Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Bah! I say bring on da baddie aliens...Been lookin' fer sum trophies ta decorate da base. A few Rikti heads an' legs would be nice look me thinks /e bitesdonut

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Couldn't have said it any better than this.

Bring It!



This is the type of fight I've been wishing for! The co-op task force would be awesome if there was a strong story content in there, maybe a mission to recover some technology in which the villain members patron comes and try to secure, or a end battle that is so enormous that both statesman and recluse has to come in as npc's to lend a hand.

I still think hero 1 might show up.

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Just a thought: maybe Hero 1 will be the AV at the end of the co-op TF....

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I was just gonna say that ... ;-)

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Okay, game design hat on.

How about an invisible contact in the new War Zone that only becomes "visible" when you've finished the TF? Such as Hero-1, who is held captive by the Rikti, and you have to bust him out to return him home as a POW, and afterwards he gives you more endgame content for the War Zone and any new areas? This contact would ONLY be visible if you have the TF badge for it. (Or he's in an office/room/cave/bathroom/etc that you can only enter if you have the TF badge.)




I'm hoping for a Rikti EAT that supports the humans. It could be for Heroes and Villains or possibly just Villains (like, Recluse & Pals conquered a Rikti ship in the Isles and got a bunch of them to join Arachnos). Or, maybe just someone who uses Rikti technology.

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Some of the stranded Earth Rikti (Restructurists and Traditionalists, is that right?) might not be happy about the old guard coming back.

But of course there will be no EATs in the near future.



The Vanguard base contains a special Vanguard Workbench that will allow for special costume pieces (tied to Rikti War Zone recipes).

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I hate invention costumes, but I can accept it as long as there are at least 3-10 times as many new pieces given for free.




I'm hoping for a Rikti EAT that supports the humans. It could be for Heroes and Villains or possibly just Villains (like, Recluse & Pals conquered a Rikti ship in the Isles and got a bunch of them to join Arachnos).

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Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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Since everything being added can be enjoyed equal by both groups (if I read that correctly), this is as split down the middle as things can get.

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Yep. Looks like the Dev finally gave up on making unique content for each side and are just smearing the games together now.

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About time. <GRIN>

I gotta add to this:

When I first started playing, one of the things that got me about the game was the Rularuu invasion. I loved it.

I have a feeling that a game wide rikti invasion is going to be a hoot for me.

Be well, people of CoH.



<qr> But what's the secret?

...learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City...

The intrigue begins!



Hah! What's with all the whining about villians not having strike forces spread out through the levels? I've been playing for 6 months and have yet to complete a strike force. EVER! When I first started playing on heroes I got in on a few but they always went HORRIBLY. Chaotic, no direction in the group and the group always team collapsed half way through the first freakin mission! After the third time of this I decided I was NEVER touching that crap again.

No strike forces for villains? Awww Awwww gonna cry... here it comes.... almost there! .... Nope can't do it.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

Check out my Deviant Art: http://darkauthor81.deviantart.com/



<qr> But what's the secret?

...learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City...

The intrigue begins!

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The secret:

The Rikti War never ended. Ever wonder why there are walls around Paragon City? It's not to keep the Rikti out.

It's to keep us in. Paragon City is a laboratory for the Rikti, so they can study us and prepare us for their next Invasion.

The story here is that we realize we have been duped for years, and struggle to fight our way home, to staunch the invasion and reclaim our home once again.

...or maybe it's that States isn't a natural blonde. Roots can be nasty that way.




Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



How amusing.

And yesterday I was tempted to do a "OMGBBQ ISSUE !) IS HERE!" post, off the basis there were no redname posts yesterday. Patch Notes don't count.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

[/ QUOTE ]Something needs to be done, the last thing we need at this point is more worthless tech salvage, we can get this on any freak farm or tv farm. From here on out devs you need to make at least 1 magic faction for every tech you add in a level range or it is going to be some severe imbalances on the market.

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A good start would be to make all the magical foes actually drop arcane salvage. Getting tech salvage from a Legacy Chain is just plain wrong.

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A better start is for people to stop farming and just PTFG.

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And where anywhere in that person's post did it say that they were farming for salvage, instead of just, as you so wonderfully put it, playing the game?

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Check out the bolded text above, sweet stuff.



A dream come true. Gots to show some luv for the direction of Issue 10.



Let me see:

--Level 35-40 content? Check!
--Co-op content? Check!
--New TF/SF? Check!
--Server-wide event? Check!
--New costume parts? Check!
--Release date? Hmmm...

When is this going live?

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I'm of two minds. The content looks great... but unless the faction drops change, this is only going to exacerbate the discrepancy between arcane and tech salvage.

- Protea

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



They gotta add some more SFs for villians! We need a SF for lvls 30 to 35 and 40 to 45.

I love doing the TFs/SFs and that fact that villians have only 5 total while heroes have what 10+? Time for villians to get some love!






Remember: The Issue teasers come out in bits and pieces. This is unlikely an exhaustive list of what's in store for I10. The lack of mention of a *new* zone or new powers or lack of mention of anything else should not be interpreted as an admission of exclusion.

Here's the full text for the firewalled:

The skies over Paragon City are filled with dark grey thunderheads. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the globe. Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

The Rikti have returned.
Rikti World Invasion

Issue 10 begins with a World Event that spans across numerous zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, as the Rikti return in devastating waves. They are armed with new, brutal weapons and seek to establish a beachhead on Earth, presumably to save their lost brethren and to finish what they started the first time … the destruction of Earth!

Rikti War Zone (Levels 35 – 50)

The site of the crashed Rikti mother ship has become a hot War Zone. Pylons of unknown purpose have appeared around the mother ship, and Rikti presence is extremely heavy. In an attempt to contain the Rikti from breaking out of the area or launching their ship, the government has cordoned off the zone, allowing only select agents access. Government officials have turned the region over to Vanguard, and given them the authority to recruit forces from across the world. This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion.

New Threats

Rikti Pylons are multi-purpose warning and attack devices that surround the crashed mother ship. It takes a concerted effort to take one of these pylons down, but once enough of these are destroyed, access to the ship may be granted. UXBs, “unexploded bombs” that arm, power up, and detonate if not stopped in time, provide a constant threat. Rikti destroyers zip through zones dropping troops, UXB’s, and Rikti Assault Suits.

New Inventions

The Vanguard base contains a special Vanguard Workbench that will allow for special costume pieces (tied to Rikti War Zone recipes). Vanguard Support Machines (“Heavies”) can be requisitioned using Special Salvage (unique to the War Zone). These Heavies function as powerful pets.

New Missions

The first missions in the Rikti War Zone are for characters level 35+. The characters meet a new contact, Levantera, who introduces them to the U.N. security force, Vanguard. They’ll also meet Borea, who sends them on several repeatable missions in the zone. From there, characters meet contact Serpent Drummer, Gaussian, and also talk to the Dark Watcher and learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City.

Rikti Co-op Task Force

The Rikti Co-Op Task Force is available for both Heroes and Villains. It is for 6 to 8 players, level 45 – 50. The mission is given out by Lady Grey, leader of the Vanguard. Co-operative missions create a new layer of depth and story as heroes and villains work toward a common goal.

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While I am excited about this new expansion and some of what will be able to be experienced. I am disappointed that the lowest level characters that can do the earliest parts of it are level 35 and up. Not to mention the other co-Op zone that is for levels 45 and up. It would be nice if they also had zones for levels 20 and up. Or even 10 and up. But I guess we can't expect that since this next issue dues involve the Rikti...



Hah! What's with all the whining about villians not having strike forces spread out through the levels? I've been playing for 6 months and have yet to complete a strike force. EVER! When I first started playing on heroes I got in on a few but they always went HORRIBLY. Chaotic, no direction in the group and the group always team collapsed half way through the first freakin mission! After the third time of this I decided I was NEVER touching that crap again.

No strike forces for villains? Awww Awwww gonna cry... here it comes.... almost there! .... Nope can't do it.

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I love you. So much.



Then the signs began again, but we did not see them.

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<eyeroll> Maybe some didn't see the signs. To me they're like big billboards

Humor aside, I can't wait

Finally, a practical use for a flying tank (taking out destroyers )!



i await the Devs to give us spoilage!!!!



ZOMFG!!!ZOMFG!!!ZOMFG!!!... (impossibly long string deleted)

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I love that folks are enthusiastic, but for the luvva Pete, please throw a space into this kinda squee'ing! When you have what is essentially one long 250 character word, it makes my browser page a mile wide.