Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Forgive me for being daft...I just want to be crystal clear...

Will there be a single invasion, a la beta, that we need to log into at a specific time to witness...I mean, being a 'world event' and all...or will the invasion just sort of be installed with the patch? Sorry if I'm missing the obvious, I've graded 57 papers today..


@Portland Underground



YES! ok,every one here agrees being attacked by villains 10 levels above you rocks,right? You can show the other people you own people that are suppost to own you (no lie,this will be fun!!!!!)



i like the idea behind the issue 10 release but i think the devs should be looking in ways to make the characters more unique like being able to custumize your pets for MM, or changing the color of the effects that powers give off when used, or a new archetype that when u unlock powers u get them as additions on your costume like like for tech characters get a unique looking armor when they get a defense power with the armor appearing when the power is toggled on and things like that.



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



I'd like to than the Devs for getting new issues out as quickly as they do. Not to say that I'm not caught in the fast food scoiety and get a little antsy when the time approaches, but it's still quick. Thanks for keeping the game fresh with new ideas and any considerations to gimping in the future should be phoned in to 1-800-GET-LOST.



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Funny, are you calling me a liar?

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



You two have a difference of opinion. I sense a pointless flame war going. If this is going to be a discussion of "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not.", please take it to PMs.



Congratulations on being extraordinarily, exceedingly anal about something that really did not need it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think it's so unnecessary that this deserved your comment.

Proofreading is important. Trust me on this. It helps an establishment to look more professional and "real".



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Funny, are you calling me a liar?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all. Just wondering if you'd heard it.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



You two have a difference of opinion. I sense a pointless flame war going. If this is going to be a discussion of "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not.", please take it to PMs.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd rather drop it completely.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Looks awsome, it doesn't specify but does this mean the Crash site is a villian zone as well now?

[/ QUOTE ]
No - what happens is the hero who starts the TF picks how many of the empty spaces he wants to be villains, and they are forced into the TF team, and auto-ported to missions.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Funny, are you calling me a liar?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all. Just wondering if you'd heard it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nope. It is a good saying. Excuse my above post, internet kills any humor. I know I wont be happy nor will anyone else. We'll all find something else to [censored] about.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Looks awsome, it doesn't specify but does this mean the Crash site is a villian zone as well now?

[/ QUOTE ]
No - what happens is the hero who starts the TF picks how many of the empty spaces he wants to be villains, and they are forced into the TF team, and auto-ported to missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow. And I get accused of starting a flame war. However, It DOES say. Second paragraph.

"This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion. "

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Thats it?

[/ QUOTE ]

...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Funny, are you calling me a liar?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all. Just wondering if you'd heard it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nope. It is a good saying. Excuse my above post, internet kills any humor. I know I wont be happy nor will anyone else. We'll all find something else to [censored] about.

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem. It happens. Sorry if I was misinterpreted, I'm just a half full glass kind of guy.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Looks awsome, it doesn't specify but does this mean the Crash site is a villian zone as well now?

[/ QUOTE ]
No - what happens is the hero who starts the TF picks how many of the empty spaces he wants to be villains, and they are forced into the TF team, and auto-ported to missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

You enjoyed that, didn't you?




I'd like to see "the betrayal of the Lost."

I mean, c'mon - the Rikti that initially invaded split, sure, but those coming in with this group? Why would they give one whit about the Lost?

[/ QUOTE ]



...since the mutated-slowly-to-Rikti Lost are in and of themselves part of the work of the Traditionalists Rikti faction (those who wish to rebuild on Earth) are doing, and are at odds with the Lineage of War (the recently empowered and current Rikti government) who are made up of the militaristic Restructurists (who desire military/force as power)?

The Lost may indeed become the allies of heroes in this war. This is underscored by the fact that the militaristic 'Restructurists', through Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt, are already working with Arachnos to a very limited degree.

Even then, not even ALL of the Lost ARE Traditionalists. They're the melting pot for new recruits from BOTH factions. Trust is going to be a BIG issue here.

Keep in mind? Both the Lost and the Traditionalist are a VERY small minority of the Rikti forces on Earth at this time. (As Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt explains.) Most of them are Restructurists, and theres no doubt in my mind that this new invasion is lead by them as well.

That said? While the Lost/Traditionalists may be our only hope for in-legion allies in this war, they're very small and have a very singular goal. Their goal? To envelop humanity into what it believes is the ultimate utopia: The great Rikti Culture.

Talk about strange bedfellows. But i10 seems to be all about 'the enemy of my enemy'.

Wonder what'll happen to the Ambassador when Grandville gets attacked?


Mmm-mm. All those layers of deception and betrayal, eh? I'd love to write up some of the devious little fun thats gonna come from Issue 10. Heres hoping for some good storylines and great fun.



YES! Thank you, thank you and may I say it again, thank you.

Villain and Heroteaming? Actually getting to see inside the mother ship? Pure sweetness.



This planet is mine, not some alien army's. If superheroes are willing to concede the point that I'm not nearly the threat that an invasion fleet poses and wishes to join in my efforts to destroy them by the hundreds, then stay under the force-field bubble and stay clear of the Fist of Telstar's particle cannons. Welcome to the fight.

Your pal,
Telstar Man



i like the idea behind the issue 10 release but i think the devs should be looking in ways to make the characters more unique like being able to custumize your pets for MM, or changing the color of the effects that powers give off when used, or a new archetype that when u unlock powers u get them as additions on your costume like like for tech characters get a unique looking armor when they get a defense power with the armor appearing when the power is toggled on and things like that.

i would also like to add to this that the villians still do not have epic archetypes availibile to them for hitting level 50 which is something i find very aggravating its been 3 issue realeases since vilians were released and still not epic archetypes for villians sorry but the devs so dropped the ball on this one



that.. looks... so awesome...

Can't wait for it to hit live...



this is so awesome i cant wait to betray a hero during a mish by aggroing a mob
Victory shall be ours!

[/ QUOTE ]
Or /quit at the last part of the TF.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



this is so awesome i cant wait to betray a hero during a mish by aggroing a mob
Victory shall be ours!

[/ QUOTE ]
Or /quit at the last part of the TF.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lasher you're insane man lol thats crazy enough to work