Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




I10 means Bob The Bruiser will have a reason to get up out of his rocking chair and once again defend Paragon City. {I9 all but retired him with the change to Hami, there are no raids anymore [on Freedom]}. I guess I should drag Bob the Bruiser out before then so he can get back in shape.



All I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

Then I wonder if the new movie deal that they got is going to be on the original invasion or this new one and if it's about this new invasion, if there be a contest or some such so a player toon will get featured in the movie ;-)

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Eh? What's this about a movie?




I mean, it's got a WORLD EVENT, it's got a NEW ZONE (well, a significant revamp of an old zone nobody visited anyway, which in my book is even BETTER than a new zone...), that new zone happens to be CO-OP, with a CO-OP TASKFORCE, it's got NEW COSTUME PIECES and NEW GEAR, and it ADVANCES THE STORY! (Do not discount the importance of advancing the story, new power sets are great, but for the CoX universe to really continue to "breathe", the story has to be gradually moving forward...)

Short of 10 NEW POWER SETS or VILLAIN EPIC ARCHETYPES, that's pretty much my 2007 wishlist...and we have one more issue to go before the end of the year, yeah?




[/ QUOTE ] Yeah its called RV... no point in focusing on pvp till they fix all the imbalances and lag issues and thats never gonna happen.

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Yeah I agree, don't even try anymore. Good point man. Meet ya in RV to farm recipies and pillboxes with heavies.

More arena like instance options might be something to look into is all I'm saying. But if this thread is only for applause, then I apologize.

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I been asking for update to siren's call and maybe RV as well with new vendors (chance to use the points for recipes etc) special AVs and Heros throw in the fray....



All I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

Then I wonder if the new movie deal that they got is going to be on the original invasion or this new one and if it's about this new invasion, if there be a contest or some such so a player toon will get featured in the movie ;-)

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Eh? What's this about a movie?

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From Sci fi Wire:

Transformers producer Tom DeSanto has secured the film rights to NCsoft and Cryptic Studios' video game City of Heroes, Variety reported.

The plan is to adapt the massively multiplayer online role-playing game into a live-action feature and then transition it to television in some form, the trade paper reported.

The movie revolves around a group of superheroes who live in Paragon City and must team up in order to fight an invasion of aliens known as the Rikti.

In the game, players design their own superhero characters and pay a monthly fee of $14.99 to battle supervillains, aliens, madmen and other criminals. An expansion of the game also enables players to create their own villainous characters.

City of Heroes first bowed at retailers in 2004 and turned into a franchise, spawning the sequel City of Villains and a comic-book series published by Top Cow Productions.



This excites me like I9 couldnt. Real contents this time.
Hopefully some of the costume goodness wont be stuck in a screwed up invention drop system.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Very jazzed about this. Rikti are one of my favorite villain groups in the game. RCS has need a facelift for a long, long time.

Though, I think the most exciting thing is the hero/villain co-op options! I've wanted this ever since the first co-op misisons in Pocket D. Thank you!

Now we just need a Co-Op/FFA PvP Zone with capture the flag and king of the hill mini-games! (hint, hint)



Pure Awesome. Looks to be the best update since Issue 5 (er...ignoring the GDN, that is). And that was a looooooong time ago.



Yeah, same here..Some non invention costume bits please.
Anyone think those vanguard look totally bad-[censored] and want their costumes?

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



No new powersets? I thought we were supposed to see them in i9-i11 (pushed back to i10-i12 with Inventions getting its own issue). so the lack of them is dissappointing.

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Hate to add a negative note but I feel the same. Power sets and EATs are better than all the new content in the world for me. Just personal preference.

New sets / EATs that related to the Issue (remember the arrival of the Kheldians?) makes perfect sense. Example: aforementioned Rikti villain EAT, or an Energy Rifle ranged blast set like the ones the Rikti and Lost use.

Moving some existing power sets into new ATs would be just as good, and a lot cheaper. I would list suggestions but it's been discussed to death already.

I still think this issue looks cool but you know, new character options would make it a 10/10 for me.



So the is this going to be a new zone? Or is Rikti crash site going to be changed to be co-op?

Wouldnt it be cool that once the zone (TF Complete) is saved the heros and villains can begin to disagree again and begin to fight each other? At least until the zone reverses back into Rikti control.



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

[/ QUOTE ]Something needs to be done, the last thing we need at this point is more worthless tech salvage, we can get this on any freak farm or tv farm. From here on out devs you need to make at least 1 magic faction for every tech you add in a level range or it is going to be some severe imbalances on the market.

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going to be?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Looks awesome. I'm guessing there will be some great new missions in the 35-50 range. My biggest question is really just how many and what ranges are they limited to. I'll be curious to see how much they redo the RCS. Will it be a "new" zone like Faultline was or are they just finally giving us something to do there? I'm really happy to see they're putting a lot of work into making the new invaders new art rather than just filling missions with enemies we've been fighting for years.

Should be fun. Gimmie gimmie gimmie NOW!



So the is this going to be a new zone? Or is Rikti crash site going to be changed to be co-op?

Wouldnt it be cool that once the zone (TF Complete) is saved the heros and villains can begin to disagree again and begin to fight each other? At least until the zone reverses back into Rikti control.

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I think its pretty much a given that this is a revamped Rikti Crash Site. Its the only place in the game with a crashed mothership in it.

Oh, and we're finally getting those pilons that shoot energy up into the air in there explained I guess. Thats cool.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Great idea for an issue and really glad to see there's gonna be a server event. Hero / Villain Co-op sounds great. But I wonder if that means that trading and auctions will open up between Heroes and Villains by Issue 10. I sure hope so.

It's probably a little late, but how's about making sure that there are multiple villain groups in this zone.

How about Shivans, and Rularuu, and maybe even higher level Hydra outdoors because there's an extradimensional or extraplanetary conflict and it's not just the rikti this time.

What about Crey or Arachnos (but seriously 1-50 levels of Arachnos might be enough), or other groups interested in learning the secrets of this alien tech, or secretly setting up agreements to divide the spoils of war.

What about Devouring Earth trying to rise up and fight against the Rikti?

I realize that the RCS had Crey, DE, and Rikti in copious amounts, but they never interacted in any zone fights or anything like that.

Here's hoping that there's time to add some zest to the zone. Just Rikti would be sorta boring.



This sounds like a ton of fun.

I think I might not level up Asm this weekend so he can start this when it goes live. But I probably still will.



I would happily hand over Positron to you at no cost...

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Hehe, exactly what I was thinking RE: this

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I did Synapse's TF this week, and I think we could hand that one over too. The agony, the agony.

It is critical that you pay attention at this time.

Gaming in Limited Times
Guide to Plant/Ice Doms



Wow, good stuff. Nice to see an alternative spot for the non-pvpers 40-50 missions to PI & GV! Yay! Co-op missions! Double yay! New costume parts based on more salvage drops? ....hopefully we get some new FREE costume parts soon too...

Here's to hoping they fix the rest of the bugs before then!

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



ok cool, rikti invasion, sounds fun, but still no villain epic archetypes. So lame....now I have to wait to issue 11 till we get em...and we probably STILL wont get em then...WHAT DO U GAME DEVELOPERS HAVE AGAINST THE VILLAINS!!!???



Would it be too much to ask that they design a pvp instance that incorporates the story design for the issue? Like maybe 2 sides trying to maintain control over some kind of Rikti generators or something? Anything that moves pvp forward?

Its not like it would be any harder than spawning in pre-made bases. And we're already used to crashes, so thats not a problem.

Yes, its asking too much. I know. Off to battle more ai that stands still for fulcrum shift and nukes.

And yes, apologies for the negativity to all of you excited about more missions on the lab map. Maybe there is more to come that will adress something for pvp.

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I like these ideas, another idea would be to link the pvp zones from server to server and maybe add some incentive to pvping?

For Arena Teams, you guys should consider allowing heroes and villains to team up.. that'd be interesting.



-No new powersets
-No server transfers




ok cool, rikti invasion, sounds fun, but still no villain epic archetypes. So lame....now I have to wait to issue 11 till we get em...and we probably STILL wont get em then...WHAT DO U GAME DEVELOPERS HAVE AGAINST THE VILLAINS!!!???

[/ QUOTE ]

A villain dated posi's sister once and was a jerk. You brought it on yourselves....

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages









This is only the teaser. I know everyone's going "no new powersets, no villian EATs, no PPP fixes, wutuf" but seriously- I'm hoping that there's more to this issue that they're holding out on. Hope springs eternal and I, for one, am stoked- this will be the most significant issue for Villains since the mixed blessing that was i7.

Although Shiva, Devouring Earth, and Coralax would all make sense in this zone (maybe even a Coralax contact- Barracuda's Strike Force, anyone?) simply because all three of those factions have their own plans for the earth.
Also, I hope the Circle of Thorns plays a role- according to the offical bio, they formed the impromptu fifth column against the initial Rikti invasion. Whatever the "dark secret" that the teaser hints at, I bet you dollars to doughnuts in involves them.