CoH needs more blades...




To add to the crit discusion..

Sometimes I crit, and it doesnt even say critcal hit or what ever in red letters. It just shows 2 orange numbers at the same time.

Also, IIRC, Billz you play a claws scrapper. I think claws crits more then any other set. Because it has the highest DPS.



Shields though is a VERY specific power that only one character I know of uses: Captain America. So I can see why that wouldn't be included when its a pretty obvious infringment/ripoff. I'd rather they NOT include shields so actually that whole wah wah wahing about shileds and the "people" is WRONG! I wouldn't vote for such a blatant ripoff power of Cap, ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I read until page 9, then this caught my eye. I really wish posters would be more aware of what they are writing. Here are a few off the top of my head:

Taskmaster (Marvel)

U.S. Agent (Marvel)

Captain America (Marvel)

Guardian (DC)

Vance Astro (Major Victory) (Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.. yes it was Captain America's shield he had, but a cool hero nonetheless.)

Power Princess (Squadron Supreme, Marvel)

Red Guardian (Marvel)

Patriot (Young Avengers, Marvel)

Blue Eagle

There are tons more I'm forgetting, alot from the golden age I suspect.

Not putting this up to hate on Dual Blades or the quoted. Just saying the good Captain A. may be the highest profile shield slinger, but he is not the only one. I'm sure anyone that has even browsed a comic or two within the last ten years has probably stumbled on one or two.




Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.



As Task master can copy ANYONE's fighting style he has EVER seen, he can and has used a shield in the same manner as cap. I disagree, shields wound not all be cap rip offs.

As for EM on a scrapper, that would eb using PvP as an excuse to change the whole of the game by not giving EM to a scrapper. Funny, I could ahve sworn they said they would never do that. That is one of the reasons PvP has a crappy name in CoH

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



I will never stop saying that we need a Scythe powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

And, even though this may be MANY pages late at this point, I'll never stop agreeing with you on that

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



Try hero stats sometimes... I crit on every other enemy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why don't you try hero stats?

I call [censored] on this.

[/ QUOTE ]

1: I'm claws. Boatload of fast attacks.
2: I only solo on highest diff.

But more importantly:

# 102.6 Lethal Damage (5% chance) if (target = player) [Non-resistable]
# 102.6 Lethal Damage (5% chance) if ((((target = Class_Minion_Grunt) or (target = Class_Minion_Small)) or (target = Class_Minion_Pets)) or (target = Class_Minion_Swarm))
# 102.6 Lethal Damage (10% chance) if not (((((target = Class_Minion_Grunt) or (target = Class_Minion_Small)) or (target = Class_Minion_Pets)) or (target = Class_Minion_Swarm)) or (target = player))

[/ QUOTE ]

Meaning, against minions, pets, etc, scrapper attacks have a 5% chance to crit. Against LTs, Bosses, EBs, AVs, GMs, we all have a 10% chance to crit.

Low damage, high rate of attacks against non-peons, 1 out of every 10 attacks is going to crit.

My hyperbole isn't nearly as BS related as yours.

3-5 times a mission? Horseshit.

Be well, people of CoH.




3-5 times a mission? Horseshit.

[/ QUOTE ]


another way to get lots of crits is AoE damage.
My spines scrapper seems to get more than his share...of course, he thinks in terms of entire spawns, not individual enemies.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I'd agree that MA with its one AoE and slow attacks gets less than claws or spines, but 3-5 per mission is about as probable as the earth suddenly becoming a cube.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'd agree that MA with its one AoE and slow attacks gets less than claws or spines, but 3-5 per mission is about as probable as the earth suddenly becoming a cube.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if that DID happen, chasing someone to the corners of the world would finally be possible!

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



Ok.. so maybe two hands regularly.. but not more than that.

My crit rate is absolutely horrible, and I don't get them on anything that would have been useful to crit on, either.



In one hand: A butter Knife

In the other: A metal tooth pick (Dish washer safe, mind you)

Let the feasting begin!



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.



I love the irony of people complaning that Dual Blades is superfluous because it's just another lethal damage set with different animations and in the same post implying that they should have done Street Fighting instead.

*hoping to one day see dual wielding, street fighting, and polearms/staffs*

[/ QUOTE ]

I question this as well.



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't seen Taskmaster very recently, as I've become fed up with a lot of mainstream funnybooks (it's one of the things that pushed me into doing 'em myself), but trust me, for at least the first several years Taskmaster was around, he was using a shield, A LOT.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



No, it'd be intrinsic to power armor, just the same as the archery sets. You can't really have them without the arrows, can ya? Now, how you want to define that becomes a bio issue (your arrows can be magical or technological or a construction of your psyche, or whatever), but it's still defined as an arrow. I'm talking about a set that's defined as being some sort of armor, and what you do with it beyond that is up to you.

[/ QUOTE ]

You misunderstood. It's not a question of weather this is natural to ANY suit of power armour. It's a matter of other things it's natural for. Such as... Just about anything else which can have those powers, you know. Energy Blast/Melee/Armour combination. Fire Blast/Melee/Armour combination. You've defined an AT, not a powerset.

Let me put it another way - Hack, Slash, Slice, Whirling Sword, Parry, Confront, Disembowel, Headsplitter is what defines Broadsword. But Broadsword is not what defines Scrappers, Scrappers are what defines Broadsword. Scrappers dictate that their powersets have a staple of melee attacks and a staple of defensive powers. What you've describe is an AT that dictates its powersets have ranged damage powers, melee damage powers and defence powers. That's not Power Armour, that's Assault/Defence. For ANY powerset balanced to its requirements.

Finally, Power Armour does not require this intrinsically. Some power armour concepts do, but "power armour" really only means armour that is powered. What that power armour actually does is a question for the character owner. I myself have no less than two characters who wear power armour. One's a Blaster and the other's a Brute. And while I'd like to give the Blaster some defence and the Brute some range, that's not because of power armour. I want to see all Blasters get SOME defence and all Brutes to get at least one ranged attack of the Hurl Boulder type.

Let's look at this from the widest possible perspective.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Various (random?) thoughts:

The player base voted for Dual Blades, and that's what we're getting. Given that the word from PAX is that they're "scimitars" (allegedly from Posi, who has neither confirmed nor denied this in writing, near as I can tell), I know I'm a bit disappointed. However, when you consider that this set is supposed to be new for ALL melee ATs -- Scrappers, Tankers, Brutes, and Stalkers -- I admit it makes a fair amount of sense. They work for the more OG SMASH concepts of Tanks and Brutes as well as the finesse (or a vague semblance thereof) of Scrappers and Stalkers. Yes, it's Yet Another Quasi-Medieval Weapon Set... but I think it's more universal than many other ideas. I was gunning for a rapier/dagger set... but I think that may be a bit strange in the hands of a Tank.

How that's going to work with the allegedly upcoming Shield defense... that I don't know. I suppose you could have a buckler and a sword in the same hand.

Regarding the "Armor" concept, I can see that wedged in as another Epic AT. Vanguard Soldier, perhaps. Given that both heroes and villains have Vanguard access, it'd work on both sides of the game, and making it an Epic would help with the "good with all things" aspect.

EDIT: ...and that cover with Taskmaster reminds me of the Munchkin card game...



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.



No, it'd be intrinsic to power armor, just the same as the archery sets. You can't really have them without the arrows, can ya? Now, how you want to define that becomes a bio issue (your arrows can be magical or technological or a construction of your psyche, or whatever), but it's still defined as an arrow. I'm talking about a set that's defined as being some sort of armor, and what you do with it beyond that is up to you.

[/ QUOTE ]

You misunderstood. It's not a question of weather this is natural to ANY suit of power armour. It's a matter of other things it's natural for. Such as... Just about anything else which can have those powers, you know. Energy Blast/Melee/Armour combination. Fire Blast/Melee/Armour combination. You've defined an AT, not a powerset.

Let me put it another way - Hack, Slash, Slice, Whirling Sword, Parry, Confront, Disembowel, Headsplitter is what defines Broadsword. But Broadsword is not what defines Scrappers, Scrappers are what defines Broadsword. Scrappers dictate that their powersets have a staple of melee attacks and a staple of defensive powers. What you've describe is an AT that dictates its powersets have ranged damage powers, melee damage powers and defence powers. That's not Power Armour, that's Assault/Defence. For ANY powerset balanced to its requirements.

Finally, Power Armour does not require this intrinsically. Some power armour concepts do, but "power armour" really only means armour that is powered. What that power armour actually does is a question for the character owner. I myself have no less than two characters who wear power armour. One's a Blaster and the other's a Brute. And while I'd like to give the Blaster some defence and the Brute some range, that's not because of power armour. I want to see all Blasters get SOME defence and all Brutes to get at least one ranged attack of the Hurl Boulder type.

Let's look at this from the widest possible perspective.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I understand the difference between ATs and power sets. What I'm saying is that some AT (possibly blasters) should have a powerset that along with its blasting capabilities also involves some powers that can duplicate (A) armored defense, (B) super-strength, and (C) holding abilities, among others. Now you can define how those powers manifest themselves any way you want to, but they would serve the same functions.

See, part of the problem for me is that comic heroes, the source material for this game, are not always so clearly cut into ATs. I think eventually the system will probably be worked out to a point where, like the Freedom Force game before us, you can pick any powers you want, ala carte, as long as the point value for those powers adds up in such a way as not to imbalance the game.

We don't have that now, though, and we may not for quite some time. So in the meantime, I'd like at at one or two powersets under each AT that allow for a bit more diversity in a character's makeup.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

[/ QUOTE ]

Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably due to reasons of mechanics: Psi being the second least-resisted damage type would make it vicious on a primary damage archetype, but quite acceptable as a specialist form of damage for defenders, dominators, and controllers.

What's odd is that Toxic, the least resisted damage type, has it's own primary damage set (or is it more like a little sauce on top of Lethal, I'll have to check the numbers . . .)

[/ QUOTE ]
That's my guess as well. Psy Blast is not a Blaster option, and even on Dominators, the Psy Assault set conspicuously lacks the set's "Big Guns" TK Blast and Will Dom. A Psi Weaponry set for high damage ATs could be problematic from a balancing perspective. Perhaps if the psi damage is more of an afterthought to the attacks (a la toxic damage for Spines), it might be more feasible.

Level 50 Defender - Force Fields/Psychic Blast



Wrong about Taskmaster. I've seen him and he does NOT use a shield. I'm standing by my statement that the Shield Power would just rip off everything Captain America does with his shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Believe what you want, and check your "research". Cause it's flawed. I'll see if I can find a nice screeny of some Perez drawn Taskmaster someplace okay?

Oh, if you don't know, Perez is a comic artist, not a hazard zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

No sorry, yours is flawed. I've seen Taskmaster recently. He does not use a shield and if he did it's not a exclusive weapon he uses, he would not have the "shield" power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted from the Wiki:

"Taskmaster has had his scientists duplicate versions of a variety of weapons used by Marvel characters, which he can use with nearly as great facility as their respective owners . In the past, he carried duplicates of Daredevil's billy club, Hawkeye's trick arrows and bow, and Captain America's shield . He also carried a sword, a lasso, and a Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol. He has recently been seen throwing "crescent darts" during his bout with Moon Knight, in imitation of Moon Knight's fighting methods (However, Taskmaster has said he prefers not to use Moon Knight's style, since Moon Knight would rather take a punch than dodge it)."

I bolden some of the words so you can see them better.

Picture of an avenger comic book with "Taskmaster" on the cover:


Wiki is your friend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. God your such a idiot. An old [censored] avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know I shouldn't be wasting my time like this, but i'll do it anyway.


I again list a link in which you can see for yourself. The most recent pictures are there. And since all but one (mercenary costume) have shields in them, I believe your wrong. Again.

Not only that, but I am not the only one to list links. Other people have tried to show you. You obviously aren't here to argue whether or not Taskmaster uses a shield or not. Because if you were, you would have agreed and not dragged the arguement this far.




Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ]

"you think a comic book cover showing him using a shield proves he uses a sheild? YA RITE!" isn't the strongest comeback I've ever read.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




Dude try actually using a CURRENT picture of him. An old avengers comic is your proof that he uses a shield? Your joking right? You even read the comics with him in them recently? NO SHIELD. Nuff said. So just stop. Its sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone needs a timeout.