Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




I want to see level 35+ Rikti randomly showing up in EVERY zone, including Atlas etc. Think of the excitement.

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haha that would be flippin sweet!!! WAR ZONE!



I10 doesn't sound too shabby. I'm looking forward to the co-op zone. The task force sounds good, although I'll probably have to do it on test before live to ever get to do it (that seems to be the only way I get to do TFs). And the invasion groups could be fun. Now there are just two things that I would really like to hear:

1) That we are getting lots of new non-invention costume pieces. Actually seeing something from the pages and pages of suggestions on the forum would be nice.

2) That this is just the beginning with the co-op zones, and we'll eventually be getting some for other level ranges, much like the PvP zones. My lowbies want to team up, too!



In the words from the TV Show "Just Shoot Me"

"Ooo, my pants are tight!"

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



This is the type of fight I've been wishing for! The co-op task force would be awesome if there was a strong story content in there, maybe a mission to recover some technology in which the villain members patron comes and try to secure, or a end battle that is so enormous that both statesman and recluse has to come in as npc's to lend a hand.

I still think hero 1 might show up.

Don Ceaser
Don Brass
Don .. well I start my names with Don



Hmmm..., time to yank out my 50's and beat on some Rikti! I love me some Rikti bashing, but co-op and lv 35 to 50, holy sweet mother of pearl!

I am with everyone else, this (if it is as cool as I imagine it to be) will be AWESOME!!!!!

I think I am gonna lose my lunch... and I haven't even had it yet...

Triumph Server and a spattering of heroes/villians on all others.

@Dr. Earl Grey



o.o so... anyone have the urge to do something like this:

"My name is $name, and I support this war"

<.< some times its really hard to know something about whats coming out and not saying anything.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe




-- War



Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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I'm sorry, the "Dead-Horse Whine" Forum is thataway...

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This is not a whine, this is a legit complaint, for villains we will have gaps in alot of level ranges where IOs simply wont be available, how fair is that if they keep things as they are?

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Sure it's a legitimate complaint. It's just not the appropriate thread to kick that particular dead horse.

If there were going to be additional villain only strike forces in issue 10 they would have definitely mentioned it.

Since they have already mentioned that Issues 10&11 were going to be heavily tied to the storyline it is highly doubtfull that villains will receive extra attention.

Now mind you, I'm not against it, I'm all for new villain TFs, but COH, unlike COV, has zones that were just ghost towns.
Revamping the Ritki Crash site and then making it available to both sides is just going to please more, and I mean alot more, people than a villain only TF would.




Love the idea, love having something to look forward to, love that villains and heroes have a cooperative (as opposed to competitive) zone in which to play coming up!

Some days I just wake up cranky. Today might be one of those days...



Could this be the end of butt-naked Rikti minions??



This is the type of fight I've been wishing for! The co-op task force would be awesome if there was a strong story content in there, maybe a mission to recover some technology in which the villain members patron comes and try to secure, or a end battle that is so enormous that both statesman and recluse has to come in as npc's to lend a hand.

I still think hero 1 might show up.

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Just a thought: maybe Hero 1 will be the AV at the end of the co-op TF....



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

[/ QUOTE ]Something needs to be done, the last thing we need at this point is more worthless tech salvage, we can get this on any freak farm or tv farm. From here on out devs you need to make at least 1 magic faction for every tech you add in a level range or it is going to be some severe imbalances on the market.

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A good start would be to make all the magical foes actually drop arcane salvage. Getting tech salvage from a Legacy Chain is just plain wrong.

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A better start is for people to stop farming and just PTFG.

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And where anywhere in that person's post did it say that they were farming for salvage, instead of just, as you so wonderfully put it, playing the game?

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Where indeed? I mean, if I'm fighting Legacy Chain then I'm OBVIOUSLY not farming. I sincerely hope that it was a reference to the quote before mine that mentioned farming.



could the TF's end result be that the rikti found a way to gimp the guards, thus create chaos as heroes and villains will be able to tread in dangerous lands? I know that would open a whole can of "COMPLAINT" worms for those that only have 1 side (heroes/villains) unless after time they decide to throw them together in the future (or now :P).



hmmm, methinks it's time to uberlevel a couple of my 30ishes this weekend, to get ready!

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Absolutely. Time to get my toons ready for war!

[/ QUOTE ] gettin my guys ready for war dusting off my mastermind for this one muuuuhaaaaa



Sorry I'm late to this.. There's already a dozen pages and I CAN'T KEEP UP! :P

I'm pretty sure they said no new sets in I10. And from the looks of it, they got their hands full.

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I may be wrong, but I don't recall having seen a dev post anything about the existence of new power sets in this issue, only that the power sets asked about in the recent poll won't be in the new issue. That doesn't mean they aren't working on other power sets that may be included in this issue.

Note - I'm just trying to keep the record straight here. Like I said, I haven't seen anything from a dev - or community rep - that there are no new power sets in this issue... Granted, none are mentioned.

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



This is the type of fight I've been wishing for! The co-op task force would be awesome if there was a strong story content in there, maybe a mission to recover some technology in which the villain members patron comes and try to secure, or a end battle that is so enormous that both statesman and recluse has to come in as npc's to lend a hand.

I still think hero 1 might show up.

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Just a thought: maybe Hero 1 will be the AV at the end of the co-op TF....

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I was just gonna say that ... ;-)

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



That looks *AWESOME* - talk about giving the players what they want!

Co-op zones for heroes and villains!
Access to the Ritki Mothership!
New costume recipes!

Love it! Love it! Love it!



This looks breathtakingly great. I can hardly wait to see this and to try out the new TFs/missions.



OMG OMG.. Finally !! Praise NCSOFT MAGICIANS We've waited so long for this.. I even cancelled my account over not having a RIKTI WAR ZONE/aspect once.
THank you from the bottom of my soul !

Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)



I'm hoping for a Rikti EAT that supports the humans. It could be for Heroes and Villains or possibly just Villains (like, Recluse & Pals conquered a Rikti ship in the Isles and got a bunch of them to join Arachnos). Or, maybe just someone who uses Rikti technology.



<Quick Reply>



That is all.


Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



im gonna finally get all the debt badges on my 50s.....


... that means i can take them off the back burner and actually play something with em



I'm hoping for a Rikti EAT that supports the humans.

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I'm hoping that Rikti eat humans.

