Radiation Emission




Here's my updated guide for Radiation Emission. It includes values for a Raditation Defender. I am going to go back through and add the values as they pertain to a Rad Controller and a Rad Corruptor.
Anyone care to give me some feedback on the guide? It's still a work in progress.

A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!



Why Radiation?
For the Hero that wants to add something to every fight, especially EB/AV/GM fights, Radiation offers perhaps the best debuffs CoX has to offer. A small PBAoE Heal that rivals Empathy’s Healing Aura, the best single target rez in the game and several devastating debuffs. If crippling your opponent through solid debuffs sounds like your type of character, then please, read on.

Anchors away!
Two of the most powerful debuffs that is available to Rads are considered “anchor” powers. You select the anchor (usually the toughest bad guy) and activate your toggled debuff powers (Radiation Infection and Enervating Field). The person who is the “anchor” will have a green glow all around them, notifying you and your party who the anchor is. There is a down side to this…if the anchor should die, then the debuff ends. I suggest informing your party who you are going to debuff. This can be achieved by a simple bind such as:

/bind g "group $target is being infected with radiation!$$powexec_name Radiation Infection"

/bind h “group $target is my anchor, please kill him last!$$powexec_name Enervating Field”

What this does is when you hit the “g” button, you tell your team who your anchor is and then you activate Radiation Infection. By doing the h bind, you do the same, but activate Enervating Field.

On a sidenote, activating either Radiation Infection or Enervating Field will cause aggro, so be careful not to let your anchor run away into the next room and aggro more and more mobs. The aggro generated will be towards you until someone else attacks or taunts.

With that out of the way, let’s delve a little deeper into Radiation.

About this Guide
This is an overview of the powers available in the Radiation Emission power set. It is NOT a build, though I will include my own personal thoughts and observations on each power. I will not go into how to slot Invention Origin Sets to get the best set bonuses (such as Trap of The Hunter, Ghost Widow’s Embrace, etc). All values have been tested, either through in game testing or using Mids’ Hero Designer. Also, all values are based on using Level 50 Invention Origin Enhancements.
• Invention Origin? What?

There are different types of Enhancements that can be slotted into your powers to make them more effective, use less endurance, be more accurate, recharge faster, etc. These are:
• Training Enhancements (TOs)
• Dual Origin Enhancements (Dos)
• Single Origin Enhancements (SOs)
• Hamidon Enhancements (HOs)
• Invention Enhancements (IOs)
• Invention Set Enhancements (sometimes referred to as RIOs, or just Sets)

Training Enhancements (TOs)
These are what you will be using for quite some time. They offer increases performance.

Dual Origin Enhancements (DOs)
Typically available for use beginning at level 12 (you can slot an enhancement that is within +/- 3 of your level, and most Dos begin at level 15). These are twice as effective as DOs.

Single Origin Enhancement (SOs)
These enhancements are made for a specific origin. Unlike a Dual Origin Enhancement which may be used by either a Magic or Mutant Hero, Single Origin Enhancements can only be used by a certain Origin, such as a Mutant. These enhancements are typically twice as effective as Dual Origin Enhancements. Be careful when buying DO/SOs !!! Make sure you purchase the right one according to your Origin (Natural, Magic, Mutant, Technology, Science). If you purchase a Science SO, and your character has a Technology Origin, then you can not use that Science Enhancement. Also, once you are 3 levels higher than the level of the enhancement, the enhancement turns red, thus meaning you are not getting ANY bonus from that enhancement. For Example, you are level 30, and you have a level 35 SO slotted in one of your powers. You are not getting any bonus at all from that enhancement. As long as you are within 3 levels of the level of the enhancement, you will be receiving a bonus.

Hamidon Enhancements (HOs)
Hamidon Origin Enhancements, also known as Hami-Os, can either be bought from Wentworth’s (the “auction house”, or by completing what is known as a Hami Raid. Hami Raids are for high level characters, such as level 45 and up. The cool thing about these enhancements is that they improve two aspects instead of one. A Hami O might increase Accuracy AND Damage by 33%.

Invention Enhancements IOs)
Invention Enhancements can either be crafted with the right recipe and components, or be purchased at Wentworth’s. Random “drops” will occur while you are running missions. It is possible to purchase the recipe and all the components at Wentworth’s, and then craft the Enhancement at the University (or in your SG base, or by using a crafting table). These enhancements offer a higher bonus than other enhancements. Also, these do NOT lose effectiveness. Thus if you are level 35 and have level 25 IOs slotted, then you will still be getting the full bonus from the IO. Typically the best bang for the buck enhancements available.

Invention Set Enhancements (RIOs)
Ahhh…the over priced enhancements as some will tell you. These are enhancements that are crafted from a recipe and the correct components, or purchased at Wentworth’s. Certain powers can take certain RIOs. For example, Touch of Lady Grey is a set that can ONLY be slotted in powers that Debuff Defense. There is a Touch of Lady Grey: Defense Debuff, Touch of Lady Grey: Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction, Touch of Lady Grey: Defense Debuff/Recharge, Touch of Lady Grey: Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction/Recharge, Touch of Lady Grey:Recharge/Endureance Reduction, and a Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage(more on this in a second). This Set can be slotted into Radiation Infection. By slotting 2 of these, say a Defense Debuff, Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction, you not only get the bonuses those enhancements provide(42.4% Defense Debuff, 26.5% Defense Debuff/26.5% Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction respectively), BUT you ALSO get a bonus for having part of the Set….which is 15.3 HP( 1.5% Health Points). By adding another Touch of Lady Grey, the set bonuses are 15.3 HP, AND 2.5% Endurance Recovery (.04 endurance/second). Seeing as there are countless ways to use Sets, I will not be going into to these.
So, remember me saying “more on this in a second”? Any kind of RIO that is “: Chance for xxxx” is called a Proc. In the above example, Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage is a Proc. This means that it has a 20% chance of causing 71.8 points of Negative Energy Damage. So, if you had one of these slotted into Radiation Infection, every .5 seconds you have a 20% chance of causing 71.8 points of Negative Energy Damage. Pretty cool, huh? On a sidenote, typically these Procs are very expensive to buy, but they are very nice to have. Anyway…moving right along…
The values I use are from using Level 50 Invention Origin (IOs) enhancements. These give a higher bonus, and are much more manageable to buy/craft than the Sets. Once you build up some influence, and lots of it, you might want to experiment with Sets. Be warned though, if you completely use all Sets in your build, you can easily spend 100 million influence. If I was to sell all of my RIOs on one of my level 50 characters, I would probably be over the influence cap (which is 2 billion….yes billion with a “b”). The Sets can completely change a character’s playstyle, survivability, damage output, regeneration/endurance recovery rate, attack rate, etc. Since they can be so in depth, expensive, and the possibilities are endless, I chose not to go into which Sets you should slot. This depends on your playstyle, finances, etc.

A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!




• Radiant Aura
Available at Level 1
You can use Radiant Aura to heal some of your wounds, and the wounds of your group. This power has a small radius, so your allies need to be near you if they wish to be affected. Recharge: Moderate

Type of power: Click
End Cost: 13
Recharge: 8 seconds
Radius: 25’
Cast Time: 2.03 seconds
Heal: 13.2%
Allowed Enhancements: Enhance Heal
Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction

A PBAoE (Point Blank Area of Effect) Heal which is similar to Empathy’s Healing Aura. Just slightly less potent (13.2% heal vs. 13.5% ),at level 50 Radiant Aura and Empathy’s Healing Aura can heal the same amount of Health when both are slotted with 3 Enhance Heals (25.7% Heal). Any of your allies within 25’ of you will be healed. This power also affects any Pets such as Fire Imps, Jack Frost, Animate Stone,etc.

• Radiation Infection
Available at Level 1
Infects a targeted foe with deadly radiation, severely reducing their chance To Hit and Defense. All foes that come near the target will also become infected. The Radiation Infection will last until you deactivate it, or until the original target is defeated. Recharge: Moderate

Type of Power: Toggle
End Cost: .52/second
Recharge: 8 seconds
Radius: 15’ of the targeted/infected foe
Cast Time: .5 seconds
Range: 70’

Allowed Enhancements: Defense Debuff
To Hit Debuff
Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction

Considered by most of the Radiation community, one of the three (3) most important powers while facing EBs/AVs/GMs/Heroes/Villians. When this power is activated, you infect one foe, which will glow a greenish glow. This is the “anchor”. This foe, and any other foe that comes within 15’ of him, will have their Defense and To Hit values debuffed dramatically. At level 50, with 3 Defense Debuff Invention enhancements, this power will lower the enemies’ defense by -51.9 %. With 3 To Hit Debuff Invention enhancements, the enemies’ To Hit value will be lowered by -49.5%. Please….stop drooling on your keyboard. There ya go…
What does this mean? In Laymen’s terms…you get hit less while you hit the bad guy more often. With Defense lowered by 51.9%, this means that your attacks, and the attacks of your allies, are effectively 51.9% more accurate. But wait! With the enemies’ To Hit value debuffed by 49.5%, this means that you and your allies will get hit 49.5% less often! How great is that?
(As stated before, I am not going to go into all the Invention Sets that can be slotted in any power. All the numbers are based on using Level 50 Invention Enhancements).
There are several ways to slot this power…..3 Defense Debuffs/3 To Hit Debuffs…3 Defense Debuffs/2 To Hit Debuffs/1 Endurance Reduction…Personally I like to slot it with 3 Defense Debuffs/3 To Hit Debuffs. Either way, this power is definitely worth 6 slots in any build, and teams will love you for having this power. This power is effective in PvP and PvE.

• Accelerate Metabolism
Available at Level 2
Activating this power emits radiation that increases the running speed, attack speed, endurance recovery, and damage potential of all nearby allies. Affected Heroes’ metabolisms are increased so much that they become resistant to effects such as Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, and Endurance Drain. Recharge: Very Long

Type of Power: Click
End Cost: 15.6
Recharge: 422 seconds
Radius: 25’
Cast time: 2.03 seconds
Duration: 120 seconds
Damage Buff: 25%
End. Recovery: 50%
Recharge Rate: 30%
Allowed Enhancements: Endurance Modification
Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction
Run Speed

Accelerate Metabolism, also known as AM, is one of the most powerful buffs in the game. How many other powers buff so many things at once? Increase run speed? Check. Increase attack speed? Check. Increase Damage? Check. Increase resistance to most status effects? Check. Increased recovery? Check. And Mate.
This will be a power that everyone can appreciate…and will want it as often as possible. With 3 Level 50 Endurance Modification IOs, this power will give you and your allies a 59.7% increase to Endurance Recovery. Also, with 3 Level 50 Recharge Reduction IOs, this power will be available every 212 seconds. Most Rads slot this power with 3 Endurance Modification/3 Recharge Reduction enhancements. While it is possible to slot it for Run Speed, and with 3 Run Speed IOs you can achieve an additional 4.3 Miles per Hour, it is not recommended to do so. The standard slotting for this power is 3 Recharge Reduction/3 Endurance Modification.

• Enervating Field
Available at Level 6
While this power is active, you irradiate a targeted foe, and all foes nearby, with a deadly dose of radiation. This radiation weakens exposed targets, decreasing the damage of their attacks. It also significantly weakens their resistance, so that they will take much more damage from other attacks. Recharge: Moderate

Type of Power: Toggle
End Cost: 1.04/second
Recharge: 8 seconds
Radius: 15’ within the targets/infected foe
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Range: 70’
Damage Debuff: - 25%
Resistance Debuff: -30%
Allowed Enhancements: Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction

Power # 2 of 3 that helps make those EB/AV/GM/HERO/VILLIAN fights soooo much easier. Enervating Field causes the “anchor” (which also glows in order for everyone to see exactly who is the anchor) to do 25% LESS DAMAGE, while your attacks will effectively do 30% MORE DAMAGE (by debuffing resistance by 30%). For a second, let’s look at what happens to a big bad AV when we apply ENERVATING FIELD AND RADIATION INFECTION:

In other words….the infected foe(s) will TAKE 30% MORE DAMAGE, will be 51.9% easier to hit, suffer a 49.5% to their To Hit Value (hitting you less often), and IF you get hit, you will take 25% LESS DAMAGE from his attacks!!! Now it is getting clear as to why Radiation is considered the best powerset for fighting those pesky EBs/AVs/GMs/etc.
As far as slotting Enervating Field, the best return can be achieved by slotting Endurance Reduction enhancements. Usually 1-2 will do the trick, but always keep an eye on your endurance bar, and if you see that you are running out of endurance too quickly with your toggle powers running, then add another Endurance Reduction. You DEFINITELY do not want your toggles to drop because you ran out of endurance!

• Mutation
Available at Level 8
Using a concentrated burst of radiation, you can revive a fallen Hero and Mutate them into a killing machine. The Mutated Hero has increased Damage, Chance To Hit, Endurance Recovery, and Attack Speed and is protected from XP Debt for 90 seconds. The entire experience is very taxing on the Mutated Hero, and they will soon be severely weakened. All effects of the Mutation will eventually wear off. Recharge: Very Long

Type of Power: Click
End Cost: 26
Recharge: 180 seconds
Cast Time: 3.2 seconds
Range: 15’
Duration: 90 seconds
Effect: Heal/Endurance 100%
Allowed Enhancements: Endurance Modification
Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction

Perhaps the best combat rez in the game, Mutation can turn the tide of a tough battle. After a comrade is defeated, target them and Mutate them. The fallen ally will be rezzed with full Health, full Endurance, a 200% Bonus to their Endurance Recovery Rate, a 37.5% increase to their To Hit Value, and a 50% Bonus to their Damage. All this and they will be protected from any other XP Debt for 90 seconds. However, there is a downside to this power. First and foremost, someone dies. Secondly, after 90 seconds, Mutation wears off and the Hero will have reduced Endurance Recovery, To Hit, and Damage. Make sure to inform the person that you are going to Mutate them and that they understand all of its effects. For 90 seconds, they will be able to dish out a TON of Damage(especially if the fallen is a Blaster), but that after 90 seconds they need to either have some Inspirations handy, or they might want to get the heck outta Dodge.
Rez powers are always nice to have in case things should hit the fan. Rezzes like this only makes it that much sweeter. Personally, if taken I would suggest only 1 Recharge Reduction in this power.

• Lingering Radiation
Available at Level 12
You can emit Lingering Radiation that reduces the attack rate, movement speed, and Regeneration Rate of the target, and all nearby foes. Recharge: Slow

Type of Power: Click
End Cost: 15.6
Recharge: 90 seconds
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Range: 80’
Radius: 25’
Duration: 30 seconds
Accuracy: 75%
Effect: Fly/Jump Speed -75%
Run Speed -600%
Recharge -75%
Regeneration Rate -500%
Allowed Enhancements: Accuracy
Endurance Reduction
Recharge Reduction

Now we have came to the last of the “big 3” debuffs. Lingering Radiation can pretty much kill the Regeneration Rate of those EBs/AVs, along with their run/fly/jump speed. Any foes within a 25’ radius of the target will also have the chance of suffering the same. Note that Lingering Radiation has an accuracy penalty. Even with your other debuffs, I would still recommend at least 1 Accuracy enhancement in this power. If you are PvPing, maybe even 2 to be on the safe side. You won’t want this power to miss as it gives you and your team an edge on EBs/AVs/GMs. Their Regeneration Rate is very high, and this power brings them down to a manageable level. When slotted with 3 Level 50 Recharge Reduction IOs, this power can be back up every 45.2 seconds…39.3 seconds with AM. Once you apply Radiation Infection (RI) and Enervating Field (EF), then you can start applying this power. Even though it won’t stack, use it every time it is available to ensure you have your enemy debuffed.

• Choking Cloud
Available at Level 18
While active, you generate toxic radioactive gas around yourself. Any nearby foes may be overcome by the gas, leaving them choking and helpless. Recharge: Long

Type of Power: Toggle
End Cost: .83/second
Recharge: 20 seconds
Cast Time: 3.47 seconds
Radius: 15’ radius of caster
Duration: 5.96 seconds
Accuracy: 75%
Effect: PBAoE Hold
Magnitude: 1
Activate: every 5 seconds
Allowed Enhancements: Recharge Reduction
Endurance Reduction
Hold Duration

You surround yourself with a greenish radioactive gas when this is toggled on. First of all, note that it has an accuracy penalty (75%), and does NOT accept Accuracy enhancements. Furthermore, note that it is only a MAG 1 Hold, which means by itself, you will not be holding Leuits/Bosses/EBs/AVs/GMs. So, what good is this power then you ask? Well, depending on your other powerset, it will stack with other Holds, and Holds from other Heroes. So, if you are Rad/Ice Blast, it will stack with Freeze Ray/Bitter Freeze Ray. If you took Electrical Blast, it stacks with Tesla Cage. If you are a Controller and have Radiation as your secondary, it will stack with all of your other Holds. It will also stack with OTHER Choking Clouds from other Radiation Heroes. Oh…and one last benefit from this power, there are a couple of IO Set PROCS that can be slotted into this power( yeah, I know I said I wasn’t going to go into IO Sets and all, but I felt I would be crucified if I did not mention it for this power.) These Procs being:
Neurotic Shutdown: Chance for PSIONIC DAMAGE (20% chance of 71.8 points of psychic damage)
Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Chance for PSIONIC DAMAGE (20% chance of 71.8 points of psychic damage)
Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for SMASHING DAMAGE (33% chance of 107.1 points of smashing damage)
These Procs make this power shine. It checks for Hold every 5 seconds, and if slotted with the above Procs, it will check for those every 5 seconds as well. If you take this power, you WILL need to slot some Endurance Reduction into it as it is a little expensive to run. With 2 Level 50 Hold Duration IOs, if it successfully hits, it will hold the target for 10.9 seconds.

• Fallout
Available at Level 26
After an ally falls in battle, you can activate this power to extract the energy from their body to deal a massive amount of Energy Damage to any nearby foes. All effected foes are extremely weakened by the Fallout, and their Chance To Hit, Defense, Damage, and Damage Resistance is severely reduced. Damage: Extreme
Recharge: Very Long

Type of Power: Click PBAoE
End Cost: 20.8
Recharge: 300 seconds
Cast Time: 3.2 seconds
Radius: 30’
Range: 60’
Duration: 38 seconds
Accuracy: 150 %
Damage: 222.4 (Energy) BASE
Effect: DEFENSE: -30%
TO HIT: -30%
Allowed Enhancements: Accuracy
Defense Debuff
To Hit Debuff
Recharge Reduction
Endurance Reduction

Have you ever wanted to take the body of someone and turn it into a mini-nuke? Now’s your chance. I will admit, it is somewhat satisfying activating this power, levitating the body of one of your fallen comrades, and then seeing a huge burst of Energy explode from it, thus damaging and weakening all within 30’. There are basically 2 schools of thought on this power: take it and slot the bejeebus out of it, and skip it.
Many Rads, especially those that frequently team and/or are in the same Super Group, take this power. The team will have one “guinea pig” to be the unfortunate soul to sacrifice his life for the enjoyment of others. While teaming, a Rad will Teleport the fallen Hero into a mob of bad guys and then uses this power. If there’s anyone left standing, then the other Rad will use this power. Slotted with 3 Level 50 Damage IOs, this power does 442.8 points of Energy Damage on its own. With 1 Defense Debuff IO, and 1 To Hit Debuff IO, it will yield a -42.6% Defense Debuff and a -37.7% To Hit Debuff. Once the team does this, they will Mutate the Fallen Hero, and well, with the Debuffs from Fallout, RI,EF, and Lingering Radiation(LR), along with the BUFFS from Mutation and AM (not to mention if someone has Vengeance), it is easy to see why this is considered a “won’t leave home without it” power…only to certain teams/playstyles. The extra damage and debuffs are nice, a and if you take Vengeance/Teleport Friend/ Mutation, it is easily used and appreciated when someone should fall, especially while fighting an EB/AV/GM. Slot according to your own taste…more Defense Debuffs and To Hit Debuffs to further weaken a powerful foe…more damage to be an exclusive damage dealer, or a solid mix of 1 Accuracy, 3 Damage, 1 Defense Debuff, 1 To Hit Debuff to get the best of all worlds.

• EM Pulse
Available at Level 32
You can unleash a massive pulse of electromagnetic energy. This EMP can affect machines, and is powerful enough to affect synaptic brain patterns. It will drain the Endurance and HP Regeneration of all affected targets and leave them incapacitated and Held for a long while. Additionally, most Machines and Robots will take Moderate High Damage. However, this power uses a lot of Endurance and leaves you unable to recover Endurance for a while. Recharge: Long

Type of Power: Click PBAoE
End Cost: 20.8
Recharge: 300 seconds
Cast Time: 2.93 seconds
Radius: 60’
Duration: 22.4 seconds
Accuracy: 75%
Effect: Held MAG 3
Regeneration Rate -1000% (to target)
Endurance Recovery Rate -1000% (to target)
Allowed Enhancements: Accuracy
Hold Duration
Recharge Reduction
Endurance Reduction
Endurance Modification

The Much Anticipated Level 32 Power has finally arrived! Yay! This is the largest, and longest duration, and best Hold in the game. Period. How many other Holds have a whopping 60' ‘'radius? Or has a base duration of 22.4 seconds? AND DEBUFFS REGENERATION AND ENDURANCE RECOVERY RATE OF ALL AFFECTED FOES?
What exactly happens when you use EMP? You hunker over for a second, and then thrust your upper body backwards to an upright position with your arms up in the air, flexing your muscles almost. Irradiating outward from you in all directions for 60 feet is a ring of Electromagnetic energy. While it WILL HALT YOUR ENDURANCE RECOVERY, the pros outweigh this con easily. Keep an eye on your endurance bar after you use this, especially if you activated RI and EF beforehand.
With this power, you can hold an ENTIRE room of baddies. It is so glorious to behold. Do me a favor now and scroll back up and look at all the debuffs we have and their values.
DEFENSE DEBUFF: -31.3% BASE (51.9% enhanced)
TO HIT DEBUFF: -31.3% BASE (49.5% enhanced)



Now throw on the debuff from EMP and the total is…

Let’s put this into perspective, shall we? A Regeneration Scrapper using Level 50 Heal IOs (no set bonuses), with 3 slotted Health, Dull Pain, Integration, Fast Healing, AND running Instant Healing has a Regeneration Rate of 1576%.
A Willpower Tank using Level 50 Heal IOs (no set bonuses) with 3 slotted Health, High Pain Tolerance, Fast Healing, and Rise To The Challenge has a maximum Regeneration Rate of 1026%.
Congrats, you have effectively shut down what Regeneration and Willpower is all about. You have also spayed and neutered EBs and AVs regeneration rate, along with their defense, resistance, to hit, endurance recovery, and damage output.
As far as slotting goes, I personally like 1 Accuracy, 3 Hold Duration, and 1 Recharge Reduction. Slotted like this, the Hold Duration jumps up to an astounding 44.5 seconds, Accuracy is 106.8%, and it can be used every 210.7 seconds.

A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!



Regarding binds for anchor powers, I think you're much better off placing the bind that tells your teammates your anchor on a separate key.

If you link it to a powexec_name, it will go off when you turn the toggle off, say if the anchor runs for the hills towards another spawn.

If the anchor dies, or you get held staright away it leads to confusion.

You may also get onto a team where everyone gets into a rhythm, and you dont want to be spamming the same text every spawn.

So make a macro that identifies your target by all means, but dont link it to the actual power,



Now thats a cool idea!
I've never used the battlecry for anything so far.




Power # 2 of 3 that helps make those EB/AV/GM/HERO/VILLIAN fights soooo much easier. Enervating Field causes the “anchor” (which also glows in order for everyone to see exactly who is the anchor) to do 25% LESS DAMAGE, while your attacks will effectively do 30% MORE DAMAGE (by debuffing resistance by 30%). For a second, let’s look at what happens to a big bad AV when we apply ENERVATING FIELD AND RADIATION INFECTION:

In other words….the infected foe(s) will TAKE 30% MORE DAMAGE, will be 51.9% easier to hit, suffer a 49.5% to their To Hit Value (hitting you less often), and IF you get hit, you will take 25% LESS DAMAGE from his attacks!!! Now it is getting clear as to why Radiation is considered the best powerset for fighting those pesky EBs/AVs/GMs/etc.
As far as slotting Enervating Field, the best return can be achieved by slotting Endurance Reduction enhancements. Usually 1-2 will do the trick, but always keep an eye on your endurance bar, and if you see that you are running out of endurance too quickly with your toggle powers running, then add another Endurance Reduction. You DEFINITELY do not want your toggles to drop because you ran out of endurance!

[/ QUOTE ]
This is wrong. AVs have about a 85% resistance to ToHit and Damage debuffs (plus any level modifiers). Plus if they have Damage Resistance that resistance will also resist the -resistance of Enervating Field.

AVs also resist -Regen now too so its not as important as it used to be.

You're still effective vs AVs but you don't neuter them as much as you outline here (Radiation Infection is especially weak against them).



. The Much Anticipated Level 32 Power has finally arrived! Yay! This is the largest, and longest duration, and best Hold in the game. Period. .

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly. Trick Arrow gets the power .. on a stick. You can shut down a mob before you get to it or neuter an incomming ambush before they can do any harm. And without haveing to position yourself in a mob and getting hit.

sill 2nd best is no shame.

and My two favorate sets are rad/rad/ and TA/Arch. good guide.



Thanks Carnifax...I had forgotten about the resists.....

And Bio...is TA's EMP the same Magnitude and Duration?The highest level TA toon I have ever had is currently level 16.And I've never seen the animation for it iether.Is it as cool as Rad's?

Thanks guys for the feedback!

A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!



. The Much Anticipated Level 32 Power has finally arrived! Yay! This is the largest, and longest duration, and best Hold in the game. Period. .

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly. Trick Arrow gets the power .. on a stick. You can shut down a mob before you get to it or neuter an incomming ambush before they can do any harm. And without haveing to position yourself in a mob and getting hit.

sill 2nd best is no shame.

and My two favorate sets are rad/rad/ and TA/Arch. good guide.

[/ QUOTE ]

TA's EM Pulse Arrow is the same, except it is ranged and has a substantially smaller radius.

I think a lot of folks would say that Volcanic Gasses is the best hold in the game. One cast can get Bosses, since the geyser pets can stack holds. Also, it lasts longer than EM Pulse. I suggest that EM Pulse, in its two forms, and Volcanic Gasses are the two best holds in the game, and leave it to each player to decide which is better.

You did not talk about the biggest weakness to RI -- the cast time. On fast moving teams, RI usually isn't even worth casting, since the anchor will be dead before the long cast animation is complete. You listed the cast time as .5, when actually that is the activation time (the time after the animation start when the power begins to have an effect). The animation time on RI substantially reduces its usefulness, especially on fast-moving teams. Because of the animation time, it is often only worth casting on foes who are going to last a while -- which usually means bosses, EBs and AVs.

I would also suggest that RI plus an AoE Immobilize is almost as good as an AoE hold, since they can't move and they can't hit you.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Thanks Carnifax...I had forgotten about the resists.....

And Bio...is TA's EMP the same Magnitude and Duration?The highest level TA toon I have ever had is currently level 16.And I've never seen the animation for it iether.Is it as cool as Rad's?

Thanks guys for the feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]
TA's is the same Mag and Duration, and had the same chance to Critical.

However the AOE is a teeny bit smaller than EMP (20 foot instead of 25). So EMP is certainly the largest one of there.

Of course the Controller version of either is better than the Defender thanks to the better Mez controllers get

*pats his Fire/Rad and Grav/TA controllers on the head*
"That'll do pig. That'll do"




Nice info so far. I have been a big fan of Radiation Emission since launch. I was one of the original members of Project Radiation on Virtue around launch. I have about 12+ RE based heroes and villains. I have played everything from solo to PUGs to "all Rad" teams to regular meet and SG teams. I have only had limited experience with RE in Arena and PvP. RE has gone through quite a few changes since launch, but the set seems to work and remain the same through all the issue changes. Here are some things that I noticed that may need to be changed or reviewed. I will also provide some of the tips and tricks that have helped me with RE.


As Local_Man already pointed out, the cast time on RI seems to be swapped out with the cast time EF. Check your sources. EF has always had a faster cast time. RI's longer cast time has always been problematic. Most "all Rad" and SG teams usually just reserve RI for herding. For fast moving teams or PUGs it may or may not be worth it to cast RI. You will have to observe how your team plays before you can decide if you're going to use RI in every battle.


DrMike2000's advice on your "Anchors away!" section is right on the money. You don't want to bind the power with the tell. The possibility for confusion will become obvious when you try to turn the toggle off on a runner or misplaced RI.

I also do not find these kinds of binds useful when on PUGs. Not only does it cause confusion on faster moving teams but it also may anger other players when you dictate how they should play. The only time these kinds of binds may work well are on "all Rad", SG teams, (the kind of people you normally play with and understand how RE works.) Your best bet is to go ahead and make the bind and use it with discretion.

On PUGs, most people are going to play how they want to play and don't always regard what other people's power sets are or how they work. No matter how much you use your bind, some players will always see your anchor and attack it first. They just can't resist that green glow that draws them like a moth to a flame. The only time people will listen to you when on a PUG is when you are the leader and boot them if they don't listen. This is counter productive to a team. People just do not like being told how to play their AT or power set. Even though you may have the support of some of the players on your team, it will cause even more bickering and less butt kicking.

On regular SG or "all Rad" teams, you usually don't have to use the bind, not only does it cause too much unnecessary chat clutter but many of you may not target the same anchor and should not anyway. For example lets say you have a team of 5 "all Rad"s, and you are facing a mob of 12 cons. If everyone cast all their toggles, that's up to 10 possible different anchors. Most of the people that know how RE works and are players you normally team with will already know to attack the anchors last. They usually do not need to be told which cons are your anchors they can already tell by the distinctive glow.

I am not saying you should not use this kind of bind for your anchors, just use a little discretion. Other players do not like to be told what to do or reminded about what they are already doing.

With regard to your AM bind, here are some suggestions/changes I recommend. To some people on PUGs, "Gather for AM!" means nothing. This is mainly because many players are not familiar with other ATs or Power Sets other than their own. Even if they are familiar with other AT's, they may not know the names of all the powers and what they do, let alone the abbreviations for these powers. They are quick learners though. Here is a bind that I have found very useful:

/bind X "local Gather for a Speed Boost!$$emote whistle" <------("X" in the bind is just a generic letter, you can use any letter and I don't recommend using X since it is already bound)

This bind does a couple of things and works on many levels. First, since it is in Local Chat, the text will appear in white lettering which will stand out from your normal green team text. This provides a nice visual cue for those stuck in scrapper lock or those who are too busy to read many of the other unimportant chat that may be going on during combat. For those that are too far away for it to show up in Local Chat range, screw them. They don't seem to be part of the team anyway if they are clear across the other side of a map.

Next, the adding of the whistle emote adds a nice audio cue for those people that play with sound. This Pavlovian stimulus will have will have the response of your teammates drooling like a pack of ravenous dogs looking for a chat bubble that resembles a T-Bone steak over your head. Once you get your team conditioned, it's also fun to just emote a whistle during combat and watch the action stop as your team comes running to you for nothing.

Next, changing the wording from AM to Speed Boost does quite a bit, especially when on PUGs. As mentioned before, many players may not know that AM stands for Accelerate Metabolism, let alone what it does. Many players know what Speed Boost means and even if they don't, they know they want it, with a few exceptions. Sure AM is more than just a speed boost, but you don't need to explain it. If you really want make it more accurate, you could swap out "AM" with "Combat Buffs", but it does not have the same effect as "Speed Boost". Trust me, I have been on a lot of PUGs. "AM" only means something to players familiar with the sets. Besides, this is a bind you are making, so don't be lazy, spell it out. It's not like you're going to typing "Gather for for Accelerate Metabolism!" every time you want to use it.

I know you did not want to go into the details of slotting IO sets and neither do I. But here is a tip that will save you some slots on AM, RI and CC.

You can get away with slotting those skill with 5 slots instead of 6 and be just as effective if not more efficient. Here are some examples:

AM- (recharge), (recharge), (recharge/endurance modification), (endurance modification), (endurance modification)
CC- (endurance reduction), (endurance reduction), (endurance reduction/hold), (hold), (hold)<---with this kind of slotting, a 6th slot could be used for one of those nifty damage procs you mentioned
RI- is a mixed bag and not so straight forward with regard to slotting, there are many camps and many schools of thought here. I will tell you my preference and you can add it as tip or disregard it. I find its most useful aspect in its "to hit" debuff, especially when soloing. You can never have enough defense, so I recommend slotting it with "tohitdebuff" first and with "defdebuff" last. If you still insist on 6 slotting it, this would be a more efficient way to get what you want and get some endurance reduction as a bonus: RI- (tohitdebuff), (tohitdebuff), (tohitdebuff/endurance reduction), (defdebuff/endurance reduction), (defdebuff), (defdebuff).

One other IO/Proc worth mentioning is Achilles' Heel "Chance for resist debuff". This proc is cheap and works nicely in RI. It will add another -20% resist for about 10 seconds. This is a nice chunk of damage when combined with the EF debuff.

There are a few more things I would like to comment on but I really need to run to work. Send me a PM if you have any questions on anything.