CoH needs more blades...





Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said.

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"you think a comic book cover showing him using a shield proves he uses a sheild? YA RITE!" isn't the strongest comeback I've ever read.

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Haha, that gave me a good chuckle.



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

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Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

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No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

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Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. God your such a idiot. An old [censored] avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

The good Captn is not an idiot, and I think calling him one is a ridiculous overreaction, given the discussion here. The sad thing is when someone isn't willing to just say "Oh, maybe I'm wrong."

Taskmaster has used a shield for years. The fact that he hasn't within the last however many years (are we talking the length of time you've been reading comics?) doesn't change the fact that he has used a shield for much of his career. It would be like saying the Beast has never been a non-furry, human character just because he's not at the moment, or the Black Canary has no sonic cry right now simply because at certain times (including her Golden Age incarnation) she hasn't.

And speaking as both a fan of Avengers, and someone who's been blessed to work with George, I don't appreciate your comment about that "old [censored] Avengers comic."

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Very well put Hickman.



Yes, I understand the difference between ATs and power sets. What I'm saying is that some AT (possibly blasters) should have a powerset that along with its blasting capabilities also involves some powers that can duplicate (A) armored defense, (B) super-strength, and (C) holding abilities, among others. Now you can define how those powers manifest themselves any way you want to, but they would serve the same functions.

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All I'm saying is that this is best suited for a whole new AT that has power armour along with a bunch of other stuff. It would let you have your concepts, and letting people have their concepts is ALWAYS a good thing - and it would also leave room for that framework to be used for other concepts, besides.

See, part of the problem for me is that comic heroes, the source material for this game, are not always so clearly cut into ATs. I think eventually the system will probably be worked out to a point where, like the Freedom Force game before us, you can pick any powers you want, ala carte, as long as the point value for those powers adds up in such a way as not to imbalance the game.

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You're talking with the wrong guy, Troy. I don't like comic books to begin with, so the game not being like them isn't really a very strong reason for me. I'm convinced that the AT structure can cover just about everything with a few more ATs and with allowing all ATs on all sides. Furthermore, I'm convinced that making character building any more complicated than it is, even if it allows for more accurate concepts, would hurt the game more than it would help.

I like your idea, really. I just want a different implementation

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




You're talking with the wrong guy, Troy. I don't like comic books to begin with

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't like comics, Sam, YOU'RE talking to the wrong guy...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]
Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]What are you smoking?! There is a piece of art by Finch right on the Marvel website that shows Taskmaster with a frelling shield on his arm! lLook for yourself. How would you like your crow?



I can't believe I'm arguing about this dumb [censored] on an internet forum, but hey..

For the Taskmaster currently using a shield.. I point you to:

Cable & Deadpool #36 (March 2007)

Look it up yourself, or better yet, PM your address sos I can mail you a copy.

Here, have some pie. It goes good with that foot.

{Thanks Buckeye, I must have missed that one in my looksies over the net}



OH silly Mister Hickman!

Don't you know anything?

The devs would never let us have a ranged + defense AT! And they are right!

I mean, IT WOULD BE FREAKING INSANE! We all know what happens when you can use an attack from range! You gain, like, a BAZILLION DAMAGE by magic, and the devs can't code away magic damage!

And range is already such an amazing defense! Really, it's for pussies! If you REALLY want to play the game you have to do it as a tanker behind layers and layers of resistance and defense!

RANGED DAMAGE IS SO AWESOME! Adding more defense on top of range.. They might as well hand us two buttons.. labeled DETHSTRUCTION and MURDERDOOM.

It'd be insanely overpowered, see. SO THAT IS WHY WE MUST HAVE IT. I DEMAND AN I WIN BUTTON.



I think an AT that had blaster hit points, maybe 80-90% of blaster damage, Assault primaries from Dominators and the some of the various defenses as secondaries would do what's being asked for without being overpowering, particularly since there's no build up in any of the Assault sets, so no major self-buffing of damage.



not to mention the animation will be ripped from the exsisting powersets making it not even close to being new.

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Every attack animation for Dual Blades is completely new. Both Stalkers and the other AT versions.

[/ QUOTE ]

How has no one picked up on this awesome Redname ownage?



Perhaps they are like my great aunt. She's hears half of what is said, makes up the other half, and that becomes the truth to her.



I'd still like to see Psi-Weapons >_>

I mean, can see how being a hero who takes down bad guys with a Pointy Object, or Fire, or Ice, or by Smashing them, or.....well you get my gist. If it were all about "catch and release" we'd all be Force Field Defenders with only one power, Detention Field. Then we'd have to stand around and try to lure the PPD or a Drone over to them, whoooo big fun huh : D

Seriously though, arresting mobs in this game is the basis of what we're doing here. I highly doubt a bunch of Rularu, Ignious, Red Caps, Jaggers, etc.... will go to the the way where DO those guys go if they are sent to the Zig >_>....back to my point (heheh). I use my Sward to subdue badies, it's like a metal bat with grooves and flat sides. Sure if I swing it hard enough at the right angle I can cleave a Pumpkin in twain and justice to bad guys -_-;.....

Sufice to say I think Psi Weapons would bring a nice added "almost no one can resist" damage aspect. How many people have the watchman Accolayde, how many other AT's have a Psi Defence? I think this will give heros a little bit of an edge in PvP if anything else.....and look really neat too.

p.s. is there any solid word on Willpower? Will it be a bastardized version of Regen with a bit of SR and Inv throwen in or a whole new Ball Game? BAB? Posi?



OH silly Mister Hickman!

Don't you know anything?

The devs would never let us have a ranged + defense AT! And they are right!

I mean, IT WOULD BE FREAKING INSANE! We all know what happens when you can use an attack from range! You gain, like, a BAZILLION DAMAGE by magic, and the devs can't code away magic damage!

And range is already such an amazing defense! Really, it's for pussies! If you REALLY want to play the game you have to do it as a tanker behind layers and layers of resistance and defense!

RANGED DAMAGE IS SO AWESOME! Adding more defense on top of range.. They might as well hand us two buttons.. labeled DETHSTRUCTION and MURDERDOOM.

It'd be insanely overpowered, see. SO THAT IS WHY WE MUST HAVE IT. I DEMAND AN I WIN BUTTON.

[/ QUOTE ]

So when will we be seeing you on "Intervention," Kitty?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



What is this.. Intervention.. you speak of?



not to mention the animation will be ripped from the exsisting powersets making it not even close to being new.

[/ QUOTE ]
Every attack animation for Dual Blades is completely new. Both Stalkers and the other AT versions.

[/ QUOTE ]
How has no one picked up on this awesome Redname ownage?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mostly because it's old news. This is the second time BaBs has said more or less the same thing, and Posi said it once before that. I was actually quite surprised that someone thought all the Dual Blades animations would be ripped off old stuff. WHAT old stuff, I don't know.

I mean no disrespect. It's just not the first time this has been said.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




You're talking with the wrong guy, Troy. I don't like comic books to begin with

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If you don't like comics, Sam, YOU'RE talking to the wrong guy...

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably We can still come up with something that works for both of us, though. All I'm asking is what you're asking for, but even MORE of it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



If they have to say it so much.. then..


They will rip all the animations off of plant dominators!

I'm not just saying this because I want psychic melee instead!



Don't be stupid!

...They'll use the fire blaster animations.



Blaster secondary. Throw in a passive resist or def power. Maybe stun resist. Thrust Punch, Rocket Punch, Energy net.

I would also suggest a small oil slick, and a smoke screen power.

There you go, throw in a few more. You have a "robot" secondary. If you wanted to go all the way, you make a primary with shoulder mounted pop-up rocket launchers, chest lasers, machine-gun fingers.



not to mention the animation will be ripped from the exsisting powersets making it not even close to being new.

[/ QUOTE ]
Every attack animation for Dual Blades is completely new. Both Stalkers and the other AT versions.

[/ QUOTE ]
How has no one picked up on this awesome Redname ownage?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mostly because it's old news. This is the second time BaBs has said more or less the same thing, and Posi said it once before that. I was actually quite surprised that someone thought all the Dual Blades animations would be ripped off old stuff. WHAT old stuff, I don't know.

I mean no disrespect. It's just not the first time this has been said.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can answer the where question. Crotoa's red caps use dual daggers, also many of the spines, or claws animations could have been used. I am aware also, and ahve been for sometime, that Dual blades is a new set in every way. Most who frequent these boards should.

I suggest that most people check the dev digest and community digest once a day to keep from making suggestions like that and looking uninformed, or getting massivly flamed on. Just a little friendly advice

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Moon Knight: The Bottom. He even says "Hey! This ain't made out of vibranium or adamantium!" He tells the Committee it was CUSTOM ORDINANCE. And I personally wouldn't go to the trouble of getting a custom made shield if I wasn't gonna use it. Thank you, come again.




Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone needs a timeout.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, someone needs a padded cell and a thorazine drip to deal with his COMPLETE lack of a grasp on reality.

A comic book cover and several other pictures aren't proof of a comic book character using a shield in comic books?

Man, that's levels of stupidity I can't even fathom.

Be well, people of CoH.




Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone needs a timeout.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, someone needs a padded cell and a thorazine drip to deal with his COMPLETE lack of a grasp on reality.

A comic book cover and several other pictures aren't proof of a comic book character using a shield in comic books?

Man, that's levels of stupidity I can't even fathom.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most likely that individual was surfin the interwebs for some much need attention. Let's hope that person learns from his or her mistakes.



So he hit 50 and rebuilt with a different powerset. He DID carry a shield as a primary for YEARS.

So he's a valid example of a shield-wielder.



They might as well hand us two buttons.. labeled DETHSTRUCTION and MURDERDOOM.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would play any game that even made a reference to these two buttons. Win and awesome right there.