Official: Feedback and Suggestions for Bases!




Repeat of a post I made (it was requested that I put it here)-

I had an idea earlier today, and I thought I would throw it out there to see what you all thought.

Those of us that consider ourselves "base architects" and regularly patrol this forum have seen many new base architects post here with the issues they are having. Most of these are people that are just starting to build a base for the first time. They often have issues with figuring out what rooms are needed, what the requirements are for teleporters, etc.

So, the idea was this:

Why not have pre-fabbed bases ready to be loaded for a few different levels of starting prestige? For instance, there could be ones ready to go for prestige levels of 250k, 300k, and maybe 500k. Just a few rooms with cetain configurations depending on what people wanted. Some might want a storage base, or a few teleporters, or a mix.

The new architect, provided that they had enough prestige, could select from a few choices from a drop down menu. The bases would be very similar to those found in Born2luz's thread on starter bases. They could have some pre-decorated or pre-themed. For instance, a "Spacestation" themed base, or maybe "Hidden Warehouse". The designs could be contributed from a contest or something.

Go into the editor, see what you can afford and what the base comes with, and select it. All that would be left would be to add teleporter beacons based on those earned by the supergroup.

I think it would help people get going quickly, and would be a good way for people to "ease" into base building and prevent early frustrations.

Of course, there is the whole coding issue I know. I just wanted to get the idea out there.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



This has probably already been posted somewhere, but I shall reiterate it because I really want it:

EVERYTHING in the magic stores. The cieling fans, the bookshelves, and most importantly, the wall style. Dark mahogany paneling, PLEASE!

Truth, Honor, Perspective, Courage, Intelligence, Compassion, Justice - the dictatorship's Seven Deadly Sins.



One thing that's bothered me above and beyond the regular issues with defenses and other buggy attachments is the tech version of Inventions Crafting table. Now I remember bugging this in Issue10 beta, that the tech version, when placed turns into the Arcane wood-panelled version.

It's even "tech" in your placement window.. almost like it's taunting me with it's rotating goodness. It's the one thing that looks out of place amongst all the nice clean-white counters in my Inventions lab.



Personal housing is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't see how it would address the elitism problem.

"Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?" becomes "Cool, I have an apartment to edit. You have an apartment to edit. Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?"

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I've been thinking along the lines of what Mad and Sleepy were talking about.

I had been adverse-to-meh about bases for a long time. This was forumulated back before the market, inf was tighter without a sugar daddy. Then you get recruited to a crummy SG whose only activity is to tell members "Remember to run in SG mode" and to have you plead for the inf you'd have gotten through normal play so you can get enhancements.

Anyhow, crummy is crummy, not the system's fault... exactly. But I think there are a lot of players in less than ideal SGs who aren't crazy about farming prestige so a couple of people can play the base editor mini-game. But, I eventually broke down and made my own small base and... of course discovered only then that it's fun and useful. But, prestige income is necessarily limited.

So how about this instead: Every member of the SG gets and identical amount of extra-dimensional personal Prestige while a member of the SG. He gets to make his own extra-dimensional (personal/ non-existant) base with that Prestige.

Only he can edit this base. It is entirely non-functional. For example, teleporters will accept beacons, but won't actually take him anywhere, enhancement storage won't actually store enhancements, etc. He can't have anyone else come into it. But, everyone in the SG gets to base build with his own copy of the full Prestige account. Gets to try things. Runs into limitations of plot size, Prestige on hand, etc. Learns that with more Prestige coming in, more things can be done. Leans why a zillion was spent on those weird control-generating devices and their auxes.

Influence on the game world is nil, but ALL SG members benefit more from forming SGs that earn more prestige. Screenshots can be taken, advice given: "Hey boss, I noticed we could keep everything we have but squeeze in an extra room if we do what I tried..." Maybe add a function to copy over the existing real base as a starting point, as well as to be able to start from scratch.

Anyhow, want everyone to be able to have access to the fun of base building, without leaders having to expose the group to the chaos, risk and headache of giving too many people too much permission.



They could accomplish this by bringing back the few million prestige bonus to the Test server.

While it's a seperate client to load, it's not keeping you any less social: you can't see tells in the base editor.

Actually, for those with two computers or enough oomph to multi-window, you're allowed to be in test and production servers simultaneously, so you could play the "base editor mini-game" while waiting for the TF to start, badges, et cetra.



You can chat while editing - just open the chat window (hit "C" unless you have it mapped to something else).

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



They could accomplish this by bringing back the few million prestige bonus to the Test server.

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I don't see how being handed millions on Test arbitrarily is the same as having a copy of the same Prestige amount as your actual SG on your live server.
While it's a seperate client to load, it's not keeping you any less social: you can't see tells in the base editor.

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On Test, you are not on live and cannot simply exit the base editor whenever you want for chat utility with those on the live server.
Actually, for those with two computers or enough oomph to multi-window, you're allowed to be in test and production servers simultaneously, so you could play the "base editor mini-game" while waiting for the TF to start, badges, et cetra.

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What I'd like to see should not require having access to Test at all, much less the ability to run it simultaneously with live.

The entirely different animal you describe doesn't fit any of my wants. Is it something you want for yourself? Having Prestige to play around with on Test is a suggestion worth discussing, but it isn't my suggestion. I'd really rather not see any future improvements to bases come with the asterisk of (*on test server only) unless demonstrably necessary.



What I really want is the ability to copy a SG and base to test.

Having 36 million prestige was of limited benefit because very quickly I need to start earning badges and salvage etc.

If they added a check box to the character transfer tool that copied over you base at the same time that would be fantasticly useful.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



The ablitity to purchase the HVAS deck from the vanguard station. It will cost about 1000 merits to make and some tech salvage, but allows you to place a station into base making it so anyone in SG mode can summon an HVAS eb, once very hour or two. This is an Empowerment type item, takes up a full 1x1 square. Just thought it would be great to have and give more reason for SGmode and be a nice "oh sh't" power like shivans are.
While I'm at it have a 1x1 cage, for completing so much CoT missions (like the one already there.. for the DR2 was it?) that would have the same effect but crafted at a worktable and allows the summoning of a Behemoth eb instead

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2) This may even be more involved than the Training Room but...The SG Monitor Station: Thie piece of equipment (bought or invented? Unsure...) would reside in the base and when a SG member clicked on it they would get the Monitor Window. They would then be able to use the Monitor functions such as a special Team Finder Window, Scanner/Newspaper Mission Selector and Team Chat.

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I really dig that, although I'd modify it and say that all missions found with the mission computer/scanner are exclusive to SG bases. They can be solo, or they can be SG-based (and no PuGs allowed ;-P). They have their own badges, and I'd say that the devs could work on building new tilesets and mission types for this.

What it does is give us something new to do ith bases alone. Access to the missions is base-only, you can have the monitor from the base, etc. That would add a whole dimension to base useage that would actually give it some purpose. You could adjust the Inf/Prestige ratio for these missions since they are exclusively SG, and that lets people spend some more time out of SG mode when not in the base.

Of course, it'd mean that smaller bases would need cheaper access to supercomputers.

Also, other interactive things. When I go to a base, I can sit in a chair. I can invent (if we can afford an invention table), I can dance, or... that's about it. Man, what I would give for a cheaply-priced pinball table or something.



Elevation buttons for base items (+,- height) have each step go one floor "height".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



[*]Combat Logs is too weak for its huge prerequisite

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Not only that, but after a supergroup has gone through the trouble of healing 100 million points, they now have the privilege of paying TWICE the cost for a breakfree if they buy it from the combat logs instead of a regular contact or arena. This sort of slap-in-the-face makes one think the person who desgined this deserves to be smacked upside the head with a rikti sword.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.




I looked through all 9 pages, but didn't see these... I apologize if these are repeats:

1. Please allow us to organize our storage compartments. So, if I want a Rune from my Salvage storage, I don't have to scroll through 750+ items to find it. Please allow tabs, or at the very least, when we add salvage, it's placed alphabetically... so I can quickly scroll to the "R"s, for example.

2. A "holding place" for constructed items. So, if I want to redesign my base, I can temporarily "hold" the TP pads in an unseen room while I do so... then I can simply retrieve the TP pads from the room to place them back in their new home. This will help not having to rebuild items.

Thanks to all who have consolidated this list!

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the weakest saint on his knees.
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I recently started building a villain group and a base to go with it and I thought of a number of things that could be added to bases. I figure since Devs mentioned recently wanting to get engineers to fix base raids, maybe they could add things to the bases as well.

First off, opening and closing doors. They have them in mishes, itd be nice to have actual doors between rooms of the base.

Secondly, more floor, wall and cieling options. I Kind of would like plain solid color for all 3, also some carpets would be nice for floors, like in office buildings and such.

More recreational items. IE poker tables, pool tables etc, my villains need a place to kick back and relax you know!

Also, could we customize the entrance portal? Itd be nice to make it a wall portal like the ones in the RWZ or even like a big portal like at portal corp, just for flavor!

Mini Arena- Itd be nice to have a room where we could do some sort of sparring\training with each other. Test my char in PvP with other villains. Perhaps in a special sectioned off room or something? An arena style thing like in Pocket D would be nice.

Multi level bases. It might be tough, but could we make our bases be more than one story? maybe some spiral stair cases?

Secret rooms- Id like to have some sort of room where only people with certain ranks could get in, like a secret conference room or something. - This could go with my opening and closing door option.

Lastly, we can have vaults and invention computers in our base, can we get a remote black market or WW uplink? Something that will let us connect directly to the auctions from the base and our items can be "teleported" to us? Itd be nice to be able to do all the invention stuff from the comfort of home instead of having to go to SC or CaD to get vaults, auctions and invention tables all in the same spot.

I may have had one or 2 other ideas, but i'd really like to see these in game.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Well, more tile options and placeable items would sure be fine, (especially very basic ones like bed, locker, tv, computer, table to sit at, fridge, microwave... carpet floor, wall paper, ...), but:

Some existing tiles are not even available for all walls / floor / ceilings.
(Like, e.g. the Arcane ceiling tile is only available for high and low ceilings, not for middle ones, the Dingy one is not available for high ceilings, etc. That sometimes makes it hard to get a desired look and is especially annoying when one sees a tile one would like, but cannot have it.)

Please make ceiling / floor / wall tiles available for ALL ceilings / floors / walls.
(Many other suggestion are great and right too. Ability to turn trim on in doorways would already help making it look way less awkward sometimes. An option to have the whole doorway one style instead of breaking in the middle too.)

edit: Oh, and I see of course that the doorways are to be kept clear so that invading teams can beam in there, but wall details and lighting attached to walls / ceiling would not hurt though, would it? Perhaps even things that fit into a narrow strip next to the walls, like potted plants that line a corridor...



Most of the ideas I had for base suggestions are here. My thanks to the people that compiled the list.

I can only yhink of 2 things that should be added;

1) The cost of adding things you made at a work station to your base is extravigant. If you crafted something with salvage that your SG has collected, why should it cost as much as buying the item premade?

2) This is touched on later in this string, but I think there should be a arena type station for bases that would allow players to try different tactics on a mission in their list without having to worry about debt, and at the same time without earning infamy or prestige. For such a pratice run a small percentage of the experience the mission would give could still be awarded though. Say about 15%.

Of the things in the main list the things I would most like to see addressed are the robosurgery not being attachable, and the maximum number of work stations being addressed so that a fully equippid base can be made with all the arcane and tech work tables and at least 2 invention stations. (This one could be fixed easilly by just reclassifying the invention station as a empowerment station instead of a work station.)



Add this to the sorting storage idea: link all the same-type storage units. A base with, say, two salvage storage units should have both access the same pool of 1998 salvage pieces, instead of having the two separated. At 75 members, we had five salvage units and were having to reorganize the contents regularly to keep track of everything.

Also, add the option to get rid of the floor or ceiling trim entirely, without slathering the walls with objects.



Add this to the sorting storage idea: link all the same-type storage units. A base with, say, two salvage storage units should have both access the same pool of 1998 salvage pieces, instead of having the two separated. At 75 members, we had five salvage units and were having to reorganize the contents regularly to keep track of everything.

Also, add the option to get rid of the floor or ceiling trim entirely, without slathering the walls with objects.

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I have to disagree on the linked storage idea. In my SG, we have storage bins that are 'assigned' to each person, so that everyone has their own personal enhancement bin. We also have some bins with enhancements that are 'free to a good home'. With linked storage, we wouldn't be able to tell whose was whose, and would destroy our number one reason for having an SG and base.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Dunno if anyone mentioned this as I didn't read the entire thread, but it falls in the category of "revamping item footprint size".

Could the Tech Insp Collectors be slightly reduced in footprint size? I am unable to fit three Tech Collectors side-by-side in the 2x2 workshop space, yet I can get two Tech Collectors plus one Arcane collector in the same space. I've tried, but I just can't squeeze three of them in the same space.



Just one request:

Could the Control output of the Mainframe or the Prestige cost of the Mainframe be re-examined? It currently provides only 50 Control, whereas the combo generator provides 75 Control. Now, I don't know about you, but I daresay a very expensive Mainframe should be more powerful than a pair of laptops! Besides, assuming that we've already allocated all of the Control from the combo generator, upgrading to the Mainframe can be problematic as we have to also buy a Database at the same time to make up for the shortfall.


"To be violent at first and wind up fearing one's people is the epitome of ineptitude."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War




Could the Control output of the Mainframe or the Prestige cost of the Mainframe be re-examined? It currently provides only 50 Control, whereas the combo generator provides 75 Control.

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Well that's totally fine I find, mechanism-wise, as the combo unit is for getting relatively much as a bargain to start with so you can have some stuff early, and that is why you can only have one. It needs a pretty huge room for that too, it really is a startup solution for new and/or small groups, and does good that way I think.
(*snickers* smaller laptops are always more expensive than clunky ones too, even )

What I would rather like to see is the control terminals, corner or not, being the same or even higher control per cash rate than the database. Right now they take up more space and WAY more auxiliary slots thant just sticking a database there, so having a cool looking control room with rows of those terminals is really something one has to pay hard for.



...opening and closing doors. They have them in mishes, itd be nice to have actual doors between rooms of the base.

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This would be fantastic. It bugs the heck out of me that if I have two rooms with different design styles, there's this big glaring LINE where the design changes. Doors would be awesome.

More recreational items. IE poker tables, pool tables etc, my villains need a place to kick back and relax you know!

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Also fantastic. Even for non-villains, heroes need some relaxing time too!

Also, could we customize the entrance portal? Itd be nice to make it a wall portal like the ones in the RWZ or even like a big portal like at portal corp, just for flavor!

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Again, would be fantastic. Even expanding the idea, give us the option to change it from a big glowy portal, to, say, a door? For those people to use their base as an apartment or something, a big glowy portal doesn't make much sense. Different types of doors would be sweet.

I also would -love- to see NPCs, customizable or otherwise. &lt;3s for the Devs!

The Sixth Column

"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton