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  1. I like it, but being generous, a full 3rd of the video is intro and credits.

    I am apparently not the first person to comment on this though.

    It's not critical obviously, but just feels excessive to have tacked onto an otherwise 2 minute video.
  2. Gail_Seiht

    Capture the Flag

    I admit to not having read through everything, but as a quick work around, you could make the flag a hostage. That would suppress stealth and speed without even needing extra code, because obviously you'd lose them if you tried.
  3. Gail_Seiht

    15 People

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    3. BAB's animation minion
    4. BAB's animation minion
    5. Castle's powers minion

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sidekicks or Lackeys sound more appropriate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe Castle has two new sidekicks then, not just one. I keep having to resist making jokes about them being there to rub his feet and make him coffee, but I'm sure they're actually also great guys. It'd be cool if this new hiring meant we got to hear from new people too.
  4. Gail_Seiht

    15 People

    Well, I'm really impressed they managed to come out with something like Invasion as an issue, just in terms of things I've enjoyed. It also goes a long way to explain some things that have been sitting as is for what seems like a long time.

    I don't know where else to go with than being glad you guys are actually getting to staff up now.
  5. (QR)

    [ QUOTE ]

    Inspiration Conversion: Right click an inspiration to convert three of that kind into any one inspiration of another kind.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is such a minor QoL thing but it has me so excited that they actually did it. I always wanted a streak-breaker on inspirations and this is even better! No more running around with seven insights running because "them what got dropped" for Gail!

    Heck, if this is what they're bringing us in transition to a bigger team, then I can't wait to see what Issue 13 is! Because if they have money for the small stuff now, well things look good.
  6. Aw, that's so cute, and I'm so glad I read the OP.

    On the other hand it makes feel all weird inside, after trying to get a friend into the game for months, and them never getting it.

    "I want to reduce the recharge time on this power. I slot End Reduction enhancements to do that, right?"

    "What? No, those reduce the endurance cost."

    "Well what reduces recharge time then?"

    “...Recharge reduction enhancements? "

    This was a 20+ old, after playing for 6 months.

    Teaches you how to read my... bottom.
  7. Ok, I'm going to delete my issue from that list then, and just wait till the new one comes up. It's nothing major anyway.
  8. Makes sense, but I didn't want to clutter the nice new sticky
  9. So, which list should we post issues in now?
  10. It's my first time posting in this part of the forum, so I hope there's no unwritten community rules I'm breaking.

    Anyway, I was looking at the megas thread, and since I'm a fan of the 8-bit decided to give it a go myself. It's based off my first character and long time favorite character, an Illusion/Storm controller named Gail Sieht.

    I pretty rapidly left the base design though in pursuit of making it look better. Then I got into animating it. And then fiddling a little with a background.

    Anyway, here's the end result. I'm thinking about turning it into my avatar. I like my current one though.

    Sprite Powers Activate!

    Any feedback, comments or suggestions as to where I might take it further are appreciated. I have the urge to fiddle it into being more interesting, but I'm not sure where to go, given the limitations.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    still wondering what you have to give up in APP's for the extra holds? is it in the set with the mez protection? or fireball?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Primal Forces Mastery has Power Boost, and Stone has a very inconsistent AoE disorient/knockdown. That's all I can find. But they are mutually exclusive with Fireball and Mez Protection.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    You're right Dom. I'm deeply sorry for forgetting this yet again. I'm really going to have to roll up a grav/psi so my opinions will once more be valid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey I play a grav/psi!

    Its actually not too bad, yet

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It might actually not be that bad, but it has the opposite reputation that Fire/Fire does.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Just call me djimmi...or dj. Dom sounds so pretentious in casual conversation (the reason i've been considerin changin my forum name yet again!!!)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Will keep that in mind.

    You could be like me though and have mispelled your name in game due to a brain fart and had it follow over into the forum. Can't quite bring myself to reroll a lv 41 controller, or to make my names inconsistent.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    I suppose it's not worth anything either that I can 3 shot a dozen minions at once with my fire/fire.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gail i'm know us fire/fire doms dont count for [censored] on this board

    Your Insanity May Vary..."I've got the acumen of a seasoned pro, and the lack of say of a billion souls...can't you trip like i do?" - (can't you)Trip like i do - Filter/the Crystal Method from the Spawn OST

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're right Dom. I'm deeply sorry for forgetting this yet again. I'm really going to have to roll up a grav/psi so my opinions will once more be valid.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    And to top it off my troller can still outdamage my shot yellow minions vs. three shotting white minions.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you sure you don't mean 2-shot? Even my Illusion/Storm/Stone can't one shot people, and I'd count setting up containment as a shot.

    I suppose it's not worth anything either that I can 3 shot a dozen minions at once with my fire/fire.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    Out of curiosity, does this tweak include the ability to fire off domination when mezzed?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not initially, but the patch following should have it. I forget to stick that in on the original change, and QA helpfully pointed it out, but not in time to reach the version going out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Crap, I need a new catch phrase.

    Um... 112% Awesome!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't get it. Part of the game is figuring out how to make things work for you, and part of being new to something is screwing that up.

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    There are plenty of opportunities to screw up even if you have a general idea of how the AT is supposed to work.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know, but it sounds a little to me like asking for the solution to a puzzle so you can actually enjoy it.

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    Not the solution, a hint.

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    You hold 'em and hit 'em. That's a hint. Is it enough of one? I have no clue. Slot 50/50 primary/secondary. That's also a hint that seems to have turned out to be true of a lot of people. Does that mean that people don't work outside it and work very well? Nope, and it'd be a shame to pidgin hole people into doing that because that's what 'works'.

    [ QUOTE ]

    But, on the subject, this isn't a puzzle, nor should it be. It's an action MMORPG, not Sudoku. If I want to wrack my brain trying to figure something out, I'll go read a murder mystery. If I want to fly around being a badass with Mind Control powers..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess that'd be the root of your problem then. Your comment seems to imply that you'd rather the game was set to easy, and then could cruise control your way through things by being 'bad [censored]'. Personally, the only reason I play any game is to try and work out the strategy of playing it. This is also why I have completely given up on Masterminds, since I've found out that all it takes for me to finish a solo spawn on the second highest setting at lv 12 is two clicks and a book to kill the time till I win.

    Seeing as doms are all about winning through stragety, it's no surprise you don't like them.

    [ QUOTE ]

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    Plus you can't hand players a guide to how to play an AT, since there isn't one. The devs might have an idea of how something should work but players are the ones that come up with the real strategies.

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    I can't believe this is right. It makes too little sense.

    Are you trying to tell me that the Developers designed something.. that they don't know how to work themselves? How could you possibly expect to develop something that is balanced and fits into a class dynamic if you don't know just what it can do?

    If they're not doing this (and reflecting on past changes, holy christ, they aren't are they?), then why the hell not?

    This seems like it's basically tantamount to 'Okay, we'll release this functionally untested and unknown quantity as a finished part of this complex game onto the public, without any warning about it's true nature. When things go pear shaped, we'll fix it a few months later'.

    Speaking as a guy with a degree in programming, that concept scares the everloving [censored] out of me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Speaking as someone who also has a programming degree, I'm rather unperturbed by it. I won't say they don't have some idea of how things will work, a general idea that this is a support class that does X, Y, & Z and has these relationships with these AT's in planning. But the entire environment of a MMO is impossible to replicate through testing. You can do part, but you can't possibly come up with every idea that a player will, and every idea that will spawn off of that, and every idea that'll spawn off of that. This would matter a lot less in a static one player game, where someone eventually 'breaking' things through unconventional play wouldn't spread (like Herding), or where adding something new wouldn't could interact with millions of things in unexpected ways (like ‘Cudda Farming).

    Some planning has to be done, but in the end it's the players who decide how the game is going to be played, not the Devs. I think I'd cite for this the most old fear effects. Useful in the developer's vision of how the game was to be played, but distinctly not in how the player base decided to go with the game. Blappers would also be a good example.

    At this point, seeing how people react to things, I'd be much more inclined to give them a playground to work in, where I've generally balanced things out, internally and in team play, and then tweak things to suit their needs as their inclinations begin to show up.

    I guess it’s the same way I’m not afraid of the developers of my web browser because someone, somewhere has designed a piece of strange but otherwise standard HTML that it can’t read right.

    [ QUOTE ]

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    This is why we have to tell them something doesn't work or occasionally something works far too well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This honestly seems like their job. It's not, nor should it ever be, the player's job to act as quality assurance for anything but problems relating to having over a thousand people using something at once.

    Not unless we're gonna get paid QA's wages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again, from a MMO perspective I can see why to do this. There is simply no way to test every AT combination on a team, with every power set combination, with every possible build, with every strategy, in every situation in the game every time you make a change. You can take what seems a representative sample, but the player base will find the exceptions to the rules, just because there's so many more of them.

    I’d probably pick Double Domination as an example here. They could probably have foreseen this, and might have. The matter of whether it needs to be changed though is entirely up to the player base. Since everyone and their cousin hasn’t started triple boxing doms and /kins, I think it’s safe to say that this could stay a feature rather than having to be fixed.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I can see how melee is useful when soloing the standard 3-4 mob format...but when in a team situation it has no effective use...and it leads me to believe that this AT wasn't designed with too much thought.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And all of us that melee on teams are then... what?
  18. I don't get it. Part of the game is figuring out how to make things work for you, and part of being new to something is screwing that up.

    I don't know, but it sounds a little to me like asking for the solution to a puzzle so you can actually enjoy it.

    Plus you can't hand players a guide to how to play an AT, since there isn't one. The devs might have an idea of how something should work but players are the ones that come up with the real strategies. This is why we have to tell them something doesn't work or occationally something works far too well.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    It's unrealistic to dismiss any comparisons between the two across the board. It's not like you gave us any primer on how to be a Dominator, what do you expect us to do?

    "We Control. They Control. We deal damage. They deal damage. Let's do what they're doing."

    "Wait, why am I dying so much."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is why some people suck at being stalkers.

    Or brutes.

    Or corruptors.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd *much* rather have Support for a secondary than Assault. I think Doms would give their left mouse button for Dark Miasma or Thermal Radiation as a secondary long, long before a Controller would ever ask for any Assault set instead. I have several Controllers, and though the 1-31 levels are slow, post pets turned my Controller into a solo'er.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As someone with several controllers, and several more doms, I can't do anything but completely disagree with you, at least in my case. I'd despise it if my Dom was saddled with a support secondary. The best day my controller ever had was the one where she had Fire Sword as a temp power.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    You really need to take a breather. Relax, take a break, and put things into perspective...

    How long has windows been out? There are people that rely on that for business, etc, and since windows 1.0 in 1980-something, there have always been bugs. It doesn't surprise me in the least that there are bugs in this game. Is it right that the game crashes? Should we be bowing before the devs? No on both accounts. This is no different than i1 smoke grenade having the decimal in the wrong place.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't have an issue with there being bugs. There will always be bugs.

    I have an issue with their priorities. When player powers are broken, and it works against us, we first have to PROVE there is an issue (which is like trying to pull teeth out of a rhino), then get a dev to confirm there is an issue (like trying to pull tusks from an elephant), and then we wait, sometimes months, for a fix for our "broken" powers ("we've fixed it internally, and we're waiting for just the right patch to release it..."). The same holds true when something with the mobs is broken in a way that negatively impacts us (um, can we say "Earth Thorn Casters" that are STILL massively overpowered?) Basically, don't hold your breath waiting for this stuff to get fixed.

    But when a bug is found that gives players a benefit -- HO, MARY, HOLD THE PRESSES! Everything stops dead and in less time than it takes to change your undies there is a patch on the test server and whammo, its on live. Cause it's perfectly ok when things are bugged against us, but when they're bugged for us it becomes #1 priority to fix, regardless of how many people are actually affected. Sorry, this pisses me off.

    Perfect example: someone discovered you could confuse a player in a PvP zone and that person could quickly run thru the gate to Atlas Park and start nuking lowbies. Despite all the other fixes we've been promised and we're waiting for (the AV regen rollback, the fix for the sound looping, global chat issues) this rare bug gets top priority and makes it to live in LESS THAN 5 DAYS. Now yes it's a bug, and yes it needs to get fixed. But comn, Atlas Park? 99% of the people there can't even get debt. If it happens, you report it via petition and the people responsible are dealt with. Big friggin deal. But to have everything else put on hold so that THIS can be fixed... that's just fuku BS crapola.

    And this is not the first time. It's happened many times before, like when it was disovered that siphon speed could be slotted to bypass ED (oh NO! we can't have that!!!), and when a similar issue was discovered with HOs. Basically, anything that gives us an "unintended" advantage gets fixed immeditately, and the stuff that gets us killed, well, they'll get to it eventually.

    So like I said, I expect we'll all have to wait a little bit longer for the currently queued bugfixes while the devs make this issue their #1 priority, and I fully expect a patch to be in place on live by the fourth of July.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So remember:

    Players killing off the newest of the newbies, the people that help keep the game going: Not a big deal.

    Losing an aspect to a power you've never even used? Freaking end of the world!

  22. I just want to take a moment to say I realy love the new claws animations

    Since I can never keep all those 'S' names straight, I'll just have to refer to them by their tiers in the set.

    Tier 1 is a great improvement. Fantastic, actually has someplace to compete with tier 2 now, rahter than being just terrible. Very happy with this.

    Tier 2 got sorta the short end of this maybe. I still like it, particularly on my claws stalker, but will admit it's not my favorite of the changes.

    Tier 3 is fine, simply by virtue of stealing it's animation from one of my old favorites.

    Now, my claws scrapper was already doing alright before the change, though it definitely gives me something to think about in her build.

    My claws stalker on the other hand is absolutely joyous. I ground her through far too many levels with that tier 3 power, and just standing there winding up when I wanted to be on the move. The concept of an attack chain was non-existant for her, simply since anywhere in the center of it she'd end up stuck in one spot getting shot at, using an attack that even coming out of hide didn't excite me too much.

    But now she actually is quick with her claws, rather than one of my slowest stalkers, and I am most happy with how this is working now.
  23. Speaking as a stalker who experienced that, it can't kill you. New one shot code you know?

    Ok, my first experiences being able to take someone through a high level one, my grav/energy dom:

    -Those PPD Ghosts seriously need to be toned down. One -Acc gernade has me wiffing over half the time with SO's. The fact that they can stack 3 of them means that if I don't hold them in the first hit I have to run away if I want any hope of living. Even three acc inspirations doesn't help at that point. The glue attack from I think it's SWAT's similarly lasts a lot longer than one would anticipate.

    -The villians that you free need some work. For the first minute he was cool, then I learned about his little 'problem'. Rar! A door! *spends a couple minutes killing it* Rar! A cardboard box! *kills that* Rar! Cilvilians! *Run around everywhere, at which point I give up hope of bringing him anywhere with me.

    -Reinforced doors really hate when you propel things at them, particularly ones that don't occur on the map it seems. The throw objects do this jumpy around things for a few seconds after hitting the door, and only then explode.

    -Breaking out of jail was interesting, in that there was a boss on the other side of the door, who started attacking before I could break it down and attack back.

    Overall, the high level Mayhem missions are interesting, but I'm not particularly tempted to go back till there's a point when a single common minion does not pose more threat to me than most bosses.

    &Edit& So after reading some of the back log of stuff, I have to say that I personally am glad we don't kill civilians. I found the whole GTA experience kind of in bad taste. If the dev vision isn't to make a game like that I'm all for it. After all, I'm a super villain, not a thug.

    It would be nice if they did flee into buildings and out of the way after you terrorized them though.