Discussion: In-Game Halloween Event




and here joe the event info http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/index.ph...een_Event_2007

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Thanks, but can't view that at work either.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



It is too bad this event is only two weeks long! The only thing that keeps me going is the Halloween-ish like Croatoa!



not much I can do kinda long to c&p it



absolute bad idea to restrict the level sets to their set zones. horrible lag in PI



ok unlock second costume and cant think of what to do for the second costume first is a buff old man (male set with body sliders set to max) wearing only a battle kilt and has long white hair/beared



cept for the fact he could kill me in 1 hit

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Jack's damage to YOU is, likewise, not affected by your level. If he can kill you in 1 hit at level 5 ... then he can do it in one hit at level 50, too.



absolute bad idea to restrict the level sets to their set zones. horrible lag in PI

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Better than having 50's leaving level 50 spawns in Atlas Park, thanks.



so his damage is based on your lvl?



Why in the blue blazes aren't these available in game at the markets.
Two week temporary to the highest bidder I see a run like wings. Only these never become "old". Having to continue to purchase them to keep a certain look.
I really like this event and thanks for the added switch. But something this good needs to be kept around or at least brought back when i11 patches.



absolute bad idea to restrict the level sets to their set zones. horrible lag in PI

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Try FBZ. Very light player traffic, and has doors that are just as good as any in PI



so his damage is based on your lvl?

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He is what is called a Giant Monster; they are designed to not care what level you are, or aren't. Sort of. The higher your level the better, BUT, it's set up so that your damage, or buffs/debuffs, will still be a good, reasonable contribution.

Just, um ... don't try to solo it. Giant Monsters are meant to be taken down by MULTIPLE TEAMS, all at once. ^_^



Not to be a downer, but this was tested almost a month ago, and in that time, you couldn't find the time to make art for these badges? Lame.

It's also a grindfest to get them.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



So on my petit Katana/SR scrapper on Virtue tonight I took down Eochai twice (That is always fun ), and then knocked on a few doors on my way to a misison. Results:

4 Doors: 4 Costume Temp Powers, 4 Large Inspirations. Talk about a good run of luck (better than last year for me). The costumes are all.. huge compared to my character though - they increase the height by about 2 ft and the bulk by a considerable amount. The Goldbricker Costume is perfect for hiding the SafeGuard Jump Pack power behind though - it looks like the jetpack part of it is spouting the flame when jumping



thanks pax that link helped



...Faultline? It's supposed to be a 15-25 zone now, but my level 20 Storm Defender can't Trick or Treat there.

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A pal pointed out after I tried that it is daylight there. I /bugged it. Hoping for an update. That is certainly a zone I'd like to ToT with a lot of characters given its level range.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



I can't seem to be able to turn the 4 pieces of salvage in to Annah for the costume slot. Anybody else have this problem?



I can't seem to be able to turn the 4 pieces of salvage in to Annah for the costume slot. Anybody else have this problem?

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Yup, happened to me too just now with my Peacebringer.
Turns out that I'd gotten the extra slot last Halloween before she turned lv40 and I forgot to do the Founders Icon costume mission.

"Arrested" some Nemesis and viola, 5th slot.



Hmmm... guess that counts out trick-or-treating in Dark Astoria... After all, it could end up like this:

*knocks on door*

*Adamastor answers*

"Uh oh..."

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



This event is great! :P Cept when I was in the hollows and had to go inside buildings for missions...sometimes instead of letting me in it trick or treated >_>; and I'd get swarmed by vampires. -sigh-

But besides that it's great! I have yet to see Jack at all though...despite almost an entirely day in game O_o;



Trick or Treat – I really like the event. Watching my freak tank do a somersault for elude is nice and PPD Hardshell nice look. Wish there was a way to extend the event or maybe do it again around April Fools.

Few items of discussion –
1) Tier three drops – run a two player SG and I have nearly filled three inspiration bins with the tier three drops.
2) Costumes – lot of fun with all the choices thanks for implementing it.
3) Open doors – found a nice quiet spot on Monster Island to run ToT with three other people. One set of doors was back to back. At times spawns would come out on other person’s door so we had a few double spawns at times. Still can over come the groups without much fuss.
4) Rude folks – two incidents - guardian server I have my daughter’s lvl 10 controller opening doors in Steel and was standing by door where working. Lvl 18 comes along and opens a door where I was standing. A Lt and minion spawn. Before I could move the Lt drops controller. At least the spawn beats the lvl 18 blaster to pulp. So some satisfaction. Other incident on Victory low level (2nd) scrapper opening doors and level 6 tank coming to kill steal my spawns. He did that several times and eventually I just waited for while for him to move along
5) Except for manners of a few people I am very pleased with the event and think developers did a nice job on the design of Halloween event.

Celtic Fist



Had only one issue last night with someone ganking our doors. However, we were able to find another, more secluded set of four doors for our SG team to attack until almost midnight Most fun my SG and I have had in a while

Nuts to that other team! The only thing they did better than us were suck and die!

Edit: Thanks to an invisible Lighthouse who spawned Peregrine Island 2 on Triumph for all of us



Trick or Treating and Classical Costume collection has been virtually mandated by Lord Recluse

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[color=orange]You'd think the Aracnos Minions would be thinking...

Aracnos Minon 1: I wonder why Lord Recluse is makeing it Manditory, I mean you'd think he get us to do somthing.....I don't know.....more evil......

Aracnos Minion 2: Have you seen Leeroy in the Carnival Harlequin costume? THAT is evil.....



Trick or Treating and Classical Costume collection has been virtually mandated by Lord Recluse

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[color=orange]You'd think the Aracnos Minions would be thinking...

Aracnos Minon 1: I wonder why Lord Recluse is makeing it Manditory, I mean you'd think he get us to do somthing.....I don't know.....more evil......

Aracnos Minion 2: Have you seen the Carnival Harlequin costume? Seeing Leeroy in it is pretty evil.....

P.S. Is there a list of what costumes are avalible?

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You can find the list of available costumes here: Paragon Wiki

There are 33 costumes in total and you can end up getting duplicates (although it won't show, but still counts toward the badges). I got 16 of them in 2 hours yesterday (+ duplicates)!



Thanks, Paragonwiki has been ok for me in the past, but the info is scetchy for somethings as well. Checked it out, looks good.



4) Rude folks – two incidents - guardian server I have my daughter’s lvl 10 controller opening doors in Steel and was standing by door where working. Lvl 18 comes along and opens a door where I was standing. A Lt and minion spawn. Before I could move the Lt drops controller. At least the spawn beats the lvl 18 blaster to pulp. So some satisfaction. Other incident on Victory low level (2nd) scrapper opening doors and level 6 tank coming to kill steal my spawns. He did that several times and eventually I just waited for while for him to move along

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Yep, had the same thing with my lvl 20 controller. A level 25 blaster comes along and keeps killing my tricks. (Funny how whenever I'm killstole from it is always by a blaster when I'm playing a controller).

This event always brings out some rude folks. Reminds me why I love that this game is so instance mission heavy. Best design decision ever.