9 -
Pet Powers Change:
Recharge times on pet attack powers will no longer be affected by any outside source. This includes buffs and debuffs. What this means is that pets can no longer have the recharge time on their powers increased by player buffs (like Speed Boost) or their recharge time decreased by player or NPC debuffs. This change was made to allow pets to correctly cycle through their attacks instead of getting locked on using the same attack over and over and neglecting to use other available powers.
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I've already reported during beta that this did not change the way zombies and grave knights cycle their attacks, especially grave knights. They still stay back and use ranged attacks unless a mob comes in melee or they are forced into melee range. They pull their swords and use ranged attacks. Zombies will start using ranged only if during a fight the mob moves out of melee range. They'll just stand there and use their ranged attack until the mob moves back into melee range.
So either this needs to be reviewed or the statement needs to be altered since the recharge 'bug' doesn't affect all pets. -
Pet Powers Change:
o Recharge times on pet attack powers will no longer be affected by any outside source. This includes buffs and debuffs. What this means is that pets can no longer have the recharge time on their powers increased by player buffs (like Speed Boost) or their recharge time decreased by player or NPC debuffs. This change was made to allow pets to correctly cycle through their attacks instead of getting locked on using the same attack over and over and neglecting to use other available powers.
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I've already bugged this on Test but this is not working for Grave Knights. They still stand back, pull out their swords and spam Dark Blast and Gloom unless a mob comes in melee range or I move the pets within melee range. And even then melee is sporatic. I've seen them stand on top of the mob and use ranged attacks rather than melee. So this fix is not working for Grave Knights. -
Just out of curiosity, why is everyone so 'excited'. I mean, who are you going to 'co-op' with? Oh, you mean with those on that measly populated Rogue Isles? Good luck with that. And while I'm here, why would you want to team with ATs who are weaker in nearly every aspect than yourselves?
Without some way of increasing the player base of CoV and giving the villain ATs something worth teaming with, this isn't going to go over too well. Its hard enough to find a villain to team with in the first place on the red side.
Sorry but this villain isn't happy. But then again, I'm a villain, so what else is new? -
I used to get together with some friends once a week at a local Chili's to discuss our results/plans for the turn of Middle Earth Play by Mail wargame we were on. Imagine a couple guys in suits and ties, and a couple guys in T-shirts & shorts, all with briefcases sitting around eating chips, and discussing how best to assassinate the Witch-King of Angmar and mobilize troops to protect the southern flank of the Greenwood from the Dog Lords heavy cavalary.
I think we got the best looks when we pulled out the full size grid maps of middle earth and began putting pins and markers out to plot troop movements.
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So _Castle_, what level dungeon master are you? -
Any time we update the Message of the Day (MOTD) file on the server, it pops up like that. It's rather poppy. Oh, and it was all my fault too
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I take it this is coding that cannot be changed like the code for power color customization? -
We're talking about contests and potential prizes but we'll announce what we'll do if we do anything during the party. Its very hard to do a fair contest when a several hundred to a thousand people show up.
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Just out of curiosity, what good are prizes if they are on the test server unless they are things like a free month? Can you give us an idea? -
Well my previous post was for PvE. I usually just look through the Dev Digest and read the post and not pay attention to where they are posted. Silly me. So now I must assume this is a PvP question? If so, I need to change my answers a bit.
1) 50/50 hit and miss
2) 95/5 hit and miss
3) 95/5 miss and hit
4) 50/50 hit and miss -
I'm talking about the expectations you have in a fight.
1) You have the default To Hit value (ie no buffs), your target has no Defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
2) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has no defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
3) You have the default To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
4) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
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If this is 1v1 in a closed environment with no outside influences:
1) As the Offender, I expect to hit 75% of the time. As the Defender, I expect to be missed 25% of the time.
2) As the Offender, I expect to hit 95% of the time. As the Defender, I expect to be missed 5% of the time.
3) As the Offender, I expect to hit 5% of the time. As the Defender, I expect to be missed 95% of the time.
4) As the Offender, I expect to hit 50% of the time. As the Defender, I expect to be missed 50% of the time.
On #4 I was torn in whether to make it: As the Offender, I expect to hit 75% of the time. As the Defender, I expect to be missed 25% of the time, or leave it at the 50%. I went with the 50% because #1 seems like what the first part of the game is like. Everyone is fresh, new and has hardly any powers. Thus, everyone can throw stuff out and hit for the most part.
Situation #4 comes off as what an epic, final, end game encounter is like. Both sides are maxed out on their power, fully buffed. So to make it fun and epic, a 50/50 chance for a win seemed a lot better and less one sided against the guy who had worked so hard to get Max Defense, who would be getting hit 75% of the time.
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If we were to imagine a brand new game developing and assuming we are talking stictly even con mobs only these are my choices also. When talking about higher end mobs and players of course the equations will be changed. But for my ideal fighting situations in a game I totally agree with Neutra here. -
I tend to agree with the rest: boring and repetitive. Trying to find the other half was frustrating as stated above. Why did it take doing both side's missions to get the Heart of X badge? I won't bother with it again if it'll be the same next year.