Official: Feedback and Suggestions for Bases!




Thanks to Warface and MadScientist for compiling a lot of this info! Thanks to the many community members who took the time to leave their feedback in an orderly fashion



Thanks to Warface and MadScientist for compiling a lot of this info! Thanks to the many community members who took the time to leave their feedback in an orderly fashion

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MadScientist is the man, I just ran around with my head cutoff like a pollo loco. I say give him RED TITLE


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Thank you Ex, Warface and Mad Scientist, and everyone else who helped this along

I think I can reasonably say that we are used to no attention, so any changes that come of this off that list, even if it's only a handful we will be grateful for.

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personally i hate the giant boxes for rooms. when i heard we were getting bases i thought we would get to pick from mission tiles and i would be able to put together a cool looking multi level headquarters using the Fifth column underground base tiles and just change the Heraldry to my SG's symbols.

I still think that base objects are too expensive. the free base plan can only have so many rooms and then my SG which consists of only a handful of people would have to accumulate 1.5 million prestige to get anything bigger. and then we look forward to rent. Personally I think you should knock a zero off every cost . Allow us to make grandoise bases that we can get lost in. why should we be in a Uber huge SG to even get a small chance of having such finery?



Related to this item from the summary thread:

Apply room style to base is too destructive. You can't copy 1 room without overwriting everything. Why not a Copy+Paste Style instead? (you could still apply that to the base, just with a bit more running around.)

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Why isn't there an "Apply Base style to Room" option?



I want my Jarvis the butler and a disco ball.



o,o well, as it happens.. we've been compiling a list for you since issue 6 came out..

Base Items We'd Like To See.. Mk1
Base Items We'd Like To See, Mk. 2

@.@ course, these are just content suggestions and not at all whats wrong or broken with bases..

though.. you might want ppl to adopt the format used in those two threads, it makes things a bit easier =^^=

>.> while these are in those two threads, a second, non pvp related floor with player, not SG Leader, controlled rooms seems to be one of the more popular requests over the years.. and would give ppl stuff to do with spare inf..

o.o and something I've always wanted, special base items for holidays.. Jack-O-Lanterns anyone?

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



personally i hate the giant boxes for rooms. when i heard we were getting bases i thought we would get to pick from mission tiles and i would be able to put together a cool looking multi level headquarters using the Fifth column underground base tiles and just change the Heraldry to my SG's symbols.

I still think that base objects are too expensive. the free base plan can only have so many rooms and then my SG which consists of only a handful of people would have to accumulate 1.5 million prestige to get anything bigger. and then we look forward to rent. Personally I think you should knock a zero off every cost . Allow us to make grandoise bases that we can get lost in. why should we be in a Uber huge SG to even get a small chance of having such finery?

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Note the forum section that base-generating shares its forums with: PvP Bases.

Bases are part of the City of Villains expansion, which was meant to be all about teh PvP. The original design thinking was that players would mainly be using their base for base raids. Unfortunately, the central feature of base raids never worked and the devs discovered too late that the majority of players just weren't interested in having their carefully built-up bases trashed by PvP morons.

So, rather than getting bases as our costume creator writ large, we're stuck with bases as player-generated PvP fields- writ in the tiny little type usually reserved for disclaimers and weasel-words.

I don't expect to see any base love until the whole Cathedral of Pain / Base Raiding paradigm finally finishes circling the bowl and gets flushed.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Characters can be named, and then the tag "The" applied to the beginning (and later on of course other titles). Why not have the same things for supergroups? This might mean that the game would have to look at sg's currently starting with "The" in the name and move it to the prefix tag. Anyways, just a random thought before i go out shopping.



o.o looking around a bit.. one of the more obvious fixes just to decor would be to size things so that alot of the mystic and tech stuff can fit in rooms that the majority of the populous can afford (it, make some of the floor sets fit in one room square).

<.< even the more well off sgs have hallways of small rooms that they'd like to stuff some of the CoT podiums in.. they're one of the few items that is square or near perfect geometric form.. o.o you know, to make a place look more at home..

In the end, there are 3 main problems with bases..

1st, they're designed currently for only the elite to really enjoy.. and by that, I don't mean the rich, but the high ups in an sg. Most users in an SG never get to play with the base editors at all (something personal housing would cure, but pls, >< not with prestige.. how about inf? non combat uses for the games main currency would be nice (yes, I know, costumes count for this currently too)).

2nd, the uses of bases are rather limited. Even if the CoP was turned back on, you wouldn't really have that many more ppl using it for pvp. The PVP ppl already do base raids with each other, though, I imagine they could use a list or some sort of ingame scheduler to make it easier to find ppl willing to Base Raid with them.. anyway, back on topic... right now bases are quick transit and storage, and thats about it. No reason to actually spend any time in one. o.o so you could say, bases really could use minigames, or some sort of social function added to them.

3rd, Bases have more or less been abandoned for 2 yrs (give or take a month or 3), when they should have at least been getting some form of minor update every issue. Some more decor items here, a new layout style there... (I know, i7 added a couple of still incomplete styles, they seem to be missing some ceiling options for what ever reason..) o.o mostly, what we've been getting has been vet rewards items only (the weapons cases are great! need more!!! and wooden/mystic cases!!). What I'm saying is, ppl feel like the issue has been abandoned, and that it always will be abandoned. Dev attention to it is fleeting at best, and usually after some major uprising in complaints (see that one disastrous speech by States to a developers conference). When bases came out we where filled with hope that one of the most asked for things was being given to us finally, sure, it had alot of issues and problems, but most seem to think it would be improved and fixed as time went on. -.- obviously this hasn't been the case since bases are almost identical to what they where October 31st 2005. For many, it seems that the yanking of base Recipes in i9 where probably the last straw. o_o once again, the carrot was dangled, but then when it came out, the whole section was gone from 'that which can't be named here'.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



1st, they're designed currently for only the elite to really enjoy.. and by that, I don't mean the rich, but the high ups in an sg. Most users in an SG never get to play with the base editors at all (something personal housing would cure, but pls, >< not with prestige.. how about inf? non combat uses for the games main currency would be nice (yes, I know, costumes count for this currently too)).

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Personal housing is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't see how it would address the elitism problem.

"Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?" becomes "Cool, I have an apartment to edit. You have an apartment to edit. Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?"

Certainly the apartments would help ensure the base editor is not going unused. Would this all be to justify coding time put into the editor 2 years ago? Is the editor itself a kind of "content" that people feel they're missing?
In this aspect, apartments would be to bases like saying "a lot of pickup teams have a very hard time beating the Statesman Taskforce, so we're going to make some more story arcs at level 50 so those people will have content they *can* beat." Distracts from the issue, doesn't actually address it.



1st, they're designed currently for only the elite to really enjoy.. and by that, I don't mean the rich, but the high ups in an sg. Most users in an SG never get to play with the base editors at all (something personal housing would cure, but pls, >< not with prestige.. how about inf? non combat uses for the games main currency would be nice (yes, I know, costumes count for this currently too)).

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Personal housing is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't see how it would address the elitism problem.

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o.o in that it lets the non sg leaders use the base editor. It would no longer be restricted to the 'elite'.

"Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?" becomes "Cool, I have an apartment to edit. You have an apartment to edit. Why can't I play with the 30 million Prestige in our SG base if I've been contributing to the SG?"

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o.o why can't you as a tax payer directly decide what color X bridge will be drenched in? The answer is, it would be total anarchy and you'd have to many ppl in ignorance removing things they shouldn't. On the other hand, a set aside bit of property for the local community to use and add to as a park.. you can have much more control over whats planted their.. or the play equipment... want a field track?

>.> thats the best example that comes to mind. There might be another, but its 4:30am here, so it isn't coming to mind. o.o basically, the idea is to expand ppls freedom and enjoyment, without making it to easy to ruin it at the same time. (not to mention, if you can do your own apartment connected/on the second floor, you can show your base leader why YOU! should be allowed to help decorate. Believe me, a lot of base leaders need help..)

Certainly the apartments would help ensure the base editor is not going unused. Would this all be to justify coding time put into the editor 2 years ago? Is the editor itself a kind of "content" that people feel they're missing?

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o.o well, let me put it this way, the closest content to the bases would be the costume editor. Do you think ppl would mind never being allowed to use it and just have the default costume character? I'm not sure what you mean about justifying the coding done in i6 though.

In this aspect, apartments would be to bases like saying "a lot of pickup teams have a very hard time beating the Statesman Taskforce, so we're going to make some more story arcs at level 50 so those people will have content they *can* beat." Distracts from the issue, doesn't actually address it.

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o.o once again.. ???
I think.. that what your trying to get at is, 'would adding apartments/personal housing deal with the basic Base issues at hand', but I'm not entirely sure thats what your saying. If it is, then the answer would be, personal housing was the root of bases. The original demand was for personal housing, and bases where the dev's answer to that demand. What was done wasn't exactly what was wanted, but has become a good bit closer to it when they added the base bins and finally allowed heroes to have porters.

>.> Distracts from the issue? Perhaps if you state what issue you think it distracts from I can better answer.. the issue at hand as far as I know though, is how to make bases better/fix them/make them things players use and are happy with. This issue is several fold. In the past 2 yrs, there have been plenty of requests on what decor and items are wanted/felt needed in bases. Its what those two earlier linked threads are after all. Additionally though, you have an over all issue of how to correct the mess-up of trying to force PVP through bases, which wasn't as popular are the devs seem to have think it would be back when they where making i6 (which oddly enough, was the problem they had with the arena in i4...). The pvp player base while small, IS dedicated though, so this feature does get some minor use.. reversely though, forcing all bases to be PVP compliant has hurt base usage a lot among the rest of the players who aren't interested in base pvp.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



o,o btw, nice job on that consolated list. Its missing a number of bugs, but its pretty well flushed out. I'd really add the two base items threads to it though along with the newer one you have there, no point in loosing a yr+ of good ideas.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



I just want one thing for bases: Bar Stools. It seems like everyone else has the major things about bases covered but all I'd like to see are the bar stools from the Winter Chalet made available to buy for our bases.



Personal housing is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't see how it would address the elitism problem.

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o.o in that it lets the non sg leaders use the base editor. It would no longer be restricted to the 'elite'.

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I don't see why you later said "once again.. ???" because right there you seem to grasp the heart of my question.

Is the elitism problem a desire to use the editor? Or is the elitism problem a desire to contribute to the collective space used by the SG?

Apartments would indeed make the editor usable by all, but is that realy the goal when we talk about few people getting edit permission in the SG? Given the amount of criticism of the editor system, I don't think that's what people are focusing on.



Personal housing is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't see how it would address the elitism problem.

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o.o in that it lets the non sg leaders use the base editor. It would no longer be restricted to the 'elite'.

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I don't see why you later said "once again.. ???" because right there you seem to grasp the heart of my question.

Is the elitism problem a desire to use the editor? Or is the elitism problem a desire to contribute to the collective space used by the SG?

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o.o the ??? was because I wasn't sure thats what you meant. Also, pls keep in mind that elite and elitism are two very different things. In this case, base editing is reserved for the elite of an sg.

<.< should there be more permissions possibilities? maybe a setting where you can assign ranks the ability to add decor only, and maybe room styles? sure! why not. That would be a safe change that can only harm the sg in that it might blind them. A much more needed rank tweak is to the base bins though, but I'd be happy with both.


Apartments would indeed make the editor usable by all, but is that really the goal when we talk about few people getting edit permission in the SG? Given the amount of criticism of the editor system, I don't think that's what people are focusing on.

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course it isn't. giving ppl the power to drop a small barrel in the middle of the entrance way would only amuse the player base for maybe a week. Giving them apartments.. well, hard to say, a lot of the base decor seems to be geared towards huge rooms that almost no one can afford.. so new option would probably be needed (>< like.. why are the only beds medical or ones for toucher?). Personal space would just be a fun past time.

>.> the real issue, is how to make bases fun content. There are a number of ppl that greatly enjoy home builder programs, and turn bases into something similar, if extremely limited. But obviously, thats a majority along the lines of the Base PVPers.

^^ so what is needed, is something fun, doesn't require much programing, that will bring players into the bases. I know there are a couple suggestions that aren't to bad and certainly feasible from the base item Mk2 thread, but since we never heard back from any devs after the original LR left...

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



suggest and consolidate MORE!!...okay heres a suggestion

Be able to flag a base for tourism, thus opening it to the general public. and grant the sg a token, one time per character, amount of prestige whenever someone not in the sg or coalition enters the base.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



I would like to see the following for bases in the future:
[*] A Wentworth/Black market extention in base.
I.E. like having a home shopping network. This would aleviate lag for some, and the power spamming that disturbs some people because now they don't have to stand there and be subjected to it. QoL Item.
[*] Individual settings for storage items, by rank AND by specific player names.
[*] Allow placement of personal storage lockers similar to those at Wentworth/Black market.
Make sure it has a small storage capacity so as not to allow hording. Allow it to be expanded by the player through the use of prestige earned and/or invention system such as salvage and recipes.
Example: personal locker placed for John Doe starts with 3 slots. Can be upgraded to a total of say 8-10 slots.
[*] Create a way for SG members to transfer *any* item to other SG members.
Ideally, this would be something like a transfer station. Think of a storage item that works like Wentworth/Black Market slots, but only has 5 slots. It can't be used to hoarde items because it can't hold very much at all, but it's perfect for passing an item to a fellow SG mate.
Example: You get a recipe and ask in SG channel if anyone wants XYZ recipe, SG mate that is currently on a Task Force says they want it. He's in the middle of a Task Force and you need to log off, so you say, "ok I'll drop this off in the transfer station, pick it up after your Task Force is done in a couple of hours." This will also help reduce the need to pester friends to help you move one item from one alt to another. (providing both alts are in the same SG of course)
[*] Lasty and MOST IMPORTANT: Please create incentives for people to partake in the development of their Supergroup's Base.
(read: please give some reward/s for contributing prestige towards their Supergroup community) Currently, and I believe mostly due to the invention system, earning prestige carries with it a negative effect. People want to join a Super Group that has all the "cool toys" but they don't want to lift a finger to help earn prestige because they would rather (and rightly so) be earning influence for two reasons. One: there is an influence badge, and two: the invention system requires tons of influence.

And on a personal note, as a Super Group leader of an old SG with mostly old time veteran players above lv 35, I would feel like a complete jerk if I asked members to play in SG mode. So I never do. This should be about having fun and while doing just that, also contributing to your Super Group's community, and anything that works against that, to me, just seems counter productive and wrong. On one hand a person can earn prestige that doesn't "benefit" them (it's a matter of perception) or they can earn influence which has an immediate and perceptual benefit to them.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Remove Rent from Base Costs: Reasoning: The word Rent, a bill, something that must be payed to remain in your domicile.

hmm this is a game meant to have fun, i pay rent IRL, i dun wana pay rent in a game just so i have somewhere cool, to hang with friends that isnt laggy as all get out.

not only that... the costs alone to get a functional DECENT base is emense, let alone upgrading plot size, and keeping the energy and control at the right levels. maybe its just he struggling SG leader in me speaking but i believe there should be NO BASE RENT, and reduce prices on ALL functional items. 95K prestige just to place a control aux that is downright rediculous. thats the cost of a room for godsakes.!!!



Forgive me if someone said this one. I didn't notice it, and it's not really a priority as in all the things mentioned that have to do with true, game-mechanics functionality - but something that has really bothered me since the beginning is how nothing seems to be set to an across-the-board scale of size consistency. You look at the podium in arcane-style decorations, and it's so tall it's made for someone probably at least 10 feet tall. You check other items such as some of the counter-type furniture and they are undersized. I haven't actually made a formal list of it all, but pretty much everything is to one side or the other of the "right" size. With the way rooms are big boxes, characters already feel dwarfed - having the furniture be so huge kind of accentuates that.

Other than that - I want to say amen to so many of the things on the list, and thank you for the effort and time you spent on consolidating it all.



Hehe am yoinking this one from the suggestions forum.

Target Dummies for bases, like the ones in the Vanguard base, and the old deactivated rikti drones from Outbreak.

These could let us show anyone who wants to see it power animations, oh and as a secondary thought make the dummies actually show attack effects, like the hit animations, or the buff visuals.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Suggestion: Modify room and item prices to be more accomodating to the everyday SG. Not all SGs have 75 members active every day or night, many SGs cater to their members and are loaded with alts, and as stated before not everyone plays every day. Please Increase Prestige Earning, Grant us a prestige/inf slider, Lower the cost of base items and rooms (especially the bigger ones), and/or make the exchange rate of inf to prestige somewhat better (as it currently stands the system rips us off completely).

And as a second suggestion, Please re-instate the CoP trial onto test to see what bugs crop up/what errors need to be fixed/ if it is viable at all without a years worth of bug fixing and coding (I really know nothing about code so I wont even think that it is a simple or easy problem with the trial.) This would garner hope and excitement from the player base, and would give many of them a reason to earn more prestige, work on their bases, and stop complaining, Plus it might give some people the chance to earn the coveted "Bug Hunter" badge...<_<...what...a guy can dream cant he?

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



storage to store our recipes .... in the vault. ty



I'm sure it's been said before, but to add my vote, (and in case it hasn't), I'd like to suggest allowing players to choose how much prestige/influence they want to earn instead of the flat "Prestige only" after 33.

EDIT: Also would like to see some size consistency as one person suggested, although I think that more needs to be done across the board for the entire game more than just bases, as it seems that even if we got rid of all the PCs in the game, the average Paragon/Rogue Isles person (women included) would be over six feet tall.