CoH needs more blades...




I have to agree,I know a few select people detest blades, but a poll to see what power sets make it onto the OFFICIAL poll would be fair.

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The problem is, this isn't a democracy. How do-able a set is, is a huge factor in deciding what new sets will be added. No matter how many people want it, we just aren't going to see stretching due to the technical limitations of the engine. Similarly, we will not see growth as a powerset because the game is built around characters of a certain size range.



The problem is, this isn't a democracy. How do-able a set is, is a huge factor in deciding what new sets will be added. No matter how many people want it, we just aren't going to see stretching due to the technical limitations of the engine. Similarly, we will not see growth as a powerset because the game is built around characters of a certain size range.

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It may not be a democracy, but I do seem to remember the devs stating that their priority was to give the players what they wanted if it were possible. Is a poll possible? No one is saying to make it a fill in the blank pole, but if the devs would throw out 20 ideas that they believe are doable, and then let us narrow that down to 6 or so for the official poll, it would be a step in the right direction.

Also, be careful about saying what we will and won't see. What's impossible (most likely improbable) today is often very possible tomorrow. We've seen this many times in the last 3 years as new tech becomes available.




It may not be a democracy, but I do seem to remember the devs stating that their priority was to give the players what they wanted if it were possible. Is a poll possible? No one is saying to make it a fill in the blank pole, but if the devs would throw out 20 ideas that they believe are doable, and then let us narrow that down to 6 or so for the official poll, it would be a step in the right direction.

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I'd much prefer they narrow down the list themselves and present us with a handful of 'most likely' candidates to choose from.

I'm not interested in sifting through a bunch of no-hope choices like Rodeo Clown Fu, Body Odor Projection and Violent Flatulence....that's why I pay them the big money. =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Violent Flatulence

[/ QUOTE ]

Stubbs the Zombie and The Spleen say HELL YEA!

Be well, people of CoH.



Real life = stops criminal

CoH = Criminal laughs at you and then crushes you against his skull like a beer can.

[/ QUOTE ]




Baseball Bat could've been a great set. Just look at the possible attacks;
Foul Ball: You bash your enemy in the groin with your bat. This attack has a high probability of leaving your opponent stunned.
Home Run: Your perfectly-delivered hit smashes your enemy for extreme damage and sends him hurtling through the air!

Just imagine an elite level 50 Hellion Devils baseball team coming out to beat you down like a level 1 n00b!



I still think Growth would be neat with 2 mutually exclusive toggles the big one makes you shivian size increases health and damage and the small one makes you gear sized and increases defense and accuracy. All other powers would have to be thought up by someone else but the game could just do a model switch like it does for other changes and use a poof of smoke to cover it up.



Baseball Bat could've been a great set. Just look at the possible attacks;
Foul Ball: You bash your enemy in the groin with your bat. This attack has a high probability of leaving your opponent stunned.
Home Run: Your perfectly-delivered hit smashes your enemy for extreme damage and sends him hurtling through the air!

Just imagine an elite level 50 Hellion Devils baseball team coming out to beat you down like a level 1 n00b!

[/ QUOTE ]

And my Ness homage character would be there to kick their [censored]

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Hey BAB, has there been any news lately on the development of that Psionic Weaponry set? I'd love to know if my hopes for it are at least remotely founded.

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Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

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Does it sound like:

a. A bleating sheep?
b. A braying donkey?
c. A growling lion?
d. Like a choking dev?



... like I need a hole in the head.

Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

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I agree 100%. Dual blades, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

I can boo stuff, I'm from Philly, we booed santa.




It may not be a democracy, but I do seem to remember the devs stating that their priority was to give the players what they wanted if it were possible. Is a poll possible? No one is saying to make it a fill in the blank pole, but if the devs would throw out 20 ideas that they believe are doable, and then let us narrow that down to 6 or so for the official poll, it would be a step in the right direction.

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I'd much prefer they narrow down the list themselves and present us with a handful of 'most likely' candidates to choose from.

I'm not interested in sifting through a bunch of no-hope choices like Rodeo Clown Fu, Body Odor Projection and Violent Flatulence....that's why I pay them the big money. =P

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Well, when they presented some of the options on the polls like Shields, Growth, Ball and Chain, etc, with the big *"Animation constraints may present us from developing these sets or greatly delay their development" sort of speech, I really wondered what the point of including them as options to vote for was, aside from potential market research for MUO.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



That said, I still hate dual blades, but people voted for it. And plurality * $15 > minority * $15, and thats what it comes down to.

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The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.

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[idiotic rant]
Well it's still 100% not needed and it still is just a plain old goofy decision given the # of powers available in the comic book world that you could have used. You know, something, oh, I dunno, something metahuman and flashy and cool and powerful and maybe even non lethal! Perhaps not some "I watch anime and wanna be like kirikachukakapupikaewegonnameshalikipoopookeee and haf tu sordz!!!!!!"

Yeah. Lame. Sorry. No, wrong, go back and do it again. Got to bed with no supper. Bad boys.[/idiotic rant]

IL "butIamactuallybeingserriousdualbladesisstupid " TU



Violent Flatulence

[/ QUOTE ]

Stubbs the Zombie and The Spleen say HELL YEA!

[/ QUOTE ]

My wimminfolk call me the spleen sometimes, esp after I eat potato chips. I can probably kill people, or at least wound them or burn some nostril hair. These powers are real.



The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Translated: We wanted to do Dual Blades. They'll grow on you. Get used to the idea, because it's happening.

Seriously though, will there be another poll anytime soon? If so, might I suggest a poll to determine what sets make it onto the poll?

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Only if they poll out the choices for that poll first.

Which would require a poll to decided what goes on that poll too.

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I have addressed the problem with polls in my OP. Frankly, 90% "the people" are morons. All you have to do is sit under the statue in Atlas Park to see this. Names like "xXxEyEpWnYoxXx", 12' tall nekid women with he boob slider on max, costumes that look like the guy hit "random" till it puked out something painful to the eyes. And these people get a vote? And it counts as much as mine? Morons I tell you, morons.

I also noted that the last PvP match had a big splash page spammed to everyone when they entered the game. Funny, I don't remember there being one for the powerset poll. As a matter of fact, the poll was pretty much buried in these forums. Believe it or not, but there are lots of folks who play CoH who never come here. Maybe the fine folks at CoH should have e-mailed out ballots to all active accounts addresses?

Nuking the world since 1972



They hadn't added the Message of the Day Pop Up to the game at the time they did the powerset polls. So, unless you happen to have a time travelling irish sports car, or your last name is McFly, complaining that the poll wasn't mentioned in something that didn't exist is silly.

They did post links in the Updater. Which is where the PvP results should have been limited to as well. And since most people use the updater to launch the game, they did a decent job of publicizing the poll. While you can bypass the updater, most of those who know how to do that are the informed sort of players who monitor the dev digest anyways.

Of course, you don't really care about publicizing the poll, only that people who have a different opinion from you are "idiots" right?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



They did post links in the Updater. Which is where the PvP results should have been limited to as well. And since most people use the updater to launch the game, they did a decent job of publicizing the poll.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually only see the splash screen for about half a second when I launch CoH unless an update is actually there to download. Not even enough time to register what's on it. I do agree the PvP stuff should NOT have been in the motd though.



I have addressed the problem with polls in my OP. Frankly, 90% "the people" are morons.

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A statement like this begs the question "And you're not because?" Accusing people who disagree with you of being morons is arrogant, self-righteous and not a little egocentric. With a premise like "Other people are stupid, I'm not, so things should be like I say they should be." you may as well not even bother. That just don't fly.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I need a hole in the head.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.



I have addressed the problem with polls in my OP. Frankly, 90% "the people" are morons.

[/ QUOTE ]

A statement like this begs the question "And you're not because?" Accusing people who disagree with you of being morons is arrogant, self-righteous and not a little egocentric. With a premise like "Other people are stupid, I'm not, so things should be like I say they should be." you may as well not even bother. That just don't fly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again you are missing the point, and making a personal attack. I think it was P.T. Barnum who said "no one ever lost a buck by under estimating the intelligence of the American public." Just because some thing is popular doesn't mean it's good. The Back Street Boys sell a whole lot of CDs, and yet the Ramones never got to do a world wide arena tour. Go figure.

"There's a sucker born every minute"

Nuking the world since 1972



I think it was P.T. Barnum who said "no one ever lost a buck by under estimating the intelligence of the American public."

[/ QUOTE ]
H.L. Mencken, apparently.

"There's a sucker born every minute"

[/ QUOTE ]
Often credited to P.T. Barnum, but its provenance is in some doubt. For example, see here:'s_a_sucker_born_every_minute

As to the rest, if you've got an opinion, why not just state it? There's no reason to take potshots at every passing poster in the offing. "I'm not the least bit excited about Dual Blades, because I'm not a big fan of wielded-weapon powersets" pretty much covers everything of substance you've said in this thread. If you've got anything else of substance to add, please do.



"I'm not the least bit excited about Dual Blades, because I'm not a big fan of wielded-weapon powersets" pretty much covers everything of substance you've said in this thread. If you've got anything else of substance to add, please do.

[/ QUOTE ]



I did not miss your point. You feel people who voted in the polls are stupid and you're not. You stated as much back in the thread. You are, however, part of "the people," as am I. Sweeping generalisations, especially insulting suck, ARE arrogant and self-righteous. If you don't like those identifiers attributed to you, then kindly refrain from dismissing public opinion as that of just a bunch of idiots.

Furthermore, I voted for dual blades in the poll. Wanna' tell me I'm stupid for doing so to my face? After all, I voted for 'em, and by your estimate it's stupid people that voted for 'em and smart people for something else. Doesn't that kind of follow? I'd like to know.

Finally, just because something is popular does not mean it's good, no. It doesn't mean it's not good, either. You're using backward logic here. "Lots of dumb people voted for this, therefore it must be popular, and popular things are dumb" is an effect you've been trying to make use of in this thread. The fact of the matter is it's not important weather the thing is popular or not. It's good as far as I'm concerned.

In general, you may try to present your opinion as your opinion without inventing a righteous cause behind it. It would be received a lot better when you're not trying to patronise people.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I voted for dual blades in the poll too. Why? Because I've had a dual-sword wielding character or two I've wanted to make ever since I started playing this game, and IRL, dual sword is one of my favourite weapon styles. Wanna call me a moron to my face?
Samuel's right on here, insulting people because you disagree with what they picked is pretty weak.

My second and third choices were for energy and psionic weaponry.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



The problem is, this isn't a democracy. How do-able a set is, is a huge factor in deciding what new sets will be added. No matter how many people want it, we just aren't going to see stretching due to the technical limitations of the engine. Similarly, we will not see growth as a powerset because the game is built around characters of a certain size range.

[/ QUOTE ]

It may not be a democracy, but I do seem to remember the devs stating that their priority was to give the players what they wanted if it were possible. Is a poll possible? No one is saying to make it a fill in the blank pole, but if the devs would throw out 20 ideas that they believe are doable, and then let us narrow that down to 6 or so for the official poll, it would be a step in the right direction.

Also, be careful about saying what we will and won't see. What's impossible (most likely improbable) today is often very possible tomorrow. We've seen this many times in the last 3 years as new tech becomes available.

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They actually said they want to give what the players want, within reason. The impossible will still be impossible and the difficult will take time.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Castle makes a strange noise whenever it's mentioned.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you guys no likey then screw that stupid poll and do what you want. You can't make great art by committee and the same surely goes for a great game.

Would you consider going with Energy Blade over Staves or Street fighting? I understand there are issues about balance but just another smashing melee set would be boring. How about a completely crazy set that would be half energy and half fire damage? Anything different would be nice.