Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




I have a feeling that Stalkers are gonna get a big hairy shaft...

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I'm actually scratching my head as to what Stalkers could get.

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As I said, a big hairy shaft.

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So Stalkers are getting a new Shaft power set?! Cool



Invuln with invinc replaced with recon might not be too bad.

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



Customizable powers? Hell Yes!

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I don't mean to destroy your enthusiasm, but you're mistaken about this one.



Great, more 10-20 content. Now I have one more task pulling at me, added to Hollows, Steel Canyon, and Fautline. In such a short amount of time, too, thanks to XP smoothing. I guess this is what you'd call a good problem to have.

Thank god, a new map! Not only does CoH begin to cross the world, it begins to cross time as well. I'm not seeing many, if any obviously reused assets, so that's a good thing.

I still don't believe in locking out costume pieces. Those Roman costume pieces....I don't know if locking them off is a good idea. Seems a tad bit too generic a concept for me.

However, I've no problem whatsoever with the epic Villain archtypes; costumes, powerset branching and all. Perfect fit. Now I'm going to have to take a villain to the top instead of giving up at 20.

Last week, I had wanted to make a plant controlling type hero, but was bummed out that he'd have to be a villain. The powerset proliferation announcement made my day.

People who couldn't handle the Hollows are girly men! But I'm glad the rest of us manly men are going to have a better time in it from now on. I'll be up for taking out Frost Fire again.

Thank god for the contact improvements. With all the fast leveling you can do in the early game, it was getting confusing to keep track of which contacts you could use and which were outleveled. Add Ouroboros and you have recipe for a headache.

Inspiration conversion, also thank god. I can't count the times that I've had a bunch of blues I didn't need, or a bunch of revives my team was too awesome to ever have to use.

The level up boost sounds neat.

Overall, as NCSoft's first issue with Cryptic (I don't know if 11 counts..), and with warnings that transitional issues may not be as meaty, I think I'm very satisfied with what's in the pipeline.




Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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I dont mind giving up my new Primary for my MM as long as you are nice and say that our new Secondary is Emp....?? ... PLEASE???? ... I'll beg...



Why would Brutes want Ice OR SR? How well would a defensive set play out on a Brute who wants fury?

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Because whether your opponent hits or not doesn't influence Fury, only that they attacked.

I wonder what Primary corruptors will get?

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Ok, thanks for the clarification.

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Oh god, please don't relegate MMs to heal bots...



YES!! Yay!! Woo Hoo!! Happy Happy!! Joy Joy!!

Just one thing. Any news on Shields?

This is introducing Roman era features after all. Seems fitting.

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YEAH!! What about Shields?

Just noticed in the Picture the ROMANS have shields, does this mean we'll be getting them as well?



O_O I think my dream just came true... SCRAPPERS MIGHT GET ENERGY MELEE!! WOOOOOOOO!!

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Maybe, but I really want just plain old SuperStrength.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



they could have atleast given the plant controllers a different looking pet. venus fly trap seems evil, needs something more heroic IMO. (a prancing rose thats shoots thorns?)

Victory Server
Ridgid lvl 50 energy/energy Blaster
Powder Puff lvl 50 ill/rad Contoller
DeRidgidnator lvl 50 energy/energy Brute
Santa's LittleHelper lvl 50 ice/kin Controller



Issue 12 looks awesome!!




Why would Brutes want Ice OR SR? How well would a defensive set play out on a Brute who wants fury?

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Cuz misses count for fury just as much as actual hits.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Ok, first of all...

*ZOMG Faints*

*Comes to*

Okay, now that I've gotten that outta the way...

My guesses for the blaster secondary...psy assault (which was mentioned and makes sense...already exists in a form for doms) to go along with the psy primary that's been confirmed...but other possibilities...maybe a combination of both DMs? Or maybe even Sonic??

And am I the only one that's in a state of *squee* over the fact that there's now going to be a hospital in the Hollows?? No more running back from AP on those lowbie toons. Yay!

And being able to look at my contact list without scratching my head wondering whether or not I've outleveled them is gonna be chalk full of awesome.

Oh yeah...and one more thing...

/signs every petition made thusfar requesting additional character slots.

MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
Feedback & Rating Trades Welcome!



Powerset Proliferation YAY! Midnight Squad Content Awesome I love new content! Hollows zone makeover (if you remove the gulch I will miss it, that was like one of the best experiences falling into that sucker for the first time hahaha) Roman Style Maps - Yay more feasting for the eyes, The costumes I'm not into but yay anyways! Major Gameplay improvements! Yay and Thankyou

This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea




Everything looks great....except the villain epics. I am so not excited about being a Night Widow or Crab Guy.

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Villains have crabs??? you heard it here first!

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



My God.... I have to hand it to the Devs. I didn't think this would be that great of an issue but..... They've managed to impress me for the 3rd time in a row!



Im not going to address the topics that others have discussed at length as GOOD things - Notably Power Proliferations, Villian Epics etc. But I did want to question the decision to include roman (roman?) maps and costumes...

WTH is with this? I can not name one SUPERHERO (Miller's "300" is NOT a superhero comic) comic book that has ever gone to the Roman time period. This is a VERY bizarre choice. Whatever happened to the surveys about what kind of content that the players were given way back when? I seem to remember COOL things like a lunar base or underwater settings... Unless theyre going to introduce mythological beasts such as hydras and cerberus, this is going to be VERY lame.

I was playing this game to play in SUPERHERO settings...

Any thoughts on this roman thing?

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Um, hello? It is very common in comic books to go tripping through time and space and come upon strange things like this (Ever read Doctor Strange?, New Mutants, Power Pack, Fantastic Four, The Maxx, Spawn, the list goes on). They just happened to choose to do a Roman trip instead of a Dinosaur one. Just because a comic book does not revolve around a theme doesn't mean it is disincluded from possibility.

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I would like to add to this, seem to remeber Marvel getting rid of 1 main SG namely the AVENGERS and putting them into a Midevil Past...which they have revisted serval times to this GENERA; also there has been a lot of visiting the Ancient Egyptian times in both DC and Marvel...(i.e. Hawk Man and Immortus a.k.a KANG)

That'd be something cool to think of for another Issue, for all the villian (acting like a Hero) complainers...we could have a KANG type villian come to earth via time, space, dimension and offer slavery to all...the heroes can't match this Villians ferocity and keep getting killed or beat, and have to rely on the villians leadership (i.e. lack of moral blockers) to fight a real down and dirty fight, that the Heroes just have to suck up and go along with. Then at the end after killing/defeating said super Villian the team splits and has to fight each other...which would mean you'd have to have an = amount of players vill/hero per team...but would be something diff. and cool. IDK just rambling.....






they could have atleast given the plant controllers a different looking pet. venus fly trap seems evil, needs something more heroic IMO. (a prancing rose thats shoots thorns?)

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*giggles* @ a prancing rose



good news is all this stuff sounds great..bad news..so many new char. options means some beloved characters, I've had for a while will have to get the axe . Slots full on 2 servers..not gonna start on a third server, not saying I have altitis but 45 mo. with the game..stuffs gonna fill up. More slots would rock..but I think I remember a dev post from a while back saying it wasn't really feasible for some reason..

The Harpers

It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again!

Don't forget to help control the Furry population; have your Furry spayed or neutered!

Kellen Wolf/Claw/SR(Scrapper)/ protector
Si'Nifay/Electric/Fire(Blaster)/ protector





*dials crash cart paddles up to 11* JOLT


*faints again*



This looks nice, I really like the QoL items. I'm pretty "meh" on the villain epic, but I dust off my villains so infrequently I'm not concerned.

So, any chance I could get an invite to the closed beta?

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



OH my freakin gawd the possibilities are endless plus hybrid toons one with a hero primary and a villain secondary....PVP will become a whole new experience thats fer sure...PLUS villain AT's and since I only play redside this a HUGE added bonus(FINALLY)...i think i might explode......



I am so excited about Issue 12. I think this is going to be a hard one to beat in the future. I’m just sad it’s going to cost me so much money in the long run. After this, I am going to have to go back to gaming addiction anonymous again. I was doing so well too.....

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Midnight Squad Content

Looks very intriguing.

Roman Style Maps and Costumes

New costumes and maps are always welcome.

Villain Epic Archetypes

HOT DAMN!!!!!!! Finally, and they seem epic.

Powerset Proliferation

Like with costumes and map -- new ones are always welcome.

Hollows Zone Makeover

Hollows always seemed more of a pain than fun, so any update swill be welcome (although I do enjoy the Cavern trial.)

Major Gameplay Improvements

Very nice indeed.

Now the negative (in other words, where the hell are these things already? )

Where is new villain only content; meaning missions, maps, zones and/or SF's (especially SF's)? It feels to me the only time villains new content, it's because heroes got it and the devs have graciously decided the villains to tag along. Read the wording on the announcement.

Stolen from Paragonwiki [ QUOTE ]
A team of mystics, magicians, and scholars, the Midnight Squad originally banded together in 1933 to defend Paragon City from evil occultists like the Circle of Thorns. Unlike other hero organizations, the Midnight Squad typically operates in secrecy and shadow.

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The Squad are heroes. Sure the need to rebuild their numbers, but are they really going to accept destined ones to join, or just tag along as a non-combat pet for heroes. (Sorry BaBs but I had to. )

I have a hard time getting excited playing red-side because after 3 50's and several other higher level villains, I am b o r e d. At least on the Blue side there are things that I haven't accomplished yet and their are many more zones to explore (I love the Shard.)

If all the new content can be done by either a hero or villain, I will pick a hero so I can do it and old content that I haven't hit yet (or at least 19 dozen times or so.) The new Epics may get me to go over, but that is because they are the attraction, not new missions, arc, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I thank you deeply for enriching this great game that I truly love (so much so that wife agro has became a problem from time to time ) but please in the near future, give the villains that currently exist some new dastardly deeds to perform, separate from those good-two shoes heroes.