CoH needs more blades...




CoH needs more blades...

... like I need a hole in the head.

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thanks for more vanilla.

and parents? thank you for allowing your 13 year old kids to play CoH where they can vote for powersets they see on their anime cartoon shows.

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Yes, because your opinion is worth more than anyone else's.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Im not now, nor have I EVER advocated the removal of powersets already in the game. Yes, I agree that the game should be fun and fast. But the way I see it, CoH already offers plenty of powerset choices for players who wish to be a "killer" heroes, but few for "the good guys".

Lets break down the Scrappers.

Claws: Killer
Katana: Killer
Broad Sword: Killer
Spines: Killer
Martial Arts: Not Killer
Dark Melee: Not Killer, but could be RP'ed that way if you choose.

Also, the MA set is limited to kicks. All you have to do is watch a UFC fight to know that MA has punches, elbows, knees and throws. I won't even mention the Bruce Lee style nerve strikes, open plams, and bone breaking.

Nothing says that just because the moves are "non-lethal" they can't be fast and brutal. It just takes a bit more imagination then porting over the rogue class from WoW.

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I have a game for you, and really, anyone can play. It's called Explain-up or Shut-up. Here's the rules: You describe how and why you believe a powerset may or maynot be 'killer' otherwise you shut up. I'll start.

Martial arts: 'Killer' You say it's non-killer but can a superpowered MA scrapper/stalker not crush a robot with metallic armor with ease? If you can focus your chi and easily send your foot through a mass of metal with a crane kick could you not do the same thing to a fleshy Circle of Thorn Mage or Malta gunslinger?

Dark Melee: 'Killer'Focusing the energy of death and the neatherworld into a foe would most definitly kill them, in more ways than one. Not only can it decay the physical but destroy the spiritual? Yeah, that's going to cause damage that probably won't be healed.

Katana: 'Not Killer' Sure, any nut can run around slicing people with a sword but most of the unskilled, unworthy weapon wielders will be the 1st to be shot and dead, leaving the truely proficient weapon users. With skill comes control, so a superpowered sword user can limit himself to relatively superficial wounds to bleed his foe into submission. I'm sure all the people running around with armor to protect against gunfire might hinder a sword as well.

My main character is a Kat/SR scrapper and he doesn't even wield a sword, not a metal one at least. He really runs around with a wooden sword that he can 'will' to cut when he needs it to. I just have to RP him that way until weapon customization rolls around.

Okay, who wants the next turn?



Here is an idea.

Blunted swords/blades.

I guess that opens up the question.. then why use something in the shape of a sword? Why not use a stick.. or something?

1. A stick can be broken by a normal person. Hell, a baseball bat isn't a sturdy as someone's arm.

2. You can till employ techniques for that weapon.

3. If you are mystically inclined you can add an edge back to it if you need.

4. You look a LOT cooler than just waving a stick around.



I don't mind another bladed set, I just wish it wasn't the only one we were getting. I mean, it's not exactly the most heroic style out there, stabbing people on the street to death. It's not like there aren't non-stabby melee styles to be used still. As of the next issue 5/7 of Scrapper sets will involve stabbing, quite specific considering how many characters in comics could be considered scrappers. Couldn't they have changed the knives for batons a la Daredevil or Nightwing, or added it at the same time as Streetfighting, Psychic blade, staff or what have you?

On another note, I hope polls having a say in future content doesn't become a more common thing. I dunno, I prefer the developers to decide where the game goes over the players. Especially when the poll isn't even going to be known of by a lot of the players, just the ones who post on the boards or who get told by people on the boards.



You know, Nether, you're like a force of nature. When you're against me, your awesome power is frightening and deadly. When you're on my side, you're a beautiful side to behold

And I completely agree with you. I'm sick and tired of all of this realism crap that people keep trying to shovel into the game. In this game we point on people until their green bar runs out. When it does, they fall to the ground and then fade away. That's it.

If someone's so thick-headed that they have to INSIST we kill them, then that's not my problem. If someone's further so deluded that they think heroes shouldn't kill, then that's really not a point worth discussing. This thread should have ended at:

-Heroes don't kill.
-Yes they do.

Instead it's been going forward in an "Is not! Is too!" fashion. Bottom line is, heroes don't kill. They defeat. They are awarded cool stuff for defeating enemies and encouraged to go defeat more. No accountability is ever required of them in any sort of fashion.

That's the world we play in. 'Bout time people started dealing with that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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I heard they are mocapping BAB thinking very mean thoughts in preperation for the psi weapon set.

Glowworm * Brrr * Lilinoe
Kid Trance * Ms. Impala * Red Helen
Pooka Pete




Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes.

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Ah, but it has everything to do with players recreating their GW, EQ and WoW characters in CoH; which is the mindset of how the majority of players vote.

"Hmm. How can we make CoH more like every other fantasy MMORPG? I know! Loot and more medieval weapons! Yay!"

. - Johnny_Butane

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BOO! And that's not to scare but hiss and cajole : p

Still it's funny though >_>



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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I heard they are mocapping BAB thinking very mean thoughts in preperation for the psi weapon set.

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I wonder, if they do a Psi Weapons set, will BaB go into a dark closet and hit things with his head until he sees the color to make the attacks?

Seriously though, you guys are thinking to small. Why do Psi weapons have to take the form a blades?

Why can't it be like a melee form of Green Lantern's ring? You know, form a giant fist and bash someone, anything the imagination can think of.




Um yes. There are NOT a ton of concept chars who use shields at all who wouldn't just be copying what captain america does with a shield. Please do tell me, if you can who else goes around throwing their shield around like he does? He is SO the basis for this Shield Power. Cause otherwise it's just "Oh I blocked your power. I'm not hurt." Which isn't terribly exciting.

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I voted for shields hoping that it would be a power pool options or something that would allow a mace/axe/broadsword duo ability.

But I agree, I cant count too many shield heroes, so I am interested in seeing how they implement it that would not be a direct mimic of Capt America.



Um yes. There are NOT a ton of concept chars who use shields at all who wouldn't just be copying what captain america does with a shield. Please do tell me, if you can who else goes around throwing their shield around like he does? He is SO the basis for this Shield Power. Cause otherwise it's just "Oh I blocked your power. I'm not hurt." Which isn't terribly exciting.

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I voted for shields hoping that it would be a power pool options or something that would allow a mace/axe/broadsword duo ability.

But I agree, I cant count too many shield heroes, so I am interested in seeing how they implement it that would not be a direct mimic of Capt America.

[/ QUOTE ] Psi weapon concept had blades, hammers, chains and REALLY large blades :-P(posted on previous pages...)



You know, Nether, you're like a force of nature. When you're against me, your awesome power is frightening and deadly. When you're on my side, you're a beautiful side to behold

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Thanks Sam, glad you enjoyed my little parody. =)

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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Translation: "Energy Melee Part-2? Sure, go right ahead and put me in front of that Bus..."



The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.

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Melee classes needed another lethal damage set?



Who cares what kind of damage it does, though? I honestly don't get it. If it's cool and it works, err... Who cares?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Honestly, I can understand why some folks get irritated by the introduction of another sword powerset. It's not so much that it's without precedent in comic books or that it's unheroic (plenty of heroes use deadly weapons with such skill that they can be used to subdue instead of kill). The thing I can see being irritating is that it doesn't do much to continue differentiating CoX from other Sword n' Sorcery MMOGs; quite the opposite.

But if that's what people want, then so be it. I have no doubt I'll roll one and have fun with it.



Who cares what kind of damage it does, though? I honestly don't get it. If it's cool and it works, err... Who cares?

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My thoughts exactly.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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Translation: "Energy Melee Part-2? Sure, go right ahead and put me in front of that Bus..."

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If they would just give scrappers EM we wouldn't need a whole other set.


I can't stand to play my fire/em blaster. It is just a horrific reminder that I will NEVER EVER have a em/sr scrapper.

PREEMPTIVE STRIKE- If EM wouldn't be balanced for scrappers simply because of damage.. then it isn't balanced for anyone else.. is it?



The thing I can see being irritating is that it doesn't do much to continue differentiating CoX from other Sword n' Sorcery MMOGs; quite the opposite.

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And that's where the crucial problem lies. I don't find CoH to be similar to any of those "Sword and Sorcery" games whatsoever, so I don't believe it needs anything to differentiate itself. To me, that's like saying that giving a dumper truck a bigger engine doesn't do anything to differentiate it from a Ferrari. Well, yeah, that's technically true, but they're so different to begin with that it's really not possible to make them alike.

I don't get why CoH keeps being compared to Fantasy games all the time. There's nothing fantasy about it beyond what players bring with them. And you don't really need swords or sorcery to turn any game with this much customization into a Fantasy game. I like to look past simple mechanics and basic concepts and go to the theme of the game and the concepts it permits. And in this, City of Heroes is just about perfectly unique.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Who cares what kind of damage it does, though? I honestly don't get it. If it's cool and it works, err... Who cares?

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Not me. As I said before: More Fighting yaaaaa!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



I don't get why CoH keeps being compared to Fantasy games all the time. There's nothing fantasy about it beyond what players bring with them.

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There's nothing fantasy about CoH? That just seems like a funny thing to say.



I don't get why CoH keeps being compared to Fantasy games all the time. There's nothing fantasy about it beyond what players bring with them.

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There's nothing fantasy about CoH? That just seems like a funny thing to say.

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Not really. What's fantasy about it? We have bladed weapons, but that doesn't really cut it. I mean Aliens vs. Predator has bladed weapons, as does Rome: Total War, and that's hardly fantasy. We have a grand total of one "real sorcerer" enemy group - the Circle of Thorns, and that's a drop in the ocean. We also have the Banished Pantheon, who are more akin to tribal shamen and the Legacy Chain, who are modern-day mystics much more so than Fantasy one. We have pointy ears... Like Mr. Spock.

Beyond that, we have guns, body armour, electricity, computers, a modern-day city under a democratic government. We have cars, trucks, trains, planes, bus stops (though no busses). We have office buildings, high-rise skyscrapers, shops and administration buildings. We have police forces, we have special divisions in City Hall.

Oh, sure, we have a bunch of player-made Fantasy characters. That's not because the game is about Fantasy. It's because it lets players design whatever they like, and that includes Fantasy. But the game itself... Just what Fantasy is there in it at all?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Beyond that, we have...bus stops (though no busses)....

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Sam, you've got it! The thing Posi was talking about! The thing we've been asking for since Beta! Think about it--the endless loops, the return to the place where we began...the great mystery will finally be solved, and order restored to the universe in...

Issue 11: City of Buses!

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.

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Translated: We wanted to do Dual Blades. They'll grow on you. Get used to the idea, because it's happening.

Seriously though, will there be another poll anytime soon? If so, might I suggest a poll to determine what sets make it onto the poll?



I have to agree,I know a few select people detest blades, but a poll to see what power sets make it onto the OFFICIAL poll would be fair.



The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.

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Translated: We wanted to do Dual Blades. They'll grow on you. Get used to the idea, because it's happening.

Seriously though, will there be another poll anytime soon? If so, might I suggest a poll to determine what sets make it onto the poll?

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Only if they poll out the choices for that poll first.

Which would require a poll to decided what goes on that poll too.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.