CoH needs more blades...




hmm.. is it just me, or is a large chunk of this thread missing?

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It's the part where I put on a bra and said "Look at THESE dual blades!"

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I musta missed that part....

The part thats missing is about the Avengers. like 2 pages worth of posts

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I thought I posted about Patriot of the Young Avengers having a shield. I wonder why those posts went away.

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Because the board software chains posts together, and if the original post in a chain is deleted, all the chained posts are. Which is why the mods should edit out the content of objectional posts, and not butcher conversations like this.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad




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*Bashes with a gigantic frying pan*

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Do you also PRAY, with random results for both enemies and allies?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Here, I'll make it easy.

"The city council and mayoral elections of 1936 swept a platform of pro-hero candidates that resulted in the passage of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937. This law made it legal for vigilantes to bring criminals to justice as long as they followed the same restrictions police officers use."

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So, shoot to kill, not to maim.

Except, with the excellent healing about now days, you could get away with maiming, now, I think

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



They could do rare Procs that add a perma type to an attack.

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You mean change the damage type of the attack it's in? I don't think it is possible with the current engine. That special would have to go and take away damage, and then add the exact same back but in a different type.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




Because the board software chains posts together, and if the original post in a chain is deleted, all the chained posts are. Which is why the mods should edit out the content of objectional posts, and not butcher conversations like this.

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Well, we know Lighthouse and Ex prefer to edit, if possible - but if it's bad enough they just prune.

And they set the tone for the moderators, I am sure.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The problem is ONLY that scrappers, as an AT, don't need more blades; they have already got claws, katana, and broadsword. What scrappers need is more unarmed combat, probably, or something "different". Stalkers also are fairly well stocked with blades, having ninja blade and claws, but having a 3rd option works well for them.

But Brutes and Tankers can definitely use the Blades option! Neither has any (well, Tankers have Axe, if that counts, but it doesn't really).

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Right. And you know what would have happened if they had simply announced that Dual Blades were only coming for Tankers and Brutes?

You guessed it! We would be hearing cries of complaint from people demanding that Stalkers and Scrappers should get Dual Blades too.

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Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Psionic weaponry wouldn't have to be a ripoff of Psylocke. Just don't make it a purple katana. Learnt that lesson after ripping off Wolvy's claws. Maybe a nice energy spear you jab into your enemies, invading their mind and inflicting Fear as you punch through.

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My suggestion for Psionic Weaponry(please be listening BAB and Castle) is that the character creates different weapons out of psi energy for different attacks. So that if his first 2 attack powers create psionic blades(daggers or swords), then his third and fourth attack powers may be a psionic hammer or mace and the next is a different weapon like a spear(I like the idea of throwing a psi spear).

Damage would be something like a 2/3 psi and then 1/3 the appropriate damage type based on the weapon created(smashing for blunts and lethal for blades).

Well thats just my suggestion. The set wouldn't need to have ALL new animations either...just one or 2 to define its higher level signature attacks.

What do you guys think?

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I seriously doubt they would do anything like that. As cool as forming different psychic weapons would be, it would essentially cause you to redraw you weapon for nearly every attack. I think that would torque alot of people off, and I don't believe the devs would want something that compicated.

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Unless they did it like Ice Sword/Fire Sword, with InstaDraw. Seeing as these likely wouldn't be physical weapons, they could be drawn during the attack animation without adding any time to it

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win.

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The power sets I wanted weren't even on the polls, save one.

-Super speed melee
-Street fighting
-Super Stretching

All of these have way more presence with super heroes and comics than some of the options that were trotted out with that poll and that's just looking at the ones that start with 'S'.

Dual Blades won because WoW players want to port their Rogues into Stalkers. Period.




Here, I'll make it easy.

"The city council and mayoral elections of 1936 swept a platform of pro-hero candidates that resulted in the passage of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937. This law made it legal for vigilantes to bring criminals to justice as long as they followed the same restrictions police officers use."

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So, shoot to kill, not to maim.

Except, with the excellent healing about now days, you could get away with maiming, now, I think

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I can't wait for the civil trial.

Skull: I was standing on the corner, minding my own business when Sword Guy snuck up behind me and chopped my feet off!

Head juror: We the people find the defendant, "Sword Guy", guilty of malicious wounding, super hero brutality, assault with intent to maim and order him to pay restitution to the sum of 1.25 Billion dollars.

Nuking the world since 1972



You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win.

[/ QUOTE ]

The power sets I wanted weren't even on the polls.

-Super speed melee
-Street fighting
-Super Stretching

All of these have way more presence with super heroes and comics than some of the options that were trotted out with that poll and that's just looking at the ones that start with 'S'.

Dual Blades won because WoW players want to port their Rogues into Stalkers. Period.


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This is a valid argument. The list of powers on the poll was pretty lame. Ball and chain? This clearly (like dual blades) is a villain only power. Electric hammer? Clearly a rip off of Thor's hammer, and gawd know we have a enough "single hero rip off powers" in CoH already.

Nuking the world since 1972




Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes.

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Ah, but it has everything to do with players recreating their GW, EQ and WoW characters in CoH; which is the mindset of how the majority of players vote.

"Hmm. How can we make CoH more like every other fantasy MMORPG? I know! Loot and more medieval weapons! Yay!"


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Thank you

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Still assuming "the people" are mindless idiots that don't know how to have their fun? Why be so angsty about how you perceive people play? Would you be so surprised that my Dual Blades/Willpower character I'm making is a high tech futuristic person? Nothing to do with the previous fantasy games I've played before.

You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win. It sucks, I know but the decision has been made and the work is being done. Heck, I even wanted Force Field for a defense set but Willpower and Shields are going to be crazy fun. If you still feel like arguing why Dual Blades' production should be stopped in favor of making a new powerset delayed until Issues 12, then be constructive about it and don't casually toss out weak arguments.

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Ok, im going to look over the rude, and snarky part of this post and say that you do have some valid points. Mainly that new powersets, ANY new powersets is a good thing. Thank you for pointing that out.

You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

Nuking the world since 1972



If you ask me, the dev's mindset with Electric Hammer was:

"Hey, we've got a bunch of hammer animations already done with Stone Melee. Let's do an Electric Hammer so we don't have to bite the bullet and port over Electric Melee to Tankers like everyone wants."




You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

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Except Heroes can use Dual Blades too and NOT kill.

1: We're not fighting ordinary, everyday muggers here. Every villain we fight has some sort of ability that makes them greater then a common person. (Even the sissy villains, like Hellions and Skulls).

2: There are examples of Heroic characters who wield swords and don't kill. For example, Kenshin Himura (From Rurouni Kenshin) wielded a "reverse blade sword" (The sharp edge was on the INSIDE of the curve of the katana). Instead, he used the blunt edge (Which was where the sharp edge would normally be) to defeat people without killing (Due to his vow not to take another human life).

Meanwhile, In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Raiden can flip his sword around and use the blunt side to clobber people, thus taking them down without killing them.



You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win.

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The power sets I wanted weren't even on the polls.

-Super speed melee
-Street fighting
-Super Stretching

All of these have way more presence with super heroes and comics than some of the options that were trotted out with that poll and that's just looking at the ones that start with 'S'.

Dual Blades won because WoW players want to port their Rogues into Stalkers. Period.


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This is a valid argument. The list of powers on the poll was pretty lame. Ball and chain? This clearly (like dual blades) is a villain only power. Electric hammer? Clearly a rip off of Thor's hammer, and gawd know we have a enough "single hero rip off powers" in CoH already.

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I wanted staff/polearm melee so bad. Still do. Even mentioned in my poll. With luck, maybe enough other people mentioned it that maybe we'll still get it come I11 Or who knows... maybe they were already planning to make it and was just looking for a set to round off with.

I should take a look at those powersets that Positron would make if he could wave a wand again.



I seriously doubt they would do anything like that. As cool as forming different psychic weapons would be, it would essentially cause you to redraw you weapon for nearly every attack.

[/ QUOTE ] Not necessarily. What they could do is have the attack animation itself be the formation of the weapon and the attack with the weapon dissipating at the end of the animation. You could have the animations be however long you wanted in that scenario really.

It somewhat reminds me of a character from the game Xenogears, Emeralda Kasim. She'd morph her limbs/body into weapons with every attack. Her roundhouse kick would turn her foot into a sickle shaped blade, a palm strike would turn her forearm into a drill, a headbut would grow spikes out of her forehead, and you know, things like that.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



I seriously doubt they would do anything like that. As cool as forming different psychic weapons would be, it would essentially cause you to redraw you weapon for nearly every attack.

[/ QUOTE ] Not necessarily. What they could do is have the attack animation itself be the formation of the weapon and the attack with the weapon dissipating at the end of the animation. You could have the animations be however long you wanted in that scenario really.

It somewhat reminds me of a character from the game Xenogears, Emeralda Kasim. She'd morph her limbs/body into weapons with every attack. Her roundhouse kick would turn her foot into a sickle shaped blade, a palm strike would turn her forearm into a drill, a headbut would grow spikes out of her forehead, and you know, things like that.

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You don't even have to do that. Fire Melee, for example, just summons the weapon as part of the animation, but there's no draw time, it just appears. And it doesn't disappear at the end of the attack unless you do another attack that makes you lose the sword. You can even do the attack without a target and just 'draw' the sword. Fire Melee also has 2 types of swords.

Psi Melee could be like that.



They could do rare Procs that add a perma type to an attack.

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You mean change the damage type of the attack it's in? I don't think it is possible with the current engine. That special would have to go and take away damage, and then add the exact same back but in a different type.

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This is already in the invention system. Now it is just in a limited chance form. Example mantior's Sting has a chance for +Poision dmg. all that would need to be done is make that chance 100%. I am saying add, not replace.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio




Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

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Someone needs a timeout.

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No, someone needs a padded cell and a thorazine drip to deal with his COMPLETE lack of a grasp on reality.

A comic book cover and several other pictures aren't proof of a comic book character using a shield in comic books?

Man, that's levels of stupidity I can't even fathom.

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And you have been on the net how long, Bill?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




You don't even have to do that. Fire Melee, for example, just summons the weapon as part of the animation, but there's no draw time, it just appears.

[/ QUOTE ] True, but I tend to think that it'd look better if it was all one animation as opposed to just appearing. Just has more 'style' if you ask me

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



hmm.. is it just me, or is a large chunk of this thread missing?

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It's the part where I put on a bra and said "Look at THESE dual blades!"

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Well played, clerk. Well played.

(attempts to enscroll Hickman's pants to attack Hickman.)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Here, I'll make it easy.

"The city council and mayoral elections of 1936 swept a platform of pro-hero candidates that resulted in the passage of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937. This law made it legal for vigilantes to bring criminals to justice as long as they followed the same restrictions police officers use."

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So, shoot to kill, not to maim.

Except, with the excellent healing about now days, you could get away with maiming, now, I think

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I can't wait for the civil trial.

Skull: I was standing on the corner, minding my own business when Sword Guy snuck up behind me and chopped my feet off!

Head juror: We the people find the defendant, "Sword Guy", guilty of malicious wounding, super hero brutality, assault with intent to maim and order him to pay restitution to the sum of 1.25 Billion dollars.

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Aha! But if the feet are restored, all he could get would be repayment of the medical expenses, which with some of the healers going around Paragon now days, would be nil or nearly so, since there is no loss of quality of life (other than getting thrown in jail, but that doesn't win civil trials without proof of being framed :P)

When you see people get wounded by cops, etc, and get awarded large sums of money, it is usually for medical and (the big one) lose of quality of life.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




We're still on this?

Look, the decision has been made. The votes were tallied.

Now the devs have an idea of where to take the next few updates in terms of powersets. They've still got kinks to work out of the game's mechanics to get some of them to work, and they've also got to deal with their storyline and figure out how to finally throw in the villain EATs. These dual blades are just the beginning of what's going to be given to us over the next updates.

Don't think that this is ALL the next update is going to have, either. We're already being treated to evidence that points to the contrary.

Personally, with all the new stuff there is, I'd like to see some "Retcon" capability (the repeatedly requested ability to change current powersets without losing all those levels, named after the hated notion where a writer changes a character's origin). For some of my characters that would gain the most benefit from it, I can't really use it (I've already established them and the source of their powers), but at least one of my alts could go for some Willpower.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.




Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, but it has everything to do with players recreating their GW, EQ and WoW characters in CoH; which is the mindset of how the majority of players vote.

"Hmm. How can we make CoH more like every other fantasy MMORPG? I know! Loot and more medieval weapons! Yay!"


[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you

[/ QUOTE ]

Still assuming "the people" are mindless idiots that don't know how to have their fun? Why be so angsty about how you perceive people play? Would you be so surprised that my Dual Blades/Willpower character I'm making is a high tech futuristic person? Nothing to do with the previous fantasy games I've played before.

You guys are still kicking and screaming that your choice on the poll did not win. It sucks, I know but the decision has been made and the work is being done. Heck, I even wanted Force Field for a defense set but Willpower and Shields are going to be crazy fun. If you still feel like arguing why Dual Blades' production should be stopped in favor of making a new powerset delayed until Issues 12, then be constructive about it and don't casually toss out weak arguments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, im going to look over the rude, and snarky part of this post and say that you do have some valid points. Mainly that new powersets, ANY new powersets is a good thing. Thank you for pointing that out.

You did however miss the entire point of my OP. I DID NOT say to stop working on dual blades. I said to make it a villain (brute and stalker) only power because the taking of human lives goes against the super hero code and Paragon Cities own "Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937".

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Except we've been "arresting" people with Axes, Maces, Guns, Katana, Claws, and Broadswords since the dawn of the game.

Hell, Manticore shoots people with a freaking bow and arrow. He even killed someone in the comics! And yes, States was pissed, but he didn't get in any legal trouble, so given the situation, I think we can assume that its NOT against the law; so long as lethal force seems justified.

The Citizen Crime Fighting Act as I understand it, actually merely grants the duties and responsibilities of a police officer to a citizen. Police shoot people when necessary, I don't think its a hell of a lot different for us honestly.

Your view is extremely narrow, you're only looking at it from how *you* like to see your heroes; and what you see a hero as. Not all of us like the Superman Boyscout type character. Some of us prefer to get in the trenches; blast the badguys in the chest with a shotgun, or perhaps remove some internal organs in the process of "arresting" them.

City of Heroes is big enough for both ideals mind you; I'm just pointing out that its YOU who has the narrow PoV in this case.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



CoH needs more blades...

... like I need a hole in the head.

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thanks for more vanilla.

and parents? thank you for allowing your 13 year old kids to play CoH where they can vote for powersets they see on their anime cartoon shows.



And yes, States was pissed,

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Well duh!

States isn't goth or emo, after all. He wanted to live!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.