Official: Feedback and Suggestions for Bases!




Yes, there is no rhyme nor explainable reason as to how the game picks the next leader.

The main hero group I belong to has gone without a person in the top rank for 7 months while the game selected the next by recruited date. In other groups I've heard the selection is by the next person to log into the game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Wait, let me understand this... are you saying that if there is no person in the highest level of an SG then the system auto selects someone to be the leader after the given time period?

So Steele Magnolia lost the SG because there was no leader and none of the defacto leaders could promote themselves. So, the system promoted a lower level character, not one of the defacto leaders?

Man, that's crazy.



Yes, that is exactly what happen both to her group and to my group. On the other hand, the person in my group has already made up his mind to pass the leadership to one of the de-facto leaders of the group. (Yes, I'm one of the people that will be shortly promoted.)

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I am posting this as requested from members of this forum.

<a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=9041047&an=0&amp ;page=1#Post9041047" target="_blank">Consolidated Feedback List on Bases</a>

At this time there will be no response or discussion on what is being done on this end regarding bases, but we will in an effort to get feedback from those who are most actively participating in the base building and functionality open this topic for suggestions and feedback.

If this thread turns into a discussion thread it will be locked, please use other threads in this forum for discussing topics that fall into this category.

Please keep your feedback in short concise format, bullets are helpful, and link to other discussions or relevant information.

We thank you for your continued support and appreciate your feedback.


Ex Libris

[/ QUOTE ]

How about one big thing if someone didn't mention it which is too ALLOW us to re-hold a personal item so we can move the room around or change it without having to completely delete an item or make another room just to hold it during the process.

And another thing as someone mentioned being able to place the doorway in a new room you create. An easy way to do this since you can really do 2 things at once when youre placing a room unless you make the base better at detecting ANY doorway possible. Is to let us place the room, if there aren't any current doorways able, then to let us place the room and simply have it be disconnected until we manually place the doorway.

Another thing that would be nice is a "delete all decorative items" option so when were changing/moving rooms around they dont get in the way during the process.

Another thing is to be able to change ceiling/floor height when an object is on it, so long as were changing all the tiles that the object is part of. Even if it means being able to change the entire rooms ceiling/floor height at the same time, and then adjusting the non-used parts separately afterwards.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Yes, there is no rhyme nor explainable reason as to how the game picks the next leader.

The main hero group I belong to has gone without a person in the top rank for 7 months while the game selected the next by recruited date. In other groups I've heard the selection is by the next person to log into the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, there is. It goes through several different things to decide whos the next leader. First it see's who is the next highest rank. Then It checks for who was the last person to log in of the next highest rank. If there is still a tie between SG members at that point i believe it checks for who joined the SG first.

And somehow i swear this was another thread i was replying to, so ill tie the post back to the bases. It would be REALLY wonderful if the devs would FINALLY address separate base permissions for each storage type. Not only that but to possibly create new storage items designed for higher ranks. Or in general just new storage items that are bigger and allow for holding more of that item. Like a mega inspiration or enhancment collector or something.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Yes, there is no rhyme nor explainable reason as to how the game picks the next leader.

The main hero group I belong to has gone without a person in the top rank for 7 months while the game selected the next by recruited date. In other groups I've heard the selection is by the next person to log into the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, there is. It goes through several different things to decide whos the next leader. First it see's who is the next highest rank. Then It checks for who was the last person to log in of the next highest rank. If there is still a tie between SG members at that point i believe it checks for who joined the SG first.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is [u]flat out wrong[u]. You have [u]no idea[u] what you are talking about. I do. Besides being in opposition to Steele Magnolia's post, it flies in the face of my groups experience.

For my example top rank (Leader)=1, bottom rank=5.

Character 1:
June 2007 - First Rank 1 quits. * See below.

Character 2:
July 2007 - The Second Rank 1 quits. * See below.

Character 3:
August 2007 - One of the Rank 2s gets promoted, except he's been absent over 3 months. His time is reset when it happens. His account was inactive (not paid) at the time of the promotion to Rank 1, and has not been reactivated.

Character 4:
October 2007 - Another Rank 2 gets promoted, but he has not been active in over 10 months.

Character 5:
November 2007 - Third Rank 2 gets promoted, but not been active in a year.
Nearing the Autodemotion date in early December, the setting up of the City Vault resets the "last on time" preventing autodemotion. (Character 3's and 4's last on gets reset as well).

Character 3:
Jan 2008 - Gets repromoted for a few days (assumed glitch thanks to next entry).

Character 6:
Two days after Character 3, Character 6 who is Rank 4 gets promoted.

All this bypassing 10 characters at Rank 2 who were logging in at least monthly, some several times a week.

Characters 1 & 2 created the SG. Characters 3-6 were promoted in order of join date, not rank (proved with the Rank 4 getting promoted over the ranks 2-3s that were active throughout).

I've read other stories that have the next person logging on getting promoted despite higher ranked active characters having a newer join date as well.

* By quits I mean closes their account, and not logging on again, not quitting the group.
((edits in yellow))

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Yes, there is no rhyme nor explainable reason as to how the game picks the next leader.

The main hero group I belong to has gone without a person in the top rank for 7 months while the game selected the next by recruited date. In other groups I've heard the selection is by the next person to log into the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, there is. It goes through several different things to decide whos the next leader. First it see's who is the next highest rank. Then It checks for who was the last person to log in of the next highest rank. If there is still a tie between SG members at that point i believe it checks for who joined the SG first.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is [u]flat out wrong[u]. You have [u]no idea[u] what you are talking about. I do. Besides being in opposition to Steele Magnolia's post, it flies in the face of my groups experience.

For my example top rank (Leader)=1, bottom rank=5.

Character 1:
June 2007 - First Rank 1 quits.

Character 2:
July 2007 - The Second Rank 1 quits.

Character 3:
August 2007 - One of the Rank 2s gets promoted, except he's been absent over 3 months. His time is reset when it happens. His account was inactive (not paid) at the time of the promotion to Rank 1, and has not been reactivated.

Character 4:
October 2007 - Another Rank 2 gets promoted, but he has not been active in over 10 months.

Character 5:
November 2007 - Third Rank 2 gets promoted, but not been active in a year.
Nearing the Autodemotion date in early December, the setting up of the City Vault resets the "last on time" preventing autodemotion. (Character 3's and 4's last on gets reset as well).

Character 3:
Jan 2008 - Gets repromoted for a few days (assumed glitch thanks to next entry).

Character 6:
Two days after Character 3, Character 6 who is Rank 4 gets promoted.

All this bypassing 10 characters at Rank 2 who were logging in at least monthly, some several times a week.

Characters 1 & 2 created the SG. Characters 3-6 were promoted in order of join date, not rank (proved with the Rank 4 getting promoted over the ranks 2-3s that were active throughout).

I've read other stories that have the next person logging on getting promoted despite higher ranked active characters having a newer join date as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you try /bugging it and getting Dev help? I've been in 3 SGs where it worked exactly the way as i have described, Myself being promoted to leader in 2, and during a transition time in my SG Having the same thing occuring. I don't know why it would work differently for you. So i suggest /bugging it and PMing devs about the issue.

From the sound of your posts, it seems more of an issue of what they were doing with SGs when everyones time got reset, and they added 150 spots to the SG. My experiences that i mentioned were all before issue 11 and the SG changes/prestige bonus/size increase so it may have something to do with that. They also only dealt with inactive leaders, not leaders quitting the SG.

And as for before the SG reset It still seemed like it was the next highest rank that was getting promoted. As for them being inactive during this i'm not sure what would be working with that. Like i said when it did it the way my experiences happened, it happened just like i said, but it was still over a year ago so something in the coding may have changed that we don't know of or might have been overlooked.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



By quiting, I meant the game, not the group. They set their account inactive, and forgot to promote someone to take their place.

You didn't pay attention to the commentary for leaders 3-5. The game promoted people who were not active for MONTHS over those active during the whole time. The game literally promote solely on join date for my group, otherwise the current leader who was rank 4 would not be promoted over the rank 2s and rank 3s. It could have been a rank 5.

From the sound of your posts, it seems more of an issue of what they were doing with SGs when everyones time got reset, and they added 150 spots to the SG.

[/ QUOTE ]
Only the last 2 promotions, not the ones before.

And as for before the SG reset It still seemed like it was the next highest rank that was getting promoted.

[/ QUOTE ]
It might have just been that the next highest rank was the next ones to join the group. Did this cross your mind?

Like i said when it did it the way my experiences happened, it happened just like i said, but it was still over a year ago so something in the coding may have changed that we don't know of or might have been overlooked.

[/ QUOTE ]
Another group (villains this time): about 6 months after CoV launched, demoted the top rank character due to inactivity. All the ranks had active characters in them except the top rank. Guess who got promoted? A bottom ranked character. Sorry, your recollection is wrong.

And you are still ignoring Steele_Magnolia's post too:
No kidding. I just lost an SG of 1 1/2 years in the building and nearly 4 mil in prestige to a 3rd rank. Somehow ended up with the SG, the base editor decided to skip over four 2nd rank officers to give it to her. And it's hidey-ho, off we go into the sunset because support says it's our fault for recruiting her.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not just me, and not how you describe.

Yes, it was bugged multiple times. In my hero group.

It is not always the "next person to log on" or "the next highest rank."

Quite frankly, your info is a year out of date and only a recollection. In fact, the current issues in this thread actually mentions the promotion as being arbitrary. So it isn't only me.
The auto-promotion system is seen as a bit to arbitrary. A lowest rank can too easily gain sole control of a whole group. Can the system prioritize higher ranks?

[/ QUOTE ]
That post was edited August 30th, 2007. Well before the City Vault glitch.

Given that statement and when it was made, I'll have to say that you are not posting current or accurate information.

I wish the forums preserved the player questions section, as I would have been able to post links to the question coming up time and again since the autodemotion was put in place.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Like i said, what happened to my groups might be outdated as you said. I'm not lying when i say how the promotions worked but that was over a year ago. Something in the system may have changed since then. /bug it is the best thing i would say to do right now seeing, as at least for 3 groups ive been in, its worked the way I said, so it at least WAS working properly, something might have messed up, not even tying in with the SG vault stuff.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Like i said, what happened to my groups might be outdated as you said. I'm not lying when i say how the promotions worked but that was over a year ago. Something in the system may have changed since then. /bug it is the best thing i would say to do right now seeing, as at least for 3 groups ive been in, its worked the way I said, so it at least WAS working properly, something might have messed up, not even tying in with the SG vault stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

The promotions NEVER worked the way you decribed. They have NEVER prioritized higher ranking. It has always been the next person to log on who gets promoted.



Like i said, what happened to my groups might be outdated as you said. I'm not lying when i say how the promotions worked but that was over a year ago. Something in the system may have changed since then. /bug it is the best thing i would say to do right now seeing, as at least for 3 groups ive been in, its worked the way I said, so it at least WAS working properly, something might have messed up, not even tying in with the SG vault stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

The promotions NEVER worked the way you decribed. They have NEVER prioritized higher ranking. It has always been the next person to log on who gets promoted.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm afraid I'm with Snow/MS/Steele et al. It has never worked as you describe. I've been with Bases and SG's since their inception in the game, and the auto-demotion/auto-promotion mechanism has never worked as you describe. I have several SG's across several servers, some that are only my wife an I in them anymore. Every once in a while I go and check on the status, and it is invariably the character who was had more seniority, regardless of their previous rank, or last logged in.

There may be other variables, and I'm willing to offer up at least 5 other SG's to test/prove the point if need be, though it would of course be a several week long project as the lowest auto-demote you can select is 15 days.

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



if there's really an insistance on proving this out, you don't need weeks of testing. We know that auto-demote works just fine. The variable is how *promoting* works when the SG has no top-rank present. You can test that by removing the top rank thru quitting instead of waiting for a demotion.



if there's really an insistance on proving this out, you don't need weeks of testing. We know that auto-demote works just fine. The variable is how *promoting* works when the SG has no top-rank present. You can test that by removing the top rank thru quitting instead of waiting for a demotion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yer only right! I personally don't see the need to test it, but certainly can if there is still some question. I'm away from my gaming computer presently, but over the next couple of days I can certainly give it a try.

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



Interestingly enough, I am currently in a similar situation with one of my SG's right now. Our leader had some RL issuses and had to move. He's been offline for the 15 days that the demotion is set to. Today the star moved to one of his other toons that has been absent for 14 days. He had another toon in the same timeframe that had more prestige, but it went to the toon with the most senority.... the one that joined the earliest. If this holds true, then tomorrow it should go to someone else's toon who joined before me, and has logged in within the 15 day timeframe..... we shall see.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Like i said, what happened to my groups might be outdated as you said. I'm not lying when i say how the promotions worked but that was over a year ago. Something in the system may have changed since then. /bug it is the best thing i would say to do right now seeing, as at least for 3 groups ive been in, its worked the way I said, so it at least WAS working properly, something might have messed up, not even tying in with the SG vault stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

The promotions NEVER worked the way you decribed. They have NEVER prioritized higher ranking. It has always been the next person to log on who gets promoted.

[/ QUOTE ]
If it were the next person to log on, that would not explain the hero group I described above. When people with inactive accounts (in one case 9 months of inactivity) got promoted ahead of people actively on, it breaks your pattern.

It appears to be based on "Join date" in at least 2 group changes I've been involved with.

* This appears to be one spot where a Red Name could comment and tell us exactly what is the trigger for promotion.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It has always been the next person to log on who gets promoted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, this has just been de-bunked.

I and a few other players have been logging in to my SG every/other day for the past week

Our SG leader had let me know he would be absent for awhile.
So, SG leader had a few toons that had not logged in.

After 15 days, the star went from the Lead Toon to one of his other toons that had not logged in for 14 days.

If the promotion was based on the next person/toon to log in, then it would have passed to either myself (2nd rank) or one of the other players/toons that have been logging in recently.

He had a couple toons in that 14 day timeframe, but the star went to the one that had joined the earliest.

Leader has no other toons that have logged within the 15 day timeframe.

If the rule of seniority holds, the star should pass to one of the other toons/player with the highest seniority (earliest join date) that has logged in within the 15 day timeframe.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



* This appears to be one spot where a Red Name could comment and tell us exactly what is the trigger for promotion.

[/ QUOTE ]
regardless of what it is, or what they say it is, the current setup is pretty useless to everyone involved.



If the rule of seniority holds, the star should pass to one of the other toons/player with the highest seniority (earliest join date) that has logged in within the 15 day timeframe.

[/ QUOTE ]
At a guess I would say that the next highest seniority, regardless of activity, will get promoted.

If what I am thinking is correct, the only basis for promotion is the "join date", not who is logging on, or even if their account is active.

the current setup is pretty useless to everyone involved.

[/ QUOTE ]

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It is not completely regardless of activity. The toon has to have logged in within the 15 day timeframe that the demotion is set to. If it were set to 45 days, then it would be the toon with the highest seniority having logged on within 45 days.

And yes , I do think it should be restructured to take into consideration rank and prestige earnings. I am just trying to help clarify how it does work now, so that there is no confusion as to what exactly needs changing.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



It is not completely regardless of activity. The toon has to have logged in within the 15 day timeframe that the demotion is set to. If it were set to 45 days, then it would be the toon with the highest seniority having logged on within 45 days.

[/ QUOTE ]
Did you miss or not read my post above? You know, where I told people that characters and accounts that had [u]not logged in for over half a year[u] getting promoted over active characters?

So I still stand behind the "next join date" idea.

I am just trying to help clarify how it does work now, so that there is no confusion as to what exactly needs changing.

[/ QUOTE ]
You too are not explaining the above post. Care to try again?

*edit to make post less hostile.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



LMAO, Snow. Wrong side of the globe-bed this morn?

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



LMAO, Snow. Wrong side of the globe-bed this morn?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, just hate having to repeat myself this much.

Seriously, I am getting sick and tired of people trying to tell me that I am imagining things, that what I describe as "wrong", or the implication that I am not being absolutely clear in my facts as presented.

I also am annoyed with people not actually reading what I post before telling me that I am wrong.

I would suggest that the next person to try to say that I am wrong about promotions come up with a theory that fits the above post describing the promotions. So far, all attempts have failed.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Would a screenie help?

Leader was Disapproved Toaster. Last on 16 days ago.
Teh Tick was next to get the star.

If the promotion were based solely on the "joined" date, it should have gone to Phantom Zero or Wylde Apache or any of the other toons that had seniority. BUT they had not logged in within the demotion timeframe.

Consider that if the star had gone to them, the system would just have to turn around and demote them per the 15 day demotion timeframe.

If promotion were based on purely the last one who logged on, it would have promoted one of the folks in this screenie first.

BUT it didn't. It gave the star to Teh Tick first because of seniority.... see first screenie.

Hank Blaine has the star now because he is the next in seniority who has logged on within the 15 day time frame.... see first screenie.

Whatever your experience in the past, this seems to be the way it's working now.

First it looks at seniority, the earliest joined on. Second, it looks at last logged on. Third, compares last log on to demotion time frame. Loop.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Like i said, what happened to my groups might be outdated as you said. I'm not lying when i say how the promotions worked but that was over a year ago. Something in the system may have changed since then. /bug it is the best thing i would say to do right now seeing, as at least for 3 groups ive been in, its worked the way I said, so it at least WAS working properly, something might have messed up, not even tying in with the SG vault stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

The promotions NEVER worked the way you decribed. They have NEVER prioritized higher ranking. It has always been the next person to log on who gets promoted.

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as you want to argue, there is nothing you can say that changes the FACT that this DID happen this way in the SGs i was in. It is a FACT that it did happen this way. I can't say what factors contributed it to work this way for me and not for you. And i'm not arguing that what you have been experiencing happened the way you described.

All im saying is it DID happen exaclty as i said. So take it to try to figure out maybe why it did. I don't know. I just know it happened this way in my experience, and nothing you can say about "how it works now" or "how it appears to work" will change the way that it DID work for me. Maybe it ties into something as odd as what server your SGs were on. Like i said, i don't know, all im stating is that it occured differently for my SGs than it did for yours. That's it. I'm not arguing. Just stating, use it as you will.

Edited to chime in that it actually worked this way so securely at the time, that the one SG i was in i literally sat there checking every day for the top leader to be autodemoted so i could get top leader rank and keep the group going and fix some things. And yes, it did work, the leader eventually came back, and i re-promoted him. The SG in this scenario was Team Avalanche on Triumph, send a tell to @cath in-game and even ask him who got leader while he was away. Me (Chillspeed). (I also promoted forgotten guardian while cath was away) I did have seniority (though a couple were joined before i, but because they were inactive leadership went to me, and I was also on under the 15 day auto-demotion time frame. Now one thing brought up about ranks, in this situation i was also the 2nd from top rank, but cause of the other things might not have mattered in this situation. Though in the other scenarios, it was the same with rank anyways, but if you go figure, people who joined first yet still play are invariably at best chance of being the next highest rank anyways, so THAT part might have been a coincidence, but the others are not. Should it be tied to rank if there is no correlation for it, undoubtedly yes.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Would a screenie help?

Leader was Disapproved Toaster. Last on 16 days ago.
Teh Tick was next to get the star.

If the promotion were based solely on the "joined" date, it should have gone to Phantom Zero or Wylde Apache or any of the other toons that had seniority. BUT they had not logged in within the demotion timeframe.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, if Phantom Zero and Wyld Apache were auto-demoted (possible thanks to their "last on date") then it is unlikely that they would get promoted again. Except in the one case from my group (and that lasted 2 days, not the 45 for our autodemotion), no character has been re-promoted.

Consider that if the star had gone to them, the system would just have to turn around and demote them per the 15 day demotion timeframe.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually no it wouldn't. At every promotion in my group, the character's "last on" was reset.

Hank Blaine has the star now because he is the next in seniority who has logged on within the 15 day time frame.... see first screenie.

[/ QUOTE ]
Still possible if the game checks seniority, then checks to see if that character or others from that account have been autodemoted in a time frame.

Whatever your experience in the past, this seems to be the way it's working now.

First it looks at seniority, the earliest joined on. Second, it looks at last logged on. Third, compares last log on to demotion time frame. Loop.

[/ QUOTE ]
Given that there has been zero announcements about something changed as fundamental to groups as the autodemotion/promotion is, it is likely that nothing has changed. There might be other variables that are coming into play.

Also all the "compares last log on to demotion time frame" does is reset the "last on" for that character. This is so that there is no loop.

The exact criteria for promotion is still unknown. It will likely remain so unless a red name chooses to comment on it.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters