CoH needs more blades...





Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, but it has everything to do with players recreating their GW, EQ and WoW characters in CoH; which is the mindset of how the majority of players vote.

"Hmm. How can we make CoH more like every other fantasy MMORPG? I know! Loot and more medieval weapons! Yay!"


[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you

[/ QUOTE ]

Still assuming "the people" are mindless idiots that don't know how to have their fun? Why be so angsty about how you perceive people play? Would you be so surprised that my Dual Blades/Willpower character I'm making is a high tech futuristic person? Nothing to do with the previous fantasy games I've played before.

You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win. It sucks, I know but the decision has been made and the work is being done. Heck, I even wanted Force Field for a defense set but Willpower and Shields are going to be crazy fun. If you still feel like arguing why Dual Blades' production should be stopped in favor of making a new powerset delayed until Issues 12, then be constructive about it and don't casually toss out weak arguments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, im going to look over the rude, and snarky part of this post and say that you do have some valid points. Mainly that new powersets, ANY new powersets is a good thing. Thank you for pointing that out.

You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah yes. I did make a mistake there. Going by the logistics of that Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937 however, means that current killer offensive sets would need to be removed. Which is pretty much all of them. This does not bode well for a combat MMO.

The major strength of this game Statesman has said is the moment to moment combat. So anything that adds to that makes it that much more fun. What you're saying is that lore in the game should take precedence over fun. That's just [censored] backwards. I'm not going to go into game design philosophy but to generalize: games are designed with fun in mind before the other elements.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it




Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, but it has everything to do with players recreating their GW, EQ and WoW characters in CoH; which is the mindset of how the majority of players vote.

"Hmm. How can we make CoH more like every other fantasy MMORPG? I know! Loot and more medieval weapons! Yay!"


[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you

[/ QUOTE ]

Still assuming "the people" are mindless idiots that don't know how to have their fun? Why be so angsty about how you perceive people play? Would you be so surprised that my Dual Blades/Willpower character I'm making is a high tech futuristic person? Nothing to do with the previous fantasy games I've played before.

You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win. It sucks, I know but the decision has been made and the work is being done. Heck, I even wanted Force Field for a defense set but Willpower and Shields are going to be crazy fun. If you still feel like arguing why Dual Blades' production should be stopped in favor of making a new powerset delayed until Issues 12, then be constructive about it and don't casually toss out weak arguments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, im going to look over the rude, and snarky part of this post and say that you do have some valid points. Mainly that new powersets, ANY new powersets is a good thing. Thank you for pointing that out.

You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah yes. I did make a mistake there. Going by the logistics of that Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937 however, means that current killer offensive sets would need to be removed. Which is pretty much all of them. This does not bode well for a combat MMO.

The major strength of this game Statesman has said is the moment to moment combat. So anything that adds to that makes it that much more fun. What you're saying is that lore in the game should take precedence over fun. That's just [censored] backwards. I'm not going to go into game design philosophy but to generalize: games are designed with fun in mind before the other elements.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im not now, nor have I EVER advocated the removal of powersets already in the game. Yes, I agree that the game should be fun and fast. But the way I see it, CoH already offers plenty of powerset choices for players who wish to be a "killer" heroes, but few for "the good guys".

Lets break down the Scrappers.

Claws: Killer
Katana: Killer
Broad Sword: Killer
Spines: Killer
Martial Arts: Not Killer
Dark Melee: Not Killer, but could be RP'ed that way if you choose.

Also, the MA set is limited to kicks. All you have to do is watch a UFC fight to know that MA has punches, elbows, knees and throws. I won't even mention the Bruce Lee style nerve strikes, open plams, and bone breaking.

Nothing says that just because the moves are "non-lethal" they can't be fast and brutal. It just takes a bit more imagination then porting over the rogue class from WoW.

Nuking the world since 1972




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

Nuking the world since 1972




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

It wasn't debunked, it was stated dual blades won the poll. All the informal player run polls to see unofficially what the general populous voted for also ended up with dual blades as the winner.

People want dual blades. I want dual blades.

Yes the fact that it was just a poll means that maybe if DB had gotten second, it might still have been picked, but in this case, it was the #1 favorite and the devs choice. Good mix.



Again with the narrow fixation on the possibilities of Dual Blades. Examples have already been pointed out on the already established characters who wield dual blades so I won't repeat and the imagination is boundless.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, euphemisms is your game now, huh? A rose is a rose, good player.

Also, I read that one about Shields before. I figured I'd covered that concept with an earlier post.

As I insinuated, but perhaps didn't spell out too clearly, the devs now have a good idea of where to work for the next powersets to implement.

And oh yeah... From that poll/vote/tally/<insert synonym here>/etc., STREET FIGHTING STILL LOST.

Again... Why are we still on this?

Frankly, I'd rather have some of those improvised weapons set ideas you threw out earlier. The baseball bat or the 2X4 would be downright entertaining!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

[/ QUOTE ]

Why are you still harping on this? It states heroes can act as cops. Cops kill all the time. Often because they like it. It's been covered. You have no valid point against it. Quit spewing the same inane garbage if you're going to keep trolling this thread.

Be well, people of CoH.



I seriously doubt they would do anything like that. As cool as forming different psychic weapons would be, it would essentially cause you to redraw you weapon for nearly every attack.

[/ QUOTE ] Not necessarily. What they could do is have the attack animation itself be the formation of the weapon and the attack with the weapon dissipating at the end of the animation. You could have the animations be however long you wanted in that scenario really.

It somewhat reminds me of a character from the game Xenogears, Emeralda Kasim. She'd morph her limbs/body into weapons with every attack. Her roundhouse kick would turn her foot into a sickle shaped blade, a palm strike would turn her forearm into a drill, a headbut would grow spikes out of her forehead, and you know, things like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. I was thinking along the lines of having the first attack be a simple forward stab with a psi dagger then the second one is a quick spinning slash with a sword length blade. The dagger simply morphs its length and(and girth slightly) to become a sword. There is no draw. The weapons are created with your mind after all. It follows the scrapper flavor of two quick attacks followed by a more powerful one that takes some additional animation this case it would be forming the psi hammer for a two-handed downward swing a la Stone Melee.

The fourth attack could be a spin with the hammer thats a PBAOE knockback type(would require a new animation here I believe).

I actually think that a psi weapon set could be as cool as, if not cooler, than dual blades if done correctly.



Awesome ideas for Psi weaponry. I'd love to see something like that implemented! Then when power customization comes around I can discretely color the powers all green and uh... oh nevermind.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



uhhh i dont want to know...

i just hope that duel blades has VERY short animations and endurance costs because i heard its damage is meh and its strength is speed



uhhh i dont want to know...

i just hope that duel blades has VERY short animations and endurance costs because i heard its damage is meh and its strength is speed

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats true with real dual blade/sword use also. With only one hand on a weapon you can attack with two weapons however it is at the cost of the stability and strength at holding with two hands.



You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

[/ QUOTE ]

Why are you still harping on this? It states heroes can act as cops. Cops kill all the time. Often because they like it. It's been covered. You have no valid point against it. Quit spewing the same inane garbage if you're going to keep trolling this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

When a police officer uses deadly force, even if he doesn’t kill the perp, he is placed on administrative leave, the department does an investigation into if the use of such force was justified, and the results are sent to a civilian review board. If the officer is found to have used deadly force improperly, the officer is subject to criminal prosecution.

Nuking the world since 1972



It's been mentioned several times before and apparently it's not sinking in, but this is a game. Not a simulator. Roleplay to your heart's content on such things, but making it a fuss on the forums and trying to exclude it from Hero side is ridiculous.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it




When a police officer uses deadly force, even if he doesn’t kill the perp, he is placed on administrative leave, the department does an investigation into if the use of such force was justified, and the results are sent to a civilian review board. If the officer is found to have used deadly force improperly, the officer is subject to criminal prosecution.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, when someone's game-world avatar uses deadly force, they are rewarded with experience, inf and potentially valuable drops they can sell to vendors or place on the market. The actions of heroes are subject to periodic review by zone trainers like Back Alley Brawler and Ms. Liberty. If they are found to have used enough deadly force, the hero is subject to levelling up and gaining access to more powerful abilities.

I hope this helps you differentiate between Paragon City and New York City.

Either way, please enjoy your new home- my ignore list.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, euphemisms is your game now, huh? A rose is a rose, good player.

Also, I read that one about Shields before. I figured I'd covered that concept with an earlier post.

As I insinuated, but perhaps didn't spell out too clearly, the devs now have a good idea of where to work for the next powersets to implement.

And oh yeah... From that poll/vote/tally/<insert synonym here>/etc., STREET FIGHTING STILL LOST.

Again... Why are we still on this?

Frankly, I'd rather have some of those improvised weapons set ideas you threw out earlier. The baseball bat or the 2X4 would be downright entertaining!

[/ QUOTE ]

I did not say I voted for street sighting. Frankly I can't remember what I voted for. The problem isn't that DB won, the problem is that the devs are treating CoH and CoV as one game.


Thanks for the 2x4 vote! Imagine the fun of smashing the Trolls Supes lab with a chunk of pine!

Nuking the world since 1972



You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

[/ QUOTE ]

Why are you still harping on this? It states heroes can act as cops. Cops kill all the time. Often because they like it. It's been covered. You have no valid point against it. Quit spewing the same inane garbage if you're going to keep trolling this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

When a police officer uses deadly force, even if he doesn’t kill the perp, he is placed on administrative leave, the department does an investigation into if the use of such force was justified, and the results are sent to a civilian review board. If the officer is found to have used deadly force improperly, the officer is subject to criminal prosecution.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, but what if the criminal was shooting fire out of his eyes, or emitting bursts of radiation and cooking random citizens for fun?

Or if he just threw a truck through a building?

Or he had just crystallized half of the police force with ICE POWERS.

And mind you, these are people on the wanted list for untold amount of murder and property damage. They are, shoot on sight. Every one of the police officers in CoV doesn't even wait to ask your name. They open fire.

Because, in Real life. At worse, the criminal has an assault rifle. In CoH. At worse? Throw fire? Punch through steel? RASE AN ARMY OF THE UNDEAD?!

In real life, what do the police do, when the guy whips out an AK-47 and unloads a clip into a few guys, maybe tosses a grenade or two? They stop playing Mr. Nice guy. And that happens rarely.

The scales are different. So is what is "lethal"

Lets take a Taser.

Real life = stops criminal

CoH = Criminal laughs at you and then crushes you against his skull like a beer can.

What about guns?

Real Life = Lots of warning, last resort

CoH = Open fire and pray that they slow him down a tiny bit until someone else with super powers shows up to deal with 'em.

What I'm getting at is. It's very hard to go "overboard" in the CoH world. Almost everything is justified.

AND, if you're going to complain that swords are too "killer" what about every other powerset in the game? It's not to hard to score a non-lethal, but still take them out of the fight, blow with a sword or a gun. What about all the "super hero" powers? Fire? How do you do non-lethal, non-horrible-scar-inducing, combat with that? Or energy? Electricity? RADIATION. So much radiation that it LIGHTS UP the air. If they don't just melt from that, much less get cancer. They're lucky. What about increasing the relative gravity around someone SO much they can't move? Suddenly they weigh eight, nine times what they did? How does their blood not crush their heart? Their brain not get turned to soup as the cranial fluid bears down on it?

The answer? You're a SUPER hero. In a GAME. If you can't come up with a reason, or just ignore it, you're not trying very hard.

Personally, my Kat/Regen scrapper doesn't have to worry about his own injuries and is free to take his time to angle his shots, hitting shoulders, thighs. Using the flat edge, on people he might kill, and the sharp side on the robots/zombies/things that don't die easy.

And, I'd like to point out. If a cop took out a warehouse full of thugs armed with SMGs and shotguns, along with several in the back who can breath FIRE. And he did it with a set of SWORDS. then he gets a MEDAL in my book.




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, euphemisms is your game now, huh? A rose is a rose, good player.

Also, I read that one about Shields before. I figured I'd covered that concept with an earlier post.

As I insinuated, but perhaps didn't spell out too clearly, the devs now have a good idea of where to work for the next powersets to implement.

And oh yeah... From that poll/vote/tally/<insert synonym here>/etc., STREET FIGHTING STILL LOST.

Again... Why are we still on this?

Frankly, I'd rather have some of those improvised weapons set ideas you threw out earlier. The baseball bat or the 2X4 would be downright entertaining!

[/ QUOTE ]

I did not say I voted for street sighting. Frankly I can't remember what I voted for. The problem isn't that DB won, the problem is that the devs are treating CoH and CoV as one game.


Thanks for the 2x4 vote! Imagine the fun of smashing the Trolls Supes lab with a chunk of pine!

[/ QUOTE ]

People have been posting very solid arguments against making Dual Blades a Villains only powerset and you seem to be content with ignoring them all the while repeating your talking points ad nauseum.

Seriously? Are you just sitting there in your chair with your fingers in your ears saying, "Nah nah nah nah nah"?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, euphemisms is your game now, huh? A rose is a rose, good player.

Also, I read that one about Shields before. I figured I'd covered that concept with an earlier post.

As I insinuated, but perhaps didn't spell out too clearly, the devs now have a good idea of where to work for the next powersets to implement.

And oh yeah... From that poll/vote/tally/<insert synonym here>/etc., STREET FIGHTING STILL LOST.

Again... Why are we still on this?

Frankly, I'd rather have some of those improvised weapons set ideas you threw out earlier. The baseball bat or the 2X4 would be downright entertaining!

[/ QUOTE ]

I did not say I voted for street sighting. Frankly I can't remember what I voted for. The problem isn't that DB won, the problem is that the devs are treating CoH and CoV as one game.


Thanks for the 2x4 vote! Imagine the fun of smashing the Trolls Supes lab with a chunk of pine!

[/ QUOTE ]

People have been posting very solid arguments against making Dual Blades a Villains only powerset and you seem to be content with ignoring them all the while repeating your talking points ad nauseum.

Seriously? Are you just sitting there in your chair with your fingers in your ears saying, "Nah nah nah nah nah"?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, yes he is, it would seem.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

[/ QUOTE ]

This argument has been already been de-bunked in this very thread by Back Ally Brawler himself. There was no "vote", just a "poll". The devs took the poll into consideration, but also "other factors", which where not mentioned by name.

BTW: Shields won that poll, but was left out.

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, Dual Blades won the offensive power poll while Shields won the defensive power poll. Willpower is being developed instead of Shields because Shields requires a lot more animation and development time.

There have been a lot of calls for a long time to develop a dual bladed melee weapon set. While I personally would have been more interested in seeing a Bo weapon set or a Street Fighting weapon set, I can understand why Dual Blades won... and it's not because ex-WoW players suddenly had the opportunity to impose their will on CoH/V.

It's because dual-wielding weapons is inherently cool.



Awesome ideas for Psi weaponry. I'd love to see something like that implemented! Then when power customization comes around I can discretely color the powers all green and uh... oh nevermind.

[/ QUOTE ]

Curious minds want to see the end of this unfinished train of thought!!!

Oh and for the other powers in the set I was thinking maybe Psionic chains: Short ranged hold with minor psi damage over time. This would have an animation where the character materialize the chain in his hand then whirls it over his head and throws it at the enemy.

Mind Focus: Psi version of build-up

Obviously there would be a taunt power in there somewhere.

And the final attack power could be something like Psionic Greatsword. The character materializes a huge two-handed psionic blade, leaps into the air and delivers a colossal downward hack. This would do extreme psi and lethal damage as well as have a decent chance to render the opponent unconscious(sleep) due to mind overload.

Well those are just my thoughts...but I think that something like that could work with not too much trouble and development time. Any Devs around can feel free to jump in and correct me.



It's because dual-wielding weapons is inherently cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Emphasis.



It's because dual-wielding weapons is inherently cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Emphasis.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what you guys are saying is... if I get Dual Blades on my Scrapper I'll be Critically Cool?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



It's because dual-wielding weapons is inherently cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Emphasis.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what you guys are saying is... if I get Dual Blades on my Scrapper I'll be Critically Cool?

[/ QUOTE ]'d Coolly Critical!!!




You know, complaining about bladed weapons being "killler" or "unheroic" in a game where we can routinely set people on fire, hurl shards of ice at them, shoot them full of harmful radiation, electrocute, and molest with tentacles from another dimension seems to be sort of missing the point.

Honestly, just because something is metal and has a sharp edge, its not exactly any more deadly than most of the other offensive melee or ranged powersets.

Now, I expect the response to this is going to be some sort of "Blasters aren't heroic" insanity isn't it?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



From the beginning of this thread I actually thought that Tarmac just wanted something else for Heroes rather than Dual Blades. I somewhat still think it is. Beyond the silly contradictions and weak argumentations, what it comes down to is this guy really is asking that Issue 11 would only have Willpower for Tankers and Scrappers. The developers know it and we know it: more variety in those AT primaries and secondaries would be more than appreciated.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it