CoH needs more blades...




more fighting

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"Less talking, more hitting!" -- Shayera Hol

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... /signed

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also signed. Can I hit Tarmak? With my DUAL BLADES OF KILLLING?



more fighting

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"Less talking, more hitting!" -- Shayera Hol

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... /signed

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Can I hit Tarmak?

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... /signed



A little less conversation, a little more action, please.

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Are you flirting there, dear Sam?

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Merely quoting the King.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't think that people are morons (Rosie O'Donnell or the "don't taze me, bro" guy notwithstanding), but I'm not sure I'll get much use out of the dual blades set myself. I'm largely a silver-agey comic guy, and there are enough swords and such in the game now for folks brought up on the Black Knight and the Swordsman. I can see maybe using the set for a pulp-inspired character, but overall I'd rather see something like a water-based set or a power-armor set.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



power-armor set.

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Well problem with that is the fact that alot of the attacks in the game are very easily explained with a suit combined with the large armor selections... unless your talking about something more mechish like the titan robots... in which case...

.../signed under the fact we get choose the color of the mechsuit



more fighting

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"Less talking, more hitting!" -- Shayera Hol

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... /signed

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Can I hit Tarmak?

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... /signed

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. . ./signed

Especially after reading this whole thread and wasting an hour of my life that i will never get back. .. well not true since my tank sat in on a farm for that hour. . . And it is fun watching Bill get worked up like that. . . Dont think I have ever seen that!



I think the point of this post is enough with the weapons already. I hope that after DB, new powersets will be more mainstream heroish.

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The point of this post is that Super Heroes DON'T kill people, and that it's pretty much impossible to arrest someone using a pair of knives and NOT kill them.

I have no problem with CoV and dual blades, it fits the bad guy motif quite well, but CoH? Gimmie a break.

It's funny, I looked over my 2 servers full of heroes, and out of the "killer" weapons (katana, axe, broad sword, claws, mace, assault rifle) I have a grand total of 1 character. That being a lvl 1 katana using joke toon named "Wild Bill Kelso". So from my point of view, we already have 6 worthless, unusable powersets in CoH, why bother adding more?

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Technically, a superhero is just as likely to kill someone by using fire, energy bolts, electricity, or super strength. Look at Spiderman for instance. He could easily kill a normal thug with one punch. He doesn't, because he controls himself and his powers. Same thing would apply with someone who was a master with a weapon (someone on a super hero level would undoubtably be a master). You can roleplay any of this off as non-lethal if you really want to.

Besides, you could also go the other way with this. 007 was a hero of sorts, and he was licensed to kill. Who says all heroes are goodie two shoes? Some give as good as they get



power-armor set.

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Well problem with that is the fact that alot of the attacks in the game are very easily explained with a suit combined with the large armor selections... unless your talking about something more mechish like the titan robots... in which case...

.../signed under the fact we get choose the color of the mechsuit

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No, no, you're misunderstanding. Look at the various power-armored characters of the comics. They have far too wide a variety of powers to be covered under, say, a blaster set. If you look at your Iron Mans, your X-O Manowars, your Guardsmen, your War Machines, etc., they might have a separate power set that looks something like this:

Energy Blast
Power Punch (to simulate super-strength)
Hurl (ditto)
Hold (Energy Net)
Stealth Mode
Aim (to simulate computer sights)
Override (similar to what Iron Man uses to KO the Hulk)
Damage Resistance
Stun (sonic scrambler)

Now, you could combine some of the existing sets plus pools to get a number of these, but there's no way to get them all.

It wouldn't be for everyone, but I think it'd be of greater use to the player base than dual blades.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Let's not mix mechanics with concepts, though. What you're looking at is an AT, and one not necessarily confined to being Tech and using power armour. It's just a different technical application of abilities and shouldn't be written into the character's origin or concept.

I'm all for more types of ATs, Assault/Defence being the top of my list, but I'd really like to have those be made generic so that every player can come up with his or her own concept.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



power-armor set.

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Well problem with that is the fact that alot of the attacks in the game are very easily explained with a suit combined with the large armor selections... unless your talking about something more mechish like the titan robots... in which case...

.../signed under the fact we get choose the color of the mechsuit

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No, no, you're misunderstanding. Look at the various power-armored characters of the comics. They have far too wide a variety of powers to be covered under, say, a blaster set. If you look at your Iron Mans, your X-O Manowars, your Guardsmen, your War Machines, etc., they might have a separate power set that looks something like this:

Energy Blast
Power Punch (to simulate super-strength)
Hurl (ditto)
Hold (Energy Net)
Stealth Mode
Aim (to simulate computer sights)
Override (similar to what Iron Man uses to KO the Hulk)
Damage Resistance
Stun (sonic scrambler)

Now, you could combine some of the existing sets plus pools to get a number of these, but there's no way to get them all.

It wouldn't be for everyone, but I think it'd be of greater use to the player base than dual blades.

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...yeah but theres a problem with that... then there would be no need to deversify teams... then youd just have teams of 6-7 armors and 1 healer...



Let's not mix mechanics with concepts, though. What you're looking at is an AT, and one not necessarily confined to being Tech and using power armour. It's just a different technical application of abilities and shouldn't be written into the character's origin or concept.

I'm all for more types of ATs, Assault/Defence being the top of my list, but I'd really like to have those be made generic so that every player can come up with his or her own concept.

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No, it'd be intrinsic to power armor, just the same as the archery sets. You can't really have them without the arrows, can ya? Now, how you want to define that becomes a bio issue (your arrows can be magical or technological or a construction of your psyche, or whatever), but it's still defined as an arrow. I'm talking about a set that's defined as being some sort of armor, and what you do with it beyond that is up to you.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



power-armor set.

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Well problem with that is the fact that alot of the attacks in the game are very easily explained with a suit combined with the large armor selections... unless your talking about something more mechish like the titan robots... in which case...

.../signed under the fact we get choose the color of the mechsuit

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No, no, you're misunderstanding. Look at the various power-armored characters of the comics. They have far too wide a variety of powers to be covered under, say, a blaster set. If you look at your Iron Mans, your X-O Manowars, your Guardsmen, your War Machines, etc., they might have a separate power set that looks something like this:

Energy Blast
Power Punch (to simulate super-strength)
Hurl (ditto)
Hold (Energy Net)
Stealth Mode
Aim (to simulate computer sights)
Override (similar to what Iron Man uses to KO the Hulk)
Damage Resistance
Stun (sonic scrambler)

Now, you could combine some of the existing sets plus pools to get a number of these, but there's no way to get them all.

It wouldn't be for everyone, but I think it'd be of greater use to the player base than dual blades.

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...yeah but theres a problem with that... then there would be no need to deversify teams... then youd just have teams of 6-7 armors and 1 healer...

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No, because the key to the set would be diversity, not power. If you look at say, Iron Man, he has powers that could be considered tanker, controller, blaster, etc., but he's not anywhere near the tanker that the Hulk is. He's not anywhere near the controller that Iceman is. He's not anywhere near the blaster that Havok is. See my point? Heck, we already have sets in the game that bleed over into other ATs, but it doesn't stop folks from playing all the ATs.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Sort of a jack of all trades, master of none?



Yes, we need moar blades, and moar lethal damage, the most resisted type of damage in the game, so we can become gimped.

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Yea.. those poor BS scrappers are SO gimped in PvP.

/sarcasm off

Be well, people of CoH.



Hmp... as for armor...

not signed... but not unsigned either... if the idea was more detailed might be more itnerested in it... but personally I think we have a good diversity of skills as of now and adding a jack of all trades isn't a good use of Cryptics resources



Sort of a jack of all trades, master of none?

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Well, sort of. But he'd also be great for PUGs and such when there was an AT that could be useful (much like some ATs function as faux-tankers when there isn't one present).

I can create power armored characters now, but they usually turn out to be either pretty straightforward blasters or tankers, and the classic comic book power-armor type IS something of a jack-of-all-trades.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



If you want a jack of all trades Peace bringer fits the bill. No one ever said that you HAD to use the concept the devs gave us for them. You could easly build one and say it was a power armor toon. Still have to get to 50, but it's really not that hard unless you have bad altitis.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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I KNEW it! Castle knows the truth of energy damage type in the hands of one who crits!

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Oh yes.

An exotic damage type would be SO overpowered with an inherent that kicks in two or three times in a mission.. if you're lucky.



If you want a jack of all trades Peace bringer fits the bill. No one ever said that you HAD to use the concept the devs gave us for them. You could easly build one and say it was a power armor toon. Still have to get to 50, but it's really not that hard unless you have bad altitis.

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And I do. And Peacebringers don't meet all the criteria I would have for the power armor set. I'm anxious to someday play one, though...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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I KNEW it! Castle knows the truth of energy damage type in the hands of one who crits!

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Oh yes.

An exotic damage type would be SO overpowered with an inherent that kicks in two or three times in a mission.. if you're lucky.

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I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, because if you're not, you've never played a scrapper.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but it would instantly be FOTM for PvP.

Be well, people of CoH.



Im curious on 1 thing that keep bothering me:

Its always mentioned as "Dual Blades", but everyone assume its dual swords.

When I hear Dual Blades I think of:
1) Two swords, like two one-handed swords.
2) Sword & Dagger combo.
3) Polerarm (staff) with a blade on each end.

My train of though would be that stalkers/scrappers would get 2 swords or the sword/dagger style and that Brutes/Tanks would get the polerarm/staff style.

I only mention the polerarm/staff for the brutes cause its hard for me to picture a brute/tank going into battle with 2 swords, but I can see them with a huge polerarm/staff with 2 blades going into battle.

Does anyone know for sure *what* dual blades is?

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Id like to know too



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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I KNEW it! Castle knows the truth of energy damage type in the hands of one who crits!

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Oh yes.

An exotic damage type would be SO overpowered with an inherent that kicks in two or three times in a mission.. if you're lucky.

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I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, because if you're not, you've never played a scrapper.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but it would instantly be FOTM for PvP.

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Ma/Regen since issue one.

I rarely crit. I can usually count the number of times I crit in a mission on one hand. I say usually because, despite not remembering such an instance, there is probably one time I needed two hands.



Try hero stats sometimes... I crit on every other enemy.

Be well, people of CoH.



Try hero stats sometimes... I crit on every other enemy.

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I dont crit *that* often but I crit often enough for me not to go BOOYAH everytime I crit... though sometimes I'll do it anyways.



Try hero stats sometimes... I crit on every other enemy.

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Why don't you try hero stats?

I call [censored] on this.