Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




Not at all

Odsidius is now created!



lol :P



So, one slight bug I've noticed so far. After trying on some of the costumes, I'm now stuck with the picture of one of them in my Menu>Personal Info screen. Have tried switching costumes, switching temp powers, zoning, relogging. Still stuck with the ugly head of that swat guy on my personal info box. Any way to fix?

Edit: Finally seems to have reverted back. Only took 20 minutes...nvm.



Now when you say that we get costume to look like non-player characters. Does that mean we would gain the powers of that character while we have the costume. Because only being able to dress like a non-player character is very not exciting. Have the temp powers of the non-player characters would a much larger desire to try to achive the costumes making the Holloween event much more excitable. But that's only my view.

If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.

Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server



Now when you say that we get costume to look like non-player characters. Does that mean we would gain the powers of that character while we have the costume. Because only being able to dress like a non-player character is very not exciting. Have the temp powers of the non-player characters would a much larger desire to try to achive the costumes making the Holloween event much more excitable. But that's only my view.

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It's cosmetic only. I can understand a lack of interest in them, but they're a novelty that many players will enjoy.



I do just can't stay in one long since I use steamy mist for defense and it's a stealth power



Now when you say that we get costume to look like non-player characters. Does that mean we would gain the powers of that character while we have the costume. Because only being able to dress like a non-player character is very not exciting. Have the temp powers of the non-player characters would a much larger desire to try to achive the costumes making the Holloween event much more excitable. But that's only my view.

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You want to have a total of two or three attacks when in the costume. LOL Look at a typical minion: 1 Ranged attack (Usually laughably weak) and 1 Melee attack (Moderate Damage). Now a boss costume, if they even exist, might have say 3-4 attacks. Whoopee... Sorry I'll stick with the attacks I have... Plus as stated before their just a "Costume" if you go and buy a Superman "Costume" at Target it won't make you fly. LOL



or give you ss or super strength or lazer eyes

in croatoa and cant find who I turn the salvage into



Can you ToT in the RWZ?

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I tried, because that is where I initally logged into. I couldn't get it to work there.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




in croatoa and cant find who I turn the salvage into

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As you step off the tram walk all the way down to the bottom of the steps.

Turn right.

Walk through the gap in the wall and onto the grassy area.

Turn right.

You should see a witch reading a giant scroll.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



k thanks



I think the RWZ isnt supposed to work because the level range now spans 35-50 vice what it did when it was the RCS.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



Can we get a list of the event posted for those of us stuck at work?

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Does anyone remember the original level range of Faultline? Was it like 15-19? It's supposed to be a 15-25 zone now, but my level 20 Storm Defender can't Trick or Treat there. I know Issue 8 (the issue with the new faultline) came out after last Halloween, so is it possible the zone still thinks only the original level range can Trick or Treat there?

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



So far my main has secured the 3 new badges and 2 newer toons have helped bring down, Jack, Eochai and the unseelies. Forgot how fun this event was, but as it was last year, so again must i say that my only wish is that the rate of Jack spawning be bumped up a bit.

Love the costume temp powers



It's lvls 25-25

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See, they make it such a narrow level range cause the Devs are lazy and hate creating content!

(I made the exact same typo when I made my post )

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If there was a zone for just level 25s than wouldn't that mean that the developers weren't lazy and took time to create a zone and content just for that level?

If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.

Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server



So I got the HTML mailer that goes off to current/ former NCSoft accounts for the announcement of this event. Problem is, the HTML message body is white text on a white background! D'oh!

Edit: sp



People are saying that Jack will not spawn Villain Side? Is this true or are they just blowing steam?

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



he should he only spawns in lvl 20+ zones



Thats what I thought as well and this guy is blowing steam saying Jack was a glitch and Villains where not to have gotten him Last year. I never believed him, but I thought I would as on here anyways.

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



More fun in 20 minutes than in days!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



yeah I want to SK him for the badge but don't think it's going to happen got lucky with the pumpkin king



yeah I want to SK him for the badge but don't think it's going to happen got lucky with the pumpkin king

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Don't need an SK, except for the normal mobs in teh zone. Jack is a Giant Monster class enemy, so even a level 2 can contribute fine, against Jack ... even in Grandville.

Getting there is a different story, of course. ^_^



cept for the fact he could kill me in 1 hit