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  1. Bad Idea: Having a nice conversation with Reichman.

    Good Idea: Asking for help in the help channel.

    And am I the only one reading this in that announcer's voice?
  2. IIRC, theres a setting in power customization to turn off the visual effects. You can choos to have them on, off, or off in PvE only.
  3. LordLundar

    I found a happy!

    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Well...hostile much?
    Not from what I saw. just a reaffirmation of don't sweat the small stuff.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
    Yay! Ace made the cut!
    Which ace? The original Royal flush gang one?

    Wait, nvm I see it now. But that's not Ace. That's Bat-Dog from the 50's series of comics.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    Too busy. It completely loses the sleekness the Batman Beyond suit had going for it.
    Agreed. The whole idea of Bruce's last suit is the simplicity. The only things discernible are the eyes, symbol and the belt (if it could be called that anymore.)
  6. What discussion? How do you discuss an unmitigated fact?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Earth: Mostly insane
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    And fix'd again.
  8. LordLundar


    Originally Posted by OnlyHuman View Post
    If I load a copy of City of Heroes: Architect Edition. Will it allow me to play the AE system on my free2play account?
    Nyet. The Architect Edition was simply a release to coincide with the mission architect release. It will not automatically grant permanent access to the architect system.

    I think there's a tier level that grants it, I just can't remember what it is.
  9. My reason (note, I've only been hit once)


    Okay, green spot on the ground, wait, there's 3 of them. Which one do I go to?

    This one?


    Umm, guess not.

    And it turns out it was hidden by another two green spots that are more prominent on the ground.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Yeah cuz you know being able to provide hard evidence of the actual crime being committed as it was occurring and the identities of the actual criminals involved to Law Enforcement isn't helping anyone.
    Right, because he's turning over the video over to the police as opposed to posting it on youtube. Oh wait...

    Let me make something clear here, I'm not opposed to him stopping crimes legally (and no, wearing a mask doesn't give you immunity) OR that videotaping it is a bad thing. But guess what, assaulting someone in the activity of a crime is still an assault and unless you have legal authorization to do so, you are still breaking the law. Two wrongs do not make a right.

    As for the video crew, whether they asked first or not isn't relevant. He not only allowed them, but encouraged them. He's putting their lives on the line in addition to his own. There's nothing stopping him from recording it himself or telling the crew to stay back instead of getting right in there. If there was a 300lb monster in that group looking to pick a brawl,what's stopping him from grabbing that camera and busting it on the cameraman's head? Neither the camera crew nor Jones thought that through.

    Finally, he's been in the media spotlight a number of times, all of which require a disclaimer to be signed, so don't you DARE tell me he's not after publicity. He wants play hero, he's welcome to it, I'm not about to stop him. All I'm saying that there's better ways to go about it than thoughtlessly charging into a group a group of thugs, camera crew mixed right in there and posting it up on youtube.
  11. LordLundar

    eva costume set

    Mistress eva you mean? Then no. The CoS/CoL costumes have been sought after for a while but never delivered.
  12. If he really was doing it only to help people he would have told the camera crew to not get involved. He not only allowed them to record it, but encouraged it. So no, he's not doing it to help his fellow man, he's doing it for the spotlight. Helping out his fellow man is just a side effect.
  13. You knowingly copied a trademarked name and even admitted as such right here (and no, a single letter difference is not excusable) A person noticed it and filed a petition which in turned caused your character to be generic'ed. It is that simple. You know the rules, you broke them, and you got caught. Now stop whining because you claim you didn't break it as far as someone else.
  14. LordLundar

    VIP to Premium

    The scale works that you are at the level of your most recent filled tier. So if you are one slot short on tier 7 you are still considered a tier 6 as far as the extra rewards are concerned.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    Wouldn't it save a lot of time and effort to simply necro one of the thousands of threads that have covered this exact ground in the exact same terms with the exact legal pronouncements by people claiming to be experts?
    Usually I agree, but the OP's under the (rather delusional) belief that the change in the payment system somehow renders standing copyright and trademark laws null. It just needs a new application of the clue by four, and given the OP's attempt to defend it despite being told otherwise, several applications.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    The subscription packages CHANGED.
    And there is absolutely no mention that you are specifically buying the points. All reference to those is that they are free, so unless you prove otherwise, and yes, I mean actual documented proof, not some half-handed interpretation that completely misses the word "free", all you said is a moot argument.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    And I kinda also want to fight Tyrant in his tower too. C'mon! We have 2 trials in Neutropolis, 1 in Imperial City and 1 in the Underground. Nova Praetoria needs some love!
    That's probably going to be a while off yet. If you want to know why, finish the Underground trial and talk to Prometheus. It's rather, interesting revelation.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    You can't be that attached to him. A different one shows up every time. You don't even bother to ask their names, you just call them all the same name. You may as well name them all Timmy.
    Love those bits from the show.

    That said, yeah, that's the idea behind the Mastermind Archetype. They are not comrades in arms like your team mates. They are expendable minions whose sole purpose is to follow orders to an extent (try slapping a time bomb on a sentient minion for example) at the cost of their own life. It's why MMs were set in the villain side originally. You just don't care enough about them to want to avenge them.
  19. Let's run through the list here.

    Afterburner: If you absolutely need to get to the next objective just that much faster and have the slots to spare, then by all means, go for it. But there's no tactical advantage in taking it and I personally would rather take something that can benefit me more in combat.

    Burnout: outside of T9 powers, the only ones with a cool down that can benefit from this is the pool, epic and incarnate powers. It's a rare situation where I must have another activation right at that moment once every 30 mins.

    Spring attack: Probably the most useful of the bunch, but if I recall correctly, the Judgement slot does the same with much more punch and a lower cool down. If you have absolutely no AoE then it is useful, but the only At I can think of without one is the stalker and that because such a power is detrimental to the play style.

    Long Range Teleport: Not a bad power really, but situational at best. The only time I can see it as useful is if you are far away from any means of accessing other transport hubs. For areas like Talos, Independence Port, or Nerva it has it's uses. But most others just not worth the effort unless you're in a race.

    Finally, your two slot complaint being garbage, no it's not. The examples you gave a are very specific and don't really help outside of them. The whole concept of the game is to build how you want within reason. To have a sacrifice of two slots with the claim that you will use them in only very limited amounts goes against that whole idea.

    The T5 travel powers are interesting, but only marginally useful and the only reason I can think of taking them is if you already meed the requirements and have an open slot.
  20. LordLundar

    VIP to Premium

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    Will I lose my access to the controller/MM AT since I didn't specifically buy them with Paragon points?
    If you are at Tier 5 on the Paragon Rewards, you will retain it without having to purchase the item. Otherwise yes, you do need to buy the Archetype.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    Since I purchased GR, I keep access to the GR alignment system, praetoria, and the power sets eg Dual pistol? If I unlock MM, I still have access to Demon Summoning?
    Correct with the exception of the First Ward missions and contacts.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    What about character slots? I have 2, and seemed to unlock 2 more, so I'll have access to four toons?
    Yes, you are correct.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    Is there a UI that allows me to pick which toons are active? The character creator shows something about 3 global unlocks, so are those more slots I have for some reason? Should I allot them before downgrading or will they still be available afterwards? I've never purchased character slots separately.
    When you downgrade, any unused slots will still be there, plus the two you get when you downgrade. You can then set them as you wish to unlock any characters you have barring other restrictions (MM unlock for example) Any slots you have already placed down will not be put into the pool however.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    I have 2 (or is it 3?) server transfers. Will I retain those after I downgrade?
    So far as I know yes, as those are active unlocks.

    Originally Posted by radsmash View Post
    What happens to IOs slotted in characters I keep playing? Are they grayed out and inactive until I buy the IO license? I probably will buy the IO license, but just want to know what would happen if I didn't.
    You are correct on that. IOs require a licence, VIP account, or Tier 7 on the Rewards scale to use.
  21. it's account wide and it allows you to bet auras at level 1 instead of doing the mission at level 30.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    The Black Swan incarnate trial will be a tailor contest to see if you can possibly make an outfit trashier than hers.
    Old costume or new? Because if it's the new one then it's no challenge.
  23. LordLundar

    END drain

    Surprisingly a question not asked yet: What are you fighting when the END goes down so quickly?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Placta View Post
    You can Flashback it, or, at least, you could during beta. And yeah, Trapdoor's only slightly less trivial than the AVs in the first mission with all the Incarnate toys.
    Of course, the next actual mission makes up for that in spades. I think I wiped 5 times on that fight.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    And no, they're not free, no matter how much Paragon say they are. They are part of the package you PAY for as part of a VIP subscription. If they were free, you'd get them as a Preem or Freem, too.
    No, you're ASSUMING that you paid for them. Guess what, your subscription fee did not increase, so unless you're getting a receipt or an extra line on your CC bill saying you paid for them, then it's a free gift granted to you for extending your patronage.

    And seeing that Paragon OWNS all the content you're paying to access Paragon saying it's free points holds a lot more weight than you saying it isn't, especially when you say they're breaking the law in your claim.