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  1. well wen it comes down to the top ST dmage sets I'd take DM over MA because of it's overall greater utility with Siphon Life and a small AOE cone.
  2. DPA is one thing and great for soloing but when it comes to teaming LR and Burst or even Throw Spines are fan-freaking-tastic. In fact with my ELM/Ninja on teams I have heard a lot of ooo's and ahh's because of the huge impact the AOE's have.
  3. I went KM/FA Brute over scrapper. IMO Concentrated Strike on a Brute is better because Fury works on it, while Scraps can't damage-crit CS. With my a Spiritual slotted Alpha and a dose of recharge my Siphon Power recharges every 31 seconds, so missing an occasional crit recharge on power siphon is not all that big of a deal. Plus I get all the other Brute benefits on Fiery Aura, Burn and Healing Flames.
  4. If you want a brute to be your new main, go with some style, especially with all the Incarnate stuff you can make you resistance based sets the most beastly.

    For instance I am currently leveling two brutes that will be taking over the reigns as my #1 (previously it was Elec/Shield)


  5. This is what I currently run and to give you some different ideas for different approaches:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  6. Here's the build I have for my Scrapper DM/Shield - This is my Main Toon so I'd vote for Scrapper because he is very satisfying (although I use a somewhat different build currently with more recharge and more expensive). this build has pretty high Defense (51ish to all 3 with out the PVP IO) and decent everything else

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  7. Here's the build I am considering on the same build KM/SR

    This has 153.8% Global Reacharge (no purples) with at least 59% def to all three positionals (56 with out the pvp IO that you can buy running tips and getting villain merits), and with Aid Self

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Metatron_NA View Post
    Anyone want to weigh in? I feel a little proud of this build - am I wrong? Now if there were just some way to bind a key to target/select bosses (not the target_custom_next that relies on the bosses name), grin!

    Awsome, and having several 50s, it's my favorite stalker of mine so far
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Well, the magic number is 43% with Hide toggled off. So looking at your build, You can loose a good deal of defense and still be above 45%. Go for it.
    What about for the new content? Isn't 59 (57 with out Hide) the new 45?

    I f you really need more recharge get the Alpha bonus for reacharge maybe...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Don't worry, Brutes get an amazing -1% more damage compared to the -damage the Scrapper gets!!


    ha ha good one.

    no probb ultra, I know most peeps are pretty helpful and sometimes it's difficult to understand intent in a post. sorry if I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

    Thx for the helps peeps
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
    While i can see your point, i think you were being the jerk, as you gave no indication that you weren't able to look in game (or even on red tomax) to look up said powers yourself. Heck, even mids can tell you the answer to both of your questions.]

    Brutes and tankers get the odd end of the stick when it comes to Concentrated Strike as while the power itself doesn't 'crit' for extra damage, if it does 'crit' it refreshes the cooldown on power siphon, allowing you to maintain the extra +tohit and +damage bonuses for longer amounts of time *and much better uptime, depending on how often you use CS*
    Well thanks for your vote. Not sure how I was being a jerk by just asking a question but ok. At least from my POV the curt response from ultrawatt was not called for.

    Well the plan I had for KM had enough recharge to bring Power Siphon up every 29 secs, and if fury affects CS then I don't think Brutes have it bad at all for the same reasons why damage auras and burn are better on Brutes (because they don't crit for Scraps but fury does up their damage.) Or am I missing something?

    oh and BTW Mids only says this about Burst, "Some foes may be hit hard enough to be knocked down as well." There is no listing of the chance to KD.
  12. Thanks for being a jerk!

    First of all it's not a crazy question to ask about Concentrated Strike and Fury given all the quirks that power has with different ATs, like no Crits (for dmg) for Scraps and Stalkers. Just like other powers work differenlty with different ATs.

    Secondly I am on vacation and don't have access to play the game so I can't very well see the in-game info, now can I?

    So thanks again for answering like a total DB.
  13. I have two questions about KM...

    1) Does fury affect Concentrated Strike?

    2) Burst 100% chance KD?

  14. Here's my 2 cents

    This is the route I am currently going for my build and I am 99% of the way IO wise. this build has high defense, recharge and regen...check it out

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  15. So far from all my stalkers, Elec/Nin has been my Fav. It is for sure the best for PVE.
  16. Ok I worked it out to drop Snipe for VG, to slot Psi Dart, and slot Drain Psyche for regen.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  17. doesn't anyone have some numbers? I tried seach but nothing seemed to cover it.
  18. So how can I resonably compare Defense vs -To Hit???

    For instance taking a look at Brute Soul Mastery:

    Darkest Night has -to hit debuff of 10.5%, so what does that equate to approx. in terms of deffense? Let's say I had a Shield Brute with 40% defense to melee...would Darkest Night effectively Soft Cap my melee to those in range? How low or high could my defense be to be effectively soft capped using the base -to hit of 10.5% from Darkest Night?

    Thanks in advance for your help!!!
  19. I guess that Ice Melee is really just that unpopular! lol
  20. I think maybe I'm taking a different approach then you because of our secondaries, Psi vs Ice. I don't doubt the usefulness/mileage you get out of QS and VG. I think that my bread and butter though is in the Stalagmites and PSW combo; to that combo all things are secondary. I see my Salt Crystals (and the lack of sleep resistance) as taking that roll to keep a flanking mob at bay, or to cover a retreat if S-mites and PSW wasn't holding.

    I know that the snipe is so marginal I may just swap for VG anyway since it is such a unique AOE Hold.
  21. at first glance I would suggest the following:

    ---Concentrate on one or the other, either positional defense or type (S/L, fire, cold, etc)

    ---I'd consider ToF perhaps for control over Soul Storm with it's longer animation and recharge. Or just take it out and slot something else better and add assault or something.

    For comparison I did one of the same build myself recently (but I couldn't decide to make a scrapper like this or a brute)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  22. Here we go again - never had this trouble before

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  23. yeah it's 1.92, I'll try it again tonight
  24. I'm open to reconsider, but I think I have a pretty strong case. I am trying to make sure I'm not leaving something out. I do appreciate all the inputs, thanks!

    Question on VG...doesn't the "afraid" Mag50 make enemies run if they aren't held? and since VG has a duration of 60 seconds, does that mean that the power will make more than one check over the 60 seconds? Or does it only make a check on new targets?
  25. I get the benefits of VG but what about quicksand? The reason why I elected to skip 'em was because I'm going for stuns anyway.

    I didn't take QS because after laying down Stalagmites, Cages, PS and Quake I needs to get to killing and not using up time and end to lay down something that is pretty moot by then. Especially if I am on a team mowing stuff down. And QS is only -def and slow movement. I don't have a problem hitting stuff, plus other powers have -def, and who needs slow movement from QS when I can use Ice Storm which also slows recharge? and Sleet?

    If I toss the snipe for VG then it's still up only every other or every 2nd mob. It's seems like more of an ah crap power, when things are crazy. I have the AOE holds on some of my Trollers and Doms, but hardly ever use them.

    Does this data chunck work?

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA8593DB4E13511486F7745A4A4B8F96634BA92D2008522 06AE2D918C0046DA14|
    |822881764522674126C9BCE98E89D0FE0013CBC847A251ABD D427F01C7D09057D81|
    |71CDFA7769935E3849FBEDFDEFB5FFBDD69A3DF93BB30121E E5D144A78664B33CDF|
    |5D9CA2DA3AC59959A27AF6D1A45E11542A40EC4F5994AD9AA 55B6B2735ACD2AD567|
    |E9C6FA25D3D46E6F59D9826954CA46B13E8FCE974B7A4D2F5 BD9FAC05FA890CD725|
    |5D737023CCCE95AD5286F86EB930DBD66968C6A90E7978DCD 9245ABF1B9AA51CCCE|
    |17F5F5BC665A7AED6E23DF5E4A749A7E7155C8C7F6886F2E2 192C2F51DF8C170FF0|
    |492BCA10DF0367691054BED242990DC4A8190116D4B8CF66B C032C37F8EE0564582|
    |E25579B0BAAD3816FE1D46E031F084117A0A3C6364A8C11E3 EC6563CE37C7004489|
    |299579EEF5D7139D2A155E006A3730DB8C9E8A6581F8C84AF 8BBD07C8A1433A745C|
    |E5A8C822A33707E419F10546941C82707005E1D01D014EA2C 41845846597C269CE3|
    |245674465D5D1E7E41313032F80978CF42B364FEF32863EB0 18509D7F8577C57248|
    |B6C018CB030B8C8945C624DE48271DDF258FEF42820A493D5 2EA41944A529FEC685|
    |F8FE2BCEBF805E4EFA6A584AC3001837E54D82F2B1CF43AF1 F04BFA9039E59A925D|
    |4CEDB174781FF803FC459CBC0721D5B91588CF7CE494063F0 19F812F8CA1AF8C308|
    |50FCB060E9F62A723A78133C059C6C879006D7F4F3D1FC52E 6514D2345A9BA09571|
    |D4E819478DC7FC400710446B434018F5D3AEAC4C3ABBCB7E9 3AF8137707F0BBC63F|
    |451F8946CD314AE6BBFBBE90BB2E9119986628FB5AC4EB528 D32DCAF116E5448B92|
    |731479EF053A51701F7CB942E1205FE4E0DBB47FF969556E5 02678C35E4352942B3|
    |4181143D7B92FBF9B83473978BF217994FB78290F18471F02 8F806DC6D80EC3FEFF|
    |B314A34018DB4B7E27178C579AC6AB4DE3B5A6F13F39860A8 1|