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  1. Hi all,

    I seem to be getting this random bug more and more often nowadays. When I complete a mission and exit out, I find all my toggles are turned off and none of my powers will activate on tray 1. However, the corresponding number on tray 2 will work which just messes me up. Nothing will work on Tray 3 either by number or clicking on it. I also cannot type anything in the chat box. The only way I've found to correct this situation is to completely exit out of the game and then restart.

    I've seen this in the past but only occasionally. Nowadays it seems to happen everytime I log in at some point and it's becoming really really annoying.

    Anyone else experiencing this with any frequency? Any ideas on lessening this issue?

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    What a great thread.

    For anyone who hasn't seen it, here's a great little piece:

    Half Life: Full Life Consequences

    A Half-Life playing dad has an 8-year old son who wrote his own Half-Life fan fiction. The fanfic is then animated using Garry's Mod. Charming and hilarious (if a bit bloody).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh sides hurt and I have tears streaming down my face. That was excellent!

    Wyll - Kudos to you! I also play on Freedom but mostly at night after my own kids are in bed.

    I haven't let mine play CoX, but they really like the costume creator and making characters that are 8 ft tall with wings and skirts, a mixture of anything else, and as many different colors as possible - with a name that would make the RMT spammers envious.

    Lately, they seem to have switched their liking to Overlord and watching Daddy play. They like the minions and don't want them to get Daddy has to have the right color minions. Not the red ones, but the blue ones.

    The youngest got up at 6 AM this morning wanting Daddy to get up and play Overlord...I know the concepts of "total domination" and "bending others to do your will" are naturally inherent in youngsters, but...uh....hmmm.
  3. The GMOTD is poorly worded. The timer is on you - you may only click on one door every 60 seconds, otherwise you get the cannot enter message. It is not a bug as this was the scenario last year.
  4. I received the same tell as srmalloy. Ignored all around and petitioned.

    Thanks to everyone in getting rid of these spammers.
  5. I apologize if this has been mentioned already. The Glam hairstyle for females has a slight problem. First, looking at the front, there is a piece of hair that comes over the front of the right shoulder and no matching piece of hair on the left side. Makes the style look uneven. Also, that same piece of hair pierces through the arm when in fighting stance (see picture).

    Hair owie
  6. This thread reminded me of the time the Alliance of Heroes had a party in Atlas park and one of the events was Hellion soccerball. People who signed up would create a kinetics defender with the repel power and put on a team. A street in Atlas was chosen as the field and lamp posts were the goal posts. A hellion would be tp'd onto the street and the teams would try to bounce the hellion past their respective goal posts. The only downer was sometimes the "ball" would get deflated from getting bounced too many times.

    So, why not put the repel power on the red ball? But, don't repel the hero from the ball, obviously. Repel the ball from the hero? In terms of movement and all that, the ball would act like the repel power was applied to it.

    *shrug* just a thought...

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What I see is that full attention is only being given to the PvP side of the game. And each 'tweak' to better pvp makes pve suck worse than dirty brown water.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PvP is not the root of all evil. If something is abusable in Pvp *and* PvE, why shouldn't it be fixed in both?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True. However, the *perception* seems to be that when someone gets defeated in PvP by someone using X power, the defeated one turns around and whines about how they were defeated. Then, cries that X power is too powerful in PvP, and demands a change (nerf), RATHER than figure out a tactic to overcome said usage of power. Next thing we know, X power is getting nerfed in PvP, but oh, it's also getting the same nerf in PvE.

    Argue all you want of what the reality is, it doesn't matter. What's perceived is PvP is changing the game over and over again.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Debuffing is probably getting nerfed because Defense is getting such a big boost in i7.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, but the first explanation given for this change was the abuse of Hami-Os which most people here saw as baloney.

    I have a couple of questions. Is defense *really* getting boosted or is the to hit formula getting modified which in effect gives defense a boost?

    Either way, if they had come out and said the the to hit debuffs were getting scaled down because they would be too powerful against the defense change, most people would have accepted that easier.

    Another question I have goes back to the numbers, the combat modifier, I think. What is the combat modifier? Is it some calculation of rank (boss, lt, minion), level, and some number (1.15 for boss; is that what I saw?)?

    I'm also a little confused about boss/lt. numbers. When you say a +0 boss meaning if you are level 40, the boss is level 40, BUT he cons orange which is +2 on some scale or other right? Does whatever color he cons affect the combat modifier or not? If not, does the color he cons to affect something like damage dealt (the damage he does to the player)??

    I think my head hurts, I'm so confused...Hope my questions make sense...
  8. Bane said:
    [ QUOTE ]
    DO NOT stand at edge of ANY ZONE and ask "dose any body tp? " or "can somebody tp me to *any location" (snip)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A couple of years ago, someone got the idea to create "taxibots" which would offer to tp you where you needed to go for influence. And yes, their costumes usually had the colors/checkers of a taxi. I think they started out on Liberty and other taxibot groups popped up on other servers. There was even a guide on creating a taxibot group. I thought it was a neat idea and provided a service to all those requests for a tp. I haven't seen them around at all lately which is a shame.

    Hope you feel better, soon, Bane.
  9. Thought of another oddity:

    Don't ask to join a supergroup unless you are serious about it. I was sent a tell by someone, while I was in a mission, asking if they could join my supergroup (not that it's 'my' supergroup but one I am a member of). I said they had to fill out an app and referred them to the website. Their response was "Oh, nvm." I'm thinking, "then why did you ask?"

    I don't necessarily mind blind invites and it's easy enough to just click no. I guess I've been fortunate in not getting spammed invites by the same person. But blind supergroup invites annoy me a little. For some reason, those seem to get spammed a bit. If I'm on a PUG, and then get invited by someone on the team to their SG, then that's ok. I feel then that they know me a little and think I'm a decent enough player to join them.
  10. Hudsonsmith said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Do not send tells to folks asking them to join your team when they are in a mission.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed. What is up with that? I find it rude to try to get yourself invited to a team especially when the team has 'enough' players and are in a mission. If the team wanted more players, the leader would have looked and sent invites already. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive but this behavior irritates me.
  11. Thank you, Innovator! My files were named .txt.txt. All fixed now and I can stop banging my head on my keyboard.
  12. I am trying something mentioned in the guide about looping taunts.

    I have several text files (Opened by notepad, if that makes any difference) and located in c:\keybinds. Each file says:

    x "Local <something cute> $$powexecname Confuse$$bindloadfile <nextfilename>

    Now, I figure I can go into the game, pick a toon, and type:
    /bindloadfile c:\keybinds\file1.txt to start it, but I get the error: Unable to read in keybind file: c:\keybinds\file1.txt

    I cannot figure out why. I've checked the permissions on the files and the directory and they are open for read. I also have a few minor questions..

    1. I used to have bind_load_file and powexec_name, but I guess the underlines aren't required anymore?

    2. Are you supposed to use forward slashes or back slashes for the directory path?

    3. Someone mentioned having the extention names shown, I've looked a little bit but how does one do that in Windows? I'd like to make sure my files aren't named file1.txt.txt...

    Thanks for any help. I've been trying to figure this out for a while now.