Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




Well, would be cool to still get the salvage for the 5th costume slots, and hopefully Jack spawns again to get that cool Jack Halloween badge.
Is cool to see temp powers where you can change into "famous" CoH/CoV toons. would be a cool screeny to have my toon name above a toon that looks like Statesman, or Mako!!
Halloween event is a cool one to me. Cant wait for it again, and it's next week even! WOOT!!

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Jack is back and so is the Salvage to obtain the 5th slot as well. I don't think you get to change into Famous COH/V toons just the villain groups like Lighthouse just posted. Oh and another note the mobs from the doors do drop very rare Salvage and also two new badges from collecting the costumes from the Doors

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



I'm looking forward to this event because it was fun to do last year. The trick or treat was fun going door to door and fighting the monsters in Croatoa too. I have a huge question to ask about the Halloween Event. Are there going to be Event Salvage pieces given so we can open the 5th costume slot like last year? I would assume yes but there has been no mention of it yet. To all the people who play CoH and CoV hope to see and team with you during the event it's a blast.

Supergroup Leader to:
Minion of the Underworld - CoH / Victory
Minions of the Underworld - CoV / Victory
Skittles of Paragon - CoH / Infinity



Event Salvage pieces given so we can open the 5th costume slot like last year?

Yes they will drop again

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



The only Costumes I saw were ones from the Villain Mobs when I checked it out on test. There were no Big-Name Character costumes but then, I only received about 20 different costumes.

I did not receive any of the EVENT Salvage (Back Ally Brawler Gloves, Statesman's mask, etc) during this time but assumed that was just because it was so rare. I certainly hope they still give this out as a treat!!

I was disappointed already that they didnt hand out any EVENT SALVAGE for the INVASION EVENT.



and also two new badges from collecting the costumes from the Doors

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Oh yeah, I definitely foresee my Fire/Storm (badger) running around quite a bit. The Imps do an excellent job of roasting any Tricks before they (the Tricks) are ready to fight. I consider it payback for the many times my MMs have entered a mission to find an ambush at the door.



Time to add to my large collection of door items.



Boys and girls of every age,
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you shall see,
This our Town of Halloween!

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....Now I feel like making a Jack Skellington character

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That is it I am so watching this movie now, I seen the post saying Halloween is coming and that toon hit me. I am still humming it.

"In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

La la-la la, Halloween! Halloween!"

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We totally need some sort of giant Halloween get together.

With costume contests, Devs and Community people abound and gross speculation about random stuff.



Is there a list of new badges for this year?



However, this year players might also receive a temporary power that turns them into one of the many popular non-player characters.

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The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Hey Lighthouse (or any other red name types), any chance of someone talking the Devs into running this a bit longer than planned?

We have two new power sets coming out soon, and I'm sure we'll have more in the year to come. That's alot of new characters being made, with some being scrapped and replaced a few times. That's a HUGE demand for the costume salvage to get the extra costume on alot of characters. And that's not even considering the usefulness of extra costumes on characters with weapons once Weapon Customization goes in.

However, the salvage isn't dropping all that fast. Plus, some of us will be limited on the time we can spend hunting for it.

Thinking ahead to the coming year, it would be great if we had a longer time to get the salvage parts, or if the drop rate could be upped a bit more.

Thanks for listening!

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Oh dear, the event ends on my Birthday.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



The alt who needs the extra costume slot already has his Halloween Duds prepared. Got to look at my others, see who I want to spend time with - for badges, especially.

Looking forward to the 22nd with much anticipation!



I'm drooling for halloween. I missed all of the halloween events with the exception of the CoV launch. so i have ALOT of catching up to do. hmmm i wonder if i should call in sick to work

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



If only the temp costumes timer was for in-game use time, so we could save them longer



I always love the Halloween Events! Thanks for the event ahead of time. Happy All Hallows to everyone



ANY NPC? Devouring Earth? Bat'Zul?




However, this year players might also receive a temporary power that turns them into one of the many popular non-player characters.

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OMG you guys outdo yourselves every year. ^^ The halloween event and xmas events are why I LOVE this game. *cheers* Now I want it to be the 22nd lol. *crosses her fingers and hopes for ghost widow, though I love the ingame one* ^^



The temp power costume idea is pure win. I only wish Hamidon were on the list! I'd be fine with all of my other powers being grey while dressed as Hamidon.

Please tell me Iron Jack's spawn characteristics were tuned slightly this year? There were exactly two annoying problems with last year's event: (1) Jack's spawn rate, and (2) people going around killing the Unseelie things accompanying Eochai without defeating the monster itself.

Are the badges all the same this year as last year? My main badge collector has changed during that time (thanks Issue 9!), so I have some work ahead of me!

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



As before, players go around knocking on doors to receive a "Trick" (an attacking mob) or a "Treat" (an inspiration or enhancement).

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Just for clarity's sake - when you say "enhancement," you mean "salvage," right? Or was there a new class of treats added?

Looking forward to it!

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On Test I thnk it was:

1. Salvage
2. Inspiration
3. Costume Temp power
4. Rock

Or a monster. Note the latter well. Masterminds summon first. My first "trick" was not fun, I tell ya.



Starts the day after my birthday? check.
Runs mostly during my free time (which I, unfortunately for my cash flow but fortunately for my gaming, have lots of)? check.

I love this event!





Hey Jim, what are you going to be for Halloween.

Jim: A large floating jello mold. That glows in the dark!


Jim: I'm sure to win every costume contest.

Because you're costume glows in the dark?

Jim: No because my costume is so large it'll kill the DPS in every zone. They'll have to let me win!

Jim, you're a villain aren't you?

Jim: Yeah, why?

I thought as much.



Yo I need Help My COH Updater wont come up so now i cant play



awesome first post



Any new badges that you know of?





Hey Jim, what are you going to be for Halloween.

Jim: A large floating jello mold. That glows in the dark!


Jim: I'm sure to win every costume contest.

Because you're costume glows in the dark?

Jim: No because my costume is so large it'll kill the DPS in every zone. They'll have to let me win!

Jim, you're a villain aren't you?

Jim: Yeah, why?

I thought as much.

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DPS = Damage per second
I think you wanted FPS - Frames Per Second

SNAFU Entropy Ripple
MR NotSoFurious
Geen Machine
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Zero Gia
To Serve Man
Desk Jockey
Doc Geen
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