Discussion: PAX- Seattle Aug 29-31st




So has the location of the meetngreet been finalized? Has the room been booked? Or are we just going to stand around at Starbucks saying "I thought you were going to do it."

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



So has the location of the meetngreet been finalized? Has the room been booked? Or are we just going to stand around at Starbucks saying "I thought you were going to do it."

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I am in email correspondence on a place now, if anyone else has anything cooking please let me know.




I may be heading up for this one, depending on the timing of some things going on right now.

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Neat, I am there, where ever there winds up being.



Husband (Blue Wrecker) and I will be popping in for wherever the M&G is held. We can't attend PAX this year, but as we live in Seattle, and we're hosting a couple CoHers, it'll be fun to hear the con stories!

Also, if any of you over the weekend stop in at the Pike Place Market, come on down to the comic store Golden Age Collectables and say hi to me! I'll be the forlorn girl behind the counter since I have to work allll weekend. Not really. I usually do have a Deer-in-the-Headlights look on my face though. Tourists'll do that to you.




Husband (Blue Wrecker) and I will be popping in for wherever the M&G is held. We can't attend PAX this year, but as we live in Seattle, and we're hosting a couple CoHers, it'll be fun to hear the con stories!

Also, if any of you over the weekend stop in at the Pike Place Market, come on down to the comic store Golden Age Collectables and say hi to me! I'll be the forlorn girl behind the counter since I have to work allll weekend. Not really. I usually do have a Deer-in-the-Headlights look on my face though. Tourists'll do that to you.

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Nice! A CoHer at Golden Age. I never knew...

My husband and I go to breakfast at Pike Place market every so often. We'll stop in next time.




Nice! A CoHer at Golden Age. I never knew...

My husband and I go to breakfast at Pike Place market every so often. We'll stop in next time.

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Yay, please do!




Paragon Police Department Hard Suit Costume

Stop by the NCsoft booth at PAX to get your Pocket D VIP pass to unlock this exclusive costume.

See you there!




While I think it's great that they have a presence at these cons, is it bad for me to be a little disappointed that they're giving stuff like this away only to those who can attend? People have been asking for a PPD hardsuit for a long time, and now they're giving a power away that'll make you look like you're in one - and be able to fight while you're in it - but it's only being given to those who can make it to one of these conventions. Which means a select portion of the community who are able to go either by virtue of proximity or disposable income (or both), while those who aren't nearby and don't have the money to spend to get there are pretty much left without the same opportunity.

Like I said, not a whine or even a big problem, but just a little disappointment. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those hardsuits, but the chances of me making it to either Seattle or Germany are pretty much slim to none, and slim just left the building.

Where do we go from here?



While I think it's great that they have a presence at these cons, is it bad for me to be a little disappointed that they're giving stuff like this away only to those who can attend? People have been asking for a PPD hardsuit for a long time, and now they're giving a power away that'll make you look like you're in one - and be able to fight while you're in it - but it's only being given to those who can make it to one of these conventions. Which means a select portion of the community who are able to go either by virtue of proximity or disposable income (or both), while those who aren't nearby and don't have the money to spend to get there are pretty much left without the same opportunity.

Like I said, not a whine or even a big problem, but just a little disappointment. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those hardsuits, but the chances of me making it to either Seattle or Germany are pretty much slim to none, and slim just left the building.

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I feel the same way. While its cool that people that show up at the conventions get cool stuff, the Powersuit is one of the most awesome designs in the game, and I'd been itching to get into one ever since I first saw it. But I don't have the time nor the money to go to either convention...not the biggest deal in the world, just disappointing is all.

Ghostveil, as drawn by Shia




Like I said, not a whine or even a big problem, but just a little disappointment. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those hardsuits, but the chances of me making it to either Seattle or Germany are pretty much slim to none, and slim just left the building.

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I do feel happy for anyone who makes it to PAX (Lucky little...*mutters*), and I'm not complaining, per se, but I do hope the costume design team has something similar to this level of awesome to bring in to i13. For example, Enforcer is thematically similar to Vanguard in several costume pieces.

I'm just staring in disbelief at the costume right now. It's absolutely amazing and exactly what I've wanted for ages. And while I understand the decision to make it exclusive, I truly hope some better "powersuit" options are in the works for everyone to enjoy.



I feel the same way as well. I love the PPD hardsuit, and was even lucky enough to the the Halloween PPD costume during last year's trick or treat event. I would love to get that power, but there is no way I can make either of these cons.

I am glad it will be there, and I am glad there is an ongoing CoH/V presence. I just wish there was a way those of us unable to attend could get it.

That said, I would gladly buy that suit. I want it more than anything in the Wedding Pack and I paid ten bucks for that.



I'm guessing that patience is in order. These will be more widely available at some point in the future.

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- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Consider me disappointed as well. I'd love to get my hands on that particular costume, but I'm not attending these cons.



Paragon Police Department Hard Suit Costume

<img src="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t152/orangejeep/screenshot_2008-07-16-14-23-21-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

Stop by the NCsoft booth at PAX to get your Pocket D VIP pass to unlock this exclusive costume.

See you there!


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Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

What time's on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will you be there handing them out??

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same as previous posters have noted and for the same reasons. No way for me to make the conventions. the freak tank was cute, could be fun but not missing much. this though...

Id gladly, gladly pay extra for that , a la wedding pack. which I had bought for god knows what reason I dont even use those....



I'm guessing that patience is in order. These will be more widely available at some point in the future.

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That's definitely what I'm hoping for.

I've spent many a minute admiring the hardsuit of my detective contact in FF, wishing I could have that or something similar. Robots, androids and cyborgs are of particular interest to me and comprise a great number of the characters I've made. (My only two 50s are an android Blaster a cyborg Brute.)

So yeah, do want.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



same as previous posters have noted and for the same reasons. No way for me to make the conventions. the freak tank was cute, could be fun but not missing much. this though...

Id gladly, gladly pay extra for that , a la wedding pack. which I had bought for god knows what reason I dont even use those....

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Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

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In regards of costumes, my policy is GIMMEY MOAR!

I can't attend to any of those conventions (I'm not even in North America) but I'd definitely ::coughs:: pay extra for *that* costume set. So, I'm with the previous posters here, too.



So... all that said, where do WE want to party?


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Melbourne, Australia.




*em raises hand*

I too want that one.

But I'm patient.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Players asked for these items to be permanent additions. So here you go

Granted, it's not easy to obtain as it is during Halloween, but it gives something for NCNC to offer to the fans for these trade shows (and work that's already done I should add, to not deter from Issue development), so I fully stand behind it.

Obviously, I'm not going to be able to attend PAX, but I hope the crew has as good of a time there as we did at ComicCon



Is this a temp power ala Halloween or are we talking about the actual ability wear PPD Hardsuit as a costume on our characters?

If it's the latter, I will totally be stopping by the booth.

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I'd bet that it's just like the Freakshow costume power they gave out at the last convention, it's just like the temp power given out for Halloween, but without a timer.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.



In regards of costumes, my policy is GIMMEY MOAR!

I can't attend to any of those conventions (I'm not even in North America) but I'd definitely ::coughs:: pay extra for *that* costume set. So, I'm with the previous posters here, too.

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As other have said, it's not a costume set, it's a costume power, makes you look like that. You can't tweak the colors, you can't mix and max, you can look like that or look normal.

That said, yeah, add me to the people annoyed that they're giving these permanent in-game things to people who make the conventions, that those of us who for one reason or another cannot go can NEVER get (in spite of having given them $15 a month for four years--but that's less important apparently than stopping by a booth at a convention).

There are other things that you can only get at conventions...a chance to talk to people face to face, a chance to walk away with some schwag, a chance to get a sneak peak at whatever they're showing off (like the sneak peak some got for the City Vault). But those are inherent to going to a convention where NCNC has a presence, and I can accept that, as jealous as I can get about it. Things like this, permanent things in-game, that you COULD give to everyone, is just an extra slap at everyone else.

And yes, I said the same for ComicCon, and I'll probably say the same at the announcement of the next con where you're giving one of these away.

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Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

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I would like the items also, but traveling from New Zealand to the states for a convention is out of the question. While I agree that promotion items have a place, it does seem a little unfair to those of us who have no chance of obtaining them.

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