Request for Non- Flashy 'Boring' pistol animations




I was greatly excited when dual pistols were anonounced, and I understand each powerset will mean diffrent things to diffrent poeple. That being said;

Can we get animations (alternate) that appeals to other concepts than hyper gun ninja.

The one power that really kills DP for me is peircing rounds (You throw your gun AWAY then look like your punching with it...) followed by the Bullet rain.

Im looking towards the rather generic animations for Thugs MM. they are simply perfect and would fit concepts such as police, merceneary/outlaw, cowboy ect ect.

If you dont want 'boring' animations , no problem you have your over the top ones. I have seen several threads with reasonable discussions of how these could be done matching the animation times of the current powers.

Thanks for reading.



To be fair, we should have this expanded both directions. Dual Pistols could use alternate, "boring" animations, and Thugs should get the flashy ones as alternate as well.



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
To be fair, we should have this expanded both directions. Dual Pistols could use alternate, "boring" animations, and Thugs should get the flashy ones as alternate as well.

One million times.

I would love the option to have more mundane gun shooting animations. Mayhap it will be an option when the timing on DP is adjusted in i24.



Pretty please with sugar on top. Even if the only alternate options offered were the first three that Thugs MMs already have.



I've had so many concepts for Dual Pistols characters that I never went forward with just because of how stupid and unfitting the animations were for the character. Honestly, I feel like it was a mistake to make the animations that over-the-top in the first place, just because of how restricting they can be on concepts versus more generic ones.

So yeah, alt animations would be great.



Some of the Malta Gunslingers have decent animations..still a lil flashy, but a lot less gun ninja.



/Signed, hard. You can get away with pistol twirling a little bit, but stuff like piercing rounds, even on my mostly cyborg character who can pull off stuff like bullet bending, looks stupid either way. I mean...why throw your guns up in the air? It doesn't even look that cool for rule of cool

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Just to throw my two cents out there - I have no problem with pistol animations as it is {hell, I love piercing rounds' look}.

I wouldn't be against it, but meh, there's bigger fish to fry.



I thought they based the "flashy" animations on real gunfighters from the Wild West and combined it with policepeople who use pistols.



I agree with this.

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