Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Would it be too much to ask that they design a pvp instance that incorporates the story design for the issue? Like maybe 2 sides trying to maintain control over some kind of Rikti generators or something? Anything that moves pvp forward?

Its not like it would be any harder than spawning in pre-made bases. And we're already used to crashes, so thats not a problem.

Yes, its asking too much. I know. Off to battle more ai that stands still for fulcrum shift and nukes.

And yes, apologies for the negativity to all of you excited about more missions on the lab map. Maybe there is more to come that will adress something for pvp.

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Yeah its called RV... no point in focusing on pvp till they fix all the imbalances and lag issues and thats never gonna happen.



I would happily hand over Positron to you at no cost...

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Hehe, exactly what I was thinking RE: this

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



This is awesome! Can't wait to take part in this with my Heros and Villains.



From the link at the bottom of the Issue Update page is a link to info on the Rikti. I ignored it at first because I thought it was just a link to their backstory, but, in fact, it's updated....


NEWS: Game Update


In the year 2002, we learned that we were not alone.

On May 23rd, 2002 – a day that will be forever remembered for its wicked barbarity – the world was suddenly and deliberately attacked.

A thousand points of light lit up the sky across America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

And each light was a gateway into hell. The Rikti declared war on all of us.

The Rikti attack was well-coordinated and clearly planned out months or years in advance. Tens of thousands of alien invaders poured into our world, bent on our destruction.

The heroes of the world banded together, and finally turned the tide. The cost to Earth and her heroes was immense, but finally the back of the Rikti army was broken by Hero 1 and Omega Team’s sacrifice.

Cut off from their homeworld, the Rikti cells that remained retreated to the shadows, fighting a guerilla war for their continued existence. The rebuilding began, and veterans spoke of the Rikti War as a thing of the past.
Then the signs began again, but we did not see them.

Strange anomalies and seismic activity on the moon caused catastrophic tidal surges on Earth, causing the Overbrook Dam to burst and flood sections of Faultline in Paragon City. Satellites transmissions were interrupted by “space static.’ Contact with the moon base and space station became spotty, and then silent.

There were warnings from Vanguard, but we did not listen.

Once the United Nation Security Council’s elite super-powered hero force, Vanguard was struggled to rebuild after the war. The survivors made up a skeleton force and their dire warnings were ignored in the joyful days after the war, written off as fear-mongering and paranoia.

The skies over Paragon City are filled with dark grey thunderheads. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the globe. Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

The Rikti have returned.

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The Holy Trinity is completed! Now we have all three: The Shivan, The Nuke, and finally, The Heavy!

TFs will never be the same. Farming for Heavies anyone?

TW/Elec Optimization



Did the mother ships zip during the first invasion? I remember them hanging in the air ominously but I don't remember them moving at all.... probably too busy getting my butt handed to my first level character after I made the mistake of deleting all my beta test characters too eary. Still it was good fun!

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I recall them moving around a bit in the sky, which created a lot of anticipation about when they'd come down and disgorge their hordes of Rikti, Hydra and Krakens.

Edit: I should see if I can find the old End of Beta video around on the web somewhere. It was fifteen minutes or so of pure awesome.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



<--- Wants to know the settings the devs take screenshots with.

This looks amazing. They hit the spot this time with adding most of the gameplay features that have been asked for.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Issue 10: Invasion, the tenth upcoming free expansion since the launch of City of Heroes® in April 2004, will introduce a host of new content and challenges. The Rikti invasion force returns with a vengeance, bent on destroying Earth!

Click here to read more about this coming Issue.

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And, for those @ work:

The skies over Paragon City are filled with dark grey thunderheads. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the globe. Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

The Rikti have returned.
Rikti World Invasion

Issue 10 begins with a World Event that spans across numerous zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, as the Rikti return in devastating waves. They are armed with new, brutal weapons and seek to establish a beachhead on Earth, presumably to save their lost brethren and to finish what they started the first time … the destruction of Earth!
Rikti War Zone (Levels 35 – 50)

The site of the crashed Rikti mother ship has become a hot War Zone. Pylons of unknown purpose have appeared around the mother ship, and Rikti presence is extremely heavy. In an attempt to contain the Rikti from breaking out of the area or launching their ship, the government has cordoned off the zone, allowing only select agents access. Government officials have turned the region over to Vanguard, and given them the authority to recruit forces from across the world. This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion.

New Threats

Rikti Pylons are multi-purpose warning and attack devices that surround the crashed mother ship. It takes a concerted effort to take one of these pylons down, but once enough of these are destroyed, access to the ship may be granted. UXBs, “unexploded bombs” that arm, power up, and detonate if not stopped in time, provide a constant threat. Rikti destroyers zip through zones dropping troops, UXB’s, and Rikti Assault Suits.
New Inventions

The Vanguard base contains a special Vanguard Workbench that will allow for special costume pieces (tied to Rikti War Zone recipes). Vanguard Support Machines (“Heavies”) can be requisitioned using Special Salvage (unique to the War Zone). These Heavies function as powerful pets.
New Missions

The first missions in the Rikti War Zone are for characters level 35+. The characters meet a new contact, Levantera, who introduces them to the U.N. security force, Vanguard. They’ll also meet Borea, who sends them on several repeatable missions in the zone. From there, characters meet contact Serpent Drummer, Gaussian, and also talk to the Dark Watcher and learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City.

Rikti Co-op Task Force

The Rikti Co-Op Task Force is available for both Heroes and Villains. It is for 6 to 8 players, level 45 – 50. The mission is given out by Lady Grey, leader of the Vanguard. Co-operative missions create a new layer of depth and story as heroes and villains work toward a common goal.

Click here to read more about the history of the Rikti

Rikti Destroyer

Rikti Invasion!

Co-Op Task Force



Well I for one hope Lord Recluse personaly kills Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt.
Having the disgusting alien in Grandville has always upset me.



[/ QUOTE ] Yeah its called RV... no point in focusing on pvp till they fix all the imbalances and lag issues and thats never gonna happen.

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Yeah I agree, don't even try anymore. Good point man. Meet ya in RV to farm recipies and pillboxes with heavies.

More arena like instance options might be something to look into is all I'm saying. But if this thread is only for applause, then I apologize.




I... I think my brain just exploded. I don't care if there aren't new powersets, I10 sounds more awesome than any previous issue.


Also on Steam



I10 doesn't sound too shabby. I'm looking forward to the co-op zone. The task force sounds good, although I'll probably have to do it on test before live to ever get to do it (that seems to be the only way I get to do TFs). And the invasion groups could be fun. Now there are just two things that I would really like to hear:

1) That we are getting lots of new non-invention costume pieces. Actually seeing something from the pages and pages of suggestions on the forum would be nice.

2) That this is just the beginning with the co-op zones, and we'll eventually be getting some for other level ranges, much like the PvP zones. My lowbies want to team up, too!

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I'm in complete and utter agreement with you on this one. I'd like it if just once in a full moon we received new costume pieces in the costume editor that weren't just limited "exclusives". I'm very curious to see if sexy Jay's actually been toiling away at those costume suggestions or if it's just a false pit of hope everyone keeps throwing their ideas into.


From the announcement:

The Vanguard base contains a special Vanguard Workbench that will allow for special costume pieces (tied to Rikti War Zone recipes)

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Hey, this totally gets me excited on top of the co-op 35-50 zone but seeing how I've only got 2 characters remotely close to lvl 35, I kinda hope we can possibly trade these prior to claiming them like the current invention recipes. I'd hate for there to be exclusive 35+ costume content. One of the most thrilling things about COX for me is the variety one is afforded with being able to deck out their hero or villain in a variety of gear/costume pieces.




I'm a sucker for storyline, and I can't WAIT for this to begin.

However... I'd be thrilled if they'd initiate character transfers sometime soon. All my heroes are over on a server I hardly play anymore. Can't team with my friends using my heroes unless I can transfer 'em to Freedom.

LOVE the max level SF/TFs. Can't wait!




No new powersets? I thought we were supposed to see them in i9-i11 (pushed back to i10-i12 with Inventions getting its own issue). so the lack of them is dissappointing.

Also, this seems small.

All that out of the way, this is coming out fast! If they really have reason to start boosting this now, they're really kicking the issues out at a good pace. This is probably tied with my above disappointments: They seem to be favoring smaller, quicker releases over gargantuan, way-past-deadline issues like i7, and I can definitly appreciate that.

And Metaplot? FINALLY! I've been... away for a while, and this has alread piqued my interest. Perhaps I should get my Stalker up to a point where he can participate. Perhaps indeed... *muses*




I have nothing more I can add!



In the picture marked "Advanced Rikti Weapons" there are Malta in the background, in what appears to be the Crash Site, or War Zone, or whatever the new name is going to be.

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Or.... Vanguard Shield? Note the ParagonWiki article assumes they're villains. Of course we now know they're not... or are they?!

FYI... Vanguard and Official History of the First Invasion.

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Sweeeeeeeet. I remember the original invasions into Atlas, they were insane. Huge mobs running around, even with a group of 8 it was hard to take them on, but you were well rewarded.



I don't like it at all, I want this game fixed, not a "war"



War...war never changes...

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



hmmm, methinks it's time to uberlevel a couple of my 30ishes this weekend, to get ready!

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ditto, maybe do a TF or two and a load of missions to get soulsunder to 40... or at least 39, then I'm gonna camp in AP and rescuse the lowbies from the rikti (if they spawn at lvl 35), which I must mention look pretty awesome now.

and I say I11 for the powersets.

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



Important information for those who weren't around for the first invasion:

How To Survive A UFO Attack.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I10 + Me = Speechless

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



I'm very exited, if this is gonna be 35 - 50 I'm not touching my lvl 36 scrapper until this comes out :-D

And hero and villain co-op stuff is something I've wanted for a while. I was hoping that warburg would be co-op if you were teamed but it wasn't so this should be a bunch of fun!

Assassin Strike with Power Build Up Fortitude! hoorah! Masterminds with Regen Aura!! Yippee!! Brutes with PBU Adrenalin Boost!!


I'm excited.



All I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

Then I wonder if the new movie deal that they got is going to be on the original invasion or this new one and if it's about this new invasion, if there be a contest or some such so a player toon will get featured in the movie ;-)



Whoa. Turn my back on the boards for a night to grade papers and I miss this!!! A full-scale invasion a la beta....now that's what I'm talkin' about! I hope we get some notice so I can take off whatever is going on in my life to experience the event...assuming it is a solo occurence and not instanced....

Nice one Devs!! I am anticipating this more than any of the previous nine...

@Portland Underground