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  1. Looking for some help with a bind and can't seem to find it.

    Is there a way to bind SJ and CJ to the same button and when you click it, one will toggle off and the other on and vice versa? I seem to remember someone saying you could do this but can't seem to find it anywhere.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Pilzner

    Capture the Flag

    I would love to do some CTF in this game.

    Few quick thoughts:
    While you have the flag, all travel powers suppressed along with given travel powers/buffs like SB and IR. (This would also solve the problem of having to worry about SB buffing -speed resists.) I think the exceptions I would make for this would possibly be sprint and maybe swift/hurdle.

    I don't think it's a good idea to disable powers on the flag carrier when he picks up the flag. Can't really recall any games that do this, although I'm sure there are some. Seems like it takes some of the fun out of the game not being able to defend yourself.

    I do think there may need to be a debuff or something of the like on the flag runner against defense but this would have to be watched closely as you don't want to make it too easy to kill the flag runner but you want to make it so they NEED support getting the flag back to base.

    With these changes, I'd be a bit concerned with the target aoe powers like ice slick that slow. Once you get 1 or 2 of these down, the runner isn't going anywhere and I can see ice or earth trollers camping their own flags to keep a patch on the ground letting no one get out of the area. I suppose the counter to this is to kill the troller. It may not be an issue but would need some testing.

    Phase shift and stealth powers would either need to be disabled or would auto drop the flag once activated.

    Something like this would make not just stone tanks, but most tanks more viable for pvp, maybe even more scrapper builds.
  3. Jock - I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your posts as your love of words is evident in just about everything you write.

    The guide is wonderful but I'd like to add a couple minor things...

    EF - I noticed in your description you left out that it contains a -damage component as well.

    In my experience, Rad/sonic is a single target monster and lacks in the AoE department. This shortcoming is overcome easily in groups as your debuffs will more than make up for your lack of major AoE damage. I typically throw howl whenever it's up and concentrate on the boss/Lt. I like to mention this to people when they send me tells in game asking about how to build a rad/sonic. (I have rad/sonic in the LFT window to avoid the "healer" requests.)