Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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Since everything being added can be enjoyed equal by both groups (if I read that correctly), this is as split down the middle as things can get.

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Forget spliting things down the middle. when are Corruptor Debuffs going to be boosted in power like defenders buffs? humm? (The rational for boosting the buffs is that they where "Defenders" well true for one is true for another they ARE "Corruptors") how bout that? when are villains finally gonna get there epic Types? thats what I wanna know.. and for heros when are scrappers and Tankers gonna have some kinda choice boost in power sets.. kinda slim pickings there.. And As for mission designs... Can we get more then fetch quests? Something more dynamic and envolving? Prehaps story arcs that hound a character till he finshes them.. Just thinking out loud Spliting it down the middle is fine if there aren't inequities to begin with but there are some serious gaps to be addressed and There needs to be better fleshed out stories and a sense of "epic" on both sides.. (Random attacks ambushes and headaches for characters that just leaves an arc hanging would be fun. I mean once you hit a hornets nest with a stick.. do the hornets wait for you to do the next mission? :P)

Now if this post wasn't rambling enough.. Villains Kidnap Missions should be 2 fold.. part 1. The Bag!! we go black bag'em.. fine that parts in place.. I Propose that there be a Part 2. Keeping them and getting the ransom for them. at the end of part 1 we hold them in some "safe house" location and defend a series of TOUGH ambushes tring to get them back, if sucessful we get the "Ransom" for them If not we wake up in the hospital and Complain... One Shot deal there if everyone on the Team Dies you faild to get the ransom and missions over.. 2x's the debt but 2x's the Infamy if sucessful (think hardcore mission styles)

Also a type of mission that would be fun would be "Detective/Bountyhunter" types.. where you've only got a vague trail of clues and huge zones to hunt them down in to find the mission door, then you gotta finish the mission.. Of course power gammers would hate this slow down, so make taking these missions optional (maybe after so many of them special badge or something dunno) the fun part would be finding that specific NPC in the zone that has the clue text on him for you..



Thats it?

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



World War Hulk comes out today and now this. I'm happy. Now if you excuse, I must get Fallenz ready to go to war. :-)



Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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Since everything being added can be enjoyed equal by both groups (if I read that correctly), this is as split down the middle as things can get.

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Still, villains are thrown a bone to nibble at. Where are villains 10-15 and 30-35 SF? Where are Villain SF that would equal out for Hero SS TFs?

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Wow! I decide to come home early and this is what I see. Issue 10 being announced, already?! And being beta tested on Test?




I wasn't here, when the Rikti were here the 1st time - But I can't wait to see it this time around; Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!




Or.... Vanguard Shield? Note the ParagonWiki article assumes they're villains. Of course we now know they're not... or are they?!

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Not only is that a Malta spawn in the picture, I can even identify the sapper. He's the one visible between the legs, nearest to the right leg. You can recognize the hovering posture. Call it the practiced recognition of someone whose main is a toggle dependent tank...



Looks like no new power sets or EATs this issue, but maybe next issue since the story should continue even more then (I think). You can try to make a character on the Test Server and see for yourself. Only way there'd be new sets is if they aren't in the current build, but I think what they announced today is just about all we should expect this issue.



Da...Dark....Dark Watcher!?!!?

I knew it!!!

I knew he wasn't dead!!

(for those of you who didn't know, Dark Watcher was an original founder of the Freedom Phalanx, along with Elementar(died in battle), Vambrace (two man team, the hero died of old age, and the tech guy behind him is the grandfather or father, forgot which, of the science origin contact in Atlas), Maiden Justice (old age and wife of Statesman), and of course, States himself. If you didn't know this.... go buy the CoH books you slackers, they're like 8 bucks and you can read them in a night if you went at it. Plus, you can learn more about the backstory, which will help you appreciate the work the devs have put into this game to give it such a full, rich storyline.)
*possible brown-nosing off*

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I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!! I Saw that as well... Acualy they are $6.99 a Pop

City Of Heros: Web Of Arachnos and
City Of Heros: Freedom Phalanx



hey now i can play with my villian friends :P



i dunno if i'll be able to cooperate with the villains. we'll see. and why does it have to be rikti? how about the attack of the fuzzy easy to kill teddy bears?



oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!



Bah! Cryptic needs to hire me to proofread and grammar check their stuff. (Hint: Callback, please? ) There were some tiny things on this page that made me want to bring it up, and one BIG headache. Oddly, most of them seem to focus on just the END of the article, as I didn't see anything major standing out in the main body of the work.

[u]Tiny Suggestion #1[u]

Original: Once the United Nation Security Council’s elite super-powered hero force, Vanguard was struggled to rebuild after the war.

Suggested: Vanguard, once the United Nation Security Council’s elite super-powered hero force, struggled to rebuild after the war.

Why?: Your main subject of this sentence is Vanguard, so lead with it. This also makes the use of 'struggled' vs 'struggling' more appropriate.

[u]Tiny Suggestion #2[u]

Original: The survivors made up a skeleton force and their dire warnings were ignored in the joyful days after the war, written off as fear-mongering and paranoia.

Suggested: The dire warnings of this skeleton force were ignored in the joyful days following the war, written off as mere fear-mongering and paranoia.

Why?: Again, this is about focusing the sentence upon the subject (the dire warnings ignored), and trying to be as eloquent and to the point as possible about the other 'secondary' aspects (reinforcing how Vanguard is weakened). Those three extra words do add up.

[u]The BIG Headache[u]

Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

I've done this in my own writing, and been nagged to hell over it! An ellipsis should only be used if there is a contextual ommision, rather than just a pause like we have here. Nothing is left out or implied, and the thought has not trailed off since we are given the entire statement. Using a comma would be better, but since I believe the ellipsis was used as a stylistic choice? Then the correct use of the ellipsis would have been something like this:

Small ships dart through the heavy weather…

...and there are so very many of them.

The Rikti have returned.

This may not seem like much, but from a technical standpoint we now have an actual ommision in our presentation of information. A significant break, one that allows the use of the ellipsis.

And that is being rather LIBERAL with the rules of said ellipsis, by the way. If you find evidence to the contrary of my suggestion there, PLEASE inform me. I know several loveable old coots I'd love to annoy with it.

Alright, I'm done. Back to talk about sweet world-wide events and fun hero/villian teamups.



Whoo-hoo! I can see the carnage in the Rogue Isles and Paragon City now.



Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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I'm sorry, the "Dead-Horse Whine" Forum is thataway...

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This is not a whine, this is a legit complaint, for villains we will have gaps in alot of level ranges where IOs simply wont be available, how fair is that if they keep things as they are?

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CRIPES, man! Talk about a glass half empty kind of guy. In this case tho, I'd say its only 1/4 empty. The devs are giving us a chest full of gold here, and you are complaining about the handles not being polished.

I love my villains too. Sure, we are missing a lot of things, but come on! show a little excitement here. This is a very cool expansion.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



You are going to let veterns going into closed beta right? I dont think it should be people that play test all the time and pvp all the time i really hope tthey got to sit out this time and vets go in first its well earned and deserve... I really hope and feel u let people in b/c of vetern not how much u pvp on test

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



I wanted to read everything before I replied, but I just can't do it!

I am excited beyond belief about this! I wondered if they could outdo issue 9, which was the best thing they've ever done for the game! Yes, they can! this rules! woo hoo!

My imagination is running wild with the possibilities here:

Will the level contacts now be fortified and battle hardened? Will they say things like, "I'd like to be on the front lines, but the best way to contribute is to get as many heroes leveled as I can!"

Will we still be able to do the more "mundane" task forces? Or will positron say "Forget the Damn! There's a WAR on, SON! Get out there and save some lives!"

Giant monster support! If the villains have truly teamed up, we will need some support from say, the Chronos Titan, Babbage, the Ghost of Scrapyard, and whole SQUADRONS of Arachnos fliers, to take out those enemy destroyers! (enough to kill even the toughest graphics card! :P )

Wouldn't it be so Cool if the Arachnos flier veteran reward let you call in your own flier for 5 minutes or whatever? Or it was a medium telepad?

Oh, imagine if the top of the atlas statue rotated the globe open to reveal batteries of anti-aircraft guns! That's right, all those giant statues are FUNCTIONAL! You can't tell me that the higher ups in charge didn't see another war coming...

I could go on and on, I'm so excited.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



i dunno if i'll be able to cooperate with the villains. we'll see. and why does it have to be rikti? how about the attack of the fuzzy easy to kill teddy bears?

[/ QUOTE ]

Any port in a storm, dude!

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Thats it?

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...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Congratulations on being extraordinarily, exceedingly anal about something that really did not need it.




You want the Villain ATs to turn out like the Kheldians? I sure don't.

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I absolutely do. Given Khelds are some of my favourites to play, and that they're *planned for release villainside next.*

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...but the regular villain ATs are already gimped hero ATs.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!




You want the Villain ATs to turn out like the Kheldians? I sure don't.

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I absolutely do. Given Khelds are some of my favourites to play, and that they're *planned for release villainside next.*

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...but the regular villain ATs are already gimped hero ATs.

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Any non-Kheld is gimped anyway... <.<



I swear to god that I /signed a very similair idea to this. And I proved those moonloving 5th columners wrong!



Y'know, somewhere in the next few issues comprising this arc - since this is one of the issues that 8was* going to be part of the boxed set earlier -

I'd like to see "the betrayal of the Lost."

I mean, c'mon - the Rikti that initially invaded split, sure, but those coming in with this group? Why would they give one whit about the Lost?