New to Kheldians, would like some advice




I've just recently hit 50 with my main (SuperFerret), and I've started a Peacebringer that I want to use a TriForm build with. My goals are to have the blasty Nova form and the tanky Dwarf form be as good as they can be, while also being a decent buffer and meleer in Human form (kinda like how a melee defender would be).

This is my build so far, and how I want to slot it. I'm only level 8, and I'm not 100% where to go with my powers next.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401

MM: Level 8 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Glinting Eye Dmg(A)
Level 1: Incandescence ResDam(A), ResDam(3)
Level 2: Shining Shield ResDam(A), ResDam(3)
Level 4: Essence Boost Heal(A), Heal(5), Heal(5)
Level 6: Bright Nova Flight(A)
Level 8: Radiant Strike Dmg(A)
Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
Level 1: Cosmic Balance
Level 1: Energy Flight Flight(A)
Level 6: Bright Nova Bolt Dmg(A)
Level 6: Bright Nova Blast Acc(A), Dmg(7)
Level 6: Bright Nova Scatter Range(A)
Level 6: Bright Nova Detonation Acc(A), Dmg(7)



Here's my tip:

Take Hasten from the Speed Pool.

Decide for yourself whether you need Stamina from the Fitness Pool. I've seen successful PBs with and without it.

Do not take ANY other pool powers. Load up on Peacebringer powers instead.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



That's what I was thinking. I'll probably just take Hasten from the pools, although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).



Keep in mind any pool powers outside of clicks with a set duration have no effect on the forms. Not even stamina.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



That's what I was thinking. I'll probably just take Hasten from the pools, although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).

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as far as Peacebringers go they have a good heal other without dipping into a pool power and if you want a rez just get the day job accolade. (the university and hospital badges). takes longer but you get the same effect and more powers. Several of my non defenders have gotten rez ally this way. Does not apply the same to warshades naturally.



[u]A) TriFormer Kheldian Rules[u]

  1. Learn whatever you can about every primary/secondary power, whether it is by taking and trying the power, or thoroughly researching it, or playing an equivalent power on the AT that the power in question was borrowed from.
  2. Primary/secondary power choices always come first, so unless you have a very detailed plan with very sound reasoning never take any Pool Power unless the powers choices you're faced with do not include any primary/secondary powers you actually want.
  3. Whenever you take a new power, practice it, don't neglect it, even if it's a situational power in your opinion. You might find new uses for old powers.
  4. Learn to shift forms and think outside the box as TriForm Kheldians are masters of the lost art of blasting something from range in Nova form only to meet it up close and personal and smack it in the face in Dwarf form.
  5. Every Kheldian attack carries with it secondary effects. Peacebringers debuff the targets' defense, and Warshades slow it down. Use this to your advantage!
  6. Learn how knockback works. Your life as a Kheldian may depend on it.
  7. Always plan the battle a few steps ahead, Kheldians are proactive, not reactive!
[u]B) Specific Power Pools recommendations and considerations[u]
  1. Pools Powers only work in Human form and the few click-powers that carry over to Nova/Dwarf forms are then limited for the duration of the power. This means that a power like Hasten for example would require you to "refresh" it by returning to Human form, activating Hasten, and shifting back to whatever form you had before Hasten.
  2. Both Kheldians can take the Medicine Pool, however, since Warshades automatically get a Recall Friend like power at level 10, and are naturally stealthy, benefit their team greatly by being able to teleport defeated teammates and resurrect them, while a Peacebringer cannot.
  3. The Medicine Pool, while being a good choice for either Kheldian, grants them no advantage while solo and when on a team, does not add the role of Combat-Medic to the Kheldian! Do not make the grave mistake of thinking that just because you can take the Medicine Pool you've suddenly become a Healer. Healing is first and foremost for Defenders and Controllers and Kheldians would see a much better use of their energy in fighting to protect the team so that the dedicated Defender/Controller can perform their duties.
[u]C) My personal Power Pool favorites[u]
  1. Hasten (Speed Power Pool, works great for both PB/WS Kheldians)
  2. Superspeed (Speed Power Pool, works great for both PB/WS Kheldians)
  3. Grant Invisibility (Concealment Power Pool, works nicely for WS to hide their pets)
  4. Stealth (Concealment Power Pool, provides a cheap and constant stealth for PB stacked with Superspeed)
  5. Intimidate & Invoke Panic (Presence Power Pool, provides an interesting option for a PB to stack Fear on a Boss, superfluous for a WS considering their many stun options, but still entertaining. This requires at least one more power pick from the Presence Pool, so be careful when planning how to integrate this into your build!)
  6. Aid Other, Stimulant, Resuscitate (Medicine Power Pool, very important if your Kheldian is going to play in an All Kheldian Team, negligible otherwise, but still provides teams with a pleasant surprise when a Kheldian can resurrect fallen comrades)
I hope this helps...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



That's what I was thinking. I'll probably just take Hasten from the pools, although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).

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as far as Peacebringers go they have a good heal other without dipping into a pool power and if you want a rez just get the day job accolade. (the university and hospital badges). takes longer but you get the same effect and more powers. Several of my non defenders have gotten rez ally this way. Does not apply the same to warshades naturally.

[/ QUOTE ]

^^ This.

You get a self rez, you get a good ally heal, you get self heals. No reason to take the Medicine pool, ESPECIALLY with the Day Job rez available.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



You get a self rez, you get a good ally heal, you get self heals. No reason to take the Medicine pool, ESPECIALLY with the Day Job rez available.

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Unless of course you're crazy and are a member of an All-Kheldian SG and are a designated Stimpack

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



That's what I was thinking. I'll probably just take Hasten from the pools, although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).

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I used to use the medicine pool powers at 44/47/49 on my Warshade, but nowadays, I'd rather use them for the Stealth pool to slot extra LotG:+recharge IOs into. Either way, that's a long way off. If you decide to be non-combat-viable in human form (ie, pure buffing), then you can pick them up early.

If you look here:

there's an old build labeled

-=== The Form-Focused/Utility Peacebringer ===-

It's pre-IO and pre-human-form buff, but it was designed to maximize all the fluff/utility in human form, and ignored combat. The concept of using all your slots on nova/dwarf while taking a bunch of utility powers like the Medicine pool for human form is still a valid build choice, if you're so inclined. That's one of the bits of magic behind the forms.

I played that build for a while, eons ago (pre I8), and it was fun for a lark.



If you want your non-human forms to be the prominent part of your build, only get the fitness pool. Medicine pool is more of a waste of time on a PB, you can do quite well as a make shift healer with Glowing Touch.



although I've heard good things about Khelds and the Medicine pool (it's particularly attractive for the Rez power).

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[*] The Medicine Pool, while being a good choice for either Kheldian, grants them no advantage while solo and when on a team, does not add the role of Combat-Medic to the Kheldian! Do not make the grave mistake of thinking that just because you can take the Medicine Pool you've suddenly become a Healer. Healing is first and foremost for Defenders and Controllers and Kheldians would see a much better use of their energy in fighting to protect the team so that the dedicated Defender/Controller can perform their duties.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you for this clarification.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.