Official: Feedback and Suggestions for Bases!




1. When getting the list of all bases you can enter, show what is available at that base, the load times are too long and often coalitions share teleporter usage because of space limitations, so SGs have worktables others have invention tables, would be nice to know so SGs can work as a coalition.

2. There is no intermediate power/control options, either it is very low end or very high end, not enough choices in the middle. Why are buyable items way better than many things you can build, there is not enough benefit to being a crafter when you can buy better items (this is a huge flaw in many MMOs, crafted items should always be better than store-bought or the whole system will be largely ignored, as it is now).

3. Should be able to upgrade/downgrade rooms since the editor is pretty weak as is, adding a better room is a major pain.



Plain and simple, the largest flaw with bases and base construction: cost, cost, cost.

Even with the starter base items, the cost of doing anything unique, fun or what have you is so prohibitive due to room, decoration, item and plot expenses--it basically turns bases and running supergroups into even more of a grind and a drag than they already inherently are. So no matter what functionality is added to SG bases, the entire pricing schema needs to be reworked in a way that smaller, midsized and casual supergroups can enjoy this game feature. Otherwise, you (the dev team) will have once again driven supergroup bases up and over the cliff of elitism--accessable only to ubergamers with much more time on their hands than any parent, professional, homeowner, etc. can afford.

That being said, features I would like to see:

<ul type="square">[*]Flagged for tourism: Awesome idea posted above. Give us means of allowing others into our base other than grouping. This permits us to use bases as a form of player created content, meeting spots for RP, etc. [*]Base NPCs: Something as simple as a door person we can costume with customizable text fields. This can be used for inter-sg communication about base features, coming SG events, etc., and intra-community communication about your base or SG if your base (or a portion of it is public), or as decoration helping set the atmosphere even more.[*]PvE raiding: No xp, no item drops, use level independent code similar to Rikti Invasions. Let us set the difficulty level and trigger it. Good for SG events, RP events, etc. Let us decide the villain group.[*]Base henchmen: We need patroling lackeys both red and blue side. It would help for smaller SG's if having full on raids. Let us costume these folks perhaps? Or maybe we could just use gladiators here? Might be an interesting tie in to the gladiator feature actually--giving both features more functionality.[*]Arena-lite terminals: An arena terminal that spawns a version of our base as an arena map for a match using any and all existing arena match settings. Good for RP, screwing around, testing your base.[*]Foyer architecture: Allow us a foyer plot that uses "teleporting" doors like elevators or skyscraper doors or sewer doors to take you to the main base. This would allow us to make the "Front room" of our base--be it an antique shop, book store, restaurant, abandoned warehouse, skyscraper lobby, etc. If we can make our base public, give us the option to make the Foyer only public. This would allow us to have a public portion of the base for RP and player created content while keeping the sensitive guts of the base private. Good for RP, overall atmosphere, base accesability. Door types to transfer us to the guts of the base should include all doors in game including trucks, manholes, sewer outlets, cave doors, laboratory tile exits, arachnos base doors, skyscraper doors and elevators. Only decorative rooms--other than the entrance--should be able to be placed on the foyer plot. The foyer plot should be able to be scaled up from a tiny entrance only default of 2 x 2 all the way up to 8 x 12 (at least). The foyer plot should be bypassed entirely during anysort of PvP encounter (raid, base as arena, PvE raid, etc.)[*]More models of functional items: At least two more models of each functional item for us to choose from. The basic Arcane and Tech functional bits don't fit every base concept. Variety is key--take a cue from your costume creator![*]A natural set of decorative items: Foliage, pools of water, heaps of dirt, rocks, more models and items that help us base designers make "natural" interiors[*]Atmospheric control: Just like lighting control, let us set a density and color of "fog" in the room. Several mission maps have such items custom set--it would go a long way in player lairs![/list]
Alright, that's all for now. But remember, whatever is added if/when bases are revamped--it MUST be MUCH MUCH MUCH more affordable. You should strive to make bases so cool that everyone wants to have at least one alt with access to base design tools and a means to share what they've made with others... and with this alt, they should be able to create something pretty darned cool as opposed to a three room base with a few stupid startup items and a boatload of disappointed prestige envy.



I'd like to be able to do team missions from "within" the base. I'd like to be able to form a team, with my SG mates. Choose a mission from a mission computer and group teleport directly to the mission area with the raid teleporter. After the mission is done I'de like to be able to hit an "exit" button like in Bank missions and come right back to the inside of the base. If someone dies in the mission I'd like for them to be able to rez at the base like they can now and re-enter the mission area back thru the raid teleporter. Doing something like this will probably reduce Lag because people will operate out of their bases more. All the parts are in place to accomplish this and only a tiny bit of programming would be required to make it happen. also all of this could be done without getting rid of any of the base Raid functions



Plain and simple, the largest flaw with bases and base construction: cost, cost, cost.

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Meh. This has been rehashed to death. The devs have drastically lowered the cost of getting small bases up and running. Medium/large bases appear to be just fine. This issue has been resolved. It would probably be better to discuss changes that actually have a chance of happening, instead of more and more incessant whining about cost.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I saw "can't chose where doorways will be placed." I totally agree on that one.

On a similar note:

* I'd like to be able to place items in doorways. Especially stairs.

* I'd like to see room trim (edging, whatever you call it) extended to door ways (inside them, not just up to them).

Wish list items:

* Another vote for NPCs for bases. I don't need custom text or patrols or defenders for raids. Just give me some guys standing around I can place.

* Stackable items are an issue. We need more of 'em. I don't like having to put desks under stairs, it makes no logical sense. An item or two (or more) specifically designed for "stack building" would be great. Better, give me Legos.

* The ability to add items on top of more things would be great. It's basically just a few desks right now.

* Some kitchen items would be cool. Sink, counter-tops, fridge, beer fridge, clean dishes, dirty dishes, empty pizza boxes. Give my base a bit more of that "lived in" feel.

Overall that consolidated list is a great resource. Good job on compiling it. I hope the devs give it serious consideration.



More wish list:

* Windows. I want to be able to chose what I see outside my base too. Atlas Park? Steel Canyon? Galaxy City? Yes please. Tie this to plot size, ie. you need one of the better plots (more expensive) to afford a floor in one of those sky scrapers in Galaxy City.

* Even better: allow me to see what's happening out side (on the server) real time. Nothing like spotting a bit of crime out the window and zipping out to fight it.



Plain and simple, the largest flaw with bases and base construction: cost, cost, cost.

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Meh. This has been rehashed to death. The devs have drastically lowered the cost of getting small bases up and running. Medium/large bases appear to be just fine. This issue has been resolved. It would probably be better to discuss changes that actually have a chance of happening, instead of more and more incessant whining about cost.

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What is the point of adding more stuff no one but the l33t can afford? Medium/large bases are NOT fine? It cost way too much cash to build stuff, and paying RENT on top of that is ridiculous?

"Thanks for saving the city again SuperDude! However if you don't pay your rent we are going to evict you!"

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



What is the point of adding more stuff no one but the l33t can afford? Medium/large bases are NOT fine? It cost way too much cash to build stuff, and paying RENT on top of that is ridiculous?

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Not the thread for this.

The stack of dead horses is that way ----&gt;

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



What is the point of adding more stuff no one but the l33t can afford? Medium/large bases are NOT fine? It cost way too much cash to build stuff, and paying RENT on top of that is ridiculous?

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Not the thread for this.

The stack of dead horses is that way ----&gt;

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yeah, but permit me to punctuate that sentiment a bit more....

of all the new stuff and bug fixes we've gotten for bases since COV released, a lot of it has already been geared specifically for low-prestige groups. Eg, low-prestige groups got free rent, starting items, control-less power-less storage and empowerment, etc. The only thing high-prestige groups have specifically gotten is a patch to the AES for the mission computer, and a fixed Fusion Generator, both of which probably should have been there from Day 1 anyways. (The rest of the list of stuff being general fixes, like the kick bug, or Vet items that equally usable by any worth group.)

So when it comes to new ideas, I think it's fair to ask that new code either benefit *every* level of Prestige earning at once, or time to throw some bones to the larger groups who have hit a limit and have no purpose in growing any further. Reducing the overall cost of items is of no use to someone like my main villain group, we already have 20 million prestige *unspent*.

Low-prestige groups have gotten plenty of focus. I think that given the effort Devs spent on the stuff low-prestige groups already got that the Devs have that one aspect of bases pretty much hammered out by now. Or at least close enough that it's time to address some of the 125+ other problems instead of continuing to tweak this low-end stuff that's working pretty well for almost all low-end groups.




What is the point of adding more stuff no one but the l33t can afford? Medium/large bases are NOT fine? It cost way too much cash to build stuff, and paying RENT on top of that is ridiculous?

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Not the thread for this.

The stack of dead horses is that way ----&gt;

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yeah, but permit me to punctuate that sentiment a bit more....

of all the new stuff and bug fixes we've gotten for bases since COV released, a lot of it has already been geared specifically for low-prestige groups. Eg, low-prestige groups got free rent, starting items, control-less power-less storage and empowerment, etc. The only thing high-prestige groups have specifically gotten is a patch to the AES for the mission computer, and a fixed Fusion Generator, both of which probably should have been there from Day 1 anyways. (The rest of the list of stuff being general fixes, like the kick bug, or Vet items that equally usable by any worth group.)

So when it comes to new ideas, I think it's fair to ask that new code either benefit *every* level of Prestige earning at once, or time to throw some bones to the larger groups who have hit a limit and have no purpose in growing any further. Reducing the overall cost of items is of no use to someone like my main villain group, we already have 20 million prestige *unspent*.

Low-prestige groups have gotten plenty of focus. I think that given the effort Devs spent on the stuff low-prestige groups already got that the Devs have that one aspect of bases pretty much hammered out by now. Or at least close enough that it's time to address some of the 125+ other problems instead of continuing to tweak this low-end stuff that's working pretty well for almost all low-end groups.


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With all due respect, MadScientist, who died and made you and Zubenelgenubi the absolute authorities on time investment versus base advancement in CoH?

Yes, for a long time you--MadScientist--have put a TON of vocal and visible effort into mobilizing efforts to offer and organize ideas to improve bases. I've noticed your threads for well over a year. Many thanks and props to you on that. Seriously.

But Zubenglenubi comes in here trolling when folks provide honest feedback from their perspective. Some people feel the rate of base advancement (your consolidated "gap" thread) or bases and plots in general remain far too expensive for their and their online friend's playstyle and time commitment. The devs want to know feedback on how to improve bases and the base building tools. Pricing may be a big part for some of us. Your number of posts, involvement in the base building forums, or the degree of prestige your supergroups have managed to attain give neither of you any additional rights to decide what should or should not be voiced here as straightforward feedback because you feel it is a "stack of dead horses."

Some of us in the playerbase still feel like things move too darn slow once you get beyond the pretty pathetic "starter" base and want to voice that. This being the official base feedback thread is an appropriate place to voice such concerns.

So give it a rest and stop trying to play cop.



With all due respect, MadScientist, who died and made you and Zubenelgenubi the absolute authorities on time investment versus base advancement in CoH?

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only anyone who interprets my opinion on the matter as if it was gospel.
you've imposed more authority upon my post than I ever claimed myself.

you'll notice I never *justify* a post with talking about how much one of my SGs is worth. heck, I go out of my way to mock people who do. I didn't mention prestige in that manner, I mentioned it to illustrate how I was giving first-person experience with why higher-prestige SGs need some lovin'.

I'm not going to claim costs are perfect. but they're now way better than they were at the start. asking for even more love for low-prestige groups in the face of that huge list of things that have never even been touched at all can come across as a bit greedy. I tried to explain that better than simply saying "dead horse". maybe I shouldn't have called it a rant.



With all due respect, MadScientist, who died and made you and Zubenelgenubi the absolute authorities on time investment versus base advancement in CoH?

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only anyone who interprets my opinion on the matter as if it was gospel.
you've imposed more authority upon my post than I ever claimed myself.


...I was giving first-person experience with why higher-prestige SGs need some lovin'.

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Fair enough. Points taken. Going to keep any further debate to PM's so as not to get this thread locked.



Let us cash in Base Salvage for Prestige.

Solves a few problems at once: Gives base salvage another use (since empowerment is rather lame), let's us buy prestige on the market, or trade for it, overall raises the amount of Prestige someone can produce but not in an unlimited manner.



posted it in the suggestions board, they recommeneded I move it here though...

Hey guys.
My searchfu is weak and it's probably already been thought up and shot down a hundred times over, but I just came up with a cool new item to put in a SG/VG base.
All the parts to it are already there too.
Tech wise all we need is one of those 10ft tall glass tubes you see in Crey maps from time to time.
Magic wise you'd just ned a someone clearer version of the 10ft till crystals you see on the CoT underground city maps.
The item is pretty simple, but could add a bit of humor to the base.
You take one of these tubes/crystals and put it in the base and when a player loads in a "hologram" drawn inside of the tube/crystal of a random enemy doing a random emote.
Yeah, it would be a totally completely useless feature, but ya know what? I'd have rooms in my base FILLED mwith these tubes back to back if I could. Hallways of Holograms if ya will.



I wish I could have those giant tv's and as an added bonus, we could watch youtube videos on it.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Major base bug: Bases locked for rent due, yet not payable at the registrar.

I am sure this is causing a lot of (needless) petitions.

This happens with major patches or base that have expanded and contracted then left for a while.

The registrar should check to see if the base is locked. If it is and the base is a 8x8 plot it should unlock the base either for free, or a nominal fee (maybe a few thousand prestige, no more than 5,000 prestige).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



With all due respect, MadScientist, who died and made you and Zubenelgenubi the absolute authorities on time investment versus base advancement in CoH?

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With all due respect, SivverAgeFan, who died and gave you permission to construct crude straw man arguments? Please point to where either one of us claimed “absolute authority.”


But Zubenglenubi comes in here trolling when folks provide honest feedback from their perspective.

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No, I came in here and said that the issue of base cost had already been resolved and therefore it would be much more productive to focus on things that actually have a chance of being changed/improved, rather than fill the thread up with more and more incessant complaining about an issue that the devs have already closed the door on.

But of course, it’s always oh so very, very easy to simply accuse someone of “trolling” rather than use a bit of reading comprehension to try and actually get the point of what he’s trying to say.

So give it a rest and stop trying to play cop.

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"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



... I came in here and said that the issue of base cost had already been resolved and therefore...

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May be a bit better to say base costs have been addressed. Doesn't really slam the door on the issue, but still reminds everyone that this had its turn.

There may still be a bit of an issue that some people don't want things to be finished yet. But really, a 25% change in earnings was a huge move, the type we rarely see. It's on par with things like Great Def Nerf, and Ehancement Diminishing Returns. This was not a little tweak like giving Psi Dart a lower end cost. So even if it's not done to everyone's satisfaction, it's certainly the type of thing I bet wouldn't be moved by that magnitude again.

Heck, considering how many complaints take the form of "this looks like it was just slapped together", you have to put a little faith in the one piece that seemed to get a lot of datamining while in use.



If the items listed in the compiled list were implemented it would be heavenly!

If individual characters could construct their own "apartment" and link it to the base via a teleporter or portal, that would be heavenly, too!

The introduction of base building was a brilliant and incredibly useful feature, even without CoP/IoP and elaborate base raiding. However, it is far from ideal and I, like so many others, hope the current implementation is only the beginning!

================================================== ===

AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



Other than the copious list of general wishes (decorations, NPC, Teleporters with more than 2 locations, etc) I have two ideas for bases that would really jazz them up for me and my SGs.

Disclaimer: I have no idea how much coding these would involve...likely a lot. However personally I think that the MOST effort should go into the game features that have received the LEAST attention for a while. Just my opinion but there it is...

1) Training Room (Danger Room is likely copyrighted...): A place where I can go to test out my Powers, Enhancements, IOs and such BEFORE I buy them! Weekly we all see cries for more respecs...especially now with Inventions on-line and people trying out new IOs.

Then they find out they don't work. Or they find out they don't like the aura they make. Or they find out they don't shave off as much End as the last one or whatever.

And before everyone shouts 'test server' let me remind you that A) The test server is sometimes down for a month or more doing closed Beta and B) Not everyone has the comp space to load up 2 versions of the game.

I don't want a full-blown version of the game in my Base. What I would like is a room where I can artificially advance my level, pick new powers and slots, slot them with enhancements or IOs as I choose, then shoot at/use the Power against a single spawn of critters.

This might quell the requests of players who 'want to see the numbers' as well. It won't provide numbers (unless they sit there with a stopwatch...sheesh) but what it WILL do is enable players to make informed decisions about their Powers and slotting before they commit.

IMHO anything that is so difficult to change that it requires a respec should be something that I can try out before I buy it.

2) This may even be more involved than the Training Room but...The SG Monitor Station: Thie piece of equipment (bought or invented? Unsure...) would reside in the base and when a SG member clicked on it they would get the Monitor Window. They would then be able to use the Monitor functions such as a special Team Finder Window, Scanner/Newspaper Mission Selector and Team Chat.

In essense they can gather a team using their Team Finder, then find a Mission keyed to whatever level and Diff setting they choose and then chat with the team. Once the team is gathered they would then have the options of giving a small gift to the Monitor for his trouble and booting him or running the mish with him along on the radio as a sort of 9th team member.

This might also do away with team padding tels (more and more frequent for me at least) since the Monitor might be able to (advanced function?) artificially up the Diff to higher than the team leader might be able to do otherwise.

As the equipment was upgraded (or as a character gained more Monitor Badges for time spent maybe?) the Monitor would gain more abilities like being able to peek a bit at the map that the team can't see, call for backup (Longbow or Arachnos spawn...takes 1 minute to arrive, lasts for 2-3 minutes fighting baddies), mess with the lights/alarms (very small Acc debuff for the enemies and/or Defense Buff for the team) or perhaps even unlock locked doors (like when the keyholder gets stuck in the wall...?). When the mish end the Monitor gets a small bonus for his time (like the mish end bonus only?).

One of the joys of this is the fact that ANY level or size of team can use it...even solo. Think of all the Stalkers out there with a guy on the radio feeding him intel as he sneaks around and you get the idea. The RPers benefit too since this can be a huge RP opportunity ("Jacob, turn left at the corner. The building schematic shows a shortcut to the generator." "Sorry Professor but I'm in charge and I say we're going in the front door.").

Sorry if the post is overlong but detailed ideas need detailed explanations...

Great work to all and sundry who are working to make this game greater...players and Devs alike.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



You know what I would love to see and what would really help out smaller bases and larger bases alike? Get rid of hallways. That one extra space sticking out wastes a lot of space in our small base. For an 8x8 base it means that you can fit in a 3x3 grid of 2x2 rooms. Personally I would love to see doorways or archways as opposed to the 1 space hallways and allow players to put in a 1 space hallway for free if they choose to seperate rooms or whatever.
I think it would optimize space and allow for better base designs.



i love the idea of the monitor, evry body needs the guy on the radio with vital intel.

i also like the npc base minion ideas... all of them. patrols of fully costomizeable solgers marching thrugh my base is great, and how about control/ power items come with a few npcs whos only porpos is to stand near the item and mes with the botons on it.
for exaplel, the the combo start up generator would come with one guy with the SG emblem on his sleve and he just stands near the laptop on it all day and looks like hes working. while the turbine genrator would come with 3 or 4 guys runing around the room cheking things on the turbine and they can mess with the conected items to, these npcs could come free with the power/ control item and would be just for looks.



i love the idea of the monitor, evry body needs the guy on the radio with vital intel.

i also like the npc base minion ideas... all of them. patrols of fully costomizeable solgers marching thrugh my base is great, and how about control/ power items come with a few npcs whos only porpos is to stand near the item and mes with the botons on it.
for exaplel, the the combo start up generator would come with one guy with the SG emblem on his sleve and he just stands near the laptop on it all day and looks like hes working. while the turbine genrator would come with 3 or 4 guys runing around the room cheking things on the turbine and they can mess with the conected items to, these npcs could come free with the power/ control item and would be just for looks.

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Or a butler who cleans the place up, dusting, sweeping, and all of that jazz. Gotta have our man Alfred, ya know...

Tomorrow's heroes, today!



i love the idea of the monitor, evry body needs the guy on the radio with vital intel.

i also like the npc base minion ideas... all of them. patrols of fully costomizeable solgers marching through my base is great, -and how about control/ power items come with a few npcs whos only porpos is to stand near the item and mes with the botons on it.
for example, the the combo start up generator would come with one guy with the SG emblem on his sleve and he just stands near the laptop on it all day and looks like hes working. while the turbine genrator would come with 3 or 4 guys runing around the room cheking things on the turbine and they can mess with the conected items to, these npcs could come free with the power/ control item and would be just for looks.

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-I do as well, The whole base NPC thing helps to fill the gap of wondering through huge empty rooms. And for "Corporation" type SGs like mine, having the NPCs make it feel like has some actual man power behind it. there would also be special NPCs that act as mobile defence items, or guards to speak. You could plant point A then B etc etc for them to travel and attack any enemies that may come by during raids (Though actual raids are currently impossible and only the for fun insta raids can be used). This kind of thing, which will be implemented in a NPC tab in the base edit mode I would hope, could add a new lvl to base design. Though the defence NPCs, will either end up being squishy or expensive
-It was also suggested that we could put in a variety of Practice bots, which I would love to have for some target practice, or even making a kind of shooting range like the one in RWZ. This could also make it so you have an NPC blasting a practice bot in there. Which would be very very neet.
-The wall idea is also great, I'm getting sick of all these lateral files everywhere! omg... A lot of people like to have room with mini rooms in them but can't afford the space of just getting rid of a square to make a "Wall", like me for example
-The often aforementioned Different entrance types idea is a must, though with a ceiling storage tank above the entry circle it does look a bit tech, it doesn't fit for many people that would rather have things like doors and elevators. But this arises the problem of the portals on the maps not matching the entry points. This actually brings in the suggestion of "Multi level" plots. with elevator type rooms to go up to another floor. This would completely unleash a new dimension for base construction as we can have designated floors for certain items. In this was also mentioned the Personal rooms idea, which would be neet to have. Some people try to put in walls (Lateral [censored] files as of now) to make separate rooms, but it's just not the same as having a room transporter or something with an actual place YOU, not the overlord, can tinker with given your inf.
-Some new details would also be cool, like some actual monitors and actual beds, not the stupid little radio things and that trashy old arcane "bed"

-I would like to see a Training Computer and Tree of Knowledge added. These devices could be used for lvling up and will operate exactly like how the Arbiter and Trainers do. these will have to be unlocked and may cost a bit though, not sure how they could be unlocked...Maybe through mentoring like the currently quite useless mission computer(accept for the special TFs)

-I also want to see some special placeable items to fulfill my tech and others arcane fantasies. Like docking stations that hold different droidica and cages that can hold different demons. I'ld love to have a room with Docked titan mechs with some NPC scientists examining and tweaking them...
ugh I'm getting my hopes aren't I?!
I hope the rednames are thinking about this, Bases were a huge advertised and very anticipated part of having an SG, let alone play the game as a whole. It's been absolutely abandoned lately and it's just.. plain... sad

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I dont know if this was already mentioned but, I'd like to see some more plain looking room styles added ---

Walls: concrete, marble, wallpaper, plain metal, etc
Floor: marble, carpet (maybe not as much a carpet texture, but a smooth carpet-like covering), etc
Ceiling: stucco, corporate ceiling tiles, etc

These are already in the game, just not in the base editor.

Then give us some smaller ceiling and floor trim options. IMO they are currently way, way, way, too big and I have to put wall details like vents over them to get them to go away. I might use them if they were smaller. This would make me very happy.

In general, some simple options can give flexability and creativity with what we already have. There are alot of style things that I like, but sometimes you don't want every bit of your walls and floors cluttered with designs. And with no plain styles, its hard to be creative and mix and match style elements to come up with something unique.