Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




THank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Not only did you finally bring us the VEAT, you're supplying the Roman costumes I need for my Roman Corruptor, Xiphos. I very much look forward to this Issue. Everything looks great. I can't wait!


Did I say thank you? (hugs computer!)




I strongly suspected we were getting ready to see alot of cross-AT "pollination" of the reserved powersets, and I'm entirely happy to see it happen. While I'm sure a goodly amount of work is needed to make sets fit properly into different ATs its still a lot less work I'm imagining than making entirely new sets. This was a low-hanging fruit just daring to be plucked. Gimme my axe brute, mine mine mine!

One downside - ya can't keep giving us new powersets after 4 years and not give us more more server slots. I'm not paying for a third account, its just not going to happen, the second account was hard enough to justify. And after 4 years I've made so many friends on a single server its just not feasible to up and move elsewhere. I know the "play on another server" suggestion is the standard mantra but its not realistic. Give us more slots! I'll gladly trade every empty slot I have on Freedom for 2 more slots on Triumph, deal?

The costume bits look wonderful. Improved power tray UI, great! Contact management improved, awesome. Inspiration conversion, weird and not even asked for that I know of but gladly taken. Level-up boost, also kinda weird and neat. Hyperlinked chatting? Oh heck ya! More Real Numbers, sign me up!

Yet another new mysterious organization (magic-based, to boot) that we've somehow never heard of in 4 years of exploring the CoH universe? Meh. Roman-styled maps? Any new additions are nice but it sounds pretty bland.

Excited, eager, mildly dampened over this Midnight Squad business and the increasingly painful need for extra char slots. i12 preview review: 8.5 out of 10.

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Id like to be able to trade all slots on 2 servers for 10 additional slots on 1 server. Make it 3 for 1 if you are going to freedom.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I'm loving all the nice improvements in this issue. The new content is just an extra bonus.



Just one thing I'd like to see:
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[/color] That's all. TY GL HF.


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Like someone else has said, I'd give up a lot of slots on other servers for more on my home server of Pinnacle.

"To crush your enemies,
See them driven before you,
and to hear the lamentation of their women."



Man i do hope blasters get radiation... then i can be my very own Shivan!



/Storm corrputor. *squeee*




c'mon Instant Healing

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ow ow ow ow...MEDIC!!!!!!!!!

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I actually had to use my inhaler by the time I was done reading the announcement.

Some Established Villains:
Father McKenzie - Fire/Dark, Voltage Adapter - Elec/Nin
Some Established Heroes:
Sous Chef - DB/WP, Frost Advisory - Ice/Kin, Papa Xmas - Ice/FF, Bubbe - Sonic/Kin, Redeker Plan - Arch/Dev, Dr. Duplicitous - Ill/Kin



In no particular order:

More Real Numbers: Players can now display stats on powers before they choose them enabling more informed power selection and new temporary powers allow players to display enemy stats.

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Very, VERY nice to see the bit about "seeing before buying" ... and the temporary powers bit sounds intriguing. ^_^ A+

Inspiration Conversion: Right click an inspiration to convert three of that kind into any one inspiration of another kind.

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Hey ... that's a nice QOL change! My g/f will love it ... about he only kind of inspiration she cares for/about are greens ... ^_^


Hey, wait ... that means you can make an Awaken on demand, if you need to!! Woo!! A+

Contact display redesign: Contacts are now listed separately as Active and Inactive, and players can sort contacts by a range of criteria including Name, Zone, and Level Range.

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Excellent ... this is something I, personally, have wished for ... well, for all but the first month of my time here in Co*. A++, with a gold star!

Eight configurable new power trays let players customize their User Interface by placing them anywhere on the screen.

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... *gamergasm*

Okay, okay, it's not WoW level UI-customisability (best feature of that game, IMO), but it's probably the next best thing. EIGHT power trays, and we can stick 'em anywhere independantly of each other ...?

I repeat: *gamergasm* ...! A++

Infiltrate the Arachnos organization from within! Upon reaching level 50, Villains unlock two new Epic Archetypes; Wolf Spiders and Blood Widows. They have their own unique storyline and missions, power combinations and costume sets. Branching powersets allow the Wolf Spider to specialize as either a Bane Spider or Crab Spider and the Blood Widow chooses from the Fortunata and Night Widow branches. Each brings with it unique costumes for your Arachnos duties, as well as your newfound role as a Destined One.

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WOOOOO HOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!

My villain main is ... 46.4, IIRC. That means, I need 36 bars of XP between now, and when i12 come sout. Oh sweet Mary mother of God ... CRY HAVOK, AND LET SLIP THE HAMSTERS OF W- ... um, well SOMEthing like that, anyway. ^_^

This makes me an extraordinarily happy camper!!

A+++ with an entire PAGE of gold stars!!

Using his newly built Resonance Manipulator, the Villain scientist known as Dr. Brainstorm™ has discovered a way to alter the energy strands which connect every Hero and Villain to their powers. This discovery has not only opened the door to new powers for his fellow Villains in the Rogue Isles™, but has also done the same for the Heroes of Paragon City ™! Specifically, new characters of almost every Hero and Villain archetype gain access to an additional primary and secondary powerset that they didn’t have access to previously. Details to come!

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Oooooooooo, shiny ...! A+


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This sounds very interesting; I hope those of us above 20 will still be able to do the "Join" arcs, even if we face walls of Grey-conned mobs and earn no XP for it? B- (pending a yes/no on that hope of mine - it'll go to A+ if the answer is "yes" ...)




Why would Brutes want Ice OR SR? How well would a defensive set play out on a Brute who wants fury?

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Brutes actually had Ice powersets available in CoV beta. As I recall, they were removed because they conflicted with Fury too much--all the stacking slows meant fewer enemy attacks, which made it much, much harder to build and maintain Fury. Doing away with the slows would have broken the theme of the sets and, more importantly, removed a big chunk of their mitigation potential.

SR Brutes could still work, but over-reliance on defense might be somewhat dicey for an AT that depends on having lots of attacks directed at it. Many players are dubious about Energy Aura for this reason, despite the (relatively minor) resistance powers in the set.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



*sigh* Way to screw villains YET AGAIN.

*HIGHLY disappointed with the "epic" archetype*

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Jezus. Can we have your stuff now?

Be excited about something for once. This is really nice. Very, very good changes and improvements, new zones, .... but no, *you* wanted something else.

make your own damn game. Then you'll be happy.

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No, you may not have my stuff because I'm not leaving, as I'm not forced to play this pathetic excuse for a villain "epic". I'll still happily play my Stalkers and enjoy it.

But, see.. yet again we're forced into being Recluse's lackey. This is one of the major complaints many villain players have about this game. I can understand wanting to do something generic as it's incredibly easy to do, but compared to Kheldians, this is a poor, poor archetype.

I'm excited about the other stuff, I guess. Just, talk about a let-down.

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You haven't even seen it yet, how can you say it's a "poor, poor archetype"??

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I'm sure you already know, but in case you don't:

That's what people on the intarw3b forumz do!


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Kinetics for Scrappers plz!!!! The hell with my defences, ill transfusion myself and fulcrum meh!!!

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I have a feeling that Stalkers are gonna get a big hairy shaft...

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I'm actually scratching my head as to what Stalkers could get.

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As I said, a big hairy shaft.

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Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



- Costume options for Roman/Greek looks
- More new content for Heroes and Villains
- New Primary for Tankers
- QoL features

I am really looking forward to I12.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



What about the BASES!!!!!!!! Omg Issue after issue, the base builders get the promise... "Its not forgotten.... We'll fix the bugs.... We'll add more content...."

Ok Issue 12, I call Bull! You broke your promise. Yes all this new stuff is great and very much so needed. I bought CoV for the Super Bases and for 6 whole issues, roughly 50% of the updates and 100% of the life of the base... they have been forgotten.

Join @BaseBuildersInc. for help and ideas into the world of Amazing Super Bases.



So Stalkers are getting a new Shaft power set?! Cool

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A Shaft set?!? Shut yo mouth!



If this is a minor issue, I may need CPR after I13.




High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



WOW! Can't wait. Electric Tank? Psychic Blaster?

The Hollows? A place I use? (Yes, I currently skip it).

This is great!

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Admittedly, the VEAT's sound a little "meh" after having beat down so many of them over time, but then I recall that Ghost Widow is a Seer, and the Arbiters are Wolf Spiders. The Boss and Lt version of both types are always a bit of something to keep an eye on; very similar to the Longbow Commanders. The Point of Villans is that everyone in CoV is a lackey of Arachnos. So nothing changes, nor did I expect them to. Even Kheldans are attached to Freedom Corps as the Peacebringer Army, you even see them in uniform in the 50+ areas of RWZ.

Kheldans are not more powerful then other ATs (in terms of damage output), they are simply far more flexable. Spiders and Widows I expect to be smilar. I know for a fact that Crab Spiders blast with the best of them, while enjoying solid Tank survivability; something no Villian AT can pull off, to my knowledge.

I'm reserving judgement untill I see them tested, however, the combiniations I've seen in the Arachnos I've fought, are giving me quite a bit of excitement at the prospect.

Ashryn Kaine: 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster (Shut down then put down.)
John Synistra: 50 Earth/Storm/Fire Controller (It feels like cheating.)



if controllers get Dark Miasma....

dibs on Ill/Dark



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

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Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Posi and BAB have said this, does that mean that kheldians are each getting a new powerset...?



Like everything for the most part, but...

...not really feeling the VEAT's just yet. I can be convinced with time, though!

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I was hoping for VEAT's that were less tied to Arachnos, but the rest of the issue is enough win to make up for that! Plus, the VEAT's may turn out to be awesome anyway.

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These are the "earned at 50" EATs.

Who says we won't get a Hero/Villain shared EAT that is earned by some other means? Wasn't "earned by some other means" on the list of things the devs WANTED to do with any future Epic archetype(s), anyway?



Just one thing I'd like to see:
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[/color] That's all. TY GL HF.


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You know, all this raises a question. And I apologize in advance if I'm misremembering this...

(I just hope someone notices this question in the middle of all the speculation about powers, the squeeing, and the grousing...)

The bulk of the Midnight Squad's work was done in Astoria, correct? (Either before or after the Banished Pantheon messed up the place.) And with BP and the Circle swarming all over the place now, there is much bad magical mojo about the place.

Does this mean... maybe... just maybe... part of the MS content could be the heroside effort to reclaim Dark Astoria?

That would be the height of fricking awesome.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)