Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




What, no Nictus?



/e pissed

Weren't the villain epics supposed to be achieved WITHOUT reaching level 50?

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that's what they originally wanted, but that interview was like what? over a year ago, things change.



Oh my god, this has completely blown me away. I'd heard rumor of the Roman stuff, but holy crap, VEATs?!? I am floored and I can't wait.



Remember when people were saying that Issue 11 was the best issue ever?

Issue 12 seems like its going to generate more hype than ALL previous issues combined.

I have wanted to make a Super Strength scrapper and a Ninjitsu scrapper for SO LONG.

Developers, keep up the good work. (But how in the world can you do better than this?)

Now, to hear the countless askings of Issue 12's release date.....( I hope it's before Metal Gear Solid 4 at least.)

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



/e pissed

Weren't the villain epics supposed to be achieved WITHOUT reaching level 50?

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that's what they originally wanted, but that interview was like what? over a year ago, things change.

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They've pretty much always stated that the first villain EAT would be a 50 to unlock. *Future* EATs after that will have other ways of being unlocked.

Still here, even after all this time!



I personally think the devs keep adding too much low level content. With this addition, it will probably be impossible to do it all with one character. Fortunately we have Ouroborus, but it still seems like time should be spent at less interesting levels.

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I think that levels 10-20 are a great place to put storyarcs. Unless one goes to the Hollows, which I actively skip, you do not really have arcs available (blueside) until Faultline at 15. I enjoy playing arcs a lot more than regular contact missions or scanners, so I can see me doing these Midnight missions on every new toon I roll.

I also like it that lower-level toons can start to get involved in some of the NPC groups. It can get kind of depressing when you can't help out right away.

Oro Mender: "It's OK, hero. I know you mean well. But we can't have you pressing the wrong button on your wrist and end up being eaten by a dinosaur. You come back after you've beaten up more Circle, OK? *pat pat*"



damn someone already got the named " Caligula"!!!!

Don Ceaser
Don Brass
Don .. well I start my names with Don



Remember when people were saying that Issue 11 was the best issue ever?

Issue 12 seems like its going to generate more hype than ALL previous issues combined.

I have wanted to make a Super Strength scrapper and a Ninjitsu scrapper for SO LONG.

Developers, keep up the good work. (But how in the world can you do better than this?)

Now, to hear the countless askings of Issue 12's release date.....( I hope it's before Metal Gear Solid 4 at least.)

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Who's to say scrappers are getting SS? Don't get your hopes up. Each AT only gets one primary and one secondary, minus MMs and Brutes (who get two primarys and one secondary).

@Ninth Cloud



So at what point do Water powers come to play?
I'd think that would be pretty neat. I know Ice resembles water, but it isn't "Water" itself, so I think they should add water powers is all =]



It makes sense for the first 2 villain EATs to be unlocked the same was as the hero ones. When the Khelds first came out we were led to believe the first villain EATs would be unlocked the same way. I also see no real flaw with new EATs unlocked at levdel 50 as long as they don't raise the requirement if they ever raise the level cap. I think this was Jack's main concern since the Khelds were a reward for 'capping out' a hero, so if that mindset stays you could never expand the level cap without changing when people get a Kheld and that could upset those who weren't 50 before the cap was raised.

Future EATs for either side will NOT have a level requirement (at least not a hard one like 50), but instead will require something like getting certain badges/accolades/contacts/missions/recipes/etc. to be able to unlock them.

At least the Khelds and Destined Ones aren't going the WoW route where the EAT (or 'hero class' as WoW is calling them) starts out 10 levels from max and is significantly more powerful than the other ATs/classes.

I think the biggest downfall Jack and the team made was to call these 'epic' ATs since it implies they're somehow much more powerful than the other ATs when in fact they're just more flexible and tailored to the storyline. I think Prestige would have been a better term for them since they're an AT awarded to an account for accomplishing something.



The thread is growing faster than I can read it! (At work...work keeps getting in the way)

I just want to say WOOHOO!!!! This game was already awesome...and it just keeps getting better!



Great. Whatever makes CoV unique, let's give it to CoH. Why bother playing CoV at all? This issue addresses absolutely ZERO CoV issues or concerns, or even quality of life. But hey, let's fix the hallows -- never mind at all that Grandville has been the bane of most people's existence due to its lag nature. Let's throw some new costumes out too while we're at it.

But at least you gave us a unique epic AT. Oh wait. We've seen them throughout all our levels thus far in the game. Not really new are they? Sorry i dont share everyone's enthusiasm over what is a fancy band-aid, a shiny glittering object of distraction and the removal of anything remotely unique to CoV. I guess i passed my d20 will save.



This is precisely what I came here to ask. I mean, those who bought the resuisite pack receive 4 new character slots. 1 or 2 more would be awesome, let alone something like 4 or 8 (the latter making it an even 20 character slots).



I really like what I am seeing so far with this issue.

But, how about some more content that is villain only?



Why on earth would they be unlocked without a 50?
Only if you could unlock Khelds without one!

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I remember reading something that Emmert said about lvl 50 epic unlocks was a mistake, and I assume that most of the devs feel the same way.

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We had to do it this way for the first Villain EAT... parity in unlocking the EATs across both games and all that.

Future EATs (if we dare go in that direction) will have different methods of unlocking (obviously, since the "get to 50" is already done).

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Why on earth would they be unlocked without a 50?
Only if you could unlock Khelds without one!

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I remember reading something that Emmert said about lvl 50 epic unlocks was a mistake, and I assume that most of the devs feel the same way.

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We had to do it this way for the first Villain EAT... parity in unlocking the EATs across both games and all that.

Future EATs (if we dare go in that direction) will have different methods of unlocking (obviously, since the "get to 50" is already done).

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Does that mean a MM based VEAT?

Poison Pill



My girlfriend is going to take this news pretty hard.

I think she was harboring hopes that I might actually spend LESS time on the computer.

50 Claws/Regen Scrap, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, 50 SS/Invuln Tanker, 50 Robot/Traps MasterMind, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Ninja/Ninja Stalker, 50 Elec/Shield Brute, 50 Elec/Time Controller



Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Wait... blasters too? Blaster support sets, like mastermind primaries, are unique. You'd have to build an entirely new set.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Quick question for LH or BAB.

Is this port over of power sets going to also contain a port over of the the upgraded (villainside) fire effects for Tank Fire Shields?

I really want the kooler looking flames on my fire tanks. Please say it does.



Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Wait... blasters too? Blaster support sets, like mastermind primaries, are unique. You'd have to build an entirely new set.

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Energy Melee is kind of an exception to that. Maybe Blasters'll get a port from a Dom secondary?

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Can't wait for my Psi/NRG, definetly be the first time I take a Blaster past the 30s. Or my Fortunata...Night Widow...Bane Spider...AAAH! I needz muh I12!

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Wait... blasters too? Blaster support sets, like mastermind primaries, are unique. You'd have to build an entirely new set.

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Energy Melee is kind of an exception to that. Maybe Blasters'll get a port from a Dom secondary?

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Energy Melee is NOT a blaster secondary. You're thinking of Energy Manipulation, which is a completely different animal. This leads me to believe that yes, there is a completely new set for blasters.*

This leads to the question: just how much money did you guys make from the wedding pack?

edit: *even if it's just a collection of similarly themed powers that already exist.



(QR, apologies if anything I comment on's been addressed or clarified)

Ohh so happy. I have one Brute who's getting rerolled to Axe the instant this hits live, and I'm really looking forward to /Storm Corrupting...will we see more support sets for Masterminds as well?

Roman costumes are hot.

I have to say it's an excellent idea to include Powerset Proliferation with new lower level content for all the new alts coming, though I notice there's no such content (announced) for Villains (excepting VEAT storylines).

On the subject of VEATs -- the game already treats you like a minion of Arachnos, what do I need to be an actual Spider or Widow for? While this reflects the HEATs by having two variations of the same basic concept, I think a lot more people would have been made happy by one Arachnos AT and another of a completely independent theme. Also, if all the new Arachnos-y costume pieces are exclusive in every variation to the VEATs, that will also be suck (the high collar dammit, GIVE ME). ...I am very intrigued by the branching powerset set-up, though, and if it works it sounds like something I'd like to see more of as the game evolves.

Everything under "Major Gameplay Improvements"? GREAT. Especially Insp conversion and the Level Up Boost. Though I'm going to be annoyed every time I level up on a mission complete bonus and the boost is wasted, it's still going to be really cool when it hits at the right time.

Also, there better be a proper Monocle costume piece included with this just for including it in the artwork at the top of the preview.

VEAT griping aside, this looks like another really, really good issue; I'm psyched.

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Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



I find it interesting that people still manage to complain about this kind of thing. They need to open there eyes and see that CoH doesn't have to offer half of the things they do. I mean 3 new issues every year...while other games you have to purchase it. Also, they said this was pretty small compared to i13, so instead of complaining enjoy it and wait for the next "bigger" upgrades soon to come.



So at what point do Water powers come to play?
I'd think that would be pretty neat. I know Ice resembles water, but it isn't "Water" itself, so I think they should add water powers is all =]

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fun fact, energy blast used to be water blast