Capture the Flag
I would love CTF so much, but I honestly can't think of any game mechanic that we currently have that could replicate it.
But Im not Castle, I haven't the foggiest idea what the engine is capable of.
Flag-runner would need all power pools disabled (and probably run & jump speeds - as well as inherent TP or fly - severely capped), all stealths suppressed, and any Only Affecting Self state would need to drop the flag.
There. That would be a reason to bring a tank.
Mechanics might have to change. Take this for a few ideas:
#1: The flag is a glowie, instatly picked up as you click it.
#2: The flag works like the trip mines do, instangly picked up as you walk into it (this one seems like it might get bugged easily).
Drop the flag after defeat, could be the other team clicks it, or runs into it to return it back to the start position, or:
Have the flag be on a set timer to return, 12-15 seconds.
To capture the flag, you could:
#1: Have it so that you have to take the flag to a certain point to capture it, sort of like the invisable line that gives a point if it sees you have the enemy flag. (Same kind that is used for ambushes sometimes)
#2: Have to have capture it to your own flag, meaning if both flags are in play, you have to return yours first. (Might be hard to program, I dunno)
#3: A combination of 1 and 2. Have to capture the flag at a certain point, but only if your flag is back in it's place.
Would you supress stealth or movement on the flag carrier?
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I would supress stealth completely. Otherwise stalkers would just capture and stay out of the 10 foot range.
I would try and make teleport work like Unreal tournament in the fact that if you use, or someone else uses teleport on you, it drops the flag where you were. If that could not be worked out, I would just disable TP completely if they have the flag.
For SS/SJ, the flag holder would have a SET maximum run and Jump speed and height. Otherwise you could take in a Granite tank, speed boost him, and nothing could really stop him. And speaking of which...
Would you disable certain powers or power pools while participants were playing it?
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As said, stone tanks might be a problem if they're speed boosted. However what I think may solve this is that while they are holding the flag, they are also more vulnerable to speed debuffing.
That way, again, speed boost won't be a terrible problem even with a low maximum speed.
As an example, say the granite gets the flag, under speed boost. He runs, and ignores all the caltrops, tar patches, quicksand, ect.... he just runs through them all, ignoring the incoming hits. Nothing's stoping him because of speed boost's resistance to speed debuffs, and now he's getting healed by an incoming empath or therm. You can't really beat that.
However if the flag drastically lowers resist to speed debuffs, at least the enemy team can keep him slowed while they try and retaliate.
Add in no speed resistance debuff in the flag, and only keep the max run speed/jump and height debuff. Make the max speed debuff and stuff pretty low, but have full speed debuff resistance whenever speed boosted.
Only a few ideas I had.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

KoTH just wouldn't be fun in this game I don't think. It'd be dominated by Storms and Nukes.
CTF on the otherhand could work, if the devs were willing to put effort in. First of all, new maps would need to be made. The small maps like the Office and even Perez just wouldn't work due the vast distance a player can cover in a short amount of time. Reducing a players speed and jump height could be implemented but that may detract too much from the unique feel of the game if overdone. Theres also the issue of just having a team Teleport a Granite Tank to and from the flag points.
Once thats figured out, I'd have it set up so the flag has either an instant pickup or a short period where you must stand still on a timer interupted by damage only. The first would probably be most logical as a timer would again slow down the pace and leave you wide open to an AS. Once picked up, an effect similar to the old Rage would kick in where the player affects only self but can still be atacked. Stealth would be supressed and a colored 'trail-effect' similar to that of lolWoW could be added.
I would love to do some CTF in this game.
Few quick thoughts:
While you have the flag, all travel powers suppressed along with given travel powers/buffs like SB and IR. (This would also solve the problem of having to worry about SB buffing -speed resists.) I think the exceptions I would make for this would possibly be sprint and maybe swift/hurdle.
I don't think it's a good idea to disable powers on the flag carrier when he picks up the flag. Can't really recall any games that do this, although I'm sure there are some. Seems like it takes some of the fun out of the game not being able to defend yourself.
I do think there may need to be a debuff or something of the like on the flag runner against defense but this would have to be watched closely as you don't want to make it too easy to kill the flag runner but you want to make it so they NEED support getting the flag back to base.
With these changes, I'd be a bit concerned with the target aoe powers like ice slick that slow. Once you get 1 or 2 of these down, the runner isn't going anywhere and I can see ice or earth trollers camping their own flags to keep a patch on the ground letting no one get out of the area. I suppose the counter to this is to kill the troller. It may not be an issue but would need some testing.
Phase shift and stealth powers would either need to be disabled or would auto drop the flag once activated.
Something like this would make not just stone tanks, but most tanks more viable for pvp, maybe even more scrapper builds.
I think it would be pretty easy to implement actually.
When someone has the flag, they would have to lose all travel powers, stealth, and external buffs. So they'd have to essentially walk the flag back to their base, while being covered by their team.
It would be very fun, I think, and it would definitely make some "useless" builds more popular.
CTF could possibly work. Force set speeds for Running, jumping, and perhaps even flying(Yeah, let them fly with it, but of course slower than normal. If you can't catch a flier with SJ, the Jump Pack, or your own fly, and the plethora of -fly powers, something is wrong!), and it can probably work well.
It'd make some underused sets a lot more useful, that's for sure.
CTF would be easy.
Single Flag 3 Caps = 3 Scientists/Hostages.
Team one starts at the door or computer where hostages need to go(go=bases). Team 2 spawns next to the Scientists/ Hostages.
In order to cap a scientist you must click him (5 sec click or somethin) or free him from a prison for him to follow you. Travel powers don't get suppressed but you have to move at the speed of the Hostage so he doesnt lose you and stealth is supressed just like in pve.
High HP toons like tanks, scraps, brutes would now be useful in pvp. You can try capping more then one hostage/scientist at once as well.
In order to stop the team from capping once they have clicked a hostage/scientist is to 1. kill the capper 2. kill the hostage/scientist (which is buffed somewhere between scrap and tank hp and res. 3. taunt the hostage and click em 4. placate the hostage and clickem. 5. -percep the capper and click the hostage.
Hostage/Scientist can be effected by buffs and debuffs.
This makes more sense then heroes and villains running around with a flag.
Could also do this with a bomb instead. but then people would never be able to kill a tank who is holding the bomb.
MultiFlag CTF = 3 Hostages/Scientists on each side and 1 Computer or Door on Each side.
Objective: Take opposing teams scientist/hostage to your computer or door.
Other Games:
5 IoP's set up across a map. Team tries to gain all 5 IoP's each one increasing the the power of the team during the game giving them greater advantage. OR Could make it so everyone in map is exemped to lvl 1, everytime you gain an item of power your team's exemp lvl is raised. Team wins when all 5 IoP's are captured and everyone is killed at lvl 50.
Destroy opposing teams Glowie.
* you could make it interesting by having the hostages having travel powers like fly pack, jump pack. this would allow flyer's in pvp.
i think the flag would have to be something like samples you get for shivans. you do something and are signified as the flag holder by some sort of obvious effect on you... maybe everyone gets a waypoint. i don't think all travels should be shut off, but maybe a 30-40% reduction in all travel speeds. might need -fly and -tp... dunno about that for sure. other than that, i think phasing would have to reset the flag but then caging the flag runner should reset it... but as the game is set up now, it probably would.
i think it would be a lot of work, but man would it be fun.
Gold Rush would be even better.
Control Points.
with a few maps like Dustbowl and Lazytown.
CTF (NPC) and control points would be awesome in this game.
Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends
i also want a tanker with a ranged automatic weapon.
i also want a tanker with a ranged automatic weapon.
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"All of you are dead!"
Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends
CTF would be easy.
Single Flag 3 Caps = 3 Scientists/Hostages.
Team one starts at the door or computer where hostages need to go(go=bases). Team 2 spawns next to the Scientists/ Hostages.
In order to cap a scientist you must click him (5 sec click or somethin) or free him from a prison for him to follow you. Travel powers don't get suppressed but you have to move at the speed of the Hostage so he doesnt lose you and stealth is supressed just like in pve.
High HP toons like tanks, scraps, brutes would now be useful in pvp. You can try capping more then one hostage/scientist at once as well.
In order to stop the team from capping once they have clicked a hostage/scientist is to 1. kill the capper 2. kill the hostage/scientist (which is buffed somewhere between scrap and tank hp and res. 3. taunt the hostage and click em 4. placate the hostage and clickem. 5. -percep the capper and click the hostage.
Hostage/Scientist can be effected by buffs and debuffs.
This makes more sense then heroes and villains running around with a flag.
Could also do this with a bomb instead. but then people would never be able to kill a tank who is holding the bomb.
MultiFlag CTF = 3 Hostages/Scientists on each side and 1 Computer or Door on Each side.
Objective: Take opposing teams scientist/hostage to your computer or door.
Other Games:
5 IoP's set up across a map. Team tries to gain all 5 IoP's each one increasing the the power of the team during the game giving them greater advantage. OR Could make it so everyone in map is exemped to lvl 1, everytime you gain an item of power your team's exemp lvl is raised. Team wins when all 5 IoP's are captured and everyone is killed at lvl 50.
Destroy opposing teams Glowie.
* you could make it interesting by having the hostages having travel powers like fly pack, jump pack. this would allow flyer's in pvp.
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So do you all like my idea...and is it all possible with what we currently have?
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We actually do something similar on my home server of infinity. It's 3 on 3 PvP and one of the players is designated as the 'flag', killing the 'flag' player is worth 3 points, while killing the other team mates are only worth 1, and the flag can't be someone with hide or stealth.
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I admit to not having read through everything, but as a quick work around, you could make the flag a hostage. That would suppress stealth and speed without even needing extra code, because obviously you'd lose them if you tried.
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22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
I was discussing something like this on Teamspeak with a mate, and we were talking about CTF. We thought CTF would be cool in CoH, but then we thought, nah ... CAPTURE FUSIONETTE! It uses single flag CTF (take the flag from the middle to enemy base), but you just gotta rescue Fusionette ... but then we thought ... Nah, Fusionette is annoying enough as a NPC ... :P
My thoughts? Let the game creator, in addition to the normal settings you get, have the option to set:
* All powers - just what it sounds like. This should not be default.
* Travel Powers only suppressed. - Maybe default?
* CTF Only Powers - Suppress all powers EXCEPT the nice batch of temp powers you're given that only work in the given game (similar to what Guild Wars does for its mini-games).
I figure the flag could be a clickie, but give off an aura like the Shivan samples do when you're collecting them in Bloody Bay. Also note that the Shivan samples are awarded to the player(s) that beat a carrier, so that might be carry-overable.
As suggested earlier, having the flag should carry some sort of debuff, the very least of which should be travel and stealth suppression. A carrier's teammates must defend the carrier, not trust that the carrier will make back to base somehow. Maybe it could fix the character's speed, defense, resistances, etc? I'm not sure. But *something* has to be done to the carrier to force the issue on the team; defend or lose.
Likewise, perhaps King of the Hill could be similar? The "hill," as it were, might provide its own debuff of some sort. Leave the control area and the debuff wears off or goes away. Defenders would have to rotate who's in and out, and force them to proactively defend the control point rather than "We'll stay here all nice, buffed and well defended so you can't every get us out." The Circle of Thorns giant aurating crystals might be a good example of how this could be done.
I admit to not having read through everything, but as a quick work around, you could make the flag a hostage. That would suppress stealth and speed without even needing extra code, because obviously you'd lose them if you tried.
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Something about making the 'flag' a hostage rubs me the wrong way. Especially looking at the hostages in the LRSF that sometimes get really stupid.
I'd like the flag to just be a flag that supresses stuff automatically while being held.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

Last night during the event I held on Freedom I was asked about this.
More specifically I was asked how I would go about implimenting it in *THIS* game.
To be honest I didnt really have an answer for that, and I still don't.
I have absolutely no concept of the coding being used in this game, and a somewhat limited understanding of the dynamics involved.
I know fire > ice > sonic > elec.
I know rad/psy > dark/arch
But I havent got a clue as to how a feature like Capture the Flag could be put into the game.
It would be awesome if we could have it or KotH, or a dozen other pvp mini games like that were introduced, but how to put it in... That's beyond me.
So how about it?
How would you do Capture the Flag in Co* land if you were one of the devs?
Would you supress stealth or movement on the flag carrier?
Would you disable certain powers or power pools while participants were playing it?
Can you link to some examples?
Please attempt to keep the discussion civil though if you could.
People might be watching. >.>