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  1. Bio_Haz

    Weapons Platform

    Yes, but only with a shoulder mini gun attack of some sort. Must have...
  2. Time/water. Chrono Stream. The old magic sentient water in an armor suit thing
  3. With the upcomming announced Rikti invasion returning, I hope thought has been put into unlocking the rikti sword/axe model for Titan weapons.

    That would rock
  4. Please unlock the shoulder pets from around issue 4 to male and huge body types. they are currently avail for females only.

    A parrot would also be a logical addition to this catagory

    I needs my shoulder cat!

    Thanks, much love for all the recent artwork/costume goodies weve been getting.
  5. Cottage "rule" or not when its broke you need to fix it.

    If anyone from issue 1 o 2 remembers gravity control had Fold space for its tier 9 (basically the pre- assemble the team). It went live and was changed afterward into singularity. A team teleport and a control pet are not remotely the same thing.

    This was established well before Castle, or anyones else's cottage rule was 'created'

    regarding the summary so far, sounds great! look forward to trying the new fighting power on single target builds to get a bit more aoe.
  6. I was greatly excited when dual pistols were anonounced, and I understand each powerset will mean diffrent things to diffrent poeple. That being said;

    Can we get animations (alternate) that appeals to other concepts than hyper gun ninja.

    The one power that really kills DP for me is peircing rounds (You throw your gun AWAY then look like your punching with it...) followed by the Bullet rain.

    Im looking towards the rather generic animations for Thugs MM. they are simply perfect and would fit concepts such as police, merceneary/outlaw, cowboy ect ect.

    If you dont want 'boring' animations , no problem you have your over the top ones. I have seen several threads with reasonable discussions of how these could be done matching the animation times of the current powers.

    Thanks for reading.
  7. What was the reason for yet another shortcut thru the universe. (whatever the new name for it is). It was not especially difficult to get anyware with the last change to trains, mission teleporter, oroborus, pocket D, Supergroup teleporters and those silly little known TRAVEL powers.

    Just curious what the design desions was for that one.
  8. Out of curiosity, and of boredom im looking to see what other players think of the subject.

    Ive been here since the launch and can fondly recall the early days, and also many things which were less than optimal. Taking the good with the bad, you could still feel accomplished when your first character hit 50, and that epic archtype unlocked was an awesome bonus.

    Now its common to hear, got this one to 50 in two weeks. I know this is an alt heavy game, but several solutions to the old grind were added over the years, alone they are good add ons, together they are rediculous.

    First the truly slow slog thru the upper thirties up to firty, yes that truely took a long, long time. So they 'smoothed' out that part of them game. I was actually very much in support of that.

    Then they smoothed out the first part- yet that is where the most of the game content is located.

    This along with the total destroying of debt, which is a laughable 'penalty'. At best it is gone within the mission you are in.

    To cap it off we have the resting xp, patrolling whatever you call it.


    - Im not the only one who thinks the xp floweth too much too fast now. If you agree, say why. If not, by all means share your view.

    -who else wishes kheldians/soa's were kept as lvl 50 rewards? you get to 20 now in a day, or an hour..
  9. Bio_Haz

    PB Sounds...

    I love my pb but the sfx makes me want to drill my head against the desk.
  10. Not sure if there is a better place to say anything than here, but its especially obvious in this (very well made) video...

    Why the heck is BAB's so ungodly HUGE his arm is the size of Statesman's torso..

    Hes a down and dirty street fighter (with super punchy gloves naturally) with no apparent super powers. While were blowing up Galaxy city and revamping atlas park, can we please do something about the Brawlers NPC model? He is a much beloved character in the game, but he should not be so comicly oversized.

    My two cents.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I feel bad when I have to tell new players that the only way they can get Powerslide is to find an unused copy of the CoH DvD Collectors Edition.

    I felt bad when I Payed for it way back when and found out it was bright pink.
  12. Hello

    I have been considering the options available in the supergroup settings, i.e. the chest emblem that shows up in sg mode and your sg menu.

    They have essentially not been updated in quite a long time, if at all since issue 1. Since that time we have had many chest details added to the game, including unlocked and purchased ones.

    It would be a worthwhile addition to allow someone with the appropriate sg permissions to be able to choose any chest detail that they have access to as the supergroup's detail.

    This would include the various booster packs, veteran rewards and the new incarante unlocked details.

    Thanks for reading, I hope that a red name wanders thru here at some point.
  13. I love playing my peacebringer, but as stated above the whine that follows most of the powers is simple anoying as heck.

    I pm'ed several devs many times back in the day when kheldians came out, but never got a reply.
  14. Bio_Haz

    Dual Pistols

    Thats nice to know, I dont like the word Gasoline. So MY fuel in MY car is now milk.
    Sweet, sweet, milkmobile.
  15. Bio_Haz

    Dual Pistols

    Reply to no one in particular. You dont throw a clip, use a clip, empty a clip or anything with a clip.
    Pistols and rifles use Magazines. A mag is what you empty, refill , load and fire with .

    A clip is the small piece of plastic that holds the ammo while it is still in its original box.

    Back to your regualarly sceduled debates...
  16. an alternate animation is not the same things as adding different weapon models to the same set. that is why you only get to choose one gun for the AR set.

    AR never was implemented the way you are saying, that was the original plan but was unworkable.
  17. we didnt get any cut scenes on our hero tf
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    That's what I was thinking. I'll probably just take Hasten from the pools, although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    as far as Peacebringers go they have a good heal other without dipping into a pool power and if you want a rez just get the day job accolade. (the university and hospital badges). takes longer but you get the same effect and more powers. Several of my non defenders have gotten rez ally this way. Does not apply the same to warshades naturally.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    one more thing.. im creating this toon today.. and will buy the cyborg pack in 1week.. will this toon recive all stuffs of cyborg pack like self destruction power and cyborg costume pieces, or i need to build the toon after purchase the pack?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    after you upgrade with the booster packs all existing and future heroes/vills get the costumes/power/auras
  20. with the aoe elec attack and short circuit i can drain whole mobs of end, and then pick away at them so i dont see how its the worst combo.

    Radiation solos extremely well. i was rad rad since this was pre sonic but the two together must be quite powerfull.

  21. Bio_Haz

    Missing Beacons

    After the base maint that was donw a week or two ago I redid our base and found that our RWZ beacon was no longer available. Thru a few back and forth replys from support I was basically told, your sg does not have the badges required for that beacon. Dispite the fact that we had already had it up and running since the RWZ came out.

    So instead of fixing the issue we had to just go over the badges, again. It did not take long, but I would have expected them to fix what had broke not wash thiere hands of it.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    . The Much Anticipated Level 32 Power has finally arrived! Yay! This is the largest, and longest duration, and best Hold in the game. Period. .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not exactly. Trick Arrow gets the power .. on a stick. You can shut down a mob before you get to it or neuter an incomming ambush before they can do any harm. And without haveing to position yourself in a mob and getting hit.

    sill 2nd best is no shame.

    and My two favorate sets are rad/rad/ and TA/Arch. good guide.
  23. same as previous posters have noted and for the same reasons. No way for me to make the conventions. the freak tank was cute, could be fun but not missing much. this though...

    Id gladly, gladly pay extra for that , a la wedding pack. which I had bought for god knows what reason I dont even use those....