Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!





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How many wedding packs do you have to sell to cover Jack's royalties for everytime you guys use that word?



I have rarely been this happy about an expansion. I have to say the Dev team deserves much much praise for really listening to the playerbase and working so hard to fullfill expectations.

I've not seen this kind of dedication to player requests anywhere else. In the age in which customer service is being labeled as the concierge for inquisitive idiots, this is exemplary.

Hats off.



I think your reading my message wrong, Blaze_Aura.

Ice Control and Storm Summoning fit well together theme wise (Don't think I wouldn't mind a Ice Control/Cold Domination theme tho...not saying that).

However...Fire Control/ for the Trollers lacks a nicely matching Secondary. Thermal Radiation fixes that.

Seeing as how we know Trollers are getting a new Primary and Secondary. And seeing as how it's being ported over and not a newly created one, that leaves two options...

Thermal Radiation and Cold Domination.

Now, if I was going to bet on which one, I'd bet on Thermal for theme reasons.

However...I guess Traps or Poison too. Can't believe I forgot those two sets. :P That opens it up more.

Still betting Thermal Tho.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yet another new mysterious organization (magic-based, to boot) that we've somehow never heard of in 4 years of exploring the CoH universe? Meh. Roman-styled maps? Any new additions are nice but it sounds pretty bland.

Excited, eager, mildly dampened over this Midnight Squad business and the increasingly painful need for extra char slots. i12 preview review: 8.5 out of 10.

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Not sure if anyone has responded to this yet, but if I recall correctly, the Midnight Squad isn't new; a couple of contacts discuss it/were members of it, I think. The missions escape me now, however.

Old Gray Soldier-Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper-Virtue
Hunter Omega Prime-Level 50 WS
Dead Lord-Level 50 Necro/FF MM-Liberty
Grand Glory-Level 39 Arachnos Bane-Freedom



Again, I dont' think they are doing these INTIAL ones by matching.

And you forget that the controllers get ICE control primary. So cold is just as likely as thermal.

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I didn't forget. However, Cold/Storm isn't a bad fit themetically. Fire/ lacks it more imo.

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Cold Domination is a /secondary
Storm is a /secondary
Thermal is a /secondary

Ice and Fire are prmaries for controllers.

HOWEVER, Storm/ is a primary for defenders. Seeing as how corrupters are reverse defenders and controllers and dominators are more linked, I still say Ice/Cold controllers are just as likely as Fire/Thermal controllers.

In other words you can't have a cold/storm corrupter since cold (and now storm) are secondaries for corrupters. And storm was a SECONDARY for controllers.

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Furthermore: Controllers and Dom's BOTH get Ice CONTROL as a primary. Corrupters get ICE Blast. Hence the lovely Ice/Cold corrupter build.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



There's several secondaries Controllers could get other than cold and thermal. There's traps, poison, and dark.

My guess is that Controllers will get plant/poison.

I also guess that defenders will get AR/traps.

I have no idea on scrappers, though.

And, I think mastermind /empathy seems very likely.

ice/ice stalkers and sr brutes sound reasonably likely;

maybe scrappers will get /ninjitsu but what primary could they be given? they already have katana and martial arts... psychic melee?

tankers are likeliest to get the electric sets, though the point about no self heal is very well made - maybe scrappers will get those instead.

it's fun to think about I have been wanting these things for a while.

I'm going to guess that the new blaster secondary will be a psychic manipulation, based partly on the dominator secondary plus the blasts replaced by mind controls (sleep for tier 1, hold for the bigger blast, aoe sleep for the aoe blast)...

similarly I guess for the dominators it'll be earth control and some earth manipulation.





Inspiration Conversion: Right click an inspiration to convert three of that kind into any one inspiration of another kind.

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This is such a minor QoL thing but it has me so excited that they actually did it. I always wanted a streak-breaker on inspirations and this is even better! No more running around with seven insights running because "them what got dropped" for Gail!

Heck, if this is what they're bringing us in transition to a bigger team, then I can't wait to see what Issue 13 is! Because if they have money for the small stuff now, well things look good.



I think your reading my message wrong, Blaze_Aura.

Ice Control and Storm Summoning fit well together theme wise (Don't think I wouldn't mind a Ice Control/Cold Domination theme tho...not saying that).

However...Fire Control/ for the Trollers lacks a nicely matching Secondary. Thermal Radiation fixes that.

Seeing as how we know Trollers are getting a new Primary and Secondary. And seeing as how it's being ported over and not a newly created one, that leaves two options...

Thermal Radiation and Cold Domination.

Now, if I was going to bet on which one, I'd bet on Thermal for theme reasons.

However...I guess Traps or Poison too. Can't believe I forgot those two sets. :P That opens it up more.

Still betting Thermal Tho.

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See I clearly see an Ice Control/Cold being possible also. Keeps the CONTROL/BUFF-DEBUFF setup for contollers just as perfectly as FIRE/THERMAL and it fits just as well thematically.

The corrupter I think got /storm cause defenders have storm as a PRIMARY.

I'm thinking they are going by what is more closely linked.

And defenders (buffs-debuffs primary/blast secondary) being closely linked to corrupters (blast primary/buffs-debuffs secondary).

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I forgot Dark too. Still betting Thermal tho.

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Actually posion would fit even more perfectly than thermal. Especiall with Plant/ LOL.

Also add in the fact that controllers already have a set that gives similar buffs to thermal

ding ding ding.... /EMPATHY.
I'm thiking they'll be looking to give controllers another DE-BUFF set like /storm, such as /dark or /poison or /traps.

EDIT: Also Dark Miasma is asked for WAAAAAY more than thermal for controllers.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Yet another new mysterious organization (magic-based, to boot) that we've somehow never heard of in 4 years of exploring the CoH universe? Meh. Roman-styled maps? Any new additions are nice but it sounds pretty bland.

Excited, eager, mildly dampened over this Midnight Squad business and the increasingly painful need for extra char slots. i12 preview review: 8.5 out of 10.

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Not sure if anyone has responded to this yet, but if I recall correctly, the Midnight Squad isn't new; a couple of contacts discuss it/were members of it, I think. The missions escape me now, however.

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Yeah they're definitely not new to the LORE of the game, however they ARE new to actually being around and among them as a viable group. Normally we're just sent off to the musty old libraries buried in the rubble below Oranbega and such, finding their burnt bones, and retrieving items that they entrusted to Azuria.

I welcome this. this is all kinds of awesome. PLANT CONTROLLLL.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



My guesses:

Blaster - psychic blast (confirmed) and modified Psychic Assault
Brute - axe/mace (confirmed) and Regen
Defender - fire blast and traps
Dominator - earth control and a new stony assault
Controller - plant control (confirmed) and dark miasma
Corruptor - elec blast and storm summoning (confirmed)
MM - no primary (confirmed) and radiation emission
Scrapper - superstrength and ninjitsu
Stalker - broadsword and invuln
Tanker - elec melee and elec armor

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



I12 can't come soon enough!

I'm pumped about this one.



*sigh* Way to screw villains YET AGAIN.

*HIGHLY disappointed with the "epic" archetype*

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Dude, drink haterade much?



Yeah...I forgot some of those Debuff/Buff sets. <I smacked myself if that makes people feel better>.

Still, for Trollers...Thermal is my bet. Could easily be wrong of course. But I'd give it the nod over Poison to go with Plants, seeing as how I can see the life giving plants = Empathy more than Fire Controll = Radiation.

Defenders has alot of options too...I doubt it'll be Poison (no matching Primary). Ice/Cold or AR/Traps seems the best bet (still can't believe I forgot the Traps...I have one of those. )

And MMs have lots of choices for a secondary, but Empathy is sounding like the one.

No new sets are coming tho, just ports. So, for scrappers I'm hoping ElM/ElA (lack of self-heal would go against the tanks I think), with DA/DM most likely for them imo.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



My guesses:

Blaster - psychic blast (confirmed) and modified Psychic Assault
Brute - axe/mace (confirmed) and Regen
Defender - fire blast and traps
Dominator - earth control and a new stony assault
Controller - plant control (confirmed) and dark miasma
Corruptor - elec blast and storm summoning (confirmed)
MM - no primary (confirmed) and radiation emission
Scrapper - superstrength and ninjitsu
Stalker - broadsword and invuln
Tanker - elec melee and elec armor

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ooooh. didn't even think of rad emission for MMs. Makes sense with the way they have /dark and the other one (I forget if its traps or posion)

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

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Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Primary Secondary
Blasters Psi Blast ?
Controllers Plant Control ?
Defenders ? ?
Scrappers ? ?
Tankers ? ?

Brutes Axe, War Mace ?
Corruptors ? Storm Summoning
Dominators ? ?
Masterminds none ?
Stalkers ? ?</pre><hr />
Can we please get those question marks filled in, for the 75% of the slots that don't have anything to go on yet?

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Sorry, you'll have to wait for the follow up article that will expand on the Powerset Proliferation feature.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Ya know they probably could do Illusion Control primary as a modified Mastermind primary. Phantom Army as the first 3 pets, Phantasm as the final. And some type of buff/support phantom for the middle. Maybe spectral terror model but different powers. Could just leave in spectral wounds as the attack. Drop a couple of the holds for the upgrade powers... Maybe even keep Sup Invis for the player and only have 2 attacks instead of 3. Really just grab one or two of the Psy blast attacks and modify the pets, and the thing would work out beautifully.

At least the models and animations are mostly done. Have to be some power rework as they copy the pets and make PA allowed to be damaged and healed.... but at least it'd be possible.

Maybe something for the next round of proliferation?



I forgot Dark too. Still betting Thermal tho.

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Actually posion would fit even more perfectly than thermal. Especiall with Plant/ LOL.

Also add in the fact that controllers already have a set that gives similar buffs to thermal

ding ding ding.... /EMPATHY.
I'm thiking they'll be looking to give controllers another DE-BUFF set like /storm, such as /dark or /poison or /traps.

EDIT: Also Dark Miasma is asked for WAAAAAY more than thermal for controllers.

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Time will tell. Either way, whether it's Thermal or not. It's win for Trollers imo.

More options is all that really matters.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Ya know they probably could do Illusion Control primary as a modified Mastermind primary. Phantom Army as the first 3 pets, Phantasm as the final. And some type of buff/support phantom for the middle. Maybe spectral terror model but different powers. Could just leave in spectral wounds as the attack. Drop a couple of the holds for the upgrade powers... Maybe even keep Sup Invis for the player and only have 2 attacks instead of 3. Really just grab one or two of the Psy blast attacks and modify the pets, and the thing would work out beautifully.

At least the models and animations are mostly done. Have to be some power rework as they copy the pets and make PA allowed to be damaged and healed.... but at least it'd be possible.

Maybe something for the next round of proliferation?

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Except that phantom army is not perma. It fades away after a while.

MM pets are persistent unless killed.

Also NOTHING can kill phantom army short of hamidon.

Not so for mm pets.

EDIT: Bah missed the part where you mentioned the adjustments.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I forgot Dark too. Still betting Thermal tho.

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Actually posion would fit even more perfectly than thermal. Especiall with Plant/ LOL.

Also add in the fact that controllers already have a set that gives similar buffs to thermal

ding ding ding.... /EMPATHY.
I'm thiking they'll be looking to give controllers another DE-BUFF set like /storm, such as /dark or /poison or /traps.

EDIT: Also Dark Miasma is asked for WAAAAAY more than thermal for controllers.

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Time will tell. Either way, whether it's Thermal or not. It's win for Trollers imo.

More options is all that really matters.

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TRUTH. Honestly as a controller lover I'd be happy with ANY of those LOL.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I really have to say that reading the current feature list has really shown the Devs have a solid connection with their audience. The QoL features you guys are implementing are brilliant, the options you are giving us are amazing, and it just feels like the game is heading in the right direction.

I actually did stop playing for a year after ED as it seemed like the game was going downhill. I'd read the upcoming features lists and was just not impressed (Arenas that are still underused, empty PvP zones, PvP balancing, salvage, the original invention system, hollows...) then ED hit and villains just wasn't doing anything for me. A friend convinced me to come back (and I was considering it anyway as Willpower and Dual Blades looked like fun) and I've been enjoying the game since.

At this point I'll have a level 50 DB/WP brute by the time the patch goes live, The VEAT's will hopefully be more enjoyable than the HEAT's (given that one is a blood widow, I'm really hoping so). And more than anything else, I'm able to play my first and favorite level 50 without feeling like I'm wasting my time. (Still have a couple of Ouroboros arcs left and about 600 million influence in IO's to buy...)

So, I just wanted to say, in response to this announcement. Seriously, and truly, THANK YOU.

You guy's have been great;

Panther's Grace:50 Claws/SR
Hena Muri:39 Claws/Regen
Child of Grace:32 WS
Shankilahre:32 DM/WP

Panther's Fury:33 Claws/SR
Anubia:50 DB/WP

Panther's Ghost:50 Night Widow



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

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Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Primary Secondary
Blasters Psi Blast ?
Controllers Plant Control ?
Defenders ? ?
Scrappers ? ?
Tankers ? ?

Brutes Axe, War Mace ?
Corruptors ? Storm Summoning
Dominators ? ?
Masterminds none ?
Stalkers ? ?</pre><hr />
Can we please get those question marks filled in, for the 75% of the slots that don't have anything to go on yet?

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Sorry, you'll have to wait for the follow up article that will expand on the Powerset Proliferation feature.

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Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I have a feeling that Stalkers are gonna get a big hairy shaft...

Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Oh i don't know empathy corrupters might not be so bad as long as they change absorb pain into something like transfer pain then it would be suitably villainous.

Xanthor Defender 50 Empathy/Electricity/Power,
Arctic Heat 42 Tanker Fire/Ice/Pyre Guardian

Xanthor Blaster 50 Fire/Electricity/Electric
Dr Victor Fury MM 50 Robo/Dark/Mace Freedom

Support Big Red Balls