Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




woot woot, go halloween!

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Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.




Seriously though, super special awesome that it goes until the 4th. My family's gone the 23-30th so I thought I was gonna have to cram it all in one day!

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Way to be a nub actually

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We try.



I wish this event was lasting a week or so longer- with so many of us afflicted by alt-itis, and for those testing in closed beta, it's seeming a little short.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Why cant the event start the 20th for those of us who work during the weekdays and can not access the game during the week?

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Because it's not all about you?

Because you'll still get two full weekends anyway?

Because no matter what schedule they use, someone will complain regardless?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Because no matter what schedule they use, someone will complain regardless?

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Yay just what I was waiting for

<--- on Guardian DUH!!!!



Also, just my 2 inf: I think I'd rather get a rercipe to make the costume temp power. This way it would be easier to collect them all and to sell off the duplicate costumes one might get.

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This has been discussed. And at this point, there's no way the devs would make major changes to the event. There just isn't time.

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well maybe they can do it for next year... just a thought

<--- on Guardian DUH!!!!



One question. How close is Annah to the zone entrance in Croatoa or Granny Beldam in Nerva? I have onle one level 25 hero and no villians that high - closest is level 22.

Just curious, as I'd like to know if I can get my slightly lower toons there without getting roasted.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



One question. How close is Annah to the zone entrance in Croatoa or Granny Beldam in Nerva? I have onle one level 25 hero and no villians that high - closest is level 22.

Just curious, as I'd like to know if I can get my slightly lower toons there without getting roasted.

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Granny is right where you'd appear if you use an SG teleporter.

Annah is very close to the tram.

The coordinates for both are at those links.



I like the costume temps, those were really sweet! Of course, the halloween salvage is really nice, too.

Of all the events (in the history of ever), the Halloween Event is teh Uberist! Man I love doing the TnT door-2-door stuff. One would think it tedius and boring after a bit, but once your "badge toon" has everything, the door-to-door thing is really nice moving between missions.

I cannot wait for this (3rd one for me, now).


"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.



O am so happy! guess the bars reset for the Halloween stuff from last year so know encountering one vampire and getting the badge.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Is Eochai and Jack of Irons going to be available this year to Villains?



O am so happy! guess the bars reset for the Halloween stuff from last year so know encountering one vampire and getting the badge.

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IIRC from last year ... no, they DON'T reset; I knew a couple people who hadn't QUITE gotten X or Y badge from the first halloween, who got it VERY quickly the second halloween.

It's not like the badges go away between events, after all - the game just isn't spawning the monsters you need, towards that badge. ^_^





This is one of my favorite times of the year. This event is always fun to do and I and my SG memberships are all looking forward to playing in this way cool event.

Supergroup Leader to:
Minion of the Underworld - CoH / Victory
Minions of the Underworld - CoV / Victory
Skittles of Paragon - CoH / Infinity



One question. How close is Annah to the zone entrance in Croatoa or Granny Beldam in Nerva? I have onle one level 25 hero and no villians that high - closest is level 22.

Just curious, as I'd like to know if I can get my slightly lower toons there without getting roasted.

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Annah is just down the steps from the train, Granny is on the small island due north of the Natural store - if you don't have access to a base tp you can swim there safely - I took a lvl 5 there last year without problem - just don't try running through the built up areas - I actually had more trouble getting across Cap than crossing Nerva



If you have access to an SG teleporter, the one for Nerva drops you on Granny Bedlam's little island.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Great a chance for a bunch of losers to wear states costume and stand next to him in indy port. Cant wait to do it

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This...this INGENIOUS idea must reach Youtube!!!

As hilarious as it will be to see the city's Super Heroes and Villians Trick-or-Treating, I'm gonna do it til my eyes can't see the screen.



HuYa - now that I am on Thursday - Saturday I will get to be in on this from the very start! Going to milk this for all its worth this year!

/em does happy feet dance!




If you have access to an SG teleporter, the one for Nerva drops you on Granny Bedlam's little island.

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And if you don't, then safest way is to jump in the water after getting off the ferry and swimming out to her.



Does anyone know where I can find the in-game rational for the cause of the Halloween event? I'm assuming it exists in a forum thread or wiki somewhere and my search fu is weak.

Thanks, Jak



Paragon Times listings. Just browse thru there and you will find the write ups for the last two halloween events. With Artic Sun gone I expect the Paragon Times to be dead now

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



a temporary power that turns them into one of the many popular non-player characters

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I love the sound of this, well done. Just off the top of my head I can think of Red Cap, Carnival, Tuatha de Danaan, and various Vahzilok as personal favorites that I'm hoping for.

If I misread this and this 'trick' really turns you into a pedestrian or one of the big-name NPCs, that's fine too.



There was quite an uproar during the winter event when the special temp powers (five gold rings and self rez) were suddenly changed to a real time duration from a game time duration. This was done without announcement after many people had logged in each and every one of their characters and run the missions specifically to get the two temp powers.

So it would probably be in the best interests of player good will if there is a clear announcement before hand.

Will the temp costume powers work by charges, in game time, or until the event is over?

I wasn't one of those players who bothered to get the powers on anything other than my mains but I remember the indignation and flame wars that followed the change.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



There was quite an uproar during the winter event when the special temp powers (five gold rings and self rez) were suddenly changed to a real time duration from a game time duration. This was done without announcement after many people had logged in each and every one of their characters and run the missions specifically to get the two temp powers.

So it would probably be in the best interests of player good will if there is a clear announcement before hand.

Will the temp costume powers work by charges, in game time, or until the event is over?

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This question has been asked and answered several times in other threads, actually. The temp costume powers last for two weeks of REAL TIME. (I may be wrong about the 2 weeks, but the real time part is a solid given.)

So even if you get a costume temp power on the very last day of the event, by Thanksgiving all of them will be gone, for every character in the game, logged in or not. (This makes perfect sense, actually. Who shows up for Thanksgiving Dinner in a trick-or-treat outfit?)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



(This makes perfect sense, actually. Who shows up for Thanksgiving Dinner in a trick-or-treat outfit?)

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Thanks for the answer but if you want to make sense then who makes snowmen in the middle of the Summer? Or gives away Christmas presents? (The summon snowman and gift of the holidays powers)

I just think all the holiday powers should be given away as charges. That way those people who like to collect powers or save them for certain situations would have that opportunity.

I know I enjoyed it when I gave away the holiday present in the middle of summer to some new player and she got the hat. She never even knew where the present came from.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!