Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




So... when does it end? The announcement says 11:59pm EST on Sunday, Nov. 2, but when I was playing this morning, it was still going. Just curious - was it extended?

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Actually, this original post states through Nov 4th (though the announcement when you first launch the game is for the 2nd). I think is this it coincide with the scariest day of this year... Election Day!!!


"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"



So... when does it end? The announcement says 11:59pm EST on Sunday, Nov. 2, but when I was playing this morning, it was still going. Just curious - was it extended?

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Actually, this original post states through Nov 4th (though the announcement when you first launch the game is for the 2nd). I think is this it coincide with the scariest day of this year... Election Day!!!

[/ QUOTE ]The calendar also says the 2nd (then again, it was started early, too...)




Too bad they can't program it where every now and then the Zombies pop out of the ground and do the "Thriller" dance!!!

That would be awesome!



Too bad they can't program it where every now and then the Zombies pop out of the ground and do the "Thriller" dance!!!
That would be awesome!

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Actually, it would cool if instead of zombies they would have Democrats and Republicans pop up out of the ground. Then they would argue why you should vote for them. Not because of where they stand on the issue but what their opponent has done wrong in the past (the "We suck less" defense). Now THAT would be scary!


"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"



Due to a combonation of RL commitments and other online things, I was unable to participate in the event as much as I would have liked. And while I know that with 60 toons, I would never be able to get everything for all of them, I felt that I was able to get things for fewer of them then I would have liked.

First off, my results:

-no. of toons used during event: 8
-no. of toons who received every badge: 2
-no. of toons who where one badge away: 1
-no. of levels made while in event: at least 5, possibly 6
-no. of toons who got all the salvage for costume slot: 2
(Both pending, as they are both too low in level to even think about going to Nerva to collect now.)
(The other six already had their extra costume slots from last year.)
-no. of full sets of salvage collected: I lost count around 20-22

Now, a few comments and observations:

First off, kudos to the devs for admitting that something had gone wrong with the spirits, and that it could not be fixed by the end of the event. It would have been nice if it could have been - thankfully one of my toons that had everything had the Buster badge from last year, and the other already had several spirits on her list from last year.

The frequency of the zombie attacks, however, was dissapointing. I feel that I spent too much time having my toon waiting around twiddling her thumbs waiting for the next attack. This was because of the fact that I would have a toon in an attack, and then check afterwards to find that she was short either of the level 3 or level 4 (or both) badge. Yes, I could have logged onto another toon to play with and then log back to the first toon, but I was worried that I would have missed the attack on the first one.

As I said before, it would have been nice if spirits showed up more often.

In my opinion - and others, after talking with them - the worst, and most frustrating, monster were the wearwolves. I personally found that they moved far faster than they should have, and that they were immune to all forms of holds. (In fact, there were times that they moved so fast that the running animation could not keep up and it looked like they had the slide movement power.)

Next on the list was a tie, vampire and streng. Vampires were olny slightly as aggrivating as wearwolves, but were slower and could occasionally be held. The frustration level with streng was that there was no badge associated with killing them.

Then, there were times when I felt that the number and level of enemy from any one door was too much - such as numerous times when I saw a wearwolf, vampire and sorceress appear at the same time.

Also, I felt that the 'trick' to 'treat' ratios were all over the map. There were times where I would see 10-12 tricks in a row, and times where I would see 2-4 treats in a row. I understand that it is made to be random, but felt that it was skewered a bit too much to the trick side.

Enochi/Jack; quite a lot of confussion here. According to Paragonwiki, Jack will spawn 10% of the time during any one spawn in a zone, Enochi will do so the rest of the time. I ran into a number of players who still believed that you had to take down Enochi 9 or so times in order to spawn Jack. This would turn into a bout of tedium as you already had your Hollowed badge,and went around taking down Enochi after Enochi in the hopes that Jack would finally show up to get that last badge - possibly you and your teammates having killed off enough unseelie to get the other elusive badge.

The other bout of tedium was in trying to get all 3 of the costume badges, as by then my toons would have almost all their other badges, and there would really be no need to deal with the enemy that showed up, save for xp. This, I belive, led to a number of people just knocking on doors and running away, leaving the enemy to wander around. (Much like during the Winter event where people would go open presents, and leave the frostlings for others.)

I did have an interesting way of dealing with this. I'd stake out a place near a hospital, tram station or ferry, and then go knock on doors close to that point. If it was a treat - especially a costume - I would move on. If it were a trick, I would quickly run back to the camp spot and hope that the drones would make quick work of what was following me. Now, I made sure that I did this in an area that didn't have any other toons around who might get hurt, and only at late hours of the zone. This actually worked, and the only time that I had to fall back and hope the second drone did it's job was when a wearwolf was fast enough to get past the first. (See my comments above on this.)

All in all, I did enjoy myself. There were a few idiots that I ran into during ToT PUGs - such as a couple of folks who kept on insisting on opening doors while we were still dealing with monsters, or who insisted on running into battle not fully healed - but you find that with any PUG.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



The costume salvage drop rate was abysmally low compared to previous years.

That is all.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



So on Pinnacle earlier I saw a Zombie raid notice, and then a few minutes later I saw a Rikti Raid in Grandville.

Can I please ask WTF? And can I beg for both at once? Or Zombie Rikti? Or maybe a Rikti costume next year because all I've ever wanted to play was a Rikti and actually hoped that was going to be the Veat?

Wow, I went off subject.

Is it Rikti time too, or a glitch?



So on Pinnacle earlier I saw a Zombie raid notice, and then a few minutes later I saw a Rikti Raid in Grandville.

Can I please ask WTF? And can I beg for both at once? Or Zombie Rikti? Or maybe a Rikti costume next year because all I've ever wanted to play was a Rikti and actually hoped that was going to be the Veat?

Wow, I went off subject.

Is it Rikti time too, or a glitch?

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Outside of Rikti invasion event weeks, Rikti invasions are triggered in one random hero or villain zone following completion of a LGTF.

It seems as though the zombie invasions are also able to be triggered outside the Halloween event. We've been doing some experimenting on Justice and it looks as though this is triggered by turning in a set of the costume salvage to get a new costume slot (Annah for heroes, Granny Beldam for villains).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



So on Pinnacle earlier I saw a Zombie raid notice, and then a few minutes later I saw a Rikti Raid in Grandville.

Can I please ask WTF? And can I beg for both at once? Or Zombie Rikti? Or maybe a Rikti costume next year because all I've ever wanted to play was a Rikti and actually hoped that was going to be the Veat?

Wow, I went off subject.

Is it Rikti time too, or a glitch?

[/ QUOTE ]
Outside of Rikti invasion event weeks, Rikti invasions are triggered in one random hero or villain zone following completion of a LGTF.

It seems as though the zombie invasions are also able to be triggered outside the Halloween event. We've been doing some experimenting on Justice and it looks as though this is triggered by turning in a set of the costume salvage to get a new costume slot (Annah for heroes, Granny Beldam for villains).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I will attempt the same on Infinity.




To clarify:

The salvage must be turned in after midnight to trigger an invasion. We're still trying to figure out what, if any, timer there is on turning in salvage.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



After midnight when? Gametime, or a US time?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



i just tried it

night: yes

turn in salvage: yes

result: result nothing

though's: missing somthing?

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen