I found a happy!




I am so pleased! Pleased actually is perhaps the wrong word to use to describe my newist creation....Hexsing!

Now blasters are not my cup of tea. Squishy, little defense and well, just the Glass Cannon. I have made many, and deleted many opting for more survivability. Then I got a theme in my head that could only really come about as a blaster. Others would work, but I just needed to change it up again. Make something new and exciting, with a touch more twitch.

So I rolled up a Dark/Psi!

First off! Praise the Devs for porting Dark Powers to a blast set. Im not saying it's OP in the least, and I have chosen to actually gimp my damage a great deal. But I survive, and have a great time.

Abyssal Gaze alone makes the set for me. It's on fast recharge and I 6 slotted it as soon as I got it.

Now unlike other blasters or blaster styles of play who say ramp up damage and accuracy, I went a completel alternative route. Skipping most of my melee support in favor of range, and bypassing tough and weave. (I figure why bother with defense. It's nice, but Ill always be hit my something, and I need to accept that)

What I have done however is 5-6 slotted all of my dark powers, which is easy because I only use 3 Psi powers. In each I have Accuracy x 1, Damage x3 or X2 and 2X accuracy debuffs placed in my slots. With the exception of Abyssal Gaze which has more recharge, accuracy and damage, with just one - to Accuracy enhancer.

The result...Im not getting hit by anything, and if I do it seems quite rare or the enemy gets the jump on me. Sure some people noticed my damage was not on par with the other blasters that team, but when all is said and done, Im not pulling aggro off the tank.

I guess what I am getting at is that I feel like I am doing more support/controlling than just blasting, and for now it actually seems like it's going really well.

So my question at the end of all of this is...

Is this the totaly wrong way to think of a blaster? Is breaking the tried and true mold going to bite my butt later, or am I possibly on to something?



Honestly, it doesn't really matter.

If you like what you're doing that's good enough.

No one is going to pay any attention to your damage in anything involving leagues at 50+.

I'm not sure why you need some sort of affirmation to do what you're doing. Either you like it or you don't. The rest of it, is pretty much "Who cares."



i went with dark/energy and im actually enjoying it, majority of the blasters i have played never felt like ranged dmg toons they felt like half ranged dmg half melee dmg and i do not think they should have any melee powers

i went with energy because a majority of the set is click buffs, powerboost basically doubles the -tohit on all your powers and improves the duration of your mez powers and your heal (slotted the nuke, blackstar, could potentially have -71% tohit with powerboost active), boost range will help all of your cone powers, and conserve power helps with recovering from the nuke or if you are running low on end in general

the only melee attacks i even plan to have are total focus and the default power power thrust (one as a heavy hitter for anything that gets too close and one fast charging one to push back stuff that gets too close)



Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
Honestly, it doesn't really matter.

If you like what you're doing that's good enough.

No one is going to pay any attention to your damage in anything involving leagues at 50+.

I'm not sure why you need some sort of affirmation to do what you're doing. Either you like it or you don't. The rest of it, is pretty much "Who cares."
Well...hostile much?

I was asking because all of the guides focus on damage or IO's to either boost damage.

I don't care much for trials of 50 people. or leagues and such. Im more interested if the build should be changed, if I am going the wrong route...and if what Im working on will be playable and sirvivable later on.

So overall, you didn't really answer my question, as I was wondering from experienced Blaster players or others who might know, if this is solid perhaps for leveling, and if I should work on some other ideas later on down the road.



Looking at the numbers, I don't think you're getting a lot from those -tohit enhancers. Not a placebo effect (as there is an actual benefit), but not too far from it.

I would suggest doing a blind test - making a second build with more conventional slotting on blasts, using the exact same power picks and all, and switch builds without looking at the enhancements until you don't know which one you're playing, and see if you truly see a difference.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i went with dark/energy and im actually enjoying it, majority of the blasters i have played never felt like ranged dmg toons they felt like half ranged dmg half melee dmg and i do not think they should have any melee powers

i went with energy because a majority of the set is click buffs, powerboost basically doubles the -tohit on all your powers and improves the duration of your mez powers and your heal (slotted the nuke, blackstar, could potentially have -71% tohit with powerboost active), boost range will help all of your cone powers, and conserve power helps with recovering from the nuke or if you are running low on end in general

the only melee attacks i even plan to have are total focus and the default power power thrust (one as a heavy hitter for anything that gets too close and one fast charging one to push back stuff that gets too close)
See..I was thinking the same thing going with energy, but Psi offered some things that Thematicly worked and I love Drain Psyche for what it does. Also I wanted more control options and Psi has that type of support.

But Power Boost would be splendid I imagine. It sounds actually wonderfull.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Looking at the numbers, I don't think you're getting a lot from those -tohit enhancers. Not a placebo effect (as there is an actual benefit), but not too far from it.

I would suggest doing a blind test - making a second build with more conventional slotting on blasts, using the exact same power picks and all, and switch builds without looking at the enhancements until you don't know which one you're playing, and see if you truly see a difference.

I have my second build tricked out in the classic blaster setup. With Damage, range in my cones and with some defense. Im finding I die more in that build. But Im looking at the numbers now, and you are accurate. It might not be doing as much as I thought it would be. But it seems to make a touch of a difference....more in my solo game however.



Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
If you like what you're doing that's good enough.
A wise hobo once said "More knockback."

Seriously, do what you're enjoying, you sound like you're having fun, and you got a great name out of it.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
A wise hobo once said "More knockback."

Seriously, do what you're enjoying, you sound like you're having fun, and you got a great name out of it.
This is true. I am actually having a blast...literally

Living on the edge is sometimes more fun than the comfort of other AT's



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Well...hostile much?
Not from what I saw. just a reaffirmation of don't sweat the small stuff.



mmm, I'm looking at numbers as well, and with a very quick rough estimation, it looks like it could be fairly potent. At a To-Hit Debuff value of 58.48%, you're To-Hit from most powers is going to be -8.32 for 10 seconds. While that doesn't seem like much of a boost compared to -5.25 you'd have from not slotting it at all, the difference starts to add up when you start stacking the debuff on an enemy. For instance, if you can keep up 3 applications of the to-hit debuff with an enhancement value of 58.48%, the enemy will have his to-hit reduced by -24.96, and only have a 20.04 chance to hit you. If you did that same thing with no to-hit debuff enhancements, that enemy instead has his to-hit reduced by -15.75, and has a 29.25 chance to hit you. That's a difference of 9.21, which, in terms of how to-hit and defense work, is a quite a significant difference.

If you can stack the effect 6 times, without it wearing off, the enemies to-hit will be floored. He will only have a 5% chance to hit you, and you'll effectively have some sort of reversed soft-cap Blaster.

For best results I'm thinking 2-3 Lysosome Exposure, which increase your Accuracy, To-Hit Debuff, and Defense debuff by 33.33%. After that, perhaps just straight Damage, or maybe Damage IO's if you can find a set bonus you like.

*Do* keep in mind, however, that your To-Hit is not going to be doing much of anything against an Arch Villain, and is going to be at reduced effectiveness against enemies who have additional To-Hit, such as Rikti Drones. Also be aware that, unlike a truly soft-capped blaster, you need time to build your To-Hit, which is time the enemy has to take you down. At the same time that a Soft-Capped blaster is only going to be soft-capped to a few types of defense, where as your To-Hit reduces enemies ability to hit you indiscriminate of what element or type their powers are.

You might also want to contemplate taking Oppressive Gloom and Soul Storm from the Soul Mastery tree via Ghost Widow. It doesn't have as much to do with your specific enhancement preference as it is just taking advantage of your primary and secondary. As you mentioned, you like Abyssal Gaze in that it stuns enemies.

Oppressive Gloom stuns all enemies around you at Mag 2. This will take care of any minions around you, effectively removing from the fight in a method similar to World of Confusion. It has better synergy with your Dark Blast set, however, in that if a boss within 12 feet of you, then you can use Abyssal Gaze while Oppressive Gloom is running and he will instantly be putty in your caring hands. Oppressive Gloom is normally hard to use because it lowers your HP, but Drain Psyche should mitigate that issue entirely.

Alternatively, or Perhaps even additionally, Soul Storm works very much like your Abyssal Gaze; a single target hold, but it is Mag 3 instead of Mag 2. If the idea of getting into melee combat to stun the boss is unappealing, Soul Storm can very easily be used from a range with Abyssal Gaze as a sort of 1-2 punch that completely disables the boss as well. This takes more set up time than Oppressive Gloom, and it won't take care of the minions, but you don't have to go into melee to make use out of it, and it sounds like you prefer range.

Things to think about, at any rate.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Is this the totaly wrong way to think of a blaster? Is breaking the tried and true mold going to bite my butt later, or am I possibly on to something?
I break the mold frequently.

I have an Energy/Elec/Fire blaster that slotted all the AoE KBs for KB instead of damage. Hugely fun KBing every thing (5 AoE KB powers) and quite survivable too.

I have an Ice/Fire Blapper that slotted the primary powers for slow and -rech and went overboard on damage slotting for the secondary. The result was a highly survivable blaster that is also fun to play.

I have a Sonic/Ice/Elec blaster that is so good at AoE sleeps and slows that I can occasionally get so busy controllering stuff that I almost forget to defeat it.

I have a Fire/Storm/Stone controller that skipped Hurricane and relies on stacking AoE stuns instead. Hugely survivable, hugely fun.

I have more but you get the picture. I find pleasure in finding unusual ways to successfully pull off the inconceivable or the ridiculous and have it work and work well. I don't care if it loses 10% of it's damage output to do so and neither do the folks I typically team with. Its a game. If it's fun for you and doesn't spoil the fun of the folks you game with, then go for it.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
You might also want to contemplate taking Oppressive Gloom and Soul Storm from the Soul Mastery tree via Ghost Widow. It doesn't have as much to do with your specific enhancement preference as it is just taking advantage of your primary and secondary. As you mentioned, you like Abyssal Gaze in that it stuns enemies.

Oppressive Gloom stuns all enemies around you at Mag 2. This will take care of any minions around you, effectively removing from the fight in a method similar to World of Confusion. It has better synergy with your Dark Blast set, however, in that if a boss within 12 feet of you, then you can use Abyssal Gaze while Oppressive Gloom is running and he will instantly be putty in your caring hands. Oppressive Gloom is normally hard to use because it lowers your HP, but Drain Psyche should mitigate that issue entirely.

Alternatively, or Perhaps even additionally, Soul Storm works very much like your Abyssal Gaze; a single target hold, but it is Mag 3 instead of Mag 2. If the idea of getting into melee combat to stun the boss is unappealing, Soul Storm can very easily be used from a range with Abyssal Gaze as a sort of 1-2 punch that completely disables the boss as well. This takes more set up time than Oppressive Gloom, and it won't take care of the minions, but you don't have to go into melee to make use out of it, and it sounds like you prefer range.

Things to think about, at any rate.
You seem confused here. Soul Storm is a mag 3 hold. Abyssal Gaze is a mag 3 hold. Oppressive Gloom is a mag 2 stun. Psychic Shockwave (which you didn't mention) has 25% chance of mag 2 stun. You could combine shockwave and gloom to have a chance to stun a boss, or you could combine gaze with soul storm to hold a boss, but not gloom/gaze. However, most epic/patron pools have a hold, and shockwave is only 25%, so I wouldn't count on it for stunning stuff.

As for the talk of damage vs to-hit debuffs, I'd prefer damage, although I could see slipping in to-hit debuffs where you can (acc/debuff hami's would be good, and some of the to-hit set IOs for increasing both to-hit debuff and recharge for example). Also, this looks like a great place for musculature radial if you eventualy get incarnated, since it adds both damage and to-hit debuff.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Well...hostile much?

I was asking because all of the guides focus on damage or IO's to either boost damage.

I don't care much for trials of 50 people. or leagues and such. Im more interested if the build should be changed, if I am going the wrong route...and if what Im working on will be playable and sirvivable later on.

So overall, you didn't really answer my question, as I was wondering from experienced Blaster players or others who might know, if this is solid perhaps for leveling, and if I should work on some other ideas later on down the road.
Not at all. Maybe more to the point than I should be when I cannot convey emotion through text. Talen and Lord had it right. Don't worry too much about it. If you like what you're doing that is what matters.

It might be a different story if you were uncertain as to whether or not you wanted to play a blaster, but it seems you're fairly certain on that. At this point it's just a matter of finding what works for you.



I've always seen Blasters as Ranged/Support. I have foregone my Blaps on my /NRG purely to do something different with it. The Power boost and Boost Range both can well affect aid other and aid self as well as vengeance. So now I do STFs with her and if the bleep hits the fan and someone falls, 45% defence all around including my manuevers. Then I res that person. The great thing with NRG is I can powerboost vengeance at something like level 30.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Dark/Mental? So that's -tohit, cone immob, cone knockback, -regen, -recharge, hold, fear and a self heal all on a Blaster.

Grab Medicine and Leadership and proceed to be ripped apart by teams wanting you. I love Blasters and like to stand by they've enough damage that, when it comes to build planning, you can afford to be looking for other ways to support the team. Great hearing you've come to a similar conclusion ^^ May have to roll a Dark/Mental, it sounds near perfect a build playground as a Blaster can get.

Also like the idea above of /En powerboosting Vengeance, hadn't thought of that! May need to go respec my AR/En..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
You seem confused here. Soul Storm is a mag 3 hold. Abyssal Gaze is a mag 3 hold. Oppressive Gloom is a mag 2 stun. Psychic Shockwave (which you didn't mention) has 25% chance of mag 2 stun. You could combine shockwave and gloom to have a chance to stun a boss, or you could combine gaze with soul storm to hold a boss, but not gloom/gaze. However, most epic/patron pools have a hold, and shockwave is only 25%, so I wouldn't count on it for stunning stuff.

This is the disadvantage of pouring over mids all day; all the abilities start to bleed together and you begin making things up. I'm *guessing* my brain was thinking of the synergy Oppressive Gloom has when paired with a blaster primary that has a single target stun in it. Thank you for correcting that.

Aside from Oppressive Gloom, advice still stands; You'll probably enjoy an Epic Pool Hold to go with the one you have already to quickly control a Boss.



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
Dark/Mental? So that's -tohit, cone immob, cone knockback, -regen, -recharge, hold, fear and a self heal all on a Blaster.

Grab Medicine and Leadership and proceed to be ripped apart by teams wanting you. I love Blasters and like to stand by they've enough damage that, when it comes to build planning, you can afford to be looking for other ways to support the team. Great hearing you've come to a similar conclusion ^^ May have to roll a Dark/Mental, it sounds near perfect a build playground as a Blaster can get.

Also like the idea above of /En powerboosting Vengeance, hadn't thought of that! May need to go respec my AR/En..

Actually. Now that I have some other tricks going on. I have noticed that my - to hit is actually helping me and actually my team mates as well. I have some recharge and some hasten goin on at the moment as well so applying a tons of debuffs is just the icing on the cake.

It actually feels that I am the closest thing to a Dom but with more damage and damage output. Here is why. Although...no pets.

With a Dark Mental I can

Blast and debuff - to hit
Ranged Imob
Ranged Hold
Single Target Imob
Ranged Knockback
Drain Psyche
AOE Confuse with a DoT Psi damage
PBAOE 2 mag Stun

So...to day the least it's going really well...considdering this is an AT I generally do not enjoy playing at all.

When incarnated I also have the option to fill in the other gaps like - to res, which I could use more of.

So...I did find a happy