Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




...Faultline? It's supposed to be a 15-25 zone now, but my level 20 Storm Defender can't Trick or Treat there.

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A pal pointed out after I tried that it is daylight there. I /bugged it. Hoping for an update. That is certainly a zone I'd like to ToT with a lot of characters given its level range.

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It's not bugged. It appears that Faultline is not part of the Halloween event this year, along with The Abyss and RWZ. You can read more about the event HERE



Had a rude event happen to a SG member and myself last nite. Was working on the same door and noticed that mobs kept aggroing to our position. We weren't anywhere near mobs so it didn't make sense. Realized that a player was pulling them to us, reasons unknown. He kept this up for a while. We eventually asked what his problem was, he made some nonsensical reply about how we were immature for asking him what he was doing (honestly, it didn't make sense at all).

Otherwise had a great time, filled out SG bins and then some with the inspirs as well!



I'd liek to make a sugestion. At the end of the Event in maybe some future issue (12, 13 maybe). Include NPC Costume parts. Something that goes off the badges collected would be a good start, it would make people who want them go badge hunting. Also it would give the people who spent all that time getting "Shiney Street Cred" a tagable reward for their work.

With Halloween it's been proven we CAN look like NPCs, so it's can't be that much harder to tweak the costumes to be Parts in the Creator. If not that, then give temps that allow us to disguise like the Halloween Temps, but permantly. Like we get for Vet Rewards or Shivans that can be gotten over and over again.

Once again, this could get more people to badge hunt to get the look they want. Of course the same rules apply to PvP zone (they don't work), and no added bonus vs. Mobs of the same type etc....

What do you guys think? NPC looks have been asked for and now that I've had a taste, I'd like a constant source.



addictid are we?



maybe already posted...but Im gonna say it anyway...
Up the spawn rate for Jack, cause people arent even fighting Eochai anymore, just taunting him to police drones to get rid of him.

Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus



I'm still waiting for them to make the costumes unlockable options at Icon. (Kill X of This Faction to unlock)

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



...Faultline? It's supposed to be a 15-25 zone now, but my level 20 Storm Defender can't Trick or Treat there.

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A pal pointed out after I tried that it is daylight there. I /bugged it. Hoping for an update. That is certainly a zone I'd like to ToT with a lot of characters given its level range.

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With the changes made to Faultline, the devs pulled it from the ToT list. As such, you cannot trick or treat there.



I'm still waiting for them to make the costumes unlockable options at Icon. (Kill X of This Faction to unlock) - Entrancing1

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Geee, almost like a .... *gasp* Badge : O

Have NPC "Full Costume" unlock when you get the kill badge for them, easy and doable.



I haven't seen any posts about this, so it has me curious. The GMOTD says you can only click on any single door once every 60 seconds. I take that to mean, if you click on a door, you can't click [u]that[u] door for another 60 seconds, otherwise you get the "You cannot enter" message. But, you can immediately go click on another door. Nothing in the GMOTD states otherwise. Well, in actuality, I can only click on [u]any[u] door once every 60 seconds. Tried it on two different toons, one villain and one hero. I /bugged it. The response was: "Players can only click once per 60 seconds, and after a particular door has been clicked on, it cannot be used for 30 seconds." Implying that you can only click any door once every 60 seconds (like what's happening to me). Again, though, that's not what the GMOTD says.

Either that, or the GM that responded didn't really read my bug report and just gave a text book response.

Which is it supposed to be??

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!



The GMOTD is poorly worded. The timer is on you - you may only click on one door every 60 seconds, otherwise you get the cannot enter message. It is not a bug as this was the scenario last year.



Ok, thanks. I don't remember that from last year, but then ...I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :\

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!



Have been having fun with this event, up to about 25 costumes, plus I think I only need the recluse mask to complete my set.

For anyone still having trouble finding Annah in Croatoa....after you get off the Tram, head south to the wall....be careful and stick to the eastern side of the southern wall, as there are some mobs on the western side of the southern wall that will not take kindly to lower level players.

I like the halloween event quite a bit, its nice to have these types of events to look forward to for when things get a little stale.

Good Job Devs.



yeah I have bout 1.5 mill in event salvage if I wait till the events over and sell in about a month or so time



The only problem I have is the drop rate of the costumes. Getting 50 of the buggers for the third badge is taking entirely too long. Going on 4 hours now for 1 character and still haven't gotten the third. I'm sorry, but four+ hours for event badges is too much. I'm not saying they should all drop in 15 minutes, but in an hour or two a player should have the badges, not necessarily all 33 costume-types.

Plus, the fact that if you get a duplicate, you won't know it, leaving you unable to figure out just how many you DO need.

Maybe make the costumes a drop from the mobs rather than the Insp-type rewards?



Yea up jacks spawn rate, i dont understand why his spawn ratio is so low to begin with. Its not like the badges really give anything. So a 50/50 of either the pumpkin or jack would be great. Also the timers should be reversed to encourage switching doors. There are a lot more doors than players in most zones. Change it to 30 player timers and 60 second door timers.

Other than needing the Jack badge on two toons, good event



Next year, please add more variety to the ToT stuff, please.

Treat: have someone step out and emote giving or throwing treats to the ToT'er (the emote of opening the present could work for that). Perhaps make it models of famous NPCs (people in costumes). Be funny to have Lord Recluse step out and give you an Inspiration and then walk back in the door.

Trick: more variety of enemies, please:

masked slashers - a la Friday the 13th and Halloween (could use variations of the Tsoo Ancestor Spirits...they have the mask at least)

evil knights/animated armor - a la Scooby Doo (could use Warrior Earth models)

little green men/aliens - Rikti with minimized height scales...or monkeys with ray guns

leprechauns - could use redcaps

don't remove the old monsters, of course, but just add new ones.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Pumpkin Head oh man that's just sweet



Um, dude. Look at the date of the post above yours. This is the thread for last year.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



Whats the deal with jack in irons? He never seems to spawn is it a bug or something? Also the ghost hardly ever spawn either what gives?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Has anyone else gotten both a trick and a treat from a single knock? I've had a number of doors where -- playing solo with no one else visible doing the doors in my area -- I will knock on a door, hear the *bling* sound, get one or more rewards, then a couple of seconds later hear the *clunk* sound, and see the door(s) open in front of me to disgorge a trick spawn. This has happened in Peregrine Island, Founder's Falls, Steel Canyon, and St. Martial, so it's not just blueside or restricted to one particular zone.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I'm sure on multple times with different toons I've got inspirations and spawns

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I took a 3 month sabbatical from CoH and just came back 3 days ago for the Halloween Event. I love itl. I've spent 8-10 hours (or so) over these past 3 days ToT. My Main is a L50 Fire/Ice Blaster on Guardian, so can prolly kill mobs quite a bit quicker than some other archetypes. Last year, I used my main Villain on Virtue to do this event. This year, results are as follows:

Had 30 of the possible 33 Treat costumes the first day. Interestingly, the very FIRST costume I got last year was the LAST one I got this year, and is my favorite: Carnival Harlequin. ;p

I also had all three costume badges the first day... after like 3 hours, and had 4 of the 5 'trick' mob badges also.

Yesterday, spent time in a team doing Zombie Invasion and Eochoi/Jack missions. Got all but 1 of those badges in several hours of play.

So, after 3 days of play, am lacking only 2 Event Badges, the one for 25 Zombie Bosses (which shouldn't be a problem getting), and the Buster Badge which is SOOO annoying. After 3 days, I only have 9 Spirit Kills (Need 20). Ultra Rare... last year, they were Uncommon at worst.

After the same 3 days, I find the Salvage Drop rate to be more than adequate. My results for the main pieces are:

14 Statesman Mask, 11 Lord Recluse Mask, 10 Brawler Gloves, and 20 Hamidon Costumes. Don't know if these ratios are as intended, but there you have it...

I find it odd that there are two separate badges for killing Jack-in-Irons.. Giant Killer for year round, and Iron Warrior for the Event. Why is that exactly? Are there two separate ones for Eochoi? Dunno....

At High Level, Rock drops are junk. All my regular attacks dwarf Rocks in effect. Would be nice to have a level-specific drop for a temporary attack power, like one of those Flaming Pumpkins the Streng lob at me.

The extra slot costume salvage and mechanics are exactly the same as last year. It IS very nice to finish getting those for chars who didn't get one last year. Thanks to the Devs for that.

All my ToT has been done in Peregrine using a 'series' of 16 doors in a neighborhood loop. Very easy and efficient. Solo, at that. Not necessary to team, if you have a decent kill rate. After testing the concept for about an hour, I concluded the team rate on higher level mobs or drops did not significantly improve over what I was getting solo.

Be glad to respond to any PM with questions. Happy Holiday!

Summer Cold (Guardian)



has to be the worst event of the year!



Let me just say (it's probably been mentioned already) but I just LOVE the KISS pumpkins. What a great touch



So... when does it end? The announcement says 11:59pm EST on Sunday, Nov. 2, but when I was playing this morning, it was still going. Just curious - was it extended?

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!