing.

Next: Why would you not make a big show of the costume bonus? No signs, etc?

Last: Honestly, as much as I love this game, I was disappointed. I'm just being a crybaby, I know that. I just expected better. I would not call it the worst booth in the show, but it was fairly close.

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First, the booth was about four times the size of the NCSoft booth at ComicCon, so while access to the computers might have been a bit tight (and really *everything* at PAX is tight), it was actually pretty spacious compared to what they had in San Diego.

Also, I saw BAB and Hero1 and Ex spending a ton of time hanging out near the CoH game computers. Londer and I were at the NCSoft booth for probably a couple hours each day, and there was a representative of the game close by all the time. They got very busy at times, with all the people to talk to, promo stuff to hand out, plus I think they were helping out the representatives of the other NCSoft games a little too... So yeah they were very busy, but not once did I see anyone look "uninterested."

Also regarding the in-game bonus, it's my understanding that they were trying to make sure they go to current players, not eBay scalpers. Thus the reason there was no big sign, and also the reason for the questions about whether or not you play the game.

I think they all worked hard, and though all cons are pretty chaotic they put together a nice presentation... and I was glad that Londer and I could be there to help out with showing off the game.



Also regarding the in-game bonus, it's my understanding that they were trying to make sure they go to current players, not eBay scalpers. Thus the reason there was no big sign, and also the reason for the questions about whether or not you play the game.

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I wound up initially asking a guy who was working the Guild Wars section who said he didn't know anything about any CoX code but directed me to that side of the booth. I asked, was given that same story about eBay resellers, and was asked a player-related question ("How do you get to the ski chalet?"). Chatted it up with one of the guys, not sure who (I'm not really in-the-know with the CoX names) then watched some gameplay.

Later, after logging in and running a mission (friggin' glowie hunt where I couldn't find the last one and it was too loud on the show floor so I couldn't hunt it audibly) I bumped into a nice guy who turned out to be Blue Steel. Showed me some cool stuff they had set up on Test for folks to try out including a bunch of the unlockable broadswords that I'd never seen in-action before (Rularuu's Bane is especially sweet!) Nice guy, and clearly someone who enjoys the "cool-factors" in the game.

Overall, I'd have to agree that their booth wasn't set up to be very visit-friendly, at least not for the older games. They were pushing Exteel & Dungeon Runners and some new game (at least new to me) Aion (that they were having players fill out a questionnaire for when they were done...I didn't play.) CoX & Tabula Rasa were present, but slotted in narrow rows that didn't really allow for casual viewing.

As for the mention of poor ventilation, I didn't experience it so much in the main hall but I went across the street to the annex in hopes of getting in on a D&D game (which, sadly, didn't happen as all the slots were filled.) That place was ridiculous! The one place that should definitely have proper air circulation is a claustrophobic-feeling room full of 3rd-day RPGers.

All-in-all, for my first PAX visit (I live in the area but usually wind up working when cons are going on) it wasn't bad. Schwag seemed a bit light to me, but then I didn't want a few dozen videogame posters for my walls. I'll probably attend next year, since it's in the neighborhood and all, but I'll focus on the D&D stuff instead of the cacophony from the videogame demos.