Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




I am literally excited.




I can honestly say that I haven't looked forward to the potential of a new issue this much since the Council and 5th Column were beating the snot out of each other in the middle of the streets (CoV release notwithstanding.)

Real, game-driving story content has been somewhat absent from issues for a while. At best, it's seemed more of an afterthought than anything else.

This issue sounds more like it's content developed to support story rather than the opposite. And that is the kind of content that really got me hooked on this game to begin with.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



This is only the teaser. I know everyone's going "no new powersets, no villian EATs, no PPP fixes, wutuf" but seriously- I'm hoping that there's more to this issue that they're holding out on. Hope springs eternal and I, for one, am stoked- this will be the most significant issue for Villains since the mixed blessing that was i7.

Although Shiva, Devouring Earth, and Coralax would all make sense in this zone (maybe even a Coralax contact- Barracuda's Strike Force, anyone?) simply because all three of those factions have their own plans for the earth.
Also, I hope the Circle of Thorns plays a role- according to the offical bio, they formed the impromptu fifth column against the initial Rikti invasion. Whatever the "dark secret" that the teaser hints at, I bet you dollars to doughnuts in involves them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Generally, the first teaser highlights all major features. All following teasers will focus on the major features. Such as a teaser about the new zone, another teaser about the TF, and a 3rd one about the new invention stuff. And that will be it.



When your husband wakes you up with a 'HONEY! COH NEWS! COMPUTER NOW!'

....yeah. *dance*

I think I know what I'm getting my lowbies up to come 2XP weekend.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



"damn my jobs firewall. i cant see the link. someone should cut and paste the info for those of us "working" "

thanks to everyone that sent me a pm with the info. ive got it several times actually lol. thanks!



Whatever the "dark secret" that the teaser hints at, I bet you dollars to doughnuts in involves them.

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My money is on who's behind the renewed attacks and leading the charge. I'm just speculating here, but I smell the subversion of a hero who was supposed to be our savior as being a major contributor to the Rikti's new upgrades.

And if that's the case, odds are the new Rikti are an uncomfortable blend of both technology and magic.

This would conveniently explain how they've managed to break through the magical barrier to our world that was erected after the first invasion.

And it would probably solve the "Where's all the magic salvage?" issue.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



im sorry but how long will these flyers drop the untis around the zones and the units will be scaled to zone lvl i hope. i missed last one so i dont know plz inform me on how u think or know this is going to go down




Um...don't mean to rain on anyone's parade but I thought I10 was going to include some luv for Bases too. Possible that the Riktiki announcement just smothered other good news?

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Well, my reactions:
"Well, that's fast, cool."
"Rikti bashing!"
"More costume recipies, blah, friggin..."
"Who all do I have near 35...."

And to whoever said "They gave up making content for both" several pages back, I'd like to point out - they are doing exactly what they said they'd do. This would be the first part of the *boxed* expansion they decided to put into several issues instead, with a "global threat" and co-op for both sides.



Whatever the "dark secret" that the teaser hints at, I bet you dollars to doughnuts in involves them.

[/ QUOTE ]

My money is on who's behind the renewed attacks and leading the charge. I'm just speculating here, but I smell the subversion of a hero who was supposed to be our savior as being a major contributor to the Rikti's new upgrades.

And if that's the case, odds are the new Rikti are an uncomfortable blend of both technology and magic.

This would conveniently explain how they've managed to break through the magical barrier to our world that was erected after the first invasion.

And it would probably solve the "Where's all the magic salvage?" issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, Hero 1, we love you so... Don't do it!

Were this the case, I wonder how it is that the Rikti would have managed to coax Hero 1 (Or any of Team Omega) to their way of thinking?

If this is true, what will I do with my Hero 1 wallpaper?

...My villains, on the other hand, are all eager to take down the man who stopped the Rikti.



Just out of curiosity, why is everyone so 'excited'. I mean, who are you going to 'co-op' with? Oh, you mean with those on that measly populated Rogue Isles? Good luck with that. And while I'm here, why would you want to team with ATs who are weaker in nearly every aspect than yourselves?

Without some way of increasing the player base of CoV and giving the villain ATs something worth teaming with, this isn't going to go over too well. Its hard enough to find a villain to team with in the first place on the red side.

Sorry but this villain isn't happy. But then again, I'm a villain, so what else is new?






I am intrigued based on the story reason about how the Rikti broke through the barrier.

I'll probably check out the new zone with my level 50 hero, not sure if I will do the Task Force (I currently have no desire to do Statesman's TF, so I am sure I won't be too motivated for another TF). But man, the new Rikti look awesome!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Ok... this looks very cool. But it seems in all these updates, something is missing... hmm.. what could it be?

Perhaps POST-50 VILLAIN ATs?!?! I've been waiting forever, and it can't be THAT hard to develop them!



Ok... this looks very cool. But it seems in all these updates, something is missing... hmm.. what could it be?

Perhaps POST-50 VILLAIN ATs?!?! I've been waiting forever, and it can't be THAT hard to develop them!

[/ QUOTE ]

... and they have their own storyline from 1-50. That's the "Epic" behind "Epic AT."




This expansion sounds amazing! This is the most awesome thing I've seen happening for the game. It almost goes beyond words how excited I am.

Can't wait to see this thing. This update is just what I needed to renew my interest in the game.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



It would be a funny little nod to Independence Day if I10 released on July 4th (since the Rikti bear a striking resemblance to the aliens in ID4). I know that's probably too soon however.

All I have to say is that I am very excited for I10, more excited than I have been for a new issue in quite some time.



Okay, so the Rikti, have a tailor somewhere on thier homeworld, or somehow they have mutated yet again. 35-50 co-op...nice!
Dark Watcher, cool. I hope this is just a teaser and that the devs actually have a little more in store for us. From a strategic standpoint, why do we always have to wait for the Rikti to invade us? Why don't we take the fight to them, let 's go blow up the Rikti homeworld and find Hero 1!
Paragon strikes back FTW!



Saving the world by bashing alien invaders is what being a super hero is all about!

Preserving your self interests and being opportunistic in the face of diasaster is classic villian stuff!

I love it!



The Rikti War Zone looks very much like an idea I suggested in the Suggestion forum many months ago. Too bad the post was swept away during forum cleaning.....

The Pylons (I called them control points), the fact that the mothership was protected and must be exposed before entrance, and the environmental threats (UXBs and dropships here) were all part of my idea.

Never once did a red name chime in...guess they had all that planned for quite some time now.



Ok... this looks very cool. But it seems in all these updates, something is missing... hmm.. what could it be?

Perhaps POST-50 VILLAIN ATs?!?! I've been waiting forever, and it can't be THAT hard to develop them!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, it is, actually. In nearly EVERY interview with the devs posted to any kind of gaming site, they're asked about Villain ATs, and the response is always that the development of a new AT is the most time and resource consuming of ANYTHING they could reasonably do, which is why it's usually scrapped for the other content in the issue.

You want the Villain ATs to turn out like the Kheldians? I sure don't.

In fact, it'd be NICE if the villains got some well planned, thought out, epic archtypes that made up for our poor epic powers...



This is only the teaser. I know everyone's going "no new powersets, no villian EATs, no PPP fixes, wutuf" but seriously- I'm hoping that there's more to this issue that they're holding out on. Hope springs eternal and I, for one, am stoked- this will be the most significant issue for Villains since the mixed blessing that was i7.

Although Shiva, Devouring Earth, and Coralax would all make sense in this zone (maybe even a Coralax contact- Barracuda's Strike Force, anyone?) simply because all three of those factions have their own plans for the earth.
Also, I hope the Circle of Thorns plays a role- according to the offical bio, they formed the impromptu fifth column against the initial Rikti invasion. Whatever the "dark secret" that the teaser hints at, I bet you dollars to doughnuts in involves them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Generally, the first teaser highlights all major features. All following teasers will focus on the major features. Such as a teaser about the new zone, another teaser about the TF, and a 3rd one about the new invention stuff. And that will be it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats exactly how its done. Anyone expecting there to be a surprise announcement of new powersets or ATs for I10 now is deluding themselves.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I love this. Things need to happen in an MMO, and more science fiction (as opposed to fantasy) content is always good.

But here's my greatest concern about this: the war really ought to change everything, shouldn't it? I'm not going to say that nobody does anything else, but if the entire human species is at war with "another species" from an alternate dimension, with superior tech to our own, shouldn't that have an effect on every other mission in the game?

At a bare minimum, doesn't Recluse's Victory become a distraction? How can Recluse justify continuing to invest major resources into that particular plan to take over the world if the Rikti are at all close to conquering him? Especially if doing so also diverts enough hero resources into that alternate timeline that it weakens Earth against the invaders? The STF can stay with some text changes, I guess; simply explain somewhere in the text of the mission that he hopes that the weapon will end the war. The LRSF would need to get its text changed (and probably should anyway) to explain that it's a counter-strike against the STF.

But aside from that, really, shouldn't someone (or several someones) have to go through every villain group in the game and ask, "how would they change their plans, what would they do differently, if the human race were in danger of extinction?" Or does the Superadine Connection keep on pushing Superadine as if nothing had changed, does the Council continue their giant robot plans as if nothing had changed, does the Talos Island conspiracy continue hawking magical artifacts as if nothing had changed? Do the Superadine Connection and the Talos Island Conspiracy keep fighting each other as if nothing had changed, do the heroes and the Circle of Thorns keep fighting as if nothing had changed, do the villains and the Coralax Hybrids keep fighting as if nothing had changed, do the Marcones and the Mooks keep fighting as if nothing had changed? Does Does Dr. Vahzilok continue killing off superheroes and supervillains for research raw materials when those superheroes and supervillains are the only thing standing between him and the Rikti? Do the Sky Raiders and Malta stop hunting super-powered beings for the same reason? Do Vanessa diVore and the Clockwork King remain villains or do they go back to being heroes as they were during the previous Rikti War?

I could make a case that nothing changes for Dr. Hamidon or for the Banished Pantheon or for Crey, but it seems to me like other than their story arcs it feels to me like literally thousands of missions' text would need to be rewritten or else new people would constantly be asking why all of the criminal gangs they're fighting are acting as if there weren't Rikti paratroopers dropping out of the sky around them. And when have they had time for that?

(P.S. And yes, I agree with the other posters who've argued that this would make a great time to introduce a Rikti player character villain epic archetype. Too bad it's not going to happen, though.)



All I gotta say to the Rikti--BRING IT ON!