Official: Feedback and Suggestions for Bases!




Use the demarcation line between Private (RP based or just your basic PvE base) and the Secure (PvP Raidable) bases. Cut the costs of the non secure base plots and monthly cost in half at least. PvP players will be up in arms but dangit, as a PvE player I have taken more than my fair share of changes shoved down my throat that PvP needs to take one this time......wait did I just type that out?

Anyway, for a non-secure base, plot sizes and monthy cost need to be reduced. I mean my base is completely out of space to add anything of value at this point, and I nor my SG want to relive the pressure of massive "rent" payments for the next larger plot which would give us exactly the space we need. I mean heck, I upgraded the plot size to the 1st "rent" plot and I swear to gosh, the next day I log in and get the "Your SG owes X rent" that made me mad so I paid it and chunked the new storage room and went back to the old "free" plot. Talk about a waste of time and effort



so this isn't really about the flexibility of the plots, it's really all about the prestige costs of the entire base system?



For me and mine yes, MadScientist. Others have wonderful ideas also and your thread about what a base "is" to us is a wonderful thread.

A lot of what i want to see done has been suggested and hashed out before, except the cost of the plot sizes. I know we have a "free" plot and thats what my SG uses because frankly we only have 7-8 actual people but we all have altitis. My SG is pretty much against the whole concept of PvP and most have never nor will never step foot in the PvP zones just on principle, so I see the line between Private and Secure as a good place to break the plot sizes apart and give those who dont feel the need to raid or do that stuff a break in the price of making a full service SG base, we (my SG mates and me) are just looking for a base size that meets our needs.

Before you ask, yes we have 8 tps to 16 zones, and at this point cant add any more enhancement bins anywhere because we are at the placement cap. Power is not a problem nor is control. We just have no more room for stuff. I'd also like to see the robo surgeon fixed. Fix the placement issues with the tp icons (screens telling you where that tp goes) because there is some wonkyness involved with those and placing items near or under them. give us a way to stack stuff without the magic box (which to this day I still cant make work)....oh and can we finally get some decent flat screens? ones that dont only have the CoX version of "Anatomy Channel" or the "Xray Channel" lol....I know they can do this because they did it in the pool room in faultline........

I'd like to see a lot of the items have their plot size made the Insp bin...does it really need to be 4 squares?

sorry I'm at work and typing this out in spurts while at the same time editing a foundation plan sorry if it skips around a lot.



so this isn't really about the flexibility of the plots, it's really all about the prestige costs of the entire base system?

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No, I was talking about the restrictive nature of base plots, and what might be done to open up more creativity.

Predictably, someone just jumped in and started whining about costs.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



This one is for the Suggestions/Wishlist..

Mixing and matching ideas and suggestions on storage.. and kinda merging that with some other things w plot size.... most of f this are already covered in other posts I just thought I'd throw in my particular crazy mix of ideas....

I've seen in this and other threads the request for either a- just more storage, b- private storage items and, from a different perspective, c- the cost about plot sizes and ideas about 'cost per square', and the ability to place storage in big rooms (eg. TP room) that otherwise don't accept it and *may* signify somewhat of a waste of space.. I also realize that changes to base storage are tricky as they directly impact Server space, performance and requirements...

One of the things thats surprised me as our SG and base moved from tiny towards middle-size was the fact that all base plots have the same maximum storage items (18). this is fairly good for tiny and small bases, but as an SG moves up in size it becomes inadequate.

So, suggestion - do away with the storage ability 'per room' and leave it just as a general 'per base'..

- A - If the current 'plot-based' system continues in place: Rescale storage maximum to be, (numbers given just as an example): 8, 12, 16, 24... based on the plot size. That way a bigger SG has the option to have additional storage that a smaller would probably not need.
- B - If a 'plot-less, buy-by-square' system is implemented: assign a 'storage quantum' to each square bought, say for example, 0.20 per square, which theoretically would allow 12 items for a 64-square base (8x8), 26 for a 144 (12x12), etc; Note this actually would match better as there would be no 'empty squares' in a plot-less system.

An advanced sidetrack of this would be the removal of room 'types' altogether and allowing items to be placed in any room/square . From a PVE perspective, theres no major reason to have room 'types' anyway. From a PVP/raid point of view, it really does not matter whether a room is 'control' or 'power' etc.. the only thing that matters is what items (destructible items) are within.. and whether it is reachable (pathing rules still applying)- .The major difference would be defense items, but since we're assuming a plot less system, you could potentially buy 'standard' squares, mostly for PVE, or 'defensive' squares, allowing for placement of defense items as well as normal items in that square. (Now, I see here's the potential for creating really mad 'gauntlet' hallways.. so a limitation of say, 1 defensive square for each 4 standard can be applied.. again, numbers as an example), or perhaps limiting the numbers of defensive items to be placed in that particular square, maybe 2 max:1 defense, 1 defense aux, or 2 defense aux.
-- end Sidetrack

Thus, storage items could be placed in any room/square of the user's choosing and scale up to the size of the base and owner SG.

Just the 2 cents...



so this isn't really about the flexibility of the plots, it's really all about the prestige costs of the entire base system?

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Speaking for myself it's about both.

Currently if I want to add a 10th 2 x 2 room I first have to pay 1.6 million to purchase the 8 x 12 plot. If the plots are done away with I'd only have to pay the 100k or so for the next room. So in that sense it is about the base costs.

However, under the current system I also have to make my base fit into a neat 8 x 8 section of land or else. This forces many to construct their bases as bland squares. If the plots are done away with then I can place those 8 or nine rooms in any shape or size I want for whatever reason is more important to me. I don't feel constrained by either the size or shape or cost of the plot in any way. This encourages creativity. If I want to shape my base like a spaceship or a snake or a big cross or a tree or whatever I can just build it without any worries or constraints.

This would also allow for a scaling rent system. Instead of the sudden jump from $0 to $20k/month I could end up with a $975/month or a $21500/month, depending on how large I build my base and how many squares/tiles I use. For example say the first 36 room squares are rent free, just like they are now, but maybe the rent system would be set up so that rent is then $1000/month per square after 36, or something. (just pulling a cost out of my hat for example's sake) So I am free to decide how much rent per month I'm willing to pay and then I know exactly how large I can make my base. This places more choices in the hands of the players, and that's nearly always a good thing.



"Anatomy Channel" or the "Xray Channel" lol

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We've always called it the Eyeball channel.



I want one simple thing for bases and one not so simple but both would make a world of difference.

Simple: I want WINDOWS... You can make a base quite beautiful but its still lacking one thing, SUNLIGHT. Make the window a light source as well as decorative I am personally tired of living in a dungeon.

Not so simple: The ability to grow UP instead of OUT. Instead of needing to use super speed to go from the workshop to the entrance how about adding elevators! 3mil for a plotsize you can choose larger footprint and one floor or same footprint on 2 floors. Larger plot sizes can have corresponding option of X floors and same footprint. Think of the possibilities! It'd done in nearly every mission surely it can be done for the bases.



I would like to see more trophies. Specifically, I would like to see trophy salvage drops from various mobs that could be exchanged/crafted into trophies that could be displayed in your base or apartment ( ). Generic trophies like 'tsoo dagger' or 'carnival mask' could drop from normal mobs randomly, and named mobs could drop very specific items "Baphomet Claw" or "Babbage Spindle"

Also, add trophy salvage drops to every story arc with souveniers. Make the trophy match the souvenier. Would also be nice if players could get these retroactively. Trophy salvage inventory should be much larger than invention salvage, if limited at all.



I would like to see more trophies. Specifically, I would like to see trophy salvage drops from various mobs that could be exchanged/crafted into trophies that could be displayed in your base or apartment ( ). Generic trophies like 'tsoo dagger' or 'carnival mask' could drop from normal mobs randomly, and named mobs could drop very specific items "Baphomet Claw" or "Babbage Spindle"

Also, add trophy salvage drops to every story arc with souveniers. Make the trophy match the souvenier. Would also be nice if players could get these retroactively. Trophy salvage inventory should be much larger than invention salvage, if limited at all.

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SG Kill badges

10000 (random number folks dont panic) of X type mob generates a badge for the SG that provides a trophy for that mob type.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?




SG Kill badges

10000 (random number folks dont panic) of X type mob generates a badge for the SG that provides a trophy for that mob type.

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......10000 Summoned Illusionists ............ *head asplodes!*



SG Kill badges

10000 (random number folks dont panic) of X type mob generates a badge for the SG that provides a trophy for that mob type.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm thinking "Severed Head Floating in a Jar of Formaldehyde.”

Yes? YESSS…??
It’s all severed heads, isn’t it? Isn’t it? That’s what your thinking, right? Row upon row of severed heads…

floating in…




…it’s not gonna be severed heads, is it?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



SG Kill badges

10000 (random number folks dont panic) of X type mob generates a badge for the SG that provides a trophy for that mob type.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm thinking "Severed Head Floating in a Jar of Formaldehyde.”

Yes? YESSS…??
It’s all severed heads, isn’t it? Isn’t it? That’s what your thinking, right? Row upon row of severed heads…

floating in…




…it’s not gonna be severed heads, is it?

[/ QUOTE ]

.....'cause Iiiiiiiiiiiiii ain't got no...boooody!

*shows age.... *



.....'cause Iiiiiiiiiiiiii ain't got no...boooody!

*shows age.... *

[/ QUOTE ]

old enough to remember MTV in the mid 80's?




I'm thinking "Severed Head Floating in a Jar of Formaldehyde.”

Yes? YESSS…??
It’s all severed heads, isn’t it? Isn’t it? That’s what your thinking, right? Row upon row of severed heads…

floating in…




…it’s not gonna be severed heads, is it?

[/ QUOTE ]

.....'cause Iiiiiiiiiiiiii ain't got no...boooody!

*shows age.... *

[/ QUOTE ]


"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?




god young frankenstein was a good movie

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Windows my warehouse need windows to let my plants have sun light



Windows my warehouse need windows to let my plants have sun light

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My base needs windows, too. So I can *accidentally* walk in front of them wearing no pants and then pretend to be embarassed when the neighbor just *happens* to be out there doing yardwork.

I hate it that those priceless little life moments just can't occur in my base. So rite nao.

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)




god young frankenstein was a good movie

[/ QUOTE ]

Several years back I attended a 24-hour horror movie marathon in my home town. Amoung the 13 films they showed were the original 1931 Frankenstein, followed by the 1935 Bride of Frankenstein, followed by Young Frankenstein.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



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