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  1. You lead a fantastic team! You all were there through the loss of my father, allowing me to escape the pain, if but for a short while. You've given me hope and happiness in my life. I can never thank you all enough! I can truly say I will miss you all ! May you find joy, support and prosperity with all your life's adventures!
  2. I've deleted a few 50's now. It's not that hard. I make sure the inf has been transfered off and any salvage & insp have been put into the base first. If there are any I/O set items I want, I'll do a free respec frist to grab them and sell the rest of the stuff off if possible. Then I go to the character screen and delete it. It's just stuff. It's not an investment with real value. I don't invest time into the game, I use it to escape so it's more like time well spent.

    You can always move the toon to a different server and use the empty slot to make the new toon if you want. Then you don't have to delete them. If that helps.
  3. Pans_Folley

    i20 black screen

    Originally Posted by buddhabear View Post

    I left the game up and running. Still have the black screen after 20 minutes. I sent support my system profile this morning. Hopefully this gets resolved soon(ish).
    They asked me to do the same thing.

    One note is that I have bootcamp and loaded up CoH on the Windows 7 side as well. It worked just fine. Same equipment being used, just using windows drivers instead of the mac drivers. Both the old launcher and new launcher worked just fine. This is telling me it is an issue with the latest release and mac drivers and the ATI card.
  4. Pans_Folley

    i20 black screen

    Originally Posted by CrystalMoon View Post
    No, my screen is completely blank except for the mouse cursor.
  5. Pans_Folley

    i20 black screen

    Yup, I'm using ATI Radeon HD 5750 and drivers have been updated already. I've updated to the most current launcher available from the account downloader.
  6. Yeah, I've noticed it too. I talked with my SG and they're all expreiencing it as well, bot Mac & PC. I must say, when it first happened, I thought to myself, "What did they do to Mac now?", but I was happy to hear it was universal.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
    another good way is for everyone who wants to purchase one for your friend paypal them the money and then they can use the money in thier pay pal account to purchase the boosters.
    That would be a great idea! I'm only wondering if he would be willing to accept our money? I think we're trying to do this as a gift and if there is a chance he will turn it down, I'm afraid he may.

    - an accomplice in this endeavor...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    I see what you did - you made a COPY of the application instead of an Alias. The desktop icon should have a black curved arrow in the lower left corner if it's an Alias - otherwise it's a copy.
    Ah Ha! That's what Alias means. I havn't looked into that yet, but now I know. I am learning a little bit more as I go along.

    Thank You!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
    Thank You for the detailed info. I did it exactly as you show and I still am not getting it to work. It's almost as if it's hooked on some other location. I put in the QuickChat file as shown in the sample and made a menu entry on that. I made a brand new mnu file and still I've gotten no where with it. I was able to get it to work on a laptop that I run once in a while that runs on Windows XP, but I don't use the Bootcamp feature on my iMac so I only run Leopard OS X 10.6.5 . (I used the English setup)

    Thank You for the help. I really appreciate it.
    OK, I just figured it out.

    Mac is not like windows. I was working on the package content under the application folder in Finder. However, I have a shortcut on the desk top which I was using to launch CoH with. It turns out it has it's own Package Content it calls from. Once I moved the Data File over to the app I launch from the desktop, it worked just fine. I was able to call my pets and buff them just fine from the file.

    Thank You All So Much for the Help! I was ready to pull out what little hair I have left. You 'All Saved Me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
    This does work, as I've done it on my OSx86 install of CoH, right click the City of Heroes icon, show package contents, nvaigate to City of create the folder "Data" (no quotes) then inside data create texts/English (or uk, if you are running the EU version of CoH)/Menus.

    So now your path should look like City of uk)/Menus/ now place your .mnu file in there and start the CoH client.
    Thank You for the detailed info. I did it exactly as you show and I still am not getting it to work. It's almost as if it's hooked on some other location. I put in the QuickChat file as shown in the sample and made a menu entry on that. I made a brand new mnu file and still I've gotten no where with it. I was able to get it to work on a laptop that I run once in a while that runs on Windows XP, but I don't use the Bootcamp feature on my iMac so I only run Leopard OS X 10.6.5 . (I used the English setup)

    Thank You for the help. I really appreciate it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    CoH runs on OS X in virtualization mode, so the Windows files are contained in the app's package. To see the contents of the Windows directory structure they're talking about, select the City of, right-click and choose "Show Package Contents". From there, it's just a matter of digging into the folders, i.e. City of

    If you follow the instructions in the Pop Menu thread, things should work fine.
    Thank You for the info. I followed the path in and was not able to locate the file. I went ahead and followed what they had suggested and inserted my own file. It didn't work. I was snooping around and found a keybind of "|" to call a quickchat but when I was looking for the quickchat file, I could find nothing. I have the feeling that CoH for Mac has those files programmed in rather than a file that is called. I'll keep looking around the files to see what I can see.

    Thank You Again for the info though! I now know how Mac stores the files which is a big plus for me!
  12. I found this link : Quick Chat

    It looks like he's navigating through the windows files. I am not able to locate these files in the COH stuff on my Mac. Am I going to be able to run this kind of feature using the Mac Version of the game?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    I'm not sure if he was using the Magic of POPMENUs, but they're pretty good too.
    Uber Cool ! Thank You All !
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    My video was recorded with WeGame (free), and the movie was put together with Sony Vegas (not usually free). Vegas lets you do a lot more with video than Windows Movie Maker, but I doubt it's worth the investment (if you plan to actually buy it).
    Speaking of your vid. I noticed at the beginning that you used a pull down menu to activate your shields. I'm new to tanking as being a controller and master mind mostly, and I've never seen that before on a tank. Is that something you can share on how to do? It would free up some serious space on a tray.

    Thank You !
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    If you have 800 million you'll probably have to settle for the Smashing Haymaker sets... you'll never get all the Kinetic Combat IO's for that. Last I looked the cheapest Kin Combat was close to 80 million and most were WELL over 100 million. Since you're looking at 4 sets of 4 IO's each, or 16 IO's total with an average price somewhere south of 100 million each I don't think you can afford them.

    You can easily afford a very good build, you'll just have to leave out the Kin Combat set at least for now. 200 merits MIGHT net you enough inf on random rolls, then again it might not too. You could turn those 200 merits and 80 million into 4 hero merits; I THINK most of the Kin Combat can be bought for 1 A-merit per recipe. That's still quite a ways from what you need.

    I'd suggest getting the Steadfast 3% def unique (15 million), the Numina Regen/Recovery unique (100 million) and the Reactive Armor sets. The rest should be fairly inexpensive.
    Plus - Put a note out to the SG on what you're looking for still. We can always give you what drops if it's what you need. We've got your back!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kusac View Post
    Appreciate the advice Awesome. The Tank has over 800mil on him with a couple hundred merits sitting around unused so I'm hoping I can afford whatever changes I'm gonna make. I'll keep tweaking my build.
    Howdy Kusac! I am glad you went to the forums for some advice. Teaming with you has been a blast in the past, but now, I'm thinking we'll just have to toss you a heal once in a while and let you run the mission for us. LOL

    Seriously though, that is some awesome advice and I'm going to pull a lot of it in for my tank as well. First, I need to get my Energy / Energy blaster built so I can pay you back for the other night while I was running my tank.

    See ya in-game!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    I went to Walmart and bought a logitech USB keyboard for $8.
    I was able to install my G15 - Logitech. It's much nicer now.
  18. If I slot Karma - Knockback Protection into Shadow Fall, will I be the only one to receive the knockback protection or will anyone in the radius of Shadow Fall receive the bonus?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    I think with the G15 the Alt and Windows keys might be reversed - see if that makes a difference.

    I have a G15 but I haven't tried hooking it up to the Mac (because it's a laptop) but I guess I could try it.
    They operate correctly when I use them directly from the keyboard. Both the alt key and the control key + what ever number does work. It's the play back that's losing something in the translation with CoH/CoV. What I've been doing is holding down the Control key and hitting the Gkey I want to activate and it works just fine. I even tried to program the Gkey by hitting the Alt key or Control key once then held it down and the number I wanted. It's still not executing the alt or control key, just the number programmed along with either of them.

    I'm at a total loss. I even swapped out the G15 for another one I have here and still the same issue.

    Thank for your help.
  20. I've been trying to figure out an issue I keep having with my Logitech G15 on my iMac. First, I do not like using the iMac keyboard. It's too small for my fat fingers. I've been using the G15 on my Dell for a few years now and have grown very use to it. I followed the direction on the Logitech website to run it on Mac Snow Leoperd and so far everything seems to work except the G keys for my binds. It also only seems to be when I'm using CoH/CoV that this issue shows up. Other programs seem to work just fine with the G keys.

    The G keys work if I bind to normal keys. Once I introduce the Alt or Ctrl key, it ignors it. So if I program the G1 key to <ATL+1> it only works as <1>. Same with the control key. Yet, if I use the Alt or Control key it works just fine. I look at the keystrokes or quick macro programming and it shows correctly. I even record the quick macro and as I do, the power activates correctly as I record it, but if I try to replay it, I'm back to the same issue again. I know that CoH is not one of the supported games for their pre-programmed profiles or I'd try that. Is there something that CoH needs to be told to accept input from the programmed G keys?

    Thank You for your help!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
    Pan: Your link from CuppaManga does seem to describe exactly what I'm seeing. Frustrating to buy a brand new top-of-the-line Mac to experience UltraMode and I can't play the game.

    Yup, I'm in the same boat. Just received my iMac last Thursday. Trying to get things working and it seems just a bit of a road block at every turn. I've already resigned myself to leave UltraMode off for now. I'm getting so much better graphics then what I used to have, but I would expect the best for what I paid for the iMac.

    Not to drift too far off subject, but how are you adapting to the keyboard? I have a lot to get used to there too. Oh well, it's all a learning experience.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
    Hi folks. I'm hoping one of you can help with this.

    I just got a new iMac and City of Heroes works fine until I switch out to another application (either using Command-TAB or Command-Enter) and then back into COH: after that, the screen is just a solid orangeish color. My character still seems to be in the game as I can hear the game sounds fine, but the view (and user interface) are completely gone. Once it's in this weird mode I have to force quit to get out of the application.

    I've tried various graphics setting and resolutions but nothing has helped.

    Any help is appreciated!


    I've been having the same issue myself. No matter what setting I try, it's going to come back blank. I do know I'm in game too and I can even move around as others in my SG/VG tell me over vent while I'm having this issue. I was looking for an answer when I saw your post. I'll keep watching this one.

    Thanks for Asking!

    Edit: After reading down into the boards a bit further. I found this link from CuppaManga. It may answer our questions.
  23. Pans_Folley

    Virtue Crash!??!

    Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
    Um anyone know whats goin on? Was on team we all mapserved when zombie apocalypse hit Shark,got back on back into mish and mapp'd again.Now Virtue greyed out.
    Yup, Virtue Server Forum is a blaze about it.
  24. Right now we have a Rikiti Invasion triggered by a raid on the mother ship or every once in a while, a zombie attack will trigger. What if you could sign up for a zone raid (random or selected) and choosing any villain group. You want to have Carnies attack Atlas, set it up. You want Malta to attack Steel, so be it. You que up until enough players are enlisted and then the attack begins. Players in the zone will receive notice to duck and cover. (I would even include an "opt out or in" button for those entering the zone. If you're an attacker and are defeated, you are respawned as a new attacker. The zone event is timed for 5 minutes (you don't want it to go on too long or people may get upset) and you would not be able to enter buildings to follow players who choose to duck and cover. At the end, you earn a merit or something for each defeat you took part in. I know all the details would need to be concidered and there would be exploits that would have to be looked into, but the over all idea would give the game some random events created by players. You could even set it up so that you could only create one every couple of hours so the zones were not always under attack.

    Just something different to think about. Thank you for your indulgences. I appreciate it.
  25. /thermal or /pain here. I would follow that up with poison. I like the power sets and look forward to trying them with demonds.